Disconnecting from Firebase 3.x in Node - node.js

I have a short running micro-service in NodeJS which needs to connect to a Firebase DB, do a few things, and then disconnect. The current code uses the firebase.goOffline() method as there was nothing else that looked anything like it would provide a graceful exit/tear down.
Having now looked at the documentation though it feels like this API call is not really achieving what I'm after. What is the right way to return the resources to the database once you're done with them?


Creating A Database Snapshot Listener

Forgive me if I'm heading down the wrong path here, if so, would be grateful if someone could point me in the right direction.
I'm curious about building a snapshot listener in Node/Express that returns database updates similar to how the snapshot listener on cloud firestore works.
For example, a front-end client would be able to listen through a single call, then receive updates in real-time without having to make additional calls.
For simplicity's sake, imagine for some reason we wanted to wrap Firestore's snapshot listener in a node/express function, then pass it onto the client and have identical functionality. How would you go about doing this, or am I totally wide of the mark?
Answering this as Community wiki. As mentioned in the comments,
Building your own persistent listener is definitely possible. If Firebase can do it, so can others.
Web sockets are an option indeed, but not required. Firestore's realtime listeners don't use web sockets for example, but the listeners on Firebase's other database (Realtime Database) do.

How do I know in client if MongoDB cluster has primary?

It is possible to connect to a MongoDB cluster which currently does not have by setting "connectWithNoPrimary" to "true". Then, however, it will still be possible to read but not write. I need a way to know if that's the case in an Express middleware. Sadly did not find a way to do that.
I know there is "mongoose.connection.readyState" which tells me if the connection is ready is there something similar to know if I can write?

Building Websites only on NodeJs and Express blocking requests over http

I have a question regarding the examples out there when using Nodejs, Express and Jade for templates.
All the examples show how to build some sort of a user administrative interface where you can add user profiles, delete them and manage them.
Those are considered beginner's guides to NodeJs. My question is around the fact that if I have have 10 users concurrently accessing the same interface and doing the same operations, surely NodeJs will block the requests for the other users as they are running on the same port.
So let's say I am pulling out a list of users which may be something like 10000. Yes I can do paging, but that is not the point. While I am getting the list from the server another 4 users want to access the application. They have to wait for my process to end. That is my question - how can one avoid that using NodeJS & Express?
I am on this issue for a couple of months! I currently have something in place that does the following:
Run the main processing of stuff on a port
Run a Socket.io process on a different port
Use a sticky session
The idea is that I do a request (like getting a list of items), and immediately respond with some request reference but without the requested items, thus releasing the port.
In the background "asynchronously" I then do the process of getting the items. Upon which when completed, I do an http request from one node to the socket node port node SENDING the items through.
When that is done I then perform a socket.io emit WITH the data and the initial request reference so that the correct user gets the message.
On the client side I have an event listening for the socket which then completes the ajax request by populating the list.
I have SOME success in doing this! It actually works to a degree! I have an issue online which complicates matters due to ip addresses, and socket.io playing funny.
I also have multiple workers using clustering. I use it in the following manner:
I create a master worker
I spawn workers
I take any connection request and pass it to the relevant worker.
I do that for the main node request as well as for the socket requests. Like I said I use 2 ports!
As you can see I have had a lot of work done on this and I am not getting a proper solution!
My question is this - have I gone all around the world 10 times only to have missed something simple? This sounds way to complicated to achieve a non-blocking nodejs only website.
I asked myself - surely all these tutorials would have not missed on something as important as this! But they did!
I have researched, read, and tested a lot of code - this is my very first time I ask anything on stackoverflow!
Thank you for any assistance.
P.S. One example of the same approach is this: I request a report using jasper, I pass parameters, and with the "delayed ajax response" approach as described above I simply release the port, and in the background a very intensive report is being generated (and this can be very intensive process as a lot of calculations are being performed)..! I really don't see a better approach - any help will be super appreciated!
Thank you for taking the time to read!
I'm sorry to say it, but yes, you have been going around the world 10 times only to have been missing something simple.
It's obvious that your previous knowledge/experience with webservers are from a blocking point of view, and if this was the case, your concerns had been valid.
Node.js is a framework focused around using a single thread to execute code, which means if it does any blocking operations, no one else would be able to get anything done.
There are some operations that can do this in node, like reading/writing to disk. However, most node operations will be asynchronous.
I believe you are familiar with the term, so I won't go into details. What asynchronous operations allows node to do, is to keep this single thread idle as much as possible. By idle I mean open for other work. If your code is fully asynchronous, then handling 4 concurrent users (or even 400) shouldn't be a problem, even for a single thread.
Now, in regards to your initial problem of ports: Once a request is received on a given port, node.js execute whatever code you have written for it, until it encounters an asynchronous operation as soon as that happens, it is available to to pick up more requests on the same port.
The second problem you inquire about, is the database operation. In this case, node-js would send the query to the database (which takes no time at all) and the database does that actual execution of the query. In the meantime, node is free to do whatever it wants, until the database is finished, and lets node know there is a result to fetch.
You can recognize async operations by their structure: my_function(..., ..., callback). Function that uses a callback function, is in most cases asynch.
So bottom line: Don't worry about the problems around blocking IO, as you will hardly encounter any in node. Use a single port if you want (By creating multiple child processes, you can even have multiple node instances on the same port).
Hope this explains it good enough. If you have any further questions, let me know :)

NodeJS request pipe

I'm struggling with a technical issue, and because of I'm pretty new on NodeJS world I think I don't have the proper good practise and tools to help me solve this.
Using the well known request module, I'm making a stream proxy from a remote server to the client. Almost everything is fine and working properly until a certain point, if there is too much requests at the same time the server does no longer respond. Actualy it does get the client request but is unable to go through the stream process and serve the content.
What I'm currently doing:
Creating a server with http module with http.createServer
Getting remote url from a php script using exec
Instanciate the stream
How I did it:
I tried to investigate on the pooling stuff and did not understand everything, same thing the pool maxSocket was recently added, but did not helped me. I was also seting before the http.globalAgent to infinity, but I read that this was no longer limited in nodeJS from a while, so it does not help.
See here: https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_http_globalagent
I also read this: Nodejs Max Socket Pooling Settings but I'm wondering what is the difference between a custom agent and the global one.
I believed that it could come from the server but I tested it on a very small one and a bigger one and it was not coming from there. I think it definitely coming from my app that has to be better designed. Indeed each time I'm restarting the app instance it works again. Also if I'm starting a fork of the server meanwhile the other is not serving anything on another port it will work. So it might not be about ressources.
Do you have any clue, tools or something that may help me to understand and debug what is going on?
NPM Module that can help handle stream properly:
I made few tests, and I think I've found what I was looking for. The unpipe things more info here:
Can see and read this too, it leads me to understand few things about pipe remaining open when target failed or something:
So what I've done, i'm currently unpiping pipes when stream's end event is fired. However I guess you can make this in different ways, it depends on how you want to handle the thing but you may unpipe also on error from source/target.
Edit: I still have issues, it seams that the stream is now unpiping when it does not have too. I'll have to doubile check this.

Web socket & Flash socket clients connect to one Node.js

I've got problem connecting Flash client to Node.js server.
Short story:
For a first time I'm building a Node.js server that should be used by both web client (WebSocket) as well as a Flash client (Socket). The web client, of course, works like a charm, but I can't get over the Flash one. I get SECURITY_ERROR. After a day of research I think it's because of the policy file not being loaded. Ideas (primus on top of engine.io) ?
Long story:
I'm using Primus as I thought I'll need it because I have both web sockets and flash sockets to handle. Not sure if this is accurate? :)
I'm using Engine.io as a 'transformer/transporter' - the main framework that the layer uses. I won't discuss the standard web client (using Chrome and primus-client), as it's easy to setup.
I'm using simple and standard Sockets in AS3:
_socket = new Socket();
_socket.addEventListener(Event.CONNECT, onSocketConnect);
_socket.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, onSecurityError);
_socket.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onIOError);
_socket.connect('localhost', '1337);
When building it within Flash IDE, it goes to the onSocketConnect function, but if I try to write anything to the socked - I get disconnected. If I run this from the web browser, I get into the onSecurityError method.
I must say that I don't get any traces in the node console!
primus.on('connection', function connection(spark) {
console.log('new connection'); // never gets logged!
As I know, security error is thrown when there is error with the policy file, so I started searching for a solution for that.
I've read a lot of things online, and most common solution was simple usage of socket.io and so called FlashSocket.IO. I tried implementing it, but it's so old, that some of the code is a kind of missing and I finally got some errors from the hurlant library - I couldn't get it working.
I also saw some node package called policy, which runs separate server to server the policy file.
I tried adding a transport array with flashsocket in it - no change. I also can't understand why all of the samples are using transports - I've searched and both index.js and primus.js are using transport (why there are two separate files, Jesus?!)
I could try using only engine.io without primus, but I don't know if this would be of any help. All the posts and samples I've found are pretty old - please help me with any up to date solution or at least some explanation what needs to be done - seems like a whole new universe to me :)
Thanks in advance!
Thanks to the The_asMan, I figured out it has something to do with the handshake. I've tried this simple example (despite the fact it's so old) - it worked perfectly for the Flash client! Of course I cannot connect web sockets to it, as the handshake is not proper - it has some kind of protocol for it.
So I guess I just have to understand how to get the <policy-file-request/> in node - I'll be able to return the policy file. But I don't know how to get it - I don't receive any kind of data nor connect handler...
You have a cross domain policy issue.
I answered it all here.
AS3 - Flash/AIR Socket Communication writeUTFBytes only works once
just an idea:
On some operating systems, flush() is called automatically between execution frames, but on other operating systems, such as Windows, the data is never sent unless you call flush() explicitly. To ensure your application behaves reliably across all operating systems, it is a good practice to call the flush() method after writing each message (or related group of data) to the socket.
