Apostrophe Issue on Foursquare API - foursquare

I use the Foursquare API to search for venues. It has been working well up until recently when I tried finding a venue with an apostrophe in the name.
For example searching for: https://api.foursquare.com/v2/venues/search?intent=match&ll=51.308251643957,1.069603024223&query=Tyler's Kiln
I have even tried it on the API Explorer on the Foursquare website and had no luck.

Brandon's comment is correct. You should url encode your query: Tyler%27s%20Kiln


Google Photo API - search library

The media:search endpoint is okay, but I really need a keyword search. Just like the actual website has. i.e. football
I've tried using the Google Custom Search API and pointing it to photos.google.com, but that is unable to get past the login screen even though I'm authenticated.
Anyone else have any workarounds for a keyword search?
Keyword search is currently not supported in the Google Photos Library API.
There's a feature request on the issue tracker that you can star to draw attention to it and be notified of updates: https://issuetracker.google.com/110300471
At the moment you can search the library by what's in the photo ("content categories"), dates, media types and archived state. More information about what's currently supported is in the developer documentation: https://developers.google.com/photos/library/guides/apply-filters

Spotify API search VS in-app search

I'm working on tracks search and I found that in-app search performs spellchecking of query. For example for query 'seaman rammstein' result will be 1 song Seemann by Rammstein, but search via API(https://api.spotify.com/v1/search) has no items.
And I wonder what method or params are used in application search?
Thank you for your help in advance!
you're correct that the Search API doesn't do what we call "fuzzy matching". There is an open issue on the Web API issue tracker that you can follow here.

How can I search Instagram with hashtags via a URL?

On both Facebook and Twitter, you can do a simple search of hashtags on these channels via a URL search, for example,
Can you do the same with Instagram also? I can't seem to figure it out. I did find some API, but that's about all: https://instagram.com/developer/endpoints/tags/
This might be something that Instagram implemented after this question was originally asked, but this currently works:
The latter simply redirects to the former, but it's handy to have a shorter URL in some instances.
You'll find out more about how to customise Instagrams URLs by using endpoints on their API documentation page.
I'm not very familiar with how to use URL parameters and I'd be curious to know if anyone has found a way to filter via URL both by user and hashtag. Meaning that you show everything a specific user has posted with a specific hashtag. Many Instagram plugins allow you to do this at the same time, so one would hope it's possible via URL as well.
There is the instagram public API's tags section that can help you do
this. http://instagram.com/developer/endpoints/tags/
http://iconosquare.com/tag/ is another alternative
For example: http://iconosquare.com/tag/flowers
via https://stackoverflow.com/a/11182218/1085891

Foursquare venues search and TOS

I'm using another venues provider, but would like to search Foursquare from the venue results of that provider for Foursquare checkins. Is this possible or would that be considered violating the TOS?
Why not read the Policy at https://developer.foursquare.com/overview/community ?
Whats written there as of writing this answer is that it is okay to extend their results with other data sources.
It is not okay to search across both foursquare and Google Places, then return a combination of their results/data.
What I would do if I am doing something I am not sure of is just ask them directly at https://developer.foursquare.com/overview/support
At the last paragraph they talk about policy (at the support page), says you can email them directly.

Is there a full list of the parameters supported by the Facebook search API?

There is a search API can be used by developers to conveniently query posts, people in Facebook. But is there a full list of the parameters supported by the Facebook search API?
Facebook official docs provide what you need .graph api reference page has nice table describing what are various fields that can be used to call graph api.
Few links to use graph API and its reference
Github gist of Facebook Cheatsheet
Ill assume you did not find/read their website on FQL, so Ill give you that address now.
