catching user input to run scripts - linux

I am trying to write a small bash script using mac OS TextEdit that will catch a user input in terminal and based on the file type stipulated in the command line albeit (jpg or gif) iterate through a directory on my desktop named dir1, pull all files of that filetype and place such in a new directory called dir2
i.e The user types jpg into the terminal and the script kicks into life and pulls all of the jpg files situated in dir1 and places such in dir2
What is the leanest and least convoluted way of achieving this conscious that I am new to shell scripting.
I am about to reach for the meds. What can I do to the below code to get it to work.
echo “Good Morning, Please enter your file type for sorting [ENTER]:”
read $FILE
if [[ $file == *.jpg ]]; then
mv ~/DIR1/*jpg* ~/Users/christopherdorman/desktop/dir2/
echo “your files have been successfully processed”

There are a couple confusions here regarding bash variables and syntax. You need to use fi to close your if statement instead of done. Also, you need to capitalize the variable in your if statement, since bash is case sensitive. I believe this is what you are looking for (assuming your input is "jpg" or "gif"):
echo “Good Morning, Please enter your file type for sorting [ENTER]:”
read FILE
if [[ $FILE == "jpg" ]]; then
mv ~/DIR1/*jpg* ~/Users/christopherdorman/desktop/dir2/
echo “your files have been successfully processed”


bash compare files between folders, and if they don't exit, do something

I have a folder with regular pictures, and another with resized ones.
The goal is to check if a picture is not resized, do the resizing and save in another folder.
I'm using an echo for simplicity, because I don't have the comparison working.
for file in ../regular/*.jpg;
img=`basename "$file"`
if [ ! -f "$FILE" ]; then
echo "$img NOT RESIZED"
This code just echoes NOT RESIZED for all the pictures in the regular folder i.e. it doesn't seem to make the comparison at all.
Where is my mistake?
for file in ../regular/*.jpg;
Try to use absolute path, You can also add echo $FILE to see what scripts tries to verify
If this directory contains a huge amount of files, you can exceed command line length limit (usually ~4kb-32kb)
You are using quotas in basename command, why? If your images could contain spaces, you should use quotas also in "if" command, check script below
for file in ../regular/*.jpg;
img=$(basename "$file")
if [ ! -f "./resized/$img" ]; then
echo "$img NOT RESIZED"
You should try to use diff command to compare directories:
diff -r "$PATH1" "$PATH2"

Another Bash permission denied post

I've spent the past hour trying to find a way around this before asking but to no avail so I'm asking.
I am trying to make a simple script that will take the name for a file and then generate a generic blank html template for me.
echo "Enter file name with no extensions:"
read fileName
echo $fileName
touch $fileName
$blank >> $fileName
When I comment out the path the code runs with no error message but then it's not pulling the template and it makes a blank page. The error message in question is:
./ line 9: /home/sithyrys/Documents/scripts/blank.html: Permission denied
Edit: shebang line copied wrong that was correct already
>> does not copy a file; it appends the output of the command that precedes it to the file named following it. You need to use the cat command to actually "push" the contents of blank.html into the new file.
cat "$blank" >> "$fileName"
As written, your code accommodates the possibility that $fileName already exists and appends the contents of $blank without overwriting the existing file. In practice, it doesn't make much sense to append the template to the end of an existing file, so you probably just want to make a copy of the template.
echo "Enter file name with no extensions:"
read fileName
echo $fileName
cp "$blank" "$fileName"
(or, to guard against overwriting an existing file,
[[ -f "$fileName" ]] || cp "$blank" "$fileName"

Bash command-line to rename wildcard

In my /opt/myapp dir I have a remote, automated process that will be dropping files of the form <anything>-<version>.zip, where <anything> could literally be any alphanumeric filename, and where <version> will be a version number. So, examples of what this automated process will be delivering are:
etc. Through controls outside the scope of this question, I am guaranteed that only one of these ZIP files will exist under /opt/myapp at any given time. I need to write a Bash shell command that will rename these files and move them to /opt/staging. For the rename, the ZIP files need to have their version dropped. And so /opt/myapp/<anything>-<version>.zip is renamed and moved to /opt/staging/<anything>.zip. Using the examples above:
/opt/myapp/ => /opt/staging/
/opt/myapp/ => /opt/staging/
/opt/myapp/ => /opt/staging/
/opt/myapp/ => /opt/staging/
The directory move is obvious and easy, but the rename is making me pull my hair out. I need to somehow save off the <anything> and then re-access it later on in the command. The command must be generic and can take no arguments.
My best attempt (which doesn't even come close to working) so far is:
file=*.zip; file=?; mv file /opt/staging
Any ideas on how to do this?
for file in *.zip; do
[[ -e $file ]] || continue # handle zero-match case without nullglob
mv -- "$file" /opt/staging/"${file%-*}.zip"
${file%-*} removes everything after the last - in the filename. Thus, we change to fizz, and then add a leading /opt/staging/ and a trailing .zip.
To make this more generic (working with multiple extensions), see the following function (callable as a command; function body could also be put into a script with a #!/bin/bash shebang, if one removed the local declarations):
stage() {
local file ext
for file; do
[[ -e $file ]] || continue
[[ $file = *-*.* ]] || {
printf 'ERROR: Filename %q does not contain a dash and a dot\n' "$file" >&2
mv -- "$file" /opt/staging/"${file%-*}.$ext"
...with that function defined, you can run:
stage *.zip *.txt
...or any other pattern you so choose.
echo ${f%%-*}.${f##*.}

Load image files from a folder bash script Ubuntu

I am new to Ubuntu and learning bash script by googling around. I want to know how to load image files from a folder and save it in an array in bash script.
Probably am not doing a really smart search, but if anyone knows how to do it already, can you please help?
I am planning to get the path from the command line argument, so $1 will have the path, as far as I have read.
Thus, I have this code
for f in "$1"
echo "$f"
But the output just prints 1 file instead of all 36 files. Can you please help me here?
Note : the input am giving is of this format
That glob (/path/*.png) has already been expanded by the shell when your script is called.
You have all the filenames in $# (the array of all the positional parameters to the script/function).
echo "$#"
to see them or
for file in "$#"; do
echo "$file"
The default list for in is $# so you can use for file; do in place of for file in "$#"; do if you want.

bash script to replace the name of a zip file

I am very new in programing scripts-.
I have a lot of zip files in a directory. I want to extract them replacing the name of the inside file by the zip file, with the correct extension. Error reporting if there is more than one file, excep if is "remora.txt" inside.
The file "remora.txt" was an ini file for the zip, and I wont use it any more, but is in a lot of my zip files.
Example 1.
ZIp file:,
Inside it has:
- "tutorial in maths.doc"
- "remora.txt"
So the script should erase or deprease "remora.txt" and extract "tutorial in maths.doc" under the name maths.doc
Example 2.
ZIp file:,
Inside it has:
- "excersices for geometry.doc"
- "geometry.doc"
- "remora.txt"item
It should out put "I found more than a file in"
I am
Using linux, ubuntu 12
I have done this script, but is not working.
# Linux Shell Scripting Tutorial 1.05r3, Summer-2002
for archive in *.zip # First I read the zip file
unzip -Z1 $archive | while read line; # I read all the files in the ZIP
line=( ${line//,/ } )
inside[$a]=("${line[#]}") # Here I assigne the name of the file to an array
If ( $a > 2) then
echo " Too much files in file $archive "
If ($a <= 2)
if (inside[0]!= "remora.txt")
then unzip -p $archive > $(printf "%s" $archive).doc
if (inside[1]!= "remora.txt")
then unzip -p $archive > $(printf "%s" $archive).doc
Try writing scripts incrementally. Instead of writing 20 statements and then trying to debug them all at once, write one statement at a time and test to make sure it works before writing the next one.
If you run e.g.
If ( $a > 2) then
echo " Too much files in file $archive "
by itself, you'll see that it doesn't work. You then know more specifically what the problem is, and you can look up something like "bash if variable greater than" on Google or Stackoverflow.
Check out the bash tag wiki for more helpful tips on debugging and asking about code.
Things you'll find includes:
if has to be lower case
You need line feed or semicolon before then
To see if a variable is greater than, use [[ $a -gt 2 ]].
To see if an array element does not equal, use [[ ${inside[0]} != "remora.txt" ]]
Pipelines cause subshells. Use while read ...; do ...; done < <(somecommand) instead.
