In Azure, What is the difference between wwwroot and repository? - node.js

I recently started to make my website and found interesting thing. I spent like 30 mins to modify my index page but it didn't change somehow. And then I found out index.jade is the one in wwwroot folder, not repository folder. I compared these two folders and it has no difference at all. They both have same jade files.
I wonder what is the purpose for each directory? What wwwroot directory for and what repository directory for?
When I tested, there is no change in "actual website" when I modify index.jade file in repository directory. But actual website changes when I modify index.jade file in wwwroot folder.
Thanks in advance.

When you provision a webapp in Azure appservice you will not have repository folder by default. When you enable deployments (like say Local Git Repository) then repository folder is created. wwwroot will be there by default and is the right location where the actual content is served by the webapp. Repository is where you can push your code (through git push) from local git repo to azure remote and will be first staged in "repository" directory and deployed to "wwwroot" but i don't think if you change/upload/ftp the files to repository it won't impact anything unless you either copy to wwwroot as well (or deploy code through git push to remote). so in short wwwroot is where the content is served by your web server and repository is where the code is managed/staged for fetch/push.


Hosting Multiple react app in cpanel on singe domain

I had delveloped an react application which I want to upload it to cpanel. I had my website also running on the same domain.
Example: host my web content for selling roses.
Now I want to upload my application(APP1) developed in node js as backend and reactjs as front end.
But in future I need to upload similiar other websites too. So I want to create a folder on root and inside or the root i want to upload my application (APP1).
In future if I develop another application(APP2) I want to upload it to same domain in another folder on root (APP2).
My folder structure will be as
......app2 files
Now how to deploy my APP1 and APP2 on my domain.
Go to the 'package.json' file in your React Application, add a package name ("homepage": "YOUR WEBSITE LANDING PAGE LINK")
Go to the terminal of your editor and type "npm run build".
Navigate to the Application folder, you will find a folder named "build", upload all the files to the website directory.
Go to your cpanel > public_html (this will be your root folder): you can upload your files here.
If you want to make a directory or another application within the same domain just make a new folder inside public_html and upload the application within that folder and the application will be available by typing: YOURWEBSITE.COM/FOLDERNAME

Folder structure to deploy app on EC2 instance

I am setting up a new React app on EC2 instance (ubuntu). I have installed nodeJS and npm and I am able to build my app successfully.
Issue is my code is in /var/www/html folder and my site is pointed to this folder.
when I run
npm run build
It builds a folder under /html like /html/build now my app runs on Resources for these files comes from etc but they actually reside under
I can edit asset-manifest.json and change the path but thats not appropriate solution as I need to get rid of /build folder for production
I am not super familiar with deployments to EC2 but this looks like you just need to either copy the entire contents of your app inside var/www/html, or you need to tell apache or nginx to look to the right folder (in this case /build)
For example, with apache you probably have a file inside /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ that is pointing to /var/www/html, you could change that to /var/www/html/build and restart apache.
You can check this for examples on how to write these configurations

How to host and access files on a Netlify site

I am using Netlify to host a github repo and am trying to find a way to host additional files on the domain.
( If you don't know what Netlify is check it out. It's a fast dirty and free version of AWS code deploy as far as I understand. (Disclaimer have not used AWS code deploy))
Base Domain:
Load a 3D model from
Does anyone know if this is possible? I understand that they only provide 'static sites' but I don't see why that couldn't include file storage so that one doesn't have to worry about CORS
Netlify will host all static content in the folder you tell it to on deploy. You are currently telling Netlify to put your whole repository into the site starting at the root of the repository. This is causing issues with your relative paths.
You can go to any path in your repository at this time on your site and get a returned response of the file.
Build your site into one build location and have Netlify deploy that location to the site. Any path relative to the root path of the location will be the root of your site.
1. Put the body assets under your simple_heart/models directory at simple_heart/models/body
2. netlify.toml (root of your repository)
command = "cp -r ./simple_heart ./build && npm run build"
publish = "build"
3. Fix your index.html in the simple_heart to reflect the relative paths from the root of simple_heart which will now be the root of your site with the build assets physiomeportal.js and physiomeportal.min.js at the root of your site.
note: To see this, run the command from the root of your site on a local build.

Deploying git repo to "production" server

I have a git repo where a group of developers and I are collaborating on project code. occasionally, we'd like to copy the git repo to a VPS (setup as Linux server) that has an external IP address (w.x.y.z).
I can go into an SFTP client and navigate up the folder hierarchy to the server root and then navigate down to /var/www/ (server web root) to drop my files in but I'd like to deploy to the server through the command line instead.
My goal is to configure the Linux server as a remote git directory but don't know how to go about navigating up the file hierarchy to have git recognize that the remote branch repo needs to go into /var/www/.
Brief search has uncovered git remote add origin username#w.x.y.z then use git push origin.
It seems that connecting this way to w.x.y.z will land me at the home folder of 'username', not the root web directory (/var/www/) when accessed via the browser.
Does anyone have insight into how I should go about setting up a remote directory for deploying a git repo to a "production" server?
You appear to be doing this a rather non-obvious way. I think what you want to do is copy the git repo to somewhere else (the vps server). The standard way to achieve this is git clone.
In your /var/www/ directory or an appropriate subdirectory thereof, do:
git clone [URL-FROM-GITHUB]
That will clone the git repository to your VPS. You can then update it with
git pull
could script this with
ssh my.vps.server 'cd /var/www/whatever && git pull'
However, normally you don't want the entire project in '/var/www/...' because that would also put stuff you did not mean to deploy there, e.g. the .git directory. Hence perhaps better to clone the repo within your home directory, and make a small script to rsync the appropriate /var/www/ directory against your repo, using --exclude to remove files you don't want, or just rsync-ing a subdirectory of the repo.

nodejs create/delete local file on windows azure website "local storage"

I created a generic nodejs/expressjs app and git deployed to windows azure website (not web role, or virtual machine).
The folder structure is typical of an expressjs app:
The app can happily create and write files to the temp_data/ folder using nodejs fs.writeFile('temp_data\\temp_file',...,).
These can't be called "local storage", and not sure about the life time of these files. But as the names pointed out, they are temporary files.
The question is that when I tried to delete these files using nodejs fs.unlink('temp_data\\temp_file',...), after fs.exists('temp_data\\temp_file',...), it failed.
Is that because I have permission to write a file, but no permission to delete a file from a deployed folder?
