Debugging Twitter API's error code: 89 - node.js

When I run my app, I get this error message, and I'm not entirely sure why.
[ { code: 89, message: 'Invalid or expired token.' } ]
It was working a little over a week ago, and I even generated tokens for a new application, and I'm still receiving the error.
I've tried looking into this, and I've tried everything from a new application, reinstalling node packages. I'm currently trying to use the twitter node package here:
According to documentation, my usage was right, and I can confirm the same code was working about a week ago.
var Twitter = require('twitter');
var auth = require('../config/twitter.js');
var client = new Twitter({
consumer_key: auth['consumer_key'],
consumer_secret: auth['consumer_secret'],
access_token: auth['access_token'],
access_token_secret: auth['access_token_secret']
client.get('statuses/user_timeline', {screen_name: 'lrroberts0122', count: 10}, function(error, tweets) {
if(error) {
} else {
I can also confirm with absolute certainty that the keys are being pulled accurately from my config file.
I'm just trying to get the statuses of the user timeline - the last 'x' amount of tweets from a specified user. I wasn't using any kind of authentication or Oauth aside from my own for the API - so I'm not sure if I need to implement something now.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! =)
Thank you very much for your help!
As an added note, I did take a look at this SO question: Twitter application oauth started returning error code 89 Invalid or expired token after 1 year working
But I'm not sure if it applies in what I'm trying to do.
This is a barebones node application, so there's really not much other than what I already have. Please let me know if there's any additional information you might need.

Generate new access token and try with that. ref:


Octokit-js based app throws JSON web token error

I'm having issues with an octokit-based nodejs app that was working just a couple of weeks ago. From nowhere, I'm getting auth errors that I've managed to debug to the point of getting this error message:
A JSON web token could not be decoded
This happens when I instanciate the Octokit for an installation App that works on Github and then ask anything of it (creating a PR, adding an issue, etc).
However, I'm not sure what does this mean. So far:
APP_ID and PRIVATE_KEY are variables stored in process.env.
The InstallationId I get from the Github app URL, and the other data (OWNER, REPO, etc) I've verified is correct.
This is a summarized version of my code:
const {Octokit} = require("#octokit/rest");
const { createAppAuth } = require("#octokit/auth-app");
const octokit = new Octokit({
authStrategy: createAppAuth,
auth: {
appId: APP_ID,
privateKey: PRIVATE_KEY,
// optional: this will make appOctokit authenticate as app (JWT)
// or installation (access token), depending on the request URL
installationId: process.env.INSTALLATION_ID,
const test = async()=>
await octokit.issues.create({
owner: OWNER,
repo: REPO,
title: "Hello world from me",
What could be happening? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I just tested this code on a different machine and... it works. So, I'm baffled as to why it is not running in the original machine.
I found the issue. The appId was wrong somehow. Quite embarrasing, but by testing on a new machine I just double checked all possible changes and found the issue.

NodeJS can't connect to XERO

I am using xero as my accounting software. I have one requirement that part of my application need to be integrated with xero to perform automation. Using the nodejs sdk seems so easy, but the fact is i cannot connect to xero even using the simplest example. Here is the code:
const xero = require('xero-node');
const config = {
"userAgent": "Firefox",
"consumerKey": "<MY_CONSUMER_KEY>",
"consumerSecret": "<MY_CONSUMER_SECRET>",
"privateKeyPath": "./privatekey.pem"
const xeroClient = new xero.PrivateApplication(config);
.then(contacts => {
}).catch(err => {
The code does nothing and prints no error. Anyone ever deal with this problem?
The most likely reason is that your privatekey is invalid. If you put these lines( into your module then it will check it first.
You could also copy a few of those lines and validate your privateKey.
At the moment the SDK swallows the exception when the key is invalid.
Also, please make sure you are running server side - not browser side.
Solved. I need to add following code:
if (config.privateKeyPath && !config.privateKey)
config.privateKey = fs.readFileSync(config.privateKeyPath);

Generated Access Token invalid for Demo Video Application

I am using the sample Video application pulled from GitHub. I am using a node.js server to supply the sample application with the access token. When I use the Twilio Console to generate a video access token and put it in my Node.js server as a literal and return it I am able to run the example application and connect to a room. If I use the sample token generation code in my Node.js server I get 'Invalid Access Token' back in an exception in the onDisconnected method in the Room.Listener.
The following code is what is running in the server to create the access token, I also found a different sample which I tried as well. I have gone back and verified that my data values for the account SID and the API keys are correct. I have a similar method running returning the VoiceGrant access token and that is working, but something about this VideoGrant one is off, I just do not see it.
// ***********************************************************************************
// ***********************************************************************************
// Video Access Token
// ***********************************************************************************
// ***********************************************************************************
var videoCallAccessToken = function(request, response) {
var accessToken = makeVideoAccessToken();
response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
app.get('/twilio/video/accessToken', videoCallAccessToken);
var makeVideoAccessToken = function() {
const AccessToken = twilio.AccessToken;
const VideoGrant = AccessToken.VideoGrant;
const grant = new VideoGrant({configurationProfileSid: accountData.videoConfigurationProfileSid});
const accessToken = new AccessToken(accountData.sid, accountData.videoApiSid, accountData.videoApiSecret);
accessToken.identity = 'ABC123';
return accessToken.toJwt();
FYI...I plan to alter the identity generation, but have not got there yet.
Adding this from my comment as an answer to close this question out, the issue was that the example code was flawed...
Ok, thought I had waited long enough prior to actually sending this, but apparently not. The issue is the example does not work in that the value passed into the VideoGrant constructor needed to have the attribute name quoted, so {configurationProfileSid: accountData.videoConfigurationProfileSid}); needed to be {'configurationProfileSid': accountData.videoConfigurationProfileSid}); Glad I finally found that, wasted a ton of time on it, but at least it is working properly now.

Create google spreadsheet with node js

I want to create a google docs sheet within my alexa skill, that is written in Node.js. I have the enabled the google API, I set the required scope in amazon dev portal, I actually can log into the google account (so the first few lines of the posted code seem to work), and I do not get any error messages. But the sheet is never created.
Now the main question would be whether anyone can see the problem in my code.
But I would also have an additional question I would be very interested in: since I use account linking, I can not try that code in the Alexa test simulator, but have to upload it to Alexa before running it, where I can not get any debug messages. How does one best debug in that way?
if (this.event!== undefined)
if (this.event.session.user.accessToken === undefined)
this.emit(':tellWithLinkAccountCard','to start using this skill, please use the companion app to authenticate on Google');
this.emit(':tellWithLinkAccountCard','to start using this skill, please use the companion app to authenticate on Google');
var oauth2Client = new google.auth.OAuth2('***', '***', '***');
access_token: this.event.session.user.accessToken,
refresh_token: this.event.session.user.refreshToken
var services = google.sheets('v4');
resource : {properties:{title:"MySheet"}},
auth : oauth2Client
}, function(err,response) {
if( err ) {
console.log('Error : unable to create file, ' + err);
} else {
Edit: I tried just the lower part manually, and could create a spreadsheet. So the problem seems indeed to be retrieving the access token with "this.event.session.user.accessToken" .
I find it is much easier to debug issues like this using unit tests. This allows rerunning code locally. I use NPM and Mocha and it makes it easier to debug both custom and smart home skills. There is quite a bit of information available online about how to use NPM and Mocha to test Nodejs code, so I won't repeat that here. For example, refer to the Big Nerd Ranch article. It makes it a bit more complex to setup your project initially, but you'll be glad you did every time you hit a bug.
In this example, I would divide the code in half:
The first half would handle the request coming from Alexa and extract the token.
The second half would use the token to create the Google doc. I would also pass the name of the doc to create.
I would test the 2nd part first, passing in a valid token (for testing only) and a test doc name. When that is working, at least you'd know that the doc creation code was working, and any issues would have to be with the token or how you're getting it.
Once that was working, I would then create a test for the first part.
I would us a hardcoded JSON object to pass in as the 'event', with event.session.user.accesToken set to a the working test token used in the first test:
'use strict';
var token = '<valid token obtained from google account>';
let testEvent = {
'session': {
'user': {
'accessToken': token

Debug Node.js & Express App - Intermittently using 100% CPU

I'm developing an app using NGinx + Node.js + Express + Firebase that simply takes input from a mobile app and stores it to Firebase, optionally uploading files to S3.
In its simplest terms, the "create" function does this
Validates input
Formats the input Checks if there is a file uploaded
(via the multer plugin) and stores it
If there was a file, upload
to Amazon S3 and delete the source file (it's important to note I was
encountering this issue before the inclusion of S3).
Create the item
by pushing into the items reference on Firebase
Create the item for
the user by pushing into the user_items reference on Firebase.
There are a few other functions that I have implemented as an API.
My trouble is coming from an intermittent spike in CPU usage, which is causing the nginx server to report a gateway timeout from the Node.js application.
Sometimes the server will fall over when performing authentication against a MongoDB instance, other times it will fall over when I'm recieving the input from the Mobile app. There doesn't seem to be any consistency between when it falls over. Sometimes it works fine for 15+ various requests (upload/login/list, etc), but sometimes it will fall over after just one request.
I have added error checking in the form of:
process.on('uncaughtException', function(err) {
Which will throw errors if I mistype a variable for example, but when the server crashes there are no exceptions thrown. Similarly checking my logs shows me nothing. I've tried profiling the application but the output doesn't make any sense at all to me. It doesn't point to a function or plugin in particular.
I appreciate this is a long winded problem but I'd really appreciate it if you could point me in a direction for debugging this issue, it's causing me such a headache!
This may be a bug in the Firebase library. What version are you using?
I've been having a very similar issue that has had me frustrated for days. Node.js + Express + Firebase on Heroku. Process will run for a seemingly random time then I start getting timeout errors from Heroku without the process ever actually crashing or showing an error. Higher load doesn't seem to make it happen sooner.
I just updated from Firebase 1.0.14 to latest 1.0.19 and I think it may have fixed the problem for me. Process has been up for 2 hours now where it would only last for 5-30 min previously. More testing to do, but thought I'd share my in-progress results in case they were helpful.
It seems the answer was to do with the fact that my Express app was reusing one Firebase connection for every request, and for some reason this was causing the server to lock up.
My solution was to create some basic middleware that provides a new reference to the Firebase on each API request, see below:
var Middleware = {
* Initialise Firebase Refs per connection
initFireBase: function(req, res, next) {
console.log('Intialising Firebase for user');
// We need a authToken
var authToken = req.param('authToken');
// Validate the auth token
if(!authToken || authToken.length === 0) {
return res.send(500, {code: 'INVALID_TOKEN', message: 'You must supply an authToken to this method.'});
else {
// Attempt to parse the auth token
try {
var decodedToken = JWTSimple.decode(authToken, serverToken);
catch(e) {
return res.send(500, {code: 'INVALID_TOKEN', message: 'Supplied token was not recognised.'});
// Bail out if the token is invalid
if(!decodedToken) {
return res.send(500, {code: 'INVALID_TOKEN', message: 'Supplied token was not recognised.'});
// Otherwise send the decoded token with the request
else {
req.auth = decodedToken.d;
// Create a root reference
var rootRef = new Firebase('my firebase url');
// Apply the references to each request
req.refs = {
root: rootRef,
user: rootRef.child('users'),
inbox: rootRef.child('inbox')
// Carry on to the calling function
I then simply call this middleware on my routes:
* Create a post
router.all('/createPost', Middleware.initFireBase, function(req, res) {
var refs = req.refs;
refs.inbox.push({}) // etc
This middleware will soon be extended to provide Firebase.auth() on the connection to ensure that any API call made with a valid authToken would be signed to the user on Firebase's side. However for development this is acceptable.
Hopefully this helps someone.
