Write the recursive function adjuster. Given a list of type
x, an int and an element of type x, either remove from the front of the
list until it is the same length as int, or append to the end of the list
until it is the same length as the value specified by the int.
adjuster [1..10] (-2) 2 -> *** Exception: Invalid Size
adjuster [1..10] 0 2 -> []
adjuster "apple" 10 ’b’ -> "applebbbbb"
adjuster "apple" 5 ’b’ -> "apple"
adjuster "apple" 2 ’b’ -> "le"
adjuster [] 3 (7,4) -> [(7,4),(7,4),(7,4)]
What i did:
adjuster (x:xs) count b
| count < 0 = error "Invalid Size"
| count == 0 = []
| count < length xs = adjuster xs (count-1) b
| otherwise = (adjuster xs (count-1) b):b
the error that I'm getting:
* Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type: t ~ [t]
Expected type: [t]
Actual type: [[t]]
* In the expression: (adjuster xs (count - 1) b) : b
In an equation for `adjuster':
adjuster (x : xs) count b
| count < 0 = error "Invalid Size"
| count == 0 = []
| count < length xs = adjuster xs (count - 1) b
| otherwise = (adjuster xs (count - 1) b) : b
* Relevant bindings include
b :: [[t]] (bound at code01.hs:21:23)
adjuster :: [a] -> Int -> [[t]] -> [t] (bound at code01.hs:21:1)
I'm new in haskell.I'll really appreciate some help.
You are trying to construct a list within lists within lists and so on and so forth …
Why is this?
(:) :: a -> [a] -> [a]
The colon operator takes an element and a list of such elements as an argument and constructs a list from that (by prepending that element).
In your case if (adjuster ...) had type [a] then b must be of type [[a]], by line 4 which is the same as the end result, but line 3 says the type is [a] - which is different. This is what GHC tries to tell you.
How to fix it?
First of all, it is always a good advice to add a type signature to every top level function:
adjuster :: [a] -> Int -> a -> [a]
which should clean up your error-message and keep you honest, when implementing your function.
So how to fix this: - you could use b:adjuster xs (count-1) b but this would yield a result in the wrong order - so
choose a different operator: (++) and wrap the b inside a list.
| otherwise = (adjuster xs (count-1) b)++[b]
Now a few more hints:
turn on -Wall when you compile your file - this will show you that you missed the case of adjuster [] ...
using length is a relatively expensive operation - as it needs to traverse the full list to be calculated.
As an exercise - try to modify your function to not use length but only work with the base cases [] for list and 0 for count (here the function replicate might be helpful).
Here is another approach, without error handling
adjuster xs n v = tnr n $ (++) (replicate n v) $ tnr n xs
where tnr n r = take n $ reverse r
if you play with the signature, perhaps cleaner this way
adjuster n v = tnr . (++) (replicate n v) . tnr
where tnr = take n . reverse
I want to write a function which prints out a list of numbers from 1 to n: [1,2,...n], I know it can be done by [1..n] but I want to make my own function:
addtimes n = addtimes_ [] n
addtimes_ [lst] a =
if a < 1
then [lst]
else addtimes_ [a:lst] (a-1)
main =
print $ addtimes 10
Though above code compiles and runs, it gives following runtime error:
testing: testing.hs:(3,1)-(6,37): Non-exhaustive patterns in function addtimes_
Where is the problem and how can it be solved?
See the following, with corrected syntax (and type signatures added, seriously these are essential for both code documentation and for better error messages):
addtimes :: (Num a, Ord a) => a -> [a]
addtimes n = addtimes_ [] n
addtimes_ :: (Num a, Ord a) => [a] -> a -> [a]
addtimes_ lst a =
if a < 1
then lst
else addtimes_ (a:lst) (a-1)
main :: IO ()
main =
print $ addtimes 10
As well as referring to [lst] (a singleton list containing the one element lst) instead of lst (which can refer to anything, which in the context of your function must be a list, but can be of any length), you had put [a:lst] (again a singleton list, this time containing a list) instead of (a:lst), a list made up of first element a appended to the front of lst. (The parentheses are not needed for any syntactic reason, but are usually needed in practice, as in the above code, because of operator precedence: addtimes_ a:list (a-1) would be parsed as (addtimes_ a):(list (a-1)), which definitely isn't what you mean.
To achieve what you want, now I understand your goal reading your
addtimes :: Int -> [Int]
addtimes 0 = []
addtimes n = if n > 0
then addtimes_ 1 n
else error "Doesn't work with negatives"
addtimes_ :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
addtimes_ m n = if n > m
then m : (addtimes_ (m+1) n)
else [n]
main =
print $ addtimes (10)
That will create a list with the numbers adding 1 consecutively
Right now I'm working on a problem in Haskell in which I'm trying to check a list for a particular pair of values and return True/False depending on whether they are present in said list. The question goes as follows:
Define a function called after which takes a list of integers and two integers as parameters. after numbers num1 num2 should return true if num1 occurs in the list and num2 occurs after num1. If not it must return false.
My plan is to check the head of the list for num1 and drop it, then recursively go through until I 'hit' it. Then, I'll take the head of the tail and check that against num2 until I hit or reach the end of the list.
I've gotten stuck pretty early, as this is what I have so far:
after :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Bool
after x y z
| y /= head x = after (drop 1 x) y z
However when I try to run something such as after [1,4,2,6,5] 4 5 I get a format error. I'm really not sure how to properly word the line such that haskell will understand what I'm telling it to do.
Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks :)
Edit 1: This is the error in question:
Program error: pattern match failure: after [3,Num_fromInt instNum_v30 4] 3 (Num_fromInt instNum_v30 2)
Try something like this:
after :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Bool
after (n:ns) a b | n == a = ns `elem` b
| otherwise = after ns a b
after _ _ _ = False
Basically, the function steps through the list, element by element. If at any point it encounters a (the first number), then it checks to see if b is in the remainder of the list. If it is, it returns True, otherwise it returns False. Also, if it hits the end of the list without ever seeing a, it returns False.
after :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> a -> Bool
after ns a b =
case dropWhile (/= a) ns of
[] -> False
_:xs -> b `elem` xs
after xs p1 p2 = [p1, p2] `isSubsequenceOf` xs
So how can we define that? Fill in the blanks below!
isSubsequenceOf :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
[] `isSubsequenceOf` _ = ?
(_ : _) `isSubsequenceOf` [] = ?
xss#(x : xs) `isSubsequenceOf` (y:ys)
| x == y = ?
| otherwise = ?
after :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Bool
Prelude> let after xs a b = elem b . tail $ dropWhile (/=a) xs
Prelude> after [1,2,3,4,3] 88 7
*** Exception: Prelude.tail: empty list
It raises an exception because of tail. It's easy to write tail' such that it won't raise that exception. Otherwise it works pretty well.
Prelude> after [1,2,3,4,3] 2 7
Prelude> after [1,2,3,4,3] 2 4
I have this code for sorting list of even number of items:
sort [] = []
sort l = sortN l (length l)
sortN l 0 = l
sortN l n = sortN (swap l) (n - 1)
swap [] = []
swap (a:b:t) | a <= b = a : b : (swap t)
swap (a:b:t) | b < a = b : a : (swap t)
and I am stuck. For some reason, which I don't understand it returns results as if only one swap was always called.
Also, please do not post here better and more efficient ways how to sort. I am aware of them. I want to know why this is wrong, not other solutions.
Thank you.
The problem is you are only considering the same pairs of element on each pass. Consider:
swap (a:b:t) | a <= b = a : b : (swap t)
swap (a:b:t) | b < a = b : a : (swap t)
What if we have a list [4,1,1,1]?
swap [4,1,1,1] = 1 : 4 : swap [1,1] = 1:4:1:1:[]
Ok, now lets look at the next iteration of sortN and its call to swap:
swap [1,4,1,1] = 1 : 4 : swap [1,1]
So you see, swap implicitly assumes every pair of elements is ordered within the list. Instead consider the implementation a: swap (b:t) and b : swap (a : t).
Let me offer you a working version (there was the one-element case missing from swap so as far as I see you will run into trouble else:
swap [] = []
swap [a] = [a]
swap (a:b:t)
| a <= b = a : swap (b:t)
| otherwise = b : swap (a:t)
I will not be tempted into giving you a different algorithm but still you don't need to run swap xs length xs times - you just have to run it till the output is not changing anymore:
sort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
sort = fix swap
swap :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
swap [] = []
swap [a] = [a]
swap (a:b:t)
| a <= b = a : swap (b:t)
| otherwise = b : swap (a:t)
fix :: Eq a => (a -> a) -> a -> a
fix f x = let x' = f x
in if x' /= x then fix f x' else x
fix here will do exactly that - it applies f to x till the result is not changing anymore.
for example:
sort [3,6,1,3,2] will call swap only 4 times
sort [1..10] it will be called only once
testing your implementations
maybe you are interested in how you can easily check your implementations - here is a QuickCheck test (I used to verify my solution too) that does this:
import Test.QuickCheck
isSorted :: Ord a => [a] -> Bool
isSorted [] = True
isSorted [_] = True
isSorted (a:b:t) = a<=b && isSorted (b:t)
checkSortAlg :: ([Int] -> [Int]) -> IO ()
checkSortAlg sortAlg = quickCheck test
test xs = isSorted $ sortAlg xs
you just have to run it like this (for example in ghci):
checkSortAlg sort
it should print +++ OK, passed 100 tests.
here is what it does for for the version with the missing swap [a] = [a] case:
(after 3 tests and 1 shrink):
SimpleSort.hs:(9,1)-(12,30): Non-exhaustive patterns in function swap
this tells you that after 3 tests it used some list that after shrinking to [0] still threw the Non-exhaustive patterns exception - so it basically tells you to look for the single element case here ;) - of course the compiler should have too
This is a question from my homework thus tips would be much likely appreciated.
I am learning Haskell this semester and my first assignment requires me to write a function that inputs 2 string (string1 and string2) and returns a string that is composed of (the repeated) characters of first string string1 until a string of same length as string2 has been created.
I am only allowed to use the Prelude function length.
For example: take as string1 "Key" and my name "Ahmed" as string2 the function should return "KeyKe".
Here is what I've got so far:
makeString :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
makeString val (x:xs)
| val > 0 = x : makeString (val-1) xs
| otherwise = x:xs
Instead of directly giving it two strings i am giving it an integer value (since i can subtitute it for length later on), but this is giving me a runtime-error:
*Main> makeString 8 "ahmed"
"ahmed*** Exception: FirstScript.hs: (21,1)-(23,21) : Non-exhaustive patterns in function makeString
I think it might have something to do my list running out and becoming an empty list(?).
A little help would be much appreciated.
I think this code is enough to solve your problem:
extend :: String -> String -> String
extend src dst = extend' src src (length dst)
extend' :: String -> String -> Int -> String
extend' _ _ 0 = []
extend' [] src size = extend' src src size
extend' (x:xs) src size = x : extend' xs src (size - 1)
The extend' function will cycle the first string until is is consumed then will begin to consume it again.
You can also make it using take and cycle like functions:
repeatString :: String -> String
repeatString x = x ++ repeatString x
firstN :: Int -> String -> String
firstN 0 _ = []
firstN n (x:xs) = x : firstN ( n - 1 ) xs
extend :: String -> String -> String
extend src dst = firstN (length dst) (repeatString src)
or a more generic version
repeatString :: [a] -> [a]
repeatString x = x ++ repeatString x
firstN :: (Num n, Eq n ) => n -> [a] -> [a]
firstN 0 _ = []
firstN n (x:xs) = x : firstN ( n - 1 ) xs
extend :: [a] -> [b] -> [a]
extend _ [] = error "Empty target"
extend [] _ = error "Empty source"
extend src dst = firstN (length dst) (repeatString src)
which is capable of taking any type of lists:
>extend [1,2,3,4] "foo bar"
Like Carsten said, you should
handle the case when the list is empty
push the first element at the end of the list when you drop it.
return an empty list when n is 0 or lower
For example:
makeString :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
makeString _ [] = [] -- makeString 10 "" should return ""
makeString n (x:xs)
| n > 0 = x:makeString (n-1) (xs++[x])
| otherwise = [] -- makeString 0 "key" should return ""
trying this in ghci :
>makeString (length "Ahmed") "Key"
Note: This answer is written in literate Haskell. Save it as Filename.lhs and try it in GHCi.
I think that length is a red herring in this case. You can solve this solely with recursion and pattern matching, which will even work on very long lists. But first things first.
What type should our function have? We're taking two strings, and we will repeat the first string over and over again, which sounds like String -> String -> String. However, this "repeat over and over" thing isn't really unique to strings: you can do that with every kind of list, so we pick the following type:
> repeatFirst :: [a] -> [b] -> [a]
> repeatFirst as bs = go as bs
Ok, so far nothing fancy happened, right? We defined repeatFirst in terms of go, which is still missing. In go we want to exchange the items of bs with the corresponding items of as, so we already know a base case, namely what should happen if bs is empty:
> where go _ [] = []
What if bs isn't empty? In this case we want to use the right item from as. So we should traverse both at the same time:
> go (x:xs) (_:ys) = x : go xs ys
We're currently handling the following cases: empty second argument list, and non-empty lists. We still need to handle the empty first argument list:
> go [] ys =
What should happen in this case? Well, we need to start again with as. And indeed, this works:
> go as ys
Here's everything again at a single place:
repeatFirst :: [a] -> [b] -> [a]
repeatFirst as bs = go as bs
where go _ [] = []
go (x:xs) (_:ys) = x : go xs ys
go [] ys = go as ys
Note that you could use cycle, zipWith and const instead if you didn't have constraints:
repeatFirst :: [a] -> [b] -> [a]
repeatFirst = zipWith const . cycle
But that's probably for another question.
So I'm trying to define a function in Haskell that if given an integer and a list of integers will give a 'true' or 'false' whether the integer occurs only once or not.
So far I've got:
let once :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool; once x l =
But I haven't finished writing the code yet. I'm very new to Haskell as you may be able to tell.
Start off by using pattern matching:
once x [] =
once x (y:ys) =
This won't give you a good program immediately, but it will lead you in the right direction.
Here's a solution that doesn't use pattern matching explicitly. Instead, it keeps track of a Bool which represents if a occurance has already been found.
As others have pointed out, this is probably a homework problem, so I've intentionally left the then and else branches blank. I encourage user3482534 to experiment with this code and fill them in themselves.
once :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool
once a = foldr f False
where f x b = if x == a then ??? else ???
Edit: The naive implementation I was originally thinking of was:
once :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool
once a = foldr f False
where f x b = if x == a then b /= True else b
but this is incorrect as,
λ. once 'x' "xxx"
which should, of course, be False as 'x' occurs more than exactly once.
However, to show that it is possible to write once using a fold, here's a revised version that uses a custom monoid to keep track of how many times the element has occured:
import Data.List
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Monoid
data Occur = Zero | Once | Many
deriving Eq
instance Monoid Occur where
mempty = Zero
Zero `mappend` x = x
x `mappend` Zero = x
_ `mappend` _ = Many
once :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool
once a = (==) Once . foldMap f
where f x = if x == a then Once else Zero
main = do
let xss = inits "xxxxx"
print $ map (once 'x') xss
which prints
as expected.
The structure of once is similar, but not identical, to the original.
I'll answer this as if it were a homework question since it looks like one.
Read about pattern matching in function declarations, especially when they give an example of processing a list. You'll use tools from Data.List later, but probably your professor is teaching about pattern matching.
Think about a function that maps values to a 1 or 0 depending on whethere there is a match ...
match :: a -> [a] -> [Int]
match x xs = map -- fill in the thing here such that
-- match 3 [1,2,3,4,5] == [0,0,1,0,0]
Note that there is the sum function that takes a list of numbers and returns the sum of the numbers in the list. So to count the matches a function can take the match function and return the counts.
countN :: a -> [a] -> Int
countN x xs = ? $ match x xs
And finally a function that exploits the countN function to check for a count of only 1. (==1).
Hope you can figure out the rest ...
You can filter the list and then check the length of the resulting list. If length == 1, you have only one occurrence of the given Integer:
once :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool
once x = (== 1) . length . filter (== x)
For counting generally, with import Data.List (foldl'), pointfree
count pred = foldl' (\ n x -> if pred x then n + 1 else n) 0
applicable like
count (< 10) [1 .. 10] == 9
count (== 'l') "Hello" == 2
once pred xs = count pred xs == 1
Efficient O(n) short-circuit predicated form, testing whether the predicate is satisfied exactly once:
once :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
once pred list = one list 0
one [] 1 = True
one [] _ = False
one _ 2 = False
one (x : xs) n | pred x = one xs (n + 1)
| otherwise = one xs n
Or, using any:
none pred = not . any pred
once :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
once _ [] = False
once pred (x : xs) | pred x = none pred xs
| otherwise = one pred xs
elemOnce y = once (== y)
elemOnce 47 [1,1,2] == False
elemOnce 2 [1,1,2] == True
elemOnce 81 [81,81,2] == False