Moodle Atto 'plugin not found' - yui

I've been trying to use the Atto plugin template ( to try and create my own Atto plugin. I've made the changes outlined in the README, and got shifter to run via npm. It appears to generate the build folder that matches the other plugins.
I'm able to see the plugin in configuration, and it's showing up in the Atto Toolbar Settings, but, when I pop open a text editor, I don't get an icon, and the console logs moodle-editor_atto-editor: Plugin 'testplugin' could not be found - skipping initialisation
I've found a few references in the docs that shifter is no longer used, and grunt is the new way to go, but I can't find any actual docs on this, and no gruntfile seems to exist anywhere.
Has anyone come across this before? What am I missing?

You will need to run shifter on your YUI code for it to work - the usual way of doing that, for Moodle 2.9 and above is to use grunt - see for more details.

Not sure if this was ever resolved. The template is really helpful and it also comes with lib, db, and version PHP scripts. The string that you use as the plugin name has to be consistent throughout these scripts, as well as in your JS file. By default, it is set to atto_NEWTEMPLATE. Did you perhaps change this string to atto_testplugin in one place but not in all the others?


How to debug a react.js library

I have been using react for about a year now and i recently wanted to delve into react-beautiful-dnd. I've built plugins for vanilla js and jQuery in the past , but i am not to sure about how to go about building a react.js plugin or even debug it. i am more interested in debugging this plugin and seeing how it works more then anything , so how exactly do i go about doing it ?
Typically with a JS plugin, its mostly one file , so a console.log inside each function would give you a clear enough understanding of why and when a certain function is triggered , how would you go about doing the same with a react.js plugin ?
There are multiple ways to debug.
node debug app.js
Well, I use a lot of well place console.log, console.dir and util.inspect statements throughout my code and follow the logic that way.
Unfortunately there is not much documentation and do-how thing for given topic. But here is what I found helpful. you can follow this link for Quick start guide:
The codesandbox examples from the docs:
Sample Project:
All Examples
Basic usage examples
We have created some basic examples on codesandbox for you to play with directly:
Simple vertical list
Simple horizontal list
Simple DnD between two lists
To Debug any Library:
Here's how you can debug that library. This is the most basic method.
Install it.
Check what you are using and what you need to debug.
Find that method in the node_modules.
Check if that method has any declaration in the code.
If yes put some console logs and see if they get printed on console.
Then check console for your logs.
Carry on the process of console logs until you get what you are looking for.
You have to find library's function you want to debug in node_module and console.log from there. You may need to console.log the parsed file usually found in node_module/plugin/lib or node_module/plugin/dist rather then the .jsx file in node_module/plugin/src.
How do I debug Node.js applications?.
This has quite a few answers on how you can go about debugging your react application.

How can I run a Chrome extension in NW.js?

This question is pretty short and self explanatory. I'm wondering how I can run my Chrome extension in NW.js.
I know you can run an app in NW.js and I think you can run extensions as well?
I can't find much on the topic. Back in 2013 the way to do it seemed to be:
nw [path to manifest.json] --load-extension
Any ideas are appreciated!
Yes you can.
First off, download the extension you want. For this example I'll be using this debugging tool, which adds an additional tab in the dev tools window.
Inside your NW.js package.json file, ensure you have an entry called chromium-args.
Ensure its value contains --enable-extensions --load-extension=relative_path_to_extension_manifest.
My package.json looks like this:
After restarting the application, the extension shows up as expected:
Something I'll add is that the full Chrome API might not be available to you. I couldn't find info about what NW.js supports, but Electron definitely does not support the entire API, so this might have similar restrictions.
I also noticed you mention in the comments that you need to assign a hotkey of sorts. I'd need to know what you were trying to do, but essentially you have the option of either using a browser mechanism such as addEventListener('keydown', myHandler) or using the NW.js API depending on your exact needs.

Using angular-ui-tinymce with JSPM - unable to load templates and plugins

I have the same problem that has already been documented on GitHub here. ui-tinymce references a number of dependencies which cannot be reached in my application.
GET http://localhost:8080/jspm_packages/github/tinymce/tinymce-dist#4.3.12/themes/modern/theme.min.js # angular.js:6084
tinymce.js:9426 Failed to load: /jspm_packages/github/tinymce/tinymce-dist#4.3.12/themes/modern/theme.min.js
I am able to use the workaround suggested in the github issue above, which changes the baseURL. This works fine in my development environment. However, when I run jspm bundle-sfx it does not pick up these dependencies and I am left in the same situation without templates or plugins.
What is the best way to address this? Can angular-ui-tinymce be broken down so that the dependent files are available in separate packages? Or should I just use gulp to get around this problem?
I tried using Gulp to concatenate the missing files, however this will not work because by default tinymce still expects the files to be at the relative locations which it uses in its own internal file structure.
I still think it would be helpful for Tinymce to provide separate packages for the most common themes, however I admit that there are a lot of themes and plugins so this would be a fair amount of work.
In the end the simplest thing to was to copy the theme and plugin files into the "correct" relative directories within my own source code. This way I can change the relative baseURL for tinymce and it will be correct when I run it in production as well as development environments.
This way I can run jspm bundle-sfx and it will bundle these files along with everything else. However you may have to import the files explicitly if you do not serve the area statically in your application. For example:
import 'sysadmin/app/tinymce/themes/modern/theme';

Using NodeJS module in Titanium Studio

All, I am trying to using third party NodeJS SDK in Titanium Studio. However, I consistently encounter dependency issues, such as util.js, utils.js, ms.js, events.js etc. I tried to add the missing module manually, but it looks like it will become un-tractable as there are so many dependencies.
My questions are :
1. Is that possible to use NodeJS based SDK in Titanium Studio .
2. If so, what is the right approach to include the dependencies.
Thanks a lot!
Titanium can't get Coffee scripts to work natively (assuming you want to deploy the A possible solution you may want to try is hooking a plugin in order to pre-compile Coffee scripts.
You can also try to embed everything using a Tiwebview that wraps HTML to load mojio-js.js but you would still need to observe events mojio client (like replacing keys, login an user and create a few model instances).
Hope you find the info useful and can serve for further research.

How do I configure Nwazet Commerce with Orchard 1.7.2?

I'm trying to install Nwazet Commerce with Orchard 1.7.2.
Suddenly, nothing happens. No new menus, no errors, nothing in the logs, nothing. It is just as if I hadn't installed it.
Before you ask... yes I've enabled the modules.
I can't find even a single scrap of documentation. What is supposed to happen? I would expect to see some extra menus or something on my dashboard or perhaps some extra content types, but there's nothing.
Help please :-|
You can't. The current version in the source repository is only compatible with the 1.x branch. See
I have a version for 1.7.2 unfortunately I don't know what fork it was from so I don't know what bugs or issues were included.
I found it in my saved orchard files and tested quickly you will get the admin options.
Download available here
