Use of For loop in always block - verilog

I am writing a Verilog code for calculating the number of digits in a decimal number. In the code below I have initialised the value of c to be equal to a.
I was able to get the simulation results correctly but unable to syntesise and the error is due to 'c=a'. How can I get rid of the error ? Is there any other logic to calculate the number of digits ?
Error: [Synth 8-3380] loop condition does not converge after 2000 iterations
Code :-
module numdigits(a,b);
parameter n=100;
input [0:n-1] a;
reg [0:n-1] d,c;
always #(*)

In order for a for loop to be synthesisable, it must be static: that is, the maximum number of iterations round the loop must be fixed. It might seem that there is a maximum number of iterations of your loop, given that a has a fixed number of bits, but remember that your synthesiser doesn't simulate your code, so it cannot tell that.
You need to refactor your code; you need to write it in such a way so that the maximum number of loop iterations is fixed. In other words, the number of iterations of the loop must be fixed, but you can jump out early if you wish (using the disable statement).


Is there a method in verilog to start reading ROM data from a specific address?

I've designed a ROM for coefficients and an up-down counter to read these coefficients one by one but there are two cases for the starting point where a specific number of coefficients for type1 and another set of coefficients for type 2 ... so for example for type 1 I want to start from address zero and for type 2 start from address 30 ... I remember that someone told me it is possible using some # or something but I don't remember what is the actual way to do this
this for my counter code
module UDcounter(input clk,rst,up,GItype,
output reg [5:0]addr);
always #(posedge clk,posedge rst)
if (rst)
if (GItype) //assume 1 is a long GI type
// addr=6'b000000;
if (up)
else addr=addr-1;
else //for short GI
if (up)
else addr=addr-1;
the error here is that every clock cycle it start addressing from addr=0 for example and the output address is always 1 (for the +1) line
So what I understood from your question is that you want to design a ROM which will store coefficients.
Going by your question I assume that you have two types of coefficient viz type a & type b stored in the ROM, say the starting address for type a is 0 and for type b is 30. To go about accessing the ROM you would want two counters viz addr_ptr_a and addr_ptr_b which will act as address pointers, lets assume that the ROM has about 60 address locations then addr_ptr_a will count from 0 to 29 and addr_ptr_b will count from 30 to 60.
The GItype signal can be used to determine which counter to enable.
I am assuming a sequential read operation, for a random read operation you would need a separate logic to generate the read address.

Loop Convergence - Verilog Synthesis

I am trying to successively subtract a particular number to get the last digit of the number (without division). For example when q=54, we get q=4 after the loop. Same goes for q=205, output is q=5.
The iteration should converge logically. However, I am getting an error:
"[Synth 8-3380] loop condition does not converge after 2000 iterations"
I checked the post - Use of For loop in always block. It says that the number of iterations in a loop must be fixed.
Then I tried to implement this loop with fixed iterations as well like below (just for checking if this atleast synthesizes):
But the above does not work too. Getting the same error "[Synth 8-3380] loop condition does not converge after 2000 iterations". Logically, it should be 10 iterations as I had declared the value of loopco=8.
Any suggestions on how to implement the above functionality in verilog will be helpful.
That code can not be synthesized. For synthesis the loop has to have a compile time known number of iterations. Thus it has to know how many subtractions to make. In this case it can't.
Never forget that for synthesis you are converting a language to hardware. In this case the tool needs to generate the code for N subtractions but the value of N is not known.
You are already stating that you are trying to avoid division. That suggest to me you know the generic division operator can not be synthesized. Trying to work around that using repeated subtract will not work. You should have been suspicious: If it was the easy it would have been done by now.
You could build it yourself if you know the upper limit of q (which you do from the number of bits):
wire [5:0] q;
reg [3:0] rem;
always #( * )
if (q<6'd10)
rem = q;
else if (q<6'd20)
rem = q - 6'd10;
else if (q<6'd30)
rem = q - 6'd20;
rem = q - 6'd60;
Just noticed this link which pops up next to your question which shows it has been asked in the past:
How to NOT use while() loops in verilog (for synthesis)?

Non blocking Statements execution in verilog

I am new to verilog, can anyone please explain me how does these statements execute.
always#(posedge clock) begin
A <= B ^ C;
D <= E & F;
G <= H | J;
K <= G ? ~&{A,D} : ^{A,D}
As far I can tell, the right side is first executed. Hence, the values for A, D, G, K are first calculated. While calculating value for K, depending on value of G the either first or second expression would execute. Can anyone please explain this operation. Please also tell how the last statement gets synthesized as this entire code is inside a always block and with positive edge clock. Thanks in advance.
A nonblocking assignment evaluates the RHS expression at the
beginning of a time step and schedules the LHS update to take place at the end of the time step.
In Verilog, there is a well defined event queue as shown below. For each and every timestamp, all the regions are evaluated. If there are any events to be executed in current timestamp, then they are triggered. Once all the events of current timestamp are triggered, then only simulation time moves forward.
Here, the RHS of ALL the expressions are evaluated at the beginning of the timestamp of posedge of clock. Hence, the values of B^C, E&F,H|J,G ? ~&{A,D} : ^{A,D} are evaluated and stored internally in the simulator.
Thereafter, the LHS are updated as the simulation progresses to NBA region of the same timestamp.
The values of G,AandDare not updated in active region. Hence, while calculating the value ofK, the previous values ofG,AandDare taken in the Active region. Then, all the veriables;G,A,DandK` are updated simulatanously.
I have made an example code over EDAPlayground. The waveforms might be helpful.
As far as last statement is concerned, I guess it will create a flop with mux (with Select=G and Inputs as nand(A,D) , xor(A,D) ) as input.

verilog changing random seed

How do I change the seed for $urandom_range every time I am starting a new simulation. I tried so many things non worked.
always#(posedge tb_rd_clkh)
tbo9_ready_toggle_q <= $urandom_range(0, 1);
You can change the seed using a flag like this:
irun -seed seed_number
Or you can use a random seed:
irun -seed random
I'm pretty sure every tool (Questa and VCS) has an option to do this. If you don't set a seed, it will default to 1.
Set the seed value by using the conventional way before accessing the range of random numbers using urandom_range
seed = 2;
Here the above code snippet will set the seed value to 2 for uramdom_range too and every time you run, random number generator creates the same sequence as long as the seed is same, you can find a working example at the EDA-Playground
For your question how to set seed for urandom_range insde always block? A more generalized way as per SV LRM IEEE 1800 - 2012 Section 18.13.3 srandom()
The srandom() method allows manually seeding the RNG of objects or
Thus by making use of it created a simplified self contained example to show how to set seed inside always block
module dut(input clk,output reg [31:0] out);
integer seed;
assign seed = 10;
always # (posedge clk)
out <= $urandom_range (10,1);
$display ("out = %d",out);
You may want to try this out, the above example with tb can be found in the link.
Solution to your question
In your code snippet you have to change $random(9) to $srandom(9) were 9 is the seed value

Optimize this comparator for better synthesis

I have a module which is basically a LUT whose input is 64 bits. The LUT always block consists of a case statement which compares the input to over 200 different integers. The default case in the case statement checks if the input is > 100 or not before assigning the output a default value.
My problem is that when I synthesize, it leads to a 65 bit comparator, and I was wondering if there are better ways of doing it so that a large comparator isn't synthesized.
Here's my code snippet:
always #(in)
case (in)
-100: out <= 495050;
-99: out <= 500000;
99: out <= 99500000;
100: out <= 99504950;
if (in > 100)
out <= 99504950;
out <= 495050;
Assuming that in is a 64 bit number, what you can do is to chop it off such that you only have to 'compare' the lowest few bits, and then you can do quick checks to see if the number is outside of the range needed.
For example, let's just chop off in at 8 bits, and assign it to an 8 bit signed register. This should allow you to represent between -128 and 127.
You can test if the full number is larger than 127 by: !in[63] && (|in[62:8]) (check if any upper bit is 1, and the MSB is not set).
You can test if the full number is less than -128 by: in[63] && !(&in[62:8]) (check if any upper bit is 0, and the MSB is set).
Now you know three things:
if the number is larger than 127
if the number is between 127 and -128
and if the number is less than -128.
You should be able to use a small 8-bit LUT for the inbetween case, or use your default values if it's in either of the upper ranges.
Note I might expect a good synthesizer to do this automatically for you, but if you look at the generated netlist and it's too large you can try this to see if it gives you a better result.
It seems like You have calculated table with some function values of input x = [-100;100]. If so, it would be better to store them in memory one after another starting from some base address. So to read them, You can write base + X + 100 value on the address bus, and obtain value you need.
In case you need a gigantic multiplexer, you may want to try using a "parallel" case directive.
As for comparator in "default" - I have the same problem, so I am waiting for an answer.
I wanted to write this as a comment but I have no such privilege
