How to understand jHipster frontend parts? - jhipster

I've never had anything to do with AngularJS or any frontend technologies, so it's hard for me to grasp. I have a jHipster project that I need to customize and turn into a useful thing. How it looks doesn't matter for now, it needs to work. I watched the "jHipster in 20 minutes" video and even read the minibook, but these didn't help me understand how to deal with the generated files.
I need some guidelines and explanation on how files like entities/entity1/entity1.controller.js, entity1.service.js and entity1.state.js are dependent on each other (and on Java Spring #Services/#Controllers/ Spring Data entities in general). What's the procedure to add new functionalities (views, dialogs)?

In short.
Controller: decorator of the entity
Entity: is what backend(spring boot) gives you
Service: used to make calls to the backend to get the entity data.
State: -> uses the service -> uses the "Backend" to get Entity data
and sets the Entity on the Controller


Correct way to implement a REST API using MVC

I am seeing a lot of contradictory architectural examples of a REST API in my work and keep getting different opinions on the subject.
I am familiar with the principles of REST and seeing as each endpoint points to a resource followed by a verb such as /project/create project/123/read.
Following the MVC pattern assuming I have a controller that is responsible for updating a project resource:
router.put("/project/:id/update", ProjectController.put)
First question:
Should this route be responsible for all updates to this resource, in example, assuming different features on my client like marking a project as finished or changing it's title are separated and might not have anything in common for the user. Ending up with the route described above, or should there be something like this:
router.put("/project/:id/mark-as-done", ProjectController.markAsDone)
router.put("/project/:id/update-info", ProjectController.updateInfo)
Second question:
Assuming I want to create a notification resource if a project is created/updated/deleted. Since the notification is a resource on it's own I am not sure how to go about this, but what I assumed and was taught is to use another callback:
router.put("/project/:id/update", ProjectController.put, NotificationController.create)
Third question:
Could I use the same controller to read all resources or just one, for example:
router.get("/project/read", ProjectController.get)
router.get("/project/:id/read", ProjectController.get)
Making the logic in the controller method determinate if it will return all projects or just one. Or should it be separated into different methods?
I would define APIs like this:-
CRUD for Project entity
update:- router.put(/projects/:id)
delete:- router.delete(/projects/:id)
read:- router.get(/projects) and/or router.get(/projects/:id)
You can define all above routes in ProjectController.
Regarding Notification entity you can define as follows
read:- router.get(/projects/:id/notifications)
The same can be applied to PUT, DELETE, POST
Here is a good article defining rest guidelines

why should I not use MVC Jsonresult instead of apicontroller get method

I have developed an application which was MVC application. It has a requirement that the application will return json data for one get request.
So I have added apicontroller and created a get method to return json data.
So far so good. but then I thought, is it really needed to add apicontroller to create just one get method.
I started exploring and googling what is the difference other than content negotiation. Got lots of answers and articles but non of them were satisfactory.
So here is the actual confusion, why can't I just create a method in the MVC controller with JsonResponse and return the json data(Which I know only is need for my requirement, but other application on different domain will consume it).
Can anyone convince me why should I use apicontroller instead of MVC JsonResponse for my requirement or should I not be using apicontroller at all.
apology if there is any mistake.
If I get it right the question is Can we use MVC action to serve json content answer is yes! Is it okay to use Json Result? answer is It depends where do you want to consume it
Say I am an in a Web Environment where I have no need for the APIs (that means I am not going to serve my data to multiple clients) If that's the scenario where only your View is going to consume data returned from your Action Method you are good to go. An Action returning a Json Result is basically an Action Result and that's what it is made for.
but If you are in a REST scenario and you need your backend to serve your data to the client de facto standard is to use an independent Web API for that.
Controllers' main responsibility should be to work as an intermediary between your View and Model and whatever service layer you want to bring inside it. on the other hand, Web APIs are data-driven there only purpose is to serve data (use them if you need them)
Web APIs are good cause they give you the flexibility of serving the data to possibly any client that might need it. That's what I would pick if I am starting from scratch but if I only need to serve data to one client Controller Action methods will be way to go.
Hope this helps.

Web application (API and Front-end) - routes design

I suppose this type of topics always exist, but i like to have an specifics opinion for my case.
Since 1/2 month i'm thinking about make a listing web application for my daily life (shopping, due, etc.)
I started out define my object model like this (very simple design model)
Models image
So, i decid to create a NodeJS API for back-end, and Angular 7 for front-end. It's not a technical problem for me to develop the application and the API, but my problem is in the design of this, and particuly to the routes design.
My first suggestion for routes API is :
User :
List :
Element :
Technicaly it's ok, but i'm not sure it's the good practices.
As User contains List and List contains Element, Wouldn't it be better to have routes like this :
Thanks for your answers, or suggestions !
PS : If you have any web sites / video / topics ... to suggests, do not hesitate.
I'd say you got it OK in the first place, the second approach is messy as you can get huge routes, and you're sending a lot unnecesary data. Why do you need the user id to get an element? An element is an entity by itself, and it will probably grow, you may need to get related elements, filter them... its better to just have /elements
What you can do is find simple relations, like:
I'd recommend reading building apis you won't hate :)
Firstly you are in absolute correct path of defining Routes in angular, at the same time you have to use Lazy loading concept of Routing.
I would recommend you to, go for plural sight course , by Deborah Kurata. I'm not trying to promote or advertise anything but for your current situation that course would be the right guidance. It would provide you all the necessary things that you need to build enterprise ready apps.
Alternatively Core UI Angular provides some best designs which are already implemented with Angular Route and things. Lazy loading and other Angular routing are implemented, all you need to do is understand it.
Hope this helps.,
as short as possible
easy to read
user-friendly input when the user enters the URL
User list
User detail
Add user
User's functional page

How to retrieve post data, validate it in controller and save it in database using GORM in Micronaut?

I come from Grails background and have recently started a project in Micronaut using GORM.
I tried to find required information in documentation but its not clear how we retrieve post data in controller, validate it similar to Command Objects offered in Grails and save it into database using interface service provided in documentation
PS : I know I can map every field to action argument in controller, and also declare a interface method specifying each argument as property but that does not seems right thing to do as my domain class has so many properties.
Making the action #Transactional or any method would work for saving data as far as I know but I want to know the proper way in Micronaut.
My requirement is simple, save post data in database using GORM in Micronaut.
If I were you I would look back at the documentation, sections 6.4 to 6.11:
Micronaut is very annotation based, unlike Grails which uses convention over configuration. However in Grails 4, Micronaut will toke over the application context, giving you some of the benefits of Micronaut, but still maintaining the convention over configuration.

Bigger projects Node.js and RESTful API

I'm looking into node.js which really seem like a pretty nice environment. I've worked with a lot of different Technologies and for server, mainly php and Java (jsp), but dabbled in som RoR and Python.
I find node.js really easy to get up and running and it feels quite natural to work with, and I found some good entry level tutorials.
I just am missing some more intermediate resources. For example when creating bigger frameworks or api's how would you structure or architect it. I set up some smaller api's to try it out where it would go something like this:
I've made use of the Express framework to create a http server, listen to a port, set up an express object and bound some requests.
However these have been quite small, and the purpose has been learning, if I think about scaling up the size of the API for production, perhaps wanting to do other stuff like serve web-pages as well. I find it hard to see how the architecture would look.
It's vague as I am still new to node.js but I'm mainly thinking about things like if you typically keep all api in one file or if there are good ways to split it up into modules? And if anyone know any resource talking a bit more about how to design the architecture when working in node.js
Sorry for the vague question and thanks for reading.
In my opinion, Express is the good way to go if you want to build complex or big APIs.
It is among others easily testable (for instance with Mocha or Jasmine) and customizable, especially thanks to its middlewares.
For the directory structure, what I usually use is (at least) the following:
app.js : the main entrypoint. Will create the express application, indicate which controller to use for every route prefix, and assign the middlewares. Example from a previous project
controllers : will contain the controllers, the functions which will handle the requests, in the same style as in standard MVC frameworks (e.g. UserController, ...). Each controller would create an express Router object and export it. Inside the controllers, individual handlers are in charge of individual API requests, such as /api/users/list. It would use some library to access your data (e.g. Mongoose for MongoDB), and would then send the response to the client. Example (UserController.js)
models : will contain the models with all their attributes and methods. In my case, it would be the Mongoose models. Example (Song.js)
middlewares : will contain the various middlewares of the project. A practical example would be a middleware checking for an access token in the incoming request, and returning a 403 HTTP error if not. Example (AuthMiddleware.js)
helpers : various helpers
tests : unit tests of you API
This could be the minimal directory organization. On top of that, you may want to use a templating engine such as EJS to serve webpage. Take a look at « Use EJS to template your node application ».
This is only to give you an overview of what an express directory structure could look like, but there are of course plenty (better?) other possibilities. Hope that gives you a quick and useful insight :)
