How to keep sending progress for heavy APIs in HapiJS? - node.js

I have implemented one heavy API using HapiJS a module of NodeJS. This API takes around 4-5 minutes for response. But in this case the client is showing 'Request Timeout' message. I want to send the progress to the client as keep-alive. Any help will be appreciated.

timeout.server is what you need. It sets the maximum time allowed for the server to respond to an incoming client request. You can set the time accordingly and meanwhile show a progress bar in the front end to the client.
timeout: {
server: 4500


Setting long timeout for http request via nodejs angular4 or express

I currently have a request which is made from an angular 4 app(which uses electron[which uses chromium]) to a bottleneck(nodejs/express) server. The server takes about 10 minutes to process the request.
The default timeout which I'm getting is 120 seconds.
I tried to use setting the timeout on the server using
In the client side I have used
options = {
method: GET
timeout : 600 * 1000}
let req = http.request(options, () => {})
I have also tried to give the specific route timeout.
Each time the request hits 120 seconds the socket dies and I get a "socket timeout"
I have read many posts with the same questions but I didn't get any concrete answers. Is it possible to do a request with a long/no timeout using the tools above? Do I need to download a new library which handles long timeouts?
Any help would be greatly appriciated.
So after browsing through the internet I have discovered that there is no possible way to increase Chrome's timeout time.
My solution to this problem was to open the request and return a default answer(something like "started") then pinging the server to find out it's status.
There is another possible solution which will be to put a route in the client(I'm using electron and node modules in the client side so it is possible) and then let the server ping back to the client with the status of the query.
Writing this down so other people will have some possible patches. Will update if I'll find anything better.

expressjs sending err_empty_response

I have a problem with my expressJS framework when I am sending a response with delay 200 seconds it's sending err_empty_response with status code 324
here is fakeTimer example
fakeTimeout(req, res) {
setTimeout(() => { res.json({success: true})}, 200000)
ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE is a Google Chrome error code.
Actually, Chrome will automatically timeout requests when they exceeds 300 seconds, and there is no way to change that settings unfortunately.
One workaround could be to change the Keep Alive headers.
However, if one task is taking longer than one minute, you should really just don't let the user wait that amount of time and have a feedback later on the UI when it's completed.

Why is my Node express .post being called multiple times, and my res.send() never resolves the $http request?

My request look this -
$'/api/internal/Properties/' + + '/Upload', { Buildings: Buildings })
.success(function (data){
on the server side, this request can take a long time to process. Up to 5 minutes. Before it can finish (res.send()), the $ request is being called again, every few minutes.
When it finally does finish processing, the res.send(data) is never caught on the client side. It's like it just disappears.
Anything would help.
Each browser has it's own http request timeout.
So it will not wait for 5 minutes to complete request it would just fail.
Browser Timeouts .
In chrome it's 30 or 60 seconds.
In your case i suggest use sockets or something like that to show user what's up with uploading.
Hope this helps.

why subsequent HTTP requests

My JavaScript makes that ajax call which retrieves a JSON array.
I am trying simulate long running HTTP REST call request that takes longer to return the results.
The way I do it is delay writing anything to the response object on the server side until 5 minutes elapsed since the request landed. After that I set the status to 200 and write the response with the JSON ending the stream.
Putting a breakpoint on the serve side I realize that the request shows up second time but the browser's Network tab does not show another request being made.
It may not be relevant but I am using browsersync middlewars to serve this JSON and write the bytes and end the response in setTimeout().
setTimeout(()=> {
res.statusCode = 200;
Anyone has any explanation as to why this is happening ? And if there is a way to simulate this in another ways ?
In most cases the browser should retry if connection is closed before response. This is a link to the details => HTTP spec Client Behavior if Server Prematurely Closes Connection
BTW it might help you use the chrome throttling options on the network section of dev tools (F12)

Node.js http GET request takes substantially longer than browser, REST client, et al

I am try to make a simple GET request in Node.js and the request takes 3-5 seconds to resolve whereas the same request in a browser or REST client takes ~400ms. The server to which I am making the request is controlled by our server team, but before I bother them with request/resource monitoring, I was going to ping the community to see if there were any "hey, check this setting first" kind of tips you guys could offer.
The code essentially forwards incoming requests to our server:
http.createServer(function (req, res) {
host: "",
port: 8080,
path: req.url,
headers: req.headers
}, function () {
res.end("DONE: " +;
I open my browser and type in the following URL:
... which gets forwarded on to the final destination:
Everything is working fine and I am getting the response I want, but it takes 3-5 seconds to resolve. If I paste the final destination URL directly in the browser or a REST client, it resolves quickly. I don't know much about our server, unfortunately - but I am looking more for node tips at this point. Note, the request pool isn't maxed out as I am only making 1 request at a time from my local machine.
The first step is gather some info on where the request is taking its time by looking at the exact timing of the network activity on your node server. You can do that by getting a tool that watches all network activity. I personally use Fiddler, but I know that WireShark is popular too.
Once that tools is installed and active, you can then see how long all these various steps in the process of your request are taking:
DNS request to resolve target IP address
Time to connect to the target server
Time to send the http request
Time to receive the http request
Time to send response back to original request
Understanding which of these operations is much longer than expected will give you an idea where to look further for the problem.
FYI, there are pre-built tools such as nginx that can do this type of proxying by just setting some values in a configuration file without any custom coding.
