lookup value based on partial value - excel

I have a set of batch numbers in a sheet which are alphanumeric code as follows
The alphabets of the batch number represent a product code. For example
sdc = 20499999
fgh = 45999999
ght = 67999992
jki = 56700000
The above relation is in another sheets.
I want to match product code with batch number directly. How do i lookup a product code based on this partial info ?

You can sort your second table in an alphabetical order and use VLOOKUP with TRUE (approximate match) as your third argument.
Assuming the second table is in column A and B:
sdc234 =VLOOKUP(D1,A:B,2,TRUE)
fgh345 =VLOOKUP(D2,A:B,2,TRUE)
ght587 =VLOOKUP(D3,A:B,2,TRUE)
jki876 =VLOOKUP(D4,A:B,2,TRUE)
The output is as below:
sdc234 20499999
fgh345 45999999
ght587 67999992
jki876 56700000
Assuming your product code is always 3 letters, you can use the LEFT function to get the first 3 letters and then use that as the lookup value. This way you can use the exact match as your third argument:
sdc234 =VLOOKUP(LEFT(D1,3),A:B,2,FALSE)
fgh345 =VLOOKUP(LEFT(D2,3),A:B,2,FALSE)
ght587 =VLOOKUP(LEFT(D3,3),A:B,2,FALSE)
jki876 =VLOOKUP(LEFT(D4,3),A:B,2,FALSE)
Credits to Mladen Savic's comment for making me think of this solution.


Comparing two columns and their values and outputting the greater value

I'm trying to compare two columns ("Shows") from different tables and showing which one has the greater number ("Rating") associated with it in another table.
Ignore the operation column above as part of the solution that I'm trying to get, it's just to illustrate for you what I'm trying to compare.
Important note: If the names are duplicated. Compare the matching pair in their corresponding order. (1st with 1st, 2nd with 2nd, 3rd with 3rd etc..) illustrated in the table below:
You can try the following in cell F3 for an array solution that spills the entire result at once:
=LET(sA, A3:A6, rA, B3:B6, sB, C3:C6, rB, D3:D6, CNTS, LAMBDA(x,
*(seq<=s))))))), cntsA, CNTS(sA), cntsB, CNTS(sB), eval, MAP(sA, rA, cntsA,
LAMBDA(s,r,c,IF(r > FILTER(rB, (sB=s) * (cntsB=c)), "Table 1", "Table 2"))),
HSTACK(sA, eval))
Here is the output:
The main idea is to count repeated show values. We use a user LAMBDA function CNTS, to avoid repetition of the same formula twice. Once we have the counts (cntsA, contsB), we use MAP to iterate over Table 1 elements with the counts and look for specific show and counts to compare with Table 2 columns. The FILTER function will return always a single value (based on sample data). Finally, we prepare the output as expected using HSTACK.

How to reproduce the equivalent of a Countif excel function in Business Objects?

I'm from France (sorry for my english) and I am currently working on the latest version of Business Objects (business-intelligence suite from SAP).
I would like to transpose an Excel formula to Business Objects, but I cannot. Could someone be able to answer me how to reproduce the equivalent of a Countif function, please ?
In my example, I have a whole list of repeating social security numbers to which I have appended a variable number taken from another field. I would like to do a count for each security number and know how many of them have the "2" value attached to them in my other field.
Example :
For 1741111111100 | 17411111111001, the result in a new field will be 2.
For 1741111111100 | 17411111111001, the result in a new field will be 2.
For 1741111111100 | 17411111111002, the result in a new field will be 2.
For 1741111111100 | 17411111111002, the result in a new field will be 2.
For 1741111111100 | 17411111111003, the result in a new field will be 2.
For 1751111111100 | 17511111111001, the result in a new field will be 1.
For 1751111111100 | 17511111111002, the result in a new field will be 1.
For 1751111111100 | 17511111111003, the result in a new field will be 1.
For 1761111111100 | 17611111111001, the result in a new field will be 0.
For 1761111111100 | 17611111111001, the result in a new field will be 0.
For 1761111111100 | 17611111111003, the result in a new field will be 0.
In excel it's easy to do with a Countif function but how could I do this in Business Objects, please ?
Thank you in advance because I spent a whole afternoon in vain.
Here's the same example with excel :
A column :
there are my security numbers (1741111111100 repeated 5 times, 1751111111100 repeated 3 times, 1761111111100 repeated 3 times)
B column :
It's a number between 1 and 3.
C column :
I concatenated A column + B column like =CONCATENATE(A1;B1)
D column :
Here are my countif functions done like this :
=COUNTIF(C$1:C$11;CONCATENATE(A1;"2")) that gives a quantity of "2".
=COUNTIF(C$1:C$11;CONCATENATE(A2;"2")) that gives a quantity of "2".
=COUNTIF(C$1:C$11;CONCATENATE(A3;"2")) that gives a quantity of "2".
=COUNTIF(C$1:C$11;CONCATENATE(A4;"2")) that gives a quantity of "2".
=COUNTIF(C$1:C$11;CONCATENATE(A5;"2")) that gives a quantity of "2".
=COUNTIF(C$1:C$11;CONCATENATE(A6;"2")) that gives a quantity of "1".
=COUNTIF(C$1:C$11;CONCATENATE(A7;"2")) that gives a quantity of "1".
=COUNTIF(C$1:C$11;CONCATENATE(A8;"2")) that gives a quantity of "1".
=COUNTIF(C$1:C$11;CONCATENATE(A9;"2")) that gives a quantity of "0".
=COUNTIF(C$1:C$11;CONCATENATE(A10;"2")) that gives a quantity of "0".
=COUNTIF(C$1:C$11;CONCATENATE(A11;"2")) that gives a quantity of "0".
I was interested by the "2" value attached to the security number and the number of security numbers concerned by this attachment.
So, it's easy to do with excel but so so so hard to do with B.I. !
Thanx for any help.
Context Operators:
Operate on "Sets" of data allowing you to parse out data into subsets and aggregate. in SQL this is similar to "Over Partition By" if you're familiar with it.
If we assume you create a variable in the report [Concat] as follows:
Then we can use formula:
=Sum(If([C]=[Concat];1;0)) ForEach([Concat]) In ([C])
Where [C] is your concatenated columns A+B.
The above essentially says if [C] = [Concat] return a 1 otherwise return a 0 and then sum the results of those evaluations together.
This occurs ForEach unique value within [Concat]; found in [C].
Logically the system finds all the unique values in [Concat] in then iterates though [C] evaluating if [C]=[Concat] for each case. it then sums the results for each [concat] and then renders those results for each [C]
Additional Point:
In my example the report data was being "combined" due to duplicate values So row 1, row 2 in your example were combined. I had to turn off BO's combining of this row data or my results were skewed. This can be accomplished by formatting the result table and checking the top checkbox "Avoid Duplicate row Aggregation" If you have other values which make each row unique, you will not have this problem. You can turn this off at a query level as well in the query properties of the edit data provider. I believe it depends on what source you use as to which method must be used... But I'm not positive.
So below you can see results from [Cnt] match your expected results in column D using the aforementioned formula.

Using tbl.Lookup to match just part of a column value

This question relates to the Schematiq add-in for Microsoft Excel.
Using =tbl.Lookup(table, columnsToSearch, valuesToFind, resultColumn, [defaultValue]) the values in the valuesToFind column have a consistent 3 characters to the left and then varying characters after (e.g. 908-123456 or 908-321654 - i.e. 908 is always consistent)
How can I tell the function to lookup the value based on the first 3 characters only? The expected answer should be the sum of the results of the above, i.e. 500 + 300 = 800
tbl.Lookup() works by looking for an exact match - this helps ensure it's fast but in this case it means you need an extra step to calculate a column of lookup values, something like this:
A2: =tbl.CalculateColumn(A1, "code", "x => LEFT(x, 3)", "startOfCode")
This will give you a new column that you can use for the columnsToSearch argument, however tbl.Lookup() also looks for just one match - it doesn't know how to combine values together if there is more than one matching row in the table, so I think you also need one more step to group your table by the first 3 chars of the code, like this:
A3: =tbl.Group(A2, "startOfCode", "amount")
Because tbl.Group() adds values together by default, this will give you a table with a row for each distinct value of startOfCode and the subtotal of amount for each of those values. Finally, you can do the lookup exactly as you requested, which for your input table will return 800:
A4: =tbl.Lookup(A3, "startOfCode", "908", "amount")

Using VLookUp for a partial search

I have two tables in excel.
In table 1, one column contains a list of order numbers. This is done the format of XXXX-YYYY where X is an integer and Y is a letter. For example 3485-XTIP
Table 2 also has an order number column but this time it's in the format XXXX-YYYY (ZZ) where Z is the initials of the customer who made the order. Example: 3485-XTIP (KN)
How can I use a VLookUp to search for the order number in Table 2 but only using the XXXX-YYYY part? I tried using TRUE for an approximate search but it still failed for some reason.
This is what I have
=VLOOKUP("I3",'Table2 '!A:B,2,FALSE)
I am open to any alternatives other than VLookup for this situation.
Note that there are hundreds of order numbers and entering the strings manually will take forever.
You can use * as wildcard and add it at the end of the order number so that your VLOOKUP will match any order plus any other characters that come after it:
=VLOOKUP(I3&"*", 'Table2 '!A:B, 2, 0)
* will match anything after the order number.
Note: 0 and False have the same behaviour here.

Finding the next result from a MATCH

I am trying to produce a sorted table in excel, which depend on the selected year and category.
My methodology has been to sequentially find largest values in order, within the selected year and category parameters, doing the following:
Column E
{=LARGE(IF(('Master Data'!A$1:A$500 = $B$1) * ('Master Data'!B$1:B$500 = $B$2),'Master Data'!C$1:C$500), $B10)}
This works fine, $B$1$ is where I store the year, $B$2 is where I store the category, $B10 references a hard coded 1-25 in column B.
Column F
{=MATCH(E10,IF(('Master Data'!A$1:A$500 = $B$1) * ('Master Data'!B$1:B$500 = $B$2),'Master Data'!C$1:C$500),FALSE)}
This returns the row number of the result I need, which I then use in conjunction with INDEX to find related data.
The problem with this is that Match only returns the first row number, and if you have two results with the same value this clearly becomes an issue.
Column G
To resolve this I used an example from dailydoseofexcel which looks like this:
=IF(F10<>F11, F11, G10+MATCH(E11,INDIRECT("'Master Data'!C"&(G10+1)&":C500"),0))
This works to a limited extent, for my purposes, as it is unable to take into account the year and category filter I need to apply, so I tried:
{=IF(F10<>F11, F11, G10+MATCH(E11,IF((INDIRECT("'Master Data'!A"&(G10+1)&":A500") = $C$2) * (INDIRECT("'Master Data'!B"&(G10+1)&":B500") = $C$3), INDIRECT("'Master Data'!C"&(G10+1)&":C500")),0))}
But I am just getting #N/A as a result.
I think SUMPRODUCT may be what you are looking for:
Charley Kyd XL Legend: Use SUMPRODUCT to get the Last item in a list
