Bitnami Meanstack Mongoose Connection - node.js

I created a simple service in Ubuntu 16.04 with mongo db node and express to return data to an angular 2 app.
I have a file called server.js that connects to a local mongodb instance with a database called game and a collection called players. It works fine installed on my local machine. However I am trying to deploy it with Bitnami's mean stack image on amazon ec2. (bleh mouth full). I have set ports correctly according to this guide, and I can connect to it remotely. However, I can't get mongoose to connect to any database. here is my code that works on my local machine.
.get(function(req, res) {
Player.find({"player":user,"password":password},function(err, Test) {
if (err)
And here is my adjusted code for the mean stack image
.get(function(req, res) {
Player.find({"player":user,"password":password},function(err, Test) {
if (err)
On my local machine I get a value of 1 on the console.log and value of zero on the mean stack image. I'm not sure how to connect to bitnami's mongo instance with mongoose. I have checked that game exist and has the data I want.

I found a fix Although I don't yet fully understand it. It came from the guide I posted here . First I had to un comment out the section of the mongodb.conf that says noauth = true then comment out the line that says auth = true. I then restart mongo, and create a new user with permissions to read and write the the data base I want to use like this
"role" : "readWrite",
"db": "game"
After creating the user I undo what I did to noauth = true and auth = true, and restart mongodb. Then I am able to connect with mongoose like this
mongoose.connect('mongodb://NEW USERNAME:NEW PASSWORD#');

With MongoDB 3.0, they added a new authentication mechanism for MongoDB (more details in the links below).
Authentication information:
How to use the new authentication mechanism:
Due to this, the guide provides that workaround to get the connection with the database. Now, you have created that user with "readWrite" privileges on your database so you are able to use it.


Mongodb database.collection confusion

I created a MEAN project in heroku.
In MongoDB I have a DB / Collection like this:
db == content / collection == android_main
I have verified that the collection is in the proper database (and not in admin) via the following MongoSH exchange:
Atlas atlas-xxxxxx-shard-0 [primary] content> use admin
switched to db admin
Atlas atlas-xxxxxx-shard-0 [primary] admin> show collections
Atlas atlas-xxxxxx-shard-0 [primary] admin> use content
switched to db content
Atlas atlas-xxxxxx-shard-0 [primary] content> show collections
In MongoDB I also have a user w/ specific privs to read this db/collection.
In the code (Node.js) I use the following connection string:
mongodb+srv://<USER>:<PASS>#<MONGO URL>/content?retryWrites=true&w=majority
The connection completes successfully. I pass in the user I mentioned above, e.g. the user with just the specific read privs on the database (content) and collection (android_main).
In the code, the mechanism I use to get the database variable via the connection and connection string specifically is:
mongodb.MongoClient.connect(process.env.MONGODB_URI, function (err, database) {
Now, in the code, in response to an `HTTP GET` I issue the following:
db.collection("android_main").find({}).toArray(function(err, docs) {
I get back this error:
ERROR: user is not allowed to do action [find] on [admin.android_main]
Question: how can I modify my code a/o setup to ensure the db.collection.find() call references the proper database? I would have thought this was taken care of in the connection, where the database is explicitly called out.
I'm going to post the following answer which solves the issue above.
I found it by just playing around with random ideas.
I'd like to thank Heroku and their pathetic documentation for turning a 30 minute task into a 3 day ordeal.
function (err, database) {
if (err) {
db = database.db(DATABASE);
var server = app.listen(process.env.PORT || 8080,
function () {
var port = server.address().port;
console.log("CONNECT App now running on port", port);
console.log("CONNECT Done.");
Apparently, to properly set the variable db (the one which you will use in the queries later) you should note that the database you receive in the connection callback is the admin database (that which was used for auth), and from that you make the db() request passing in the database you intend to use. All of this is utterly redundant b/c we pass the database we intend to use in the connection string. What a complete CF; but it's certainly not the 1st one. Enjoy.

local Postgres connection not returning anything

I’m trying to perform a simple query on a local database. I expect this query to return the schema names of the database.
I am running Postgres version 13.1 and I installed it by following the steps shown here:
As per guidelines on Postgres Wiki, I'm including config file changes, I only manually edited settings to enable logging.
This computer is running MacOS Big Sur Version 11.0.1.
I'm using Node.js and Postgres is running on port 5432 and I can access it with psql.
The relevant changes I've made are the following:
Endpoint in server.js:'/mock_call', async (ctx) => {
try {
await sql.mockCall()
ctx.body = {
status: "It's good",
data: 'good'
} catch (e) {
ctx.body = {
status: "Failed",
data: e
ctx.res.statusCode = 422;
SQL File:
const { Pool, Client } = require('pg');
const client = new Client({
user: 'user1',
host: 'localhost',
database: 'postgres',
password: 'mypass',
port: 5432,
module.exports = {
mockCall: function () {
console.log('mockCall begin')
client.connect(err => {
if (err) {
console.error('connection error', err.stack)
} else {
console.log('before query')
client.query("SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata", (err, res) => {
if (err) {
console.log('theres an error:')
console.log('theres a response:')
for (let row of res.rows) {
Logs that actually get printed out when I hit the endpoint on localhost:
mockCall begin
before query
Postgresql Logs (not helpful it's as if the server never gets hit):
This exact project and code is working on my personal local computer and the query goes through as expected. It used to be working on a Heroku server I had set up. The only difference with the Heroku server is that the connection is made like so:
const client = new Client({
connectionString: process.env.DATABASE_URL,
ssl: {
rejectUnauthorized: false
This connection had been working on a server I had for over a year. My database was running out of space so I upgraded from a hobby database to a standard plan on Heroku, the app continued to work. A couple weeks after this upgrade I pushed a new commit which included a couple new features on the app and this broke the postgresql connection. After this push I immediately checked out my last commit which was working and pushed that one, the issue however was still there.
I currently have the program running on my personal local computer but I need to move it back to Heroku as quickly as possible. The pictures and logs I've included above are the result of running my app locally on my friends computer, which seems to be having the same issue I'm having on Heroku so I'm hoping if I figure out the issue on his local computer I'll be able to solve what's going on in Heroku.
These are the logs that are printed out from my personal local computer which is working:
Running psql -d postgres -U user1 -h localhost -p 5432 successfully connects me to the database on the command line.
The new features I added was a new endpoint for my apps customers. This commit works fine on my personal local computer, so I don't think it's an issue with the new features that I added. Additionally, since then I've reverted to my previous commit which used to be working so none of that new code is present anymore.
I'm running the entire app locally on my friends computer. I set up Postgres from scratch just as I did a year ago on my computer. However now, only my personal local computer is working.
I haven't changed anything on pg_hba.conf on either setup. This is what they both look like:
At first I thought the problem would be with Heroku since my local app was working fine. However after reaching out and talking for a couple days with support they said:
Hi there,
It looks like your application is able to successfully connect to the database, but something else in the application or framework is preventing the data from being retrieved. Unfortunately, as this is an application issue it falls outside the nature of the Heroku Support policy. I recommend searching our Knowledge Base or asking the community on Stack Overflow for more answers.
Turns out I was using an old version of pg, 7.8. I upgraded to 8.5 and now it works.

Cannot read/write on a MongoDB Atlas database using Mongoose

I have a new sandbox cluster on MongoDB Atlas that I am connecting to with mongoose on a Node.js server. This is the code I'm using to connect:
const mongoDbUrl =
const connection = mongoose.connection
connection.on('connected', () => {
console.log('Connected to mongodb')
In the Atlas dashboard I have a readWriteAnyDatabase user that I am authenticating with. Authentication works as expected. I am able to connect to the database and no error is thrown on the connection. I can confirm this by removing a character in the password - authentication fails and I'm unable to connect.
The problem is when I try to insert documents.
const UserModel = require('./models/User')
name: 'Hello Atlas'
I get the following error:
MongoError: not authorized on admin to execute command {
insert: "users",
documents: [
name Hello Atlas
} {
_id ObjectIdHex("5aa17933d72d25730a340611")
} {
__v 0
ordered: false
As far as I know the user I'm authenticating with should have permission to read and write on the database I'm connecting to. The other part I don't understand is that the error shows that it's trying to write to admin even though my url is connecting to testdb.
Not sure if you have seen this post, but it could be because you are on a free cluster? Hope this helps.
I looked into the problem further and reproduced it on my own. I got the same error. However, I noticed that at one point Atlas provided me with a choice of connection strings. I went back to that page and chose I am using driver 3.4 or earlier.
The connection string looks like this:
const mongoDbUrl = `mongodb://${username}:${password},,`;
It worked with that connection string.
It looks like the free version of MongoDB Atlas launches with v3.4
If you are using free cluster. change 'admin' to 'test' in the path:
This worked for me
Going off #rithesh-mys 's answer. Replacing it with "test" is specifying the db. So you have to change it to the db name that you would use.
I had the same problem. I was trying a lot of connection strings, but the one for olders mongo shell (3.4 or earlier) worked for me.
I think that newer versions of connection strings don't work with mongoose, at least with free clusters.
Make sure the user you have created has the write and read privileges.

How to connect with node.js to mongoDB without running additional command windows

I've read this tutorial:
in part 3, the author explains how to connect to MongoDB, but his way requires running of separate command windows.
I want to know if there is a way to connect the DB i've created, from the application code, without running other command windows.
Thanks a lot.
The mongod command is used to start the Mongo server. To connect a db client to it from your application, you can take a look at this example from the official MongoDB documentation (scroll to "Connect to MongoDB"). You simply need to do something like
var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
// Connection URL
var url = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/nodetest1';
// Use connect method to connect to the server
MongoClient.connect(url, function(err, db) {
console.log("Connected succesfully to server");

Can't connect to mongo lab on arduino yun

I can't connect to a database with mongodb or mongoose on nodejs on my arduino yun.
Unable to connect to the mongoDB server. Error: { [MongoError: Authentication failed.]
name: 'MongoError',
message: 'Authentication failed.',
ok: 0,
code: 18,
errmsg: 'Authentication failed.' }
I get that error. The code works fine on my desktop computer.
//lets require/import the mongodb native drivers.
var mongodb = require('mongodb');
//We need to work with "MongoClient" interface in order to connect to a mongodb server.
var MongoClient = mongodb.MongoClient;
// Connection URL. This is where your mongodb server is running.
var url = 'mongodb://*******:********#address:23118/arduino';
// Use connect method to connect to the Server
MongoClient.connect(url, function (err, db) {
if (err) {
console.log('Unable to connect to the mongoDB server. Error:', err);
} else {
//HURRAY!! We are connected. :)
console.log('Connection established to', url);
// do some work here with the database.
//Close connection
I am trying to connect to a mongo lab database. I have not tried connecting to any other database to troubleshoot. This is because I cannot find a free trial version where I do not need a credit card.
I got an Object Rocket instance and it works perfectly on my arduino yun. However it is very expensive; $30 a month (currently on the trial). And I don't need speed or lots of data. So if anyone could figure out why it doesnt work on mlab that would be great.
I've experienced some authentication issues in the past and I've addressed them following the next steps:
1) Identify version numbers of both mongo server and mongoose
2) Identify what authentication mechanism does your server use and make sure that mongoose is trying to authenticate with the one your server is expecting. If you're using an old version, some authentication mechanism might not be supported, so you'd need to upgrade.
3) Identify where the user has been created. Check out Authentication Database and make sure that your client is authenticating using such database. It can be different than the database you store your data. Indeed, it uses to be admin. If so, take a look to the authSource option you can add to your connection string. More info here.
In addition to all of the above, I'd recommend you to use the the mongo client to verify your credentials are right and you can connect to the database.
