How to insert multiple rows updating-outbound-gateway? - spring-integration

I am using <updating-outbound-gateway> to insert the record using nativeQuery.
How can I pass List so that multiple records can be inserted in DB?
<int-jpa:updating-outbound-gateway native-query="insert into PARTNER_RESPONSE_DETAILS(PARTNER_ID,BANK_REFERENCE_NUMBER,REQUEST_STRING,RESPONSE_STRING,RESPONSE_DATE) values (:partnerId,:bankReferenceNumber,:requestString,:responseString,:responseDate)"
<int-jpa:transactional />
<int-jpa:parameter name="partnerId" expression="payload['partnerId']" />
<int-jpa:parameter name="bankReferenceNumber" expression="payload['bankReferenceNumber']" />
<int-jpa:parameter name="requestString" expression="payload['requestString']" />
<int-jpa:parameter name="responseString" expression="payload['responseString']" />
<int-jpa:parameter name="transactionStatus" expression="payload['transactionStatus']" />
<int-jpa:parameter name="responseDate" expression="payload['responseDate']" />

Since it isn't possible with JPA Native Query to perform bulk update, the <int-jpa:updating-outbound-gateway> doesn't provide that functionality.
It is possible with the regular EntityManager.persist() though.
You task you can fix with the <splitter> in front of that <int-jpa:updating-outbound-gateway>. If you do that in the single thread, there won't be performed DB call until the TX commit after all the records.


Routing to a different channels based on condition

I would like to route the message to different channels based on the condition of the property.
Let's say I have score property. If the score is <100 then it goes to "perfectchannel" else it goes to "normalchannel"
Where do I specify the spel expression or condition
<si:router id="serviceRouter" input-channel="serviceRoutingChannel"
expression="payload.score" default-output-channel="badchannel"
<si:mapping value="100" channel="perfectchannel" />
<si:mapping value="<100 ??" channel="normalchannel" />
Appreciate your help on this.
We have a JIRA ticket on the matter, but haven't come up with the solution yet.
Right now you can achieve this behaviour with condition from the expression and providing mapping for true and false and with cascad of the routers:
<si:router id="serviceRouter" input-channel="serviceRoutingChannel"
expression="payload.score == 100">
<si:mapping value="true" channel="perfectChannel" />
<si:mapping value="false" channel="nestedRouterChannel" />
<si:router input-channel="nestedRouterChannel"
expression="payload.score lt 100">
<si:mapping value="true" channel="normalChannel" />
<si:mapping value="false" channel="badChannel" />
Another option to use <recipient-list-router>:
<recipient-list-router id="serviceRouter" input-channel="serviceRoutingChannel">
<recipient selector-expression="payload.score == 100" channel="perfectchannel"/>
<recipient selector-expression="payload.score lt 100" channel="normalchannel"/>
<recipient selector-expression="payload.score gt 100" channel="badchannel"/>

XML parsing for nested tags using python

i would need a help on how to parse xml files with nested tags taking the user input as attribute value of a particular tag.
for eg:
if xml code has 12 mappings and we want to select the below mapping name "m_IF1_TD_SALESORDER_STG_PR4_VBPA_BUSINESS_PARTNER" as user input and thereby printing the particular mapping details.
<MAPPING NAME="m_IF1_TD_SALESORDER_STG_PR4_VBPA_BUSINESS_PARTNER" DESCRIPTION="Data Mapping for loading Sales Order Business Partners from the staging database for PR4." OBJECTVERSION="1" ISVALID="YES" VERSIONNUMBER="1">
I would suggest using the XML ElementTree module of python.
It is very simple to use. For example:
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
tree = ET.parse('/filename.xml')
root = tree.getroot()
for subchild in root.findall('subchildName'):

How can i create a hierarchical dimension for dates in ActivePivot?

I'm a newbe in ActivePivot and i want to create a dimension with DimensionType = time, where the dates a shown in hierachical manner. E.g. for 30.01.2013 i need one level for the year -> 2013 (sort descending), one level for the month (also sort descending) -> 1 and one level for the days (also sort descending) -> 30, 29, 28, ...
Viewed via ActivePivotLive should look like:
- 2013
- 1
- 30
- 29
- 28
- ...
+ 2012
+ 2011
and so on.
I went through the ActivePivot sandbox project, but i didn't find anything that helps me. The TimeBucket dimension which i've found in the EquityDerivativesCube makes something similar but the buckets are created in a different manner.
How can i solve this problem?
Ok, i handle it out.
It is not necessary to make the round trip and to implement a dimension. It is easy done by levels and the a calculator.
Here the code from the EquityDerivativesCube.xml
<!-- Standard time buckets, bucketing performed at insertion -->
<dimension name="TimeBucket">
<entry key="DimensionType" value="time" />
<entry key="IsAllMembersEnabled" value="true" />
<level name="Year">
<entry key="LevelType" value="TIME_YEARS" />
<comparator pluginKey="ReverseOrder" />
<level name="Month">
<entry key="LevelType" value="TIME_MONTHS" />
<comparator pluginKey="Custom">
<order name="firstObjects">
<!-- The Value Date level is the field Date -->
<level name="Value Date" property="Date">
<entry key="LevelType" value="time" />
<comparator pluginKey="ReverseOrder" />
I added the following snippet to PNLCalculator.enrichTrade:
pnl = pnlVega + pnlDelta;
// Year and month calculations BEGIN
final Calendar cal = CALENDAR.get();
final int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
final String month = DateFormatSymbols.getInstance(GERMANY).getShortMonths()[cal.get(MONTH)];
// Year and month calculations END
// instantiate the result that will hold the enrichment data
final PNLCalculatorResult result = new PNLCalculatorResult();
// add them to the result
I also extended the SanboxFields.xml with the two new fields:
<field name="Year" type="integer" />
<field name="Month" type="string" />
The TimeBucket dimension in the ActivePivot Sandbox application defines a custom bucketing based on financial time periods. Creating a standard year > month > day hierarchy is actually simpler and seamless in ActivePivot. In the description if the schema you need to declare three fields (one for year, one for month and one for the day).
<field name="Year" indexation="dictionary" />
<field name="Month" indexation="dictionary" />
<field name="Day" indexation="dictionary" />
And then you need to declare a dimension that references those fields.
<dimension name="Time">
<level name="Year" />
<level name="Month" />
<level name="Day" />
Then ActivePivot will build the time hierarchy incrementally, by introspecting the loaded records.
This will work automagically if the input records (objects) already contain a Year attribute, a Month attribute and a Day atribute (For instance if the input records are POJOs with getYear(), getMonth() and getDay() methods). If that is not the case and that for instance the input records only have a date attribute, you can either transform your records before puutting them into ActivePivot, or inject a calculator in ActivePivot ( that will on the fly compute the three fields from the date. Look at the ActivePivot Sandbox application for an example of calculator.
Extracting those fields is usually done with standard Java code:
Date date = new Date();
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
System.out.println("Date: " + date);
System.out.println("Year: " + calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR));
System.out.println("Month: " + calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1);
System.out.println("Day: " + calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));
About the ordering of members in the level of a dimension, ActivePivot per default uses the natural ordering of java objects (those that implement java.lang.Comparable interface) so dates and integers will be sorted from the lowest to the greatest. You can easily reverse that by declaring a "ReverseOrder" comparator on the target level(s).
<dimension name="Time">
<level name="Year">
<comparator pluginKey="ReverseOrder" />
<level name="Month">
<comparator pluginKey="ReverseOrder" />
<level name="Day">
<comparator pluginKey="ReverseOrder" />

Get selected values from MultiCombo in Ext.NEt via JS

I am using Ext.Net I have a form with a ComboBox which I have just changed to a MultiCombo.
Previously I used "SelectEnquiry.getValues()" to retrieve the selected item and pass it into a parameter used with a Button Direct Event.
How do I get the selected values when using the MultiCombo?
Combo Box Bit
<ext:MultiCombo runat="server" ID="SelectEnquiry" FieldLabel="Enquiry" AnchorHorizontal="95%" Editable="false" ValueField="Id" DisplayField="ProviderName" TypeAhead="true" Mode="Local" ForceSelection="true" TriggerAction="All" EmptyText="Select Enquiry" ValueNotFoundText="Select Enquiry" ItemSelector="div.list-item" SelectOnFocus="true" AllowBlank="false">
Button form submit bit
<ext:Button runat="server" ID="ButtonEmailTaskAccept" Text="OK">
<Click Handler="if (PanelUnlinked.isVisible() && !$form.validate( [SelectProject, SelectEnquiry])) return false;">
<Click Url='<%# Url.Action("CompleteEmailTask") %>' AutoDataBind="true"
Success="window.$messageBus.publish('task-admin', 'inbox-changed');
window.$messageBus.publish('task-admin', 'task-changed');
WindowAssignEmail.close()" Failure="$shell.requestFailedHandler(response, null)"
<EventMask ShowMask="true"></EventMask>
<ext:Parameter Name="emailResponseId" Value="<%# Model.EmailResponse.Id %>" Mode="Value"
AutoDataBind="true" />
<ext:Parameter Name="enquiryId" Value="SelectEnquiry.getValues()" Mode="Raw" />
<ext:Parameter Name="documentList" Value="buildSelectionList()" Mode="Raw" />
With <ext:MultiCombo> you can just call .getValue() to return an Array of selected values. I'll look into adding .getValues() as well, so it's consistent with the <ext:ComboBox> api.
It appears the ComboBox does not have a client-side .getValues() function, so we won't be adding to the MultiCombo. Just use .getValue(), which is standardised across all Form Fields.
The problem seemed to be that it could not locate the control I was try to get the value from.
So managed to solve it by doing:

Ribbon button should be hidden based on lead status - CRM 2011

I have custom button in lead ribbon. The custom button should be hidden when lead is qualified. How can I do that? Can any one please explain. I appreciate.
You can actually accomplish this entirely with built-in DisplayRule functionality. When a Lead is qualified, the StatusCode property is set to "Qualified", which translates into an OptionSet value of "3". You can check for the value of this property in a ValueRule and display/hide the control appropriately. I can think of two ways to achieve this:
Erik Pool's Visual Ribbon Editor
<CustomAction Id="CompanyName.Form.lead.MainTab.Actions.Sample.CustomAction" Location="Mscrm.Form.lead.MainTab.Actions.Controls._children" Sequence="41">
<Button Id="CompanyName.Form.lead.MainTab.Actions.Sample" Command="CompanyName.Form.lead.MainTab.Actions.Sample.Command" Sequence="29" ToolTipTitle="$LocLabels:CompanyName.Form.lead.MainTab.Actions.Sample.LabelText" LabelText="$LocLabels:CompanyName.Form.lead.MainTab.Actions.Sample.LabelText" ToolTipDescription="$LocLabels:CompanyName.Form.lead.MainTab.Actions.Sample.Description" TemplateAlias="isv" />
<RibbonTemplates Id="Mscrm.Templates"></RibbonTemplates>
<CommandDefinition Id="CompanyName.Form.lead.MainTab.Actions.Sample.Command">
<EnableRules />
<DisplayRule Id="CompanyName.Form.lead.MainTab.Actions.Sample.Command.DisplayRule.ValueRule" />
<Url Address="" />
<TabDisplayRules />
<DisplayRule Id="CompanyName.Form.lead.MainTab.Actions.Sample.Command.DisplayRule.ValueRule">
<ValueRule Field="statuscode" Value="3" />
<EnableRules />
<LocLabel Id="CompanyName.Form.lead.MainTab.Actions.Sample.LabelText">
<Title languagecode="1033" description="Sample" />
<LocLabel Id="CompanyName.Form.lead.MainTab.Actions.Sample.Description">
<Title languagecode="1033" description="Sample Description" />
