Server MapPath not working on remote server -

I am using Server.MapPath to find the path for a document uploaded to a remote server, so that I can then open it. However when using it, it is returning a relative path and so rather than searching the remote server it is searching the local machine instead.
What I am using to open the document is:
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(Server.MapPath(Path.Combine("~/", document)));
Where "document" is the part of the path relative to the document itself, in this case "Files\2016\11\doc_name". So I want to take the path of this document, go to the top level of the site, and then find the document from there.
However I would hope that this would return a path similar to "server\inetpub\site\Files\2016\11\doc_name" but instead it is returning a path like "d:\inetpub\site\Files\2016\11\doc_name".
Can someone help me with what is the correct function to use to get the path I need?
I have managed to fudge together the correct path using the following code:
string server = Environment.MachineName;
string path = Server.MapPath(Path.Combine("~/", documentpath));
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(#"\\" + server + path.Substring(path.IndexOf(#"\")));
However, while I can get this to access the file when I'm running the project locally, it errors when I try to do it on the published site. As I can access it in one way, I'm assuming that it could be permissions (just to note the site is using windows authentication). Is this the most likely cause?


File.Exists from UNC using Azure Storage/Fileshare via IIS results in false.

trying to get an image out of azure fileshare for manipulation. I need to read the file as an Drawing.Image for manipulation. I cannot create a valid FileInfo object or Image using uncpath (which I need to do in order to use over IIS)
Current Setup:
Attach a virtual directory called Photos in IIS website pointing to UNCPath of the Azure file share (e.g. \\sharename\pathtoimages)
This works as so I know it is not a permissions or authentication issue.
For some reason though I cannot get a reference to File.
var imgpath = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Photos"),"img.jpg")
\\resolves as \\\sharename\pathtoimages\img.jpg
var fi = new FileInto(imgpath);
if(fi.exists) //this returns false 100% of the time
var img = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(fi.FullName);
The problem is that the file is never found to exist, even though I cant take that path and put it in an explorer window and return the img.jpg 100% of the time.
Does anyone have any idea why this would not be working?
Do I need to be using CloudFileShare object to just get a read of a file I know is there?
It turns out the issue is that I needed to wrap my code in an impersonation of the azure file share userid since the virtual directory is not really in play at all at this point.
using (new impersonation("UserName","azure","azure pass"))
//my IO.File code
I used this guys impersonation script found here.
Can you explain why DirectoryInfo.GetFiles produces this IOException?

Access denied upon doing a GetDirectories() but Dir in Powershell works

I have a problem I hope someone might help me with.
I've created a custom action page where I among other things will scan a directory on a remote server for a set of directories, and inside those directories I am searching for a set of files.
However, when I execute the code on the production server I get an Access denied exception.
If I use the same code on my testserver (accessing the same remote server) it works just fine.
If I use powershell or explorer on the production server I can access the remote directory and files with no problems.
I am using the same account in all scenarios (if I print out Page.User.Identity.Name and SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser.LoginName they are the same and equal to the account I use on the test server and the one I am logged on with on the production server when accessing the remote server from command line or explorer).
The code looks like this:
string user = SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser.LoginName.Remove(0,7);
string user_path = "\\\\srv\\share1\\subdir\\dir\\" + user;
// The line below will raise an exception on the production server.
foreach (string board_path in Directory.GetDirectories(user_path, "Board*")) {
foreach (string board_file in Directory.GetFiles(board_path, "Board*.xml")) {
I cant figure out why the code runs on the testserver but not on the production machine. I am using SharePoint 2010 Standard.
Thanks in advance for any kind of help I can get.
The problem was solved by using SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges()!

Nodejs if file exists from different url

Is it possible to check if image exists using absolute path? I have 2 apps using one domain, but with different ports. I want to check if the file exists on other app. For example from I want to check if this file exists: I have tried to do it with fs.exists, fs.existsSync, fs.Stats, but it on the first 2 functions it always returns false and on the fs.Stats it returns error "ENOENT, no such file or directory", but I can view the file entering url on browser. How can I do it?
The fs functions look for files on your local filesystem. If you want to see if a remote file exists, you'll have to make an HTTP request using the http module, request module or the like.

IIS6 bat file - Home Directory

How do I get the Root/Home Directory of a website in IIS6 using a batch file??
My Scenario:
I am creating a tool to summarise and report of sites in IIS. I am using batch files and running iisweb /query to get all the sites then looping over the results and using iisvdir /query "Website Name" to get the virtual directories.
However it has to be backwards compatible with IIS6 and I am having trouble getting the Home Directory of the site.
I don't think you can do this directly from a batch file, but you should be able to do it from a vbscript which you can call from a batch file.
The trick is to use the IIS WMI provider which gives you access to the IIS metabase. For example, the script below should echo the name and path of every virtual directory on the local server.
set provider = GetObject("winmgmts://localhost/root/MicrosoftIISv2")
set results = provider.ExecQuery("SELECT Name,Path from IISWebVirtualDirSetting")
for each item in results
WScript.Echo item.Name
WScript.Echo item.Path
If you saved this script as iispaths.vbs (just as an example), you could then call it from a batch file with:
cscript //nologo iispaths.vbs
Unfortunately I don't have access to a machine with IIS6, so I am unable to test this at the moment, but if you have any problems getting it to work, feel free to let me know in the comments and I'll do my best to fix the issue.
I don't have a IIS6 server, however, through some searching, I found that:
IIS6 uses %SystemRoot%\system32\inetsrv\MetaBase.xml and %SystemRoot%\system32\inetsrv\MBSchema.xml for storing configuration (The IIS Metabase (IIS 6.0));
If your server isn't changing home-directories too often, those xml should be updated;
using a command line parser (like xmlstartlet), you can extract Path property from IIsWebVirtualDir node (according Metabase Structure), using XPath.
With xmlstartlet, a command like below, would output root path:
xml sel -t -v "//IIsWebVirtualDir[#Location='/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT']/#Path" "%SystemRoot%\system32\inetsrv\MetaBase.xml"
Maybe schema needs to be corrected.
This can be a command line approach. I can't test it as I don't have any IIS6 server neither I can get any MetaBase.xml sample.

Cannot query Active Directory using ServerBind on non-domain computer in Windows PE

I have a need to write a .NET application which will query Active Directory while running in Windows PE on a computer which is not yet a member of the domain.
We are running this during a Microsoft Deployment Toolkit task sequence (note that MDT 2012 has been configured to load support for .NET into the WinPE environment - the .NET application is starting without any problems).
I am using the code below to bind to the domain:
DirectoryEntry entry = new DirectoryEntry(
AuthenticationTypes.ServerBind | AuthenticationTypes.Secure);
I have tried a path both of the form:
And also without a domain controller name as
I have also tried using a username both of the form domain\username and also just username.
The DirectoryEntry object seems to be constructed okay, but when I try to execute Console.Writeline(entry.Name) to confirm a valid connection has been made, I get the following exception:
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80005000): Unknown
error (0x80005000) at
System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry.Bind(Boolean throwIfFail)
at System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry.Bind() at
I have tried other variations on this code, trying to execute LDAP queries with various filters, trying to rewrite it in VBScript, etc... but the code posted above is the simplest example I could come up with which reproduces the problem.
From what I have read, in a scenario like this you would always need to use AuthenticationTypes.ServerBind and that is why I am trying to specify the code within the ADSI LDAP path. But what is wrong with the code above? To me, it looks like it is passing all needed information in the parameters to the DirectoryEntry constructor.
There is a way to get it work, but it's not supported by Microsoft. This post helped me a lot. It works, tested and approved for a deployment of new computers :)
Get the ADSIxXX.inf from the zip file to C:\ADSI
Copy the following files from a Windows/System32 to C:\ADSI. Carefull of Architecture
x86 x64 -
Mount the bootimage.wim
No need to load Package (Your WinPE is already configured to load .NET API), juste add ADSI driver:
Dism /Image:C:\Mount /Add-Driver /Driver:C:\ADSI\ADSIxXX.inf /forceunsigned
No need to load his script
Unmount the bootimage.wim
Then it's done, if your .NET application is well implement ;)
I'm not sur the PIPE | is supported as an argument too, just set to AuthenticationTypes.Secure -
DirectoryEntry entry = new DirectoryEntry(
AuthenticationTypes.ServerBind | AuthenticationTypes.Secure);
