how to rsync files and keep files that have been deleted in the source? - linux

I was trying to see if its possible to rsync a bunch of files from a website but, if the website deleted files, I don't want rsync to delete those files on my end and keep them.
currently as a starting point I'm doing:
```rsynch -av "link" /repo/
how do I make sure that files that were deleted in the link do not delete when I rsync the repo for updates?

rsync does not delete by default. You have to request that in a specific manner using the --delete switch. Check the rsync manual page as a reference: man rsync


How to find and remove partially transferred files after numerous failed rsync attempts

I have launched few rsyncs over sshfs(sftp) that leaves temporary files.
Is there any way how to cleanup those files?
I don't want to run rsync with --partial option, because there are many big files and it can take ages.
I tried to find them this way:
find -name ".*.??????"
and it finds some temporary files. But I'm not 100% sure if there are any files that are not discovered using this pattern.
Is this solution sufficient?
You could run rsync again with both the --delete and --dry-run options, and perhaps with --itemize-changes. This would show you a list of all the changes that would be made. Just take note of any deletions, ignoring changed files. Unless your files have odd names, it should be obvious what are rsync temp files left behind and what are not.

Compare two folders containing source files & hardlinks, remove orphaned files

I am looking for a way to compare two folders containing source files and hard links (lets use /media/store/download and /media/store/complete as an example) and then remove orphaned files that don't exist in both folders. These files may have been renamed and may be stored in subdirectories.
I'd like to set this up on a cron script to run regularly. I just can't logically figure out myself how work the logic of the script - could anyone be so kind as to help?
Many thanks
rsync can do what you want, using the --existing, --ignore-existing, and --delete options. You'll have to run it twice, once in each "direction" to clean orphans from both source and target directories.
rsync -avn --existing --ignore-existing --delete /media/store/download/ /media/store/complete
rsync -avn --existing --ignore-existing --delete /media/store/complete/ /media/store/download
--existing says don't copy orphan files
--ignore-existing says don't update existing files
--delete says delete orphans on target dir
The trailing slash on the source dir, and no trailing slash on the target dir, are mandatory for your task.
The 'n' in -avn means not to really do anything, and I always do a "dry run" with the -n option to make sure the command is going to do what I want, ESPECIALLY when using --delete. Once you're confident your command is correct, run it with just -av to actually do the work.
Perhaps rsync is of use ?
Rsync is a fast and extraordinarily versatile file copying tool. It
can copy locally, to/from another host over any remote shell, or
to/from a remote rsync daemon. It offers a large number of options
that control every aspect of its behavior and permit very flexible
specification of the set of files to be copied. It is famous for its
delta-transfer algorithm, which reduces the amount of data sent over
the network by sending only the differences between the source files
and the existing files in the destination. Rsync is widely used for
backups and mirroring and as an improved copy command for everyday
Note it has a --delete option
--delete delete extraneous files from dest dirs
which could help with your specific use case above.
You can also use "diff" command to list down all the different files in two folders.

Rsync: Delete, but don't delete .svn subdirectories

I am rsyncing a huge (18000 files) directory, and I need use the --delete option as there is a lot of junk in the destination folder. However, the destination is under SVN revision control, so I need it to keep the .svn/ subdirectories that each directory has. I tried using the --ignore=".svn/" flag but that seems to ignore only what is on the source, and still deletes these directories on the target. Is there any way around this? Both machines are recent CentOS servers.
You probably want the --exclude option; --delete-excluded would allow you to do the opposite, if desired (actually delete excluded files)

rsync not synchronizing .htaccess file

I am trying to rsync directory A of server1 with directory B of server2.
Sitting in the directory A of server1, I ran the following commands.
rsync -av * server2::sharename/B
but the interesting thing is, it synchronizes all files and directories except .htaccess or any hidden file in the directory A. Any hidden files within subdirectories get synchronized.
I also tried the following command:
rsync -av --include=".htaccess" * server2::sharename/B
but the results are the same.
Any ideas why hidden files of A directory are not getting synchronized and how to fix it. I am running as root user.
This is due to the fact that * is by default expanded to all files in the current working directory except the files whose name starts with a dot. Thus, rsync never receives these files as arguments.
You can pass . denoting current working directory to rsync:
rsync -av . server2::sharename/B
This way rsync will look for files to transfer in the current working directory as opposed to looking for them in what * expands to.
Alternatively, you can use the following command to make * expand to all files including those which start with a dot:
shopt -s dotglob
See also shopt manpage.
For anyone who's just trying to sync directories between servers (including all hidden files) -- e.g., syncing somedirA on source-server to somedirB on a destination server -- try this:
rsync -avz -e ssh --progress user#source-server:/somedirA/ somedirB/
Note the slashes at the end of both paths. Any other syntax may lead to unexpected results!
Also, for me its easiest to perform rsync commands from the destination server, because it's easier to make sure I've got proper write access (i.e., I might need to add sudo to the command above).
Probably goes without saying, but obviously your remote user also needs read access to somedirA on your source server. :)
I had the same issue.
For me when I did the following command the hidden files did not get rsync'ed
rsync -av /home/user1 server02:/home/user1
But when I added the slashes at the end of the paths, the hidden files were rsync'ed.
rsync -av /home/user1/ server02:/home/user1/
Note the slashes at the end of the paths, as Brian Lacy said the slashes are the key. I don't have the reputation to comment on his post or I would have done that.
I think the problem is due to shell wildcard expansion. Use . instead of star.
Consider the following example directory content
$ ls -a .
. .. .htaccess a.html z.js
The shell's wildcard expansion translates the argument list that the rsync program gets from
-av * server2::sharename/B
-av a.html z.js server2::sharename/B
before the command starts getting executed.
The * tell to rsynch to not synch hidden files. You should not omit it.
On a related note, in case any are coming in from google etc trying to find while rsync is not copying hidden subfolders, I found one additional reason why this can happen and figured I'd pay it forward for the next guy running into the same thing: if you are using the -C option (obviously the --exclude would do it too but I figure that one's a bit easier to spot).
In my case, I had a script that was copying several folders across computers, including a directory with several git projects and I noticed that the I couldn't run any of the normal git commands in the copied repos (yes, normally one should use git clone but this was part of a larger backup that included other things). After looking at the script, I found that it was calling rsync with 7 or 8 options.
After googling didn't turn up any obvious answers, I started going through the switches one by one. After dropping the -C option, it worked correctly. In the case of the script, the -C flag appears to have been added as a mistake, likely because sftp was originally used and -C is a compression-related option under that tool.
per man rsync, the option is described as
--cvs-exclude, -C auto-ignore files in the same way CVS does
Since CVS is an older version control system, and given the man page description, it makes perfect sense that it would behave this way.

Nightly backup and merging backup

I have a nightly back up script that makes a backup from one server of any files that have been modified and thensync them across to our back server.
/var/backups/backup-2011-04-02/backuped/ backuped files and folders
The format above is the nightly incremental backup, which copies all the files and folders to a date stamped folder and then another folder underneath.
Thinking of a script which would run after the back up script to merge all the files in the /var/backups/backup-2011-04-02/backuped/ into /var/www/live/documents
So in theory I need to merge a number of different folders from the backup into the live www on the backup server only with the right date
So whats the best way to go about this script?
You could run rsync on each backup directory to the destination in order of
$ for f in `ls -t /var/backups`; do rsync -aL "/var/backups/$f" /var/www/live/documents/; done
Of course you can put this line in a nightly cron job. The only thing to look out for is the line above will choke if the filenames in your backup directory have spaces in them, but it looks like they don't, so you may be ok.
