Laravel 5.3 npm gulp not creating output files - node.js

I am using Laravel 5.3, node version: 5.7 and npm version: 3.6.
When I run the gulp (or even gulp watch) command I get the same output in terminal as I normally get, everything looks like it should, and it even tells me that it has written to the public/css folder (image below). Navigating to the folder I can see no changes were made to the previous app.css file.
When I delete the file, the css directory remains empty after the gulp commands.
This is my gulpfile.js
const elixir = require('laravel-elixir');
elixir(mix => {
This is the output I get in the terminal (iTerm on mac OSX):
But lik I said, the public folder remains empty. I can't tell for sure that I updated node or npm or not.. But I don't think I have.
Thanks for the help.
deleting the node-modules folder and running npm install again gives another error.. One I have never seen before:


npm commands stuck on cmd when running off a UNC path

I'm currently working on a SPA for my company that I do in Angular 8. The whole solution is located at a UNC path like the rest of our source code as well. When I try npm install or ng new xyz it goes on for a while but stucks after around 50% and won't continue. The whole command prompt freezes after a while and all I can do is killing it with the task manager.
I tried to set up a test-solution on my local C-drive and it seems to work fine there but what causes this issue at UNC paths? Is there any alternative to make it run on UNC paths?
my npm version is: 7.24.0
my node version is: 14.17.6

Angular: ng new error when I create an angular project

I have this error using ng new project_name:
An invalid configuration file was found ['angular.json']. Please delete the file before running the command.
I am getting this error I don't know how to get the solution.
I uninstalled #angular/cli and installed again
npm clean cache doesnt work too (I dont know if it is problem of my npm version
npm version is 6.4.1
node version is 8.11.1
what do i need to solve the problem?
If you are using the terminal of IntelliJ IDEA while there is a angular project already imported in the IDEA, it is the problem of the IDEA.So, open the command promt of your windows and create the project.
I did this and I was able to create the project.
The problem seems to be the _ in project_name resulting in the following error:
Schematic input does not validate against the Schema: {"name":"project_name","version":"6.0.1","newProjectRoot":"projects","skipInstall":false,"linkCli":false,"skipGit":false,"commit":null}
Data path ".name" should match format "html-selector".
Replace _ e.g. with -.
Further readings:
Error when creating new project with Angular-CLI 6.1.2
Style Guide
Setting the working directory in IntelliJ's Karma task, to the Angular project's main directory, also fixes the problem.
I deleted the file in c:\users\XXX\.angular.json and it was running ok.
Run following if file is hidden. Open Terminal, run mv /Users/shivammishra/.angular.json /Users/shivammishra/angular.json.txt.
mv command will move the file to new location (angular.json.txt) and you can then delete.
Angular.js & Wrong Directions.
First of all, open a file called angular.js in the root folder.
And check if you add some wrong Directory. like the style or something like that. as example.
Suppose you add the bootstrap dependency and you want to add it to your project you will go to the angular.js and add it in the style configuration. so you will add it as the below:
"styles": [
Check if you add double dot .. not one dot in the path like the below:
Or you maybe add it in the following format:
The correct format is :

how to set default node read location for extension in vs-code?

I install npm and node using nvm, so that make my npm and node location in directory
npm /home/putrapc/.nvm/versions/node/v8.9.4/bin/npm
node /home/putrapc/.nvm/versions/node/v8.9.4/bin/node
all i install in stable version
The problem
I start using vs-code and there is always error notification that annoy me, like this
I realize that problem because the extension in vs-code like jsHint, flow, Javascript standard style, etc doesn't read any of my npm package properly. Yes it cause the directory isn't correct, how to change default read directory in vs-code ?
My eslint directory
/home/putrapc/.nvm/versions/node/v8.9.4/bin/eslint -> /home/putrapc/.nvm/versions/node/v8.9.4/lib/node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint.js
i had eslint installed as package, but the vs-code still didn't read it. How to correct this?
I was encountering similar issues with VS Code extensions encountering issues when trying to run Node with error messages such as
/usr/bin/env: ‘node’: No such file or directory
The simplest solution I found to this is to use a terminal to start Visual Studio in the folder that you're trying to open from
This can be done by navigating to the folder you're trying to open in Code, opening a terminal there, and typing in
$ code .
The above behaviour seems to happen because NVM sets its own variables for the node location and that is what is used by default in your terminal session. You can check these using
env | grep NVM
This returned the following for me
Also, trying to get the current Node location using which returns the following
$ which node
When starting Visual Studio Code from anywhere apart from the terminal, the above NVM variables don't get set and hence the extensions try to find node at the default location /usr/bin/env and are unable to find it there and hence fail

Node global module getting current run directory

I'm trying to create a node module that has the ability to be installed globally using npm install -g mymodulename. I've got everything in the module working fine if I run node index.js in the directory of the module, but now I want to make it so that I can publish it to NPM, and it can be installed and run from any directory.
There is some code in my module that looks at certain files in the directory that it is run in. I'm finding that when I do npm install -g ./ and then go into a different directory for a test, then run my-module-command, the relative path that it is reading is from that of where my module got installed (i.e. /usr/local/bin/my-module), not the directory that I'm running it in.
How can my module that is installed globally know where it is being run from? To give an example, I am trying to read the package.json file in the directory I'm in. And it is reading the package.json file of /usr/local/bin/my-module/package.json
I've tried:
And just calling straight to require('./package.json') directly and none of those work.
Edit here's some code that's breaking in index.js:
#!/usr/bin/env node
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var currentDir = path.dirname(require.main.filename);
fs.exists(`${currentDir}/node_modules`, function(dir) {
if (!dir) throw 'node_modules does not exist';
// do stuff
In my package.json:
"bin": {
"my-module": "./index.js"
I try to do npm install -g ./ in the project directory, and then I cd into a different directory called /Users/me/Projects/different-project, where another npm project is, and run my-module, and I get node_modules does not exist. When I log out currentDir, I get /usr/local/lib/node_modules/my-module where I'm expecting is to see /Users/me/Projects/different-project.
Have you tried using ./ at the start of your file path? That should give you the current working directory (or calling process.cwd() would work too).
In your case, your code would look like:
fs.exists(`./node_modules`, function(dir) {
if (!dir) throw 'node_modules does not exist';
// do stuff
I can see some comments already mention this. Maybe I'm misunderstanding the question? I just had a case where I needed a global module to get the directory I'm running the script from and what I suggested above worked like a charm.

nodejs module.js:340 error: cannot find module

I installed nodejs in C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs
then I created a .js file and saved it in my desktop just to output 'hello world' in the console:
console.log('hello world');
When I tried to run the file from the command prompt:
C:\Users\Laura>cd desktop
C:\Users\Laura\Desktop>node nodeTest.js
I get:
throw err;
Error: Cannot find module 'C:\Users\Laura\Desktop\testNode.js'
at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:338:15)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:280:25)
at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:497:10)
at startup (node.js:119:16)
at node.js:901:3
I read many other related questions, and some of them recommend to run the install, and so I did.
C:\Users\Laura>npm install -g express
But no luck, still getting the same error message.
EDIT: This answer is outdated. With things like Yarn and NPM 5's lockfiles it is now easier to ensure you're dependencies are correct on platforms like Heroku
I had a similar issue related to node_modules being modified somehow locally but the change was not reflect on Heroku, causing my app to crash. It's relatively easy fix if this is your issue:
# Remove node_modules
rm -fr node_modules
# Reinstall packages
npm i
# Commit changes
git add node_modules
git commit -m 'Fix node_modules dependencies.'
git push heroku master
Hope that helps for others with a similar issue.
I was having the same problem with a server someone had written a while back. It turns out I didn't have a few things installed that the script required.
This question was helpful to me.
I ended up being able to use:
npm install yourMissingDependency
Although in your instance it may just be a file that it doesn't have a path to.
You could try putting that file in the same folder you are running the node script from.
I think the issue is the NODE_PATH environment variable. I had the same problem but once I issued (on Windows)
set NODE_PATH=C:\Users\MyUser\node_modules
then all worked ok.
Restart your command prompt and check your path variable (type: path).
If you can't find find nodejs installation dir from output add it to the path variable and remember to restart cdm again...
I had a nearly identical issue, turned out my JS file wasn't actually in the folder I was calling it from, and I had gone one folder too deep.
I went up one directory, ran the file, it recognized it, happily ever after.
Alternatively, if you go one folder up, and it gives you the same error, but about a different module, take that same file in your parent folder and move it into the subfolder you were previously trying to run things from.
TL;DR- your file or its module(s) is not in the folder you think it is. Go up one level
Try typing this into the Node command-line environment:
.load c:/users/laura/desktop/nodeTest.js.
It should work for what you're trying to do.
If you want to call the file directly, you'd have to have it in the root directory where your Node installation resides.
Hi fellow Phonegap/Cordova/Ionic developers,
I solved this issue by doing the following
1. C: drive -> Users -> "username" eg. john -> AppData -> Roaming
2. Inside the "Roaming" folder you need to delete both "npm" and "npm-cache"
3. Now build your project, and it should work
Happy coding!!!
I faced the same problem. I just copied the testNode.js file(that contain the test code) and pasted into the root of nodejs directory manually. I tried this command C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs>node testnode.js
Bingo! I received this message.
Then I typed this url in a browser and received the message "Hello World".
Hope this help somebody.
You need to:
Remove the tick of Hide extensions for known file types from Windows Explorer folders option
Your file will appear as testNode.js.txt
Remove the trailing .txt so as the file to be resolved as JS file
That's it, now it works!
I had the same problem then I found that I wasn´t hitting the node server command in the proper directory where the server.js is located.
Hope this helps.
Try npm install --production and then npm start.
Easy way for this problem
npm link e
I also got this issue and this was due to wrong path that we mention while running. Check your file path and also make sure that there is no space between the name of your directory name.
Try npm start in Node.js Command Prompt.
Look at the end of the messages - it gives you the path of log file in "Additional Logging Details ..." something like c:\users\MyUser\npm-debug.log
Open this file in Notepad and find the real address of Node.exe :
something like C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\\\node.exe
Try cd to this path
Call node.exe + <full path to your server file.js>
Server is listening on port 1337 !
I had the same problem, but finally I tried copying the Node_modules folder in the same project folder, and it worked.
I executed following command and it works for me.
PM> npm install ee-first ee-first#1.1.0 node_modules\ee-first
While i tried to run my first node application i had encountered the same issue but when i tried to see what the issue might be it was the path of the file. I was running the node .js from different location and hence encountered the issue. When i fixed the path this worked fine.
In my case, i got this error because i was just in the wrong directory. So node couldnt find the module that i wanted to run. Just be sure your node file is in your Desktop directory.
If you are using a framework like express, you need to put the package.json file into the folder you are using and don't forget change main name.
Remove the fs extra from the path -
path: 'D:\\FrontEnd Dev\\Git projects\\Appname-master\\node_modules\\webpack-manifest-plugin\\node_modules\\fs-extra\\package.json',
requestPath: 'fs-extra'
And run the command npm i
Make sure you saved the file as JavaScript. Un check 'Hide extensions for all known type' check box in Folder Options window will show you the correct file extension(Folder>>view>>Option).
Faced the same problem while trying to run node-red.
node <directory structure where js is located>/red. js
In my case it was :
node AppData/Roaming/npm/node_modules/node-red/red.js
