Azure Logic App - Failed to Fetch Swagger - azure

I have created a SQL connector and am trying to use it within a logic app (trigger) through the "HTTP + Swagger" Managed API from a blank template within the designer.
However after entering the SWAGGER ENDPOINT URL https://'my-host' I receive the following error:
Failed to fetch swagger. Ensure you have CORS enabled on the endpoint and are calling an HTTPS endpoint.
I have verified the configuration:
SQLconnector->Application Settings->Access Level = Public (anonymous)
SQLConnector->Host->API definition = https://'my-host'
SQLconnector->Host->CORS = "*"
Restarted the Host
Note that I am able to retrieve Swagger Meta data directly through the browser using the above link. I can also retrieve data from the API through the browser.
Why does the logic app have the a problem getting the Swagger?


CORS: PreflightMissionAllowOriginHeader aws API gateway lambda

I have node/express APIs running in Lambda function.
The API endpoint is {domain}/api/user/{username} where I pass username in URL itself.
example: to get userA detail, endpoint will be
also sending user_id:xxx in header.
Hitting above endpoint using API gateway/Lambda returns the data without any error.
Problem occurs when I use % in username.
Assume I have username as userA% .
Endpoint would become:
Now, the problem is when I run this in my local machine with node/express/mysql api with endpoint localhost:2000/api/user/userA%, it returns the data.
But the same API using API gateway/Lambda : throws
CORS: PreflightMissionAllowOriginHeader.
I have configured some CORS policies as shown in below image but can't seem to figure out what should I configure more to allow this type of requests.

How to pass Body Parameters(format) when calling a POST request with Content-Type as form-data in Azure Data Factory

I am trying to call API endpoint as a POST and Content-Type as from-data using azure data factory web activity. Tried different way of passing Body parameters but it failed.
Here is the Postman Request.
Here is the Azure Data Factory Web Activity configurations.(use the body as a json and tried different combinations but all didn't work)
And above is the error message.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Since your request is seen successfully executing from postman, try copying the entire body from that and use in web activity.
The format for passing body for a POST request from a web activity is shown here.
Also make sure you have entered valid “url–Target endpoint and path”. This is usually seen as Activity requires Public end point but you may have used Private vnet where this is not allowed. Web Activity is supported for invoking URLs that are hosted in a private virtual network as well by leveraging self-hosted integration runtime. The integration runtime should have a line of sight to the URL endpoint.
Note: The activity will timeout at 1 minute with an error if it does not receive a response from the endpoint.
Further going through some similar scenarios it is learnt that;
Mostly the header is passed as string in WebActivity whereas Postman
it is integer/long
In case your API tries redirecting, it seems that the web activity
in Azure Data Factory does not currently support following
redirects, meanwhile Postman and other tools and libraries usually
follow redirects by default or include a option for handling them.
Checkout the supported authentication types in the web activity. If you are trying to authorize your from, try set the following.
Headers: Content-Type - "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
Body: grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=<<clientid>>f&client_secret=<<secret>>&<<resourceId>>
Error code: 2108:
Message: Error calling the endpoint '%url;'. Response status code: '%code;'
Cause: The request failed due to an underlying issue such as network connectivity, a DNS failure, a server certificate validation, or a timeout.
Workaround: Make the API call using Powershell, and call that Powershell script from within Data Factory.

Logic App http trigger with AAD auth - Event grid subscription validation failure

I'm trying to create an event grid subscription that will call a logic app every time a blob is created.
To protect the logic app http endpoint, I've enabled AAD Auth following this documentation:
Enable Azure AD OAuth for your logic app
I then configured eventgrid to attach an oauth token while calling the logic following this documentation:
Publish events to Azure Active Directory protected endpoints
While creating the subscription, I received this error:
Deployment has failed with the following error:
"code": "Url validation",
"message": "Webhook validation handshake failed for Http POST request failed with response code Unknown. For troublehooting, visit Activity id:4d430ada-82ee-43a6-8ad4-467f6de611d8, timestamp: 7/17/2021 12:44:13 AM (UTC)."
Using requestbin, I checked that the oauth token was attached (see associated requestbin)
I've also validate that the token was valid by calling the logic (from postman) using the token from requestbin.
I tired the same using a function app and it worked.
So I decided to try exposing the logic app behind API management service and it worked...
So I'm guessing Azure is doing something special with the internal logic app url:
Does anyone encounter the same issue and was able to work around that in a better way?

Error in calling Azure rest API -The requested URI does not represent any resource on the server

i am calling Azure Rest API to list all blobs in a directory (inside container) throuh informatica cloud using web service transformation.But i am getting error while running the mapping InvalidUriThe requested URI does not represent any resource on the server.
API: https://<account_name>
Could not reproduce your issue, the REST API - List Blobs works fine on my side.
You could refer to the sample below, make sure you are using it the same as mine.
Note: When you using prefix, you have already used the container name training in the url, don't use it again in the parameter, it should be prefix=Type/Class.
Request URL:
Request header:
x-ms-version = 2019-12-12
Test in the postman:
My storage structure:

Why do calls to the Service Management API work but calls to the Scheduler API fail?

I'm trying to make some calls to the new Azure Scheduler API. However, all my requests come back with this error:
<Error xmlns="" xmlns:i="">
<Message>The server failed to authenticate the request. Verify that the certificate is valid and is associated with this subscription.</Message>
I'm pretty sure that I have everything setup correct because I can make calls using the same code and certificate to the Azure Service Management API.
The code I'm using to attach the certificate to the web request is from the MSDN Sample. The Scheduler API calls that I've tried to make are the Check Name Availability, Create Cloud Service, and Create Job Collection.
I've also verified that my subscription is Active for the preview of the Scheduler.
Here is an example of a request I've tried:
Create Cloud Service
Request A cloud service is created by submitting an HTTP PUT operation
to the CloudServices OData collection of the Service Management API
Tenant.Replace with your subscription ID and
with your cloud service ID.
So for this I create a web request pointing to:[MySubId]/cloudServices/[MyNewServiceName]
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(requestUri);
// Define the requred headers to specify the API version and operation type.
request.Headers.Add("x-ms-version", "2012-03-01");
request.Method = "PUT";
request.ContentType = "application/xml";
Next I add the request body as specified in the documentation:
<CloudService xmlns:i='' xmlns=''>
And finally I add the certificate that I use with my subscription to the account.
// Attach the certificate to the request.
I try to get the response and instead I get the error shown above.
BTW - I've also tried different regions thinking maybe it was a region issue since the scheduler isn't supported in all regions, but I still get the same response.
You need to register the scheduler in your application first by calling (PUT):
<subscription id>/services?service=scheduler.JobCollections&action=register
If you want to do this in .NET you can use the new Management libraries:
var schedulerServiceClient = new SchedulerManagementClient(credentials);
var result = schedulerServiceClient.RegisterResourceProvider();
More detail:
