Shift cells left add blank column to the end of the table - excel

I have data among M8-V68, users are input their availability as 'Y' or 'N'. It includes 10 days in a row, the days are shifting everyday (by function =TODAY()) I need to shift the data provided by users as the days are shifting.
So, the idea is like following,
02/11 03/11 04/11
Mark Y Y N
Kate N Y Y
When I open the document tomorrow, I would like to see following,
03/11 04/11 05/11
Mark Y N
Kate Y Y
So, data for 02/11 is deleted and others are shifted. As I noted, dates are already shifting as I want, so all I want is data to shift left and the new column for upcoming date will be blank.

If you're open to VBA, this would do the trick:
Sub AddNewDate()
Columns("M:M").Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
Range("V8").Value = Int(VBA.Now + 10)
Range("V8").NumberFormat = "DD/MM"
End Sub
It will overwrite the formulas in your header eventually, which may or may not be okay with you. If not, you can do this:
Range("M9:M69").Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
I'm assuming your dates are in row 8. If not, you will need to adjust accordingly.


How to get start and end time of each shift

I have a timeshift table, where 0 means no activity (or day off) and values > 0 are different activities.
I can find the start hour of the first shift and the end hour of the last shift, but i'm struggling to find the last hour of the first shift and the first hour of the second shift.. The table should look like this:
Taking in account the example above, what i exactly want is a formula to determine that:
On row 3, the end of the first shift is column S (or 14:00) and the beginning of the second shift is column V (or 15:30)
On row 6, the end of the first shift is column U (or 15:00) and the beginning of the second shift is column X (or 16:30), and so on...
Here's a possible approach. Since there aren't too many columns, you could join them all together and use Find to get the transitions from 0 to 1 and 1 to 0:
Then you would need to add error handling for the case where the person worked no shifts or only one shift and also allow for the case where a shift started at exactly 6:30 or finished at exactly 6:00.
An improved formula could look like this:
where AZ2 contains a suitable character string to indicate missing data.

Identify overlapping configurations in Excel

I'm setting up a configuration excel sheet to be imported into a database.
It has four columns
Equipment Fleet Start Date End Date Highlight Me
A X 1-Jan-20 5-Jan-20 X
A Y 6-Jan-20
B C 1-Jan-20 3-Jan-20
B D 4-Jan-20 10-Jan-20
A Z 3-Jan-20 X
A Z 5-Jan-20 X
I need to identify and highlight overlapping configs
I'd like lines 1, 5 and 6 to be highlighted.
They are all a configuration for the same Equipment, but their configuration dates overlap
Fleet is that attribute we are configuring for the date range but has no bearing on the validation
I'd like to use tables (not named ranges) for this. My table is called tblFleetConfig
Yes I could do this in VBA but I don't want to deal with trusted workbooks etc. etc.
So far I have pasted this into a column on the right
(tblFleetConfig[#[Start Date]] >= tblFleetConfig[Start Date])
(tblFleetConfig[#[Start Date]] <= tblFleetConfig[End Date])
The result I'm getting is a 1 for the first line and 0 for every other line.
Clearly I don't understand this syntax and I'm interested in learning.
You asked a complicated one, those blanks throw a wrench into it.
Your formula is the right syntax, you need to wrap it in a SUMPRODUCT() though.
=SUMPRODUCT((tblFleetConfig[End Date]<=tblFleetConfig[#[End Date]])*(tblFleetConfig[Start Date]>=tblFleetConfig[#[Start Date]])*(tblFleetConfig[Equipment]=tblFleetConfig[#Equipment]))
This is your formula wrapped it in a SUMPRODUCT().
This will return a 1 if there is a single occurrence and a number greater than 1 if multiple.
Let me know if it works.

How to find numeric values Before & After a String in an Excel Cell

I hope I can get some assistance as to which formula to use. In the three rows below, I am trying to pull values from the right.
First line you can see that we have 10x50 meaning 10 packages have 50 items each. So I need to extract values Before and After X
It could be two cells, where I have values Before X and then next cell values After X. Sometimes the X is located a few spaces before the last word. I'm wondering if any kind soul can help please?
This should work for you. Assumes the measurement is at the end, or near the end and looks for the last occurrence of "x". So if there is another x after this measurement, then it will not work. Also your example had only numbers between 1 and 99 (aka no more than two digits). So this formula will not work if the measurement is longer than 5 characters. aaXbb is OK. aaaXbb is not OK.

Need formula for excel, to subtract the number "9" to each number individually and

I want you to have some fun. I need something specific.
First i must explain what i do. I use a simple codification for product prices at retail store, because i dont want people know the real price for themselves. So i change the original numbers to another subtracting the number 9 for each number.
Normally I manually write down all the prices with this codification for every product.
So.. for example number 10 would be 89. (9-1 = 8) and (9-0 = 9)
Other examples:
$128 = 871
$75 = 24
$236 = 763
$9 = 0
Finally i put 2 number nines (9) at the beginning of the codified price also, to confuse people who might think that number could be the price.
So the examples i used before are like this:
99871 (means $128)
9924 (means $75)
99763 (means $236)
990 (means $9)
Remember that i need 2 (two) nines before the real price. The real prices never start with 0 so, the nines at the beginning exist only to confuse people.
Ok. So, now that you understand, here comes the 2nd part.
I have an excel whith hundreds of my products added, with prices, description, etc. And i decided it is time to use a printer and start to print this information from excel. I have a software to do that, but first i need to have the codified prices in the excel also.
The fun part begins when i want to convert the real prices that are already written in my excel document into a new column AUTOMATICALLY. So that way i donĀ“t have to type again all the prices in codified form for the old and new items i add in the future.
Can someone help me with this? Is it even possible?
I tried with =A1-9999 but, it works well with 2 character number only. Because if the real price is 5, i will get 3 nines: 9994(code). And if the price is 234 i will get only 1 nine 9765(code). And it is a condition i need to have the TWO nines at first.
Thank you very much in advanced!
Though you have requested for formula , I am suggesting VBA program which seems to me very convenient.
You have to open VBE and insert a module and copy the program. Change the code lines wherever indicated to suit your requirements for sheets etc.
Sub NumberCode()
Dim c As Range
Dim LR As Integer
Dim numProbs As Long
Dim sht As Worksheet
Dim s As Integer
Dim v As Long
Dim v1 As Long
Set sht = Worksheets("Sheet1") ' change as per yr requirement
numProbs = 0
LR = sht.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
For Each c In sht.Range("A1:A" & LR).Cells
s = Len(c)
v = c.Value
v1 = 99
For s = 1 To Len(c)
v1 = v1 & (9 - Mid(c, s, 1))
c.Offset(0, 1).Value = v1
v1 = 99
numProbs = numProbs + 1
MsgBox "Number coding finished"
End Sub
Sample sheet of results is appended below.
I will be using helper cells but you could dump it all into one cell if you want since you are only dealing with 4 characters.
For the purpose of this example, I am assuming your original price list starts in B11.
Place that in D11 and copy to the right three more times so you have it from D11 to G11. That formula strips off 1 character from your price and subtracts that character from 9. When you go the next column it repeats itself. If you do not have that many characters, it will return "".
In C11 you will build your number based on the adjacent 4 columns using this formula:
It places 99 in front then adds the numbers from the adjacent 4 columns.
Select cells C11 to G11 and copy and paste downward beside your data column as far as you need to go.
An alternate more concise method would be:
Perhaps I'm missing something, though simply:
seems good to me.

Excel dynamic data series. Unusual data look and chart

Since I solved previous problem with collecting data from database, I need to put that data on a chart now. I am working on a report generating software called ReportWorx.
Problem is, data comes in series and looks like this:
I can not change how it looks because it is generated automatically. What I want is linear chart in which 1, 2, 3 are series name and of course next to it DATE and VALUE are put on a linear chart (or bargraph, w/e) (Date at X axis, Value at Y axis).
I can`t specify how many records will be there (how many rows) but I found few solutions about creating dynamically increasing charts, so probably it will not be a poblem. I just do not know how to separate thos ID series from each other.
I have found a solution in VBA according to the first answer. Here you have VBA code below:
Sub Rewrite()
Dim row, id
For row = 38 To 1000
For id = 1 To 37
If Sheet1.Cells(row, 1).Value = id Then
Sheet2.Cells(row, 1).Value = Sheet1.Cells(row, 2)
Sheet2.Cells(row, id + 1).Value = Sheet1.Cells(row, 3)
End If
Next id
Next row
End Sub
Thank You #sancho.s
I will post a solution that I use a lot for cases like yours.
With reference to the figure (where I used sample numbers), you set up 3 new columns (D:F here), the header of which contain the corresponding labels. Then you use a formula for "splitting" the list of X data (column B here) associated with each label, and assigning a "NULL" value for data not corresponding (#N/A here, but you can choose whatever you want):
You enter this in D3. The absolute/relative indexing used allows for copy-and-paste throughout D3:F9.
Cell B1 here contains the "NULL" value.
Then you plot 3 series: column C against columns D, E, F.
PS: I guess you could split the Y data column instead, with similar results. For some reason that I do not recall, I decided a long time ago that this was the best option, at least in my case then. You may want to try out the other option.
PS2: This also works for data that is not sorted by label.
PS3: Using NA() as the "NULL" value avoids cell values being taken as zero and then showing up in the chart, as it is the case with other errors (e.g., try using =1/0 in B1). It is the best option I found so far. Alternatively (just in case you find it useful), you can use an explicit value which is outside the actual X data range, but then you would have to manually set the X axis range. All this is for a Scatter plot, just check what works for your case.
