How to integrate simple saml in laravel - simplesamlphp

I am trying to integrate using this but not able to understand the steps. i am completely new for this.
Thanks in advance.

There is a laravel saml package that uses simpleSAMLphp:
That will add SAML support to your laravel app turning it a SAML Service Provider.


Azure SAML Authentication in Flask Web App

I'm trying to configure a SAML Authentication with Azure in a Flask web service.
Is the first time I'm doing this and I'm bit lost.
I'm trying to use the 'SAML_METADA_URL' provided in AZURE but I don't know what to configure in python side.
In Azure seems to be all setup, the app was added, have the client ID and CLIENT SECRET, ETC.
Anyone knows a good and specific tutorial for this?
Thanks in advance
You can refer to the SAML-enabled Python application guide, which explains how to use PySAML2 to add Okta support (via SAML) to an application written in Python, And refer to the steps for implementing a SAML SP in Python/Flask.
In addition, OneLogin also provides a SAML Python toolkit, I believe it will also be helpful to you here.

oAuth in a regular MVC application

I just finished integrating DocuSign API into my C# MVC application. My MVC app is NOT .net core. So far I worked with OAuth Token Generator from the developer portal of DocuSign and hard coding the returned token.
Now I need to implement the oAuth token generation on the fly and
I need to do the Authorization Code Grant. But not sure how to implement it with C#. When I make a request to
from MVC app I am getting a cross domain error. Please advise how to proceed?
Once again I am using a regular MVC app and NOT Core. In the sample app is in Core and
that doesn't help me.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Are you using latest Chrome? its default mode would have strict cookies and not allow an app launched from localhost to store cookies in other domains.
Another option is that you're using an iframe, that is not allowed for auth either.
I would suggest you install the VS Extension and add DocuSign to your app as a way of a shortcut.
Otherwise, may need to debug the issue, try a different browser, host your code somewhere or change the way you do auth.

Google Sign-in using Angular app with a Node.js backend

I'm trying to implement Google Sign-in into my Angular 8 app which has a REST backend in Node.js+Express.js, I'm not able to find a usefull library, can anyone help me out please?
You can use Firebase auth for this purpose which is very easy to implement and understand. Either this Google oauth2 nodejs library describes the steps to implement the Google Auth in a node.js environment.

Is it possible to implement SSO in a ReactJs application with SAML2? if possible how?

I am new to this field and have a lot of confusions, in this case, I have to implement single sign-on in a ReactJs application where it's back-end is node express using OKTA as the IDP?
Please share your thoughts.
Thank you
If you are deploying your ReactJS application using express, you can use passport-saml for managing your saml workflow.
The basic idea should be to serve up your app only if you recieve a valid saml response from the idp.
You can check more here : passport-saml
If u are using your react app without express, you can connect your okta app directly to your react sdk with open idc (okta has an option for this).

ADFS authentication using node.js

I'm trying to use ADFS authentication for my Hapi.js applicatio.
I found only one option to do it using passport-saml but the examples there are for expressjs.
Anyone have an example how to do it using Hapi?
