Concatenate values based in 2 cell values - excel

I want to obtain a summary of the units of each class per group, but I don't know how to do it. I tried different options but this is breaking my mind and I prefer not to use a macro, just a formula.
This is an example of what I want:
Class | Group | Units | Summary
A | G1 | 1 |
A | G1 | 2 |
A | G1 | 3 |
B | G1 | 4 | A:"1,2,3";B:"4"
B | G2 | 5 |
C | G2 | 6 |
C | G2 | 7 | B:"5";C:"6,7"
C | G3 | 8 |
A | G3 | 9 | C:"8";A:"9"
A | G4 | 0 | A:"0"
If you know how to help I would appreciate that.

Just as #bzimor said - use pivot table. The source is your original table (class, group and units). Then when the pivot table placeholder appears, you put Group, Class and Units in the Column fields. The result looks like this:
Of course, you can format the pivot table to look like you want it.


Formula to multiply all rows in a column after adding 1 to each one of them, and subtracting 1 after all of the products

How can I automate this formula to a large number of cells without needing to manually summing them?
I want to add 1 to each row in a column and then multiply it by the other rows with the same criteria, and after all, I want to subtract 1 of the total value, like this:
google-sheets only:
PRODUCT of C2:C6+1 enforcing array context with ARRAYFORMULA:
THis should work:
You can do this using two helper columns, where the first one contains the product, and the second the product minus one:
| A | B | C | D | E
1 | | | | 1 | =D1-1
2 | | | x1 | =D1*(C2+1) | =D2-1
3 | | | x2 | =D2*(C3+1) | =D3-1
4 | | | x3 | =D3*(C4+1) | =D4-1
5 | | | x4 | =D4*(C5+1) | =D5-1
Dragging the formulas down should fill them in as expected. Column "E" contains the information you're looking for.

How to populate columns using values from multiple rows of another sheet (Excel)

I'm not sure what to search for this.
Basically, say I have a sheet that looks like this:
A | apple | 1
A | aardvark | 1
A | alternate | 3
B | bear | 2
B | banana | 4
C | candy | 3
C | carnivore | 2
and I want to copy values into another sheet so that it looks like this:
A | apple | 1 | aardvark | 1 | alternate | 3
B | bear | 2 | banana | 4 | |
C | candy | 3 | carnivore | 2 | |
I know there's the lookup function, but I'm not sure how to make it select the first, second, third etc. instance of what's being referenced.
Thanks in advance for any help.
For the screenshot below, use the following formulas:
E2: =IFERROR(INDEX($A$1:$A$8,MATCH(E1,$A$1:$A$8,0)+COUNTIF($A$1:$A$8,E1)),"")
Select F2 and G2, and fill to the right as far as you need, then fill the entire table down as far as you need.

Getting Summation from a Table, with matching values from another Table in Excel

I have 2 tables created in Excel, which are identical in structure and the column and row names.
The only difference is that the first table has data (for the effort in work days) in it while the second is a reference table stating which milestone each cell belongs to. A sample of these tables is:
| | App1 | App2 | App3 |
| T1 | 32 | 12 | 48 |
| T2 | 40 | 16 | 30 |
| T3 | 56 | 18 | 36 |
| | App1 | App2 | App3 |
| T1 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
| T2 | 2 | 1 | 2 |
| T3 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
I want to collate these values so that I get SUM of 1, 2 and 3
| | Days Summation |
| 1 | =32+56+16+18+36 |
| 2 | =40+12+30 |
| 3 | =48 |
So basically, want to find:
Is it possible to get a formula which I can use to do this without using something like a Pivot Table?
You can use sumif() to do this:
Here it's just looking at table2 values and comparing them to your 1, 2, or 3 and then summing the corresponding cells from your table1
SUMIF will do the trick if I understand correctly:
If you put 1 in A1, then 2 in A2, etc. Then enter in B1=SUMIF(TBL2Range,A1,TBL1Range) and copy down. Where TBL2Range is the address of your table.

Kind of group by in Excel without VBA

I need another transformation help in Excel
| A | B |
---| ----|--------|
1 | ID | Course |
2 | 1 | A1 |
3 | 1 | A2 |
4 | 2 | A1 |
5 | 3 | A2 |
I want to have a kind of group by, i.e.
| A | B | C |D | ...
---| ----|---------|---------|---------|----
1 | ID | Course1 | Course2 | Course3 | ...
2 | 1 | A1 | A2 | | ...
3 | 2 | A1 | | | ...
4 | 3 | A2 | | | ...
Any ideas? Is it possible without VBA macro?
I believe that the following link on removing duplicates from column would suit your needs (in your case you would do it horizontally).
Per your reply to Robert, if you want to do it without VBA, try this... Select all cells in the first column. Copy and paste them into the first column of another worksheet. Use Excel's Remove Duplicates function on the pasted data. Then use INDEX functions in the columns to the right in order to pull the first, second, etc values matching that first column value.

Can I populate a column with conditional data while omitting empty rows or possibly autosort?

In one spreadsheet document, file.xlsx, I have 2 sheets. Sheet1 has the editable fields. Sheet 2's sole purpose is to read the data from Sheet1.
The point is to keep track of inventory and easily display items needed to be ordered.
Sheet1 'column a' is item number for ordering
Sheet1 'column b' is the number I have on hand
Sheet1 'column c' is the formula cell to find the number needed to be ordered
It looks something like this:
A | B | C |
1 |txt1 | 1 | =10-b1 |
2 |txt2 | 0 | =10-b2 |
3 |txt3 | 13 | =10-b3 |
4 |txt4 | 5 | =10-b3 |
5 |txt5 | 2 | =10-b4 |
There is some if statement conditional formatting in the "C" column to check if the "B" column has a value HIGHER than 10 and if it hits true then the corresponding C cell is blank but for space, i'm summarizing here
A | B |
1 |=if(sheet1!C1>0,Sheet1!A1,"") |=if(sheet1!C1>0,Sheet1!C1,"") |
2 |=if(sheet1!C2>0,Sheet1!A2,"") |=if(sheet1!C1>0,Sheet1!C2,"") |
3 |=if(sheet1!C3>0,Sheet1!A3,"") |=if(sheet1!C1>0,Sheet1!C3,"") |
4 |=if(sheet1!C4>0,Sheet1!A4,"") |=if(sheet1!C1>0,Sheet1!C4,"") |
5 |=if(sheet1!C5>0,Sheet1!A5,"") |=if(sheet1!C1>0,Sheet1!C5,"") |
If an item isn't to be ordered because stock is high, it doesn't show up in the list. This is ok. It looks like this:
A | B |
1 | txt1 | 9 |
2 | txt2 | 10 |
3 | | |
4 | txt4 | 9 |
5 | | |
What I would like to see is:
A | B |
1 | txt1 | 9 |
2 | txt2 | 10 |
3 | txt4 | 9 |
4 | | |
5 | | |
For 5 Items in the example, it doesn't seem that annoying, but in actuality I have 1200 potential rows and it varies between 200 to 800 actually populated each time i conduct inventory. The whole point is to have one continuous section of rows that I can select and print. Maybe some way of autosorting and placing the empty ones on the bottom?
I've taught myself excel. I don't know the advanced tricks and things.
I'm a typically a programmer but I've been tasked with this project and the guys upstairs want me to do it in excel.
i've overcomplicated this, to the max.
a simple sort putting the empty's at the bottom is the resolution.
not quite as automated as i'd like
it works.
