atomically appending to a log file in nodejs - node.js

NodeJS is asynchronous, so for example if running an Express server, one might be in the middle of servicing one request, log it, and then start servicing another request and try to log it before the first has finished.
Since these are log files, it's not a simple write. Even if a write was atomic, maybe another process actually winds up writing at the offset the original process is about to and it winds up overwriting.
There is a synchronous append function (fs.appendFile) but this would require us to delay servicing a request to wait for a log file write to complete and I'm still not sure if that guarantees an atomic append. What is the best practice for writing to log files in NodeJS while ensuring atomicitiy?

one might be in the middle of servicing one request, log it, and then start servicing another request and try to log it before the first has finished.
The individual write calls will be atomic, so as long as you make a single log write call per request, you won't have any corruption of log messages. It is normal, however if you log multiple messages while processing a request, for those to be interleaved between many different concurrent requests. Each message is intact, but they are in the log file in chronological order, not grouped by request. That is fine. You can filter on a request UUID if you want to follow a single request in isolation.
Even if a write was atomic, maybe another process actually winds up writing at the offset the original process is about to and it winds up overwriting.
Don't allow multiple processes to write to the same file or log. Use process.stdout and all will be fine. Or if you really want to log directly to the filesystem, use an exclusive lock mechanism.
What is the best practice for writing to log files in NodeJS while ensuring atomicitiy?
process.stdout, one write call per coherent log message. You can let your process supervisor (systemd or upstart) write your logs for you, or use a log manager such as multilog, sysvlogd and pipe your stdout to them and let them handle writing to disk.


Node.js pipe console error to another program (make it async)

From Expressjs documentation:
To keep your app purely asynchronous, you’d still want to pipe
console.err() to another program
Is it enough to run my node app with stdout and stderr redirect to not block event loop? Like this: node app 2>&1 | tee logFile ?
If ad.1 answer is true, then how to achieve non-blocking logging while using Winston or Bunyan? They have some built in mechanism to achieve this or they just save data to specific file wasting cpu time of current Node.js process? Or maybe to achieve trully async logging they should pipe data to child process that performs "save to file" (is it still performance positive?) ? Can anyone explain or correct me if my way of thinking is just wrong?
Edited part: I can assume that piping data from processes A, B, ...etc to process L is cheaper for this specific processes (A, B, ...) than writing it to file (or sending over network).
To the point:
I am designing logger for application that uses nodejs cluster.
Briefly - one of processes (L) will handle data streams from others, (A, B, ...).
Process L will queue messages (for example line by line or some other special separator) and log it one by one into file, db or anywhere else.
Advantage of this approach is reducing load of processes that can spent more time on doing their job.
One more thing - assumption is to simplify usage of this library so user will only include this logger without any additional interaction (stream redirection) via shell.
Do you think this solution makes sense? Maybe you know a library that already doing this?
Let's set up some ground level first...
Writing to a terminal screen (console.log() etc.), writing to a file (fs.writeFile(), fs.writeFileSync() etc.) or sending data to a stream process.stdout.write(data) etc.) will always "block the event loop". Why? Because some part of those functions is always written in JavaScript. The minimum amount of work needed by these functions would be to take the input and hand it over to some native code, but some JS will always be executed.
And since JS is involved, it will inevitably "block" the event loop because JavaScript code is always executed on a single thread no matter what.
Is this a bad thing...?
No. The amount of time required to process some log data and send it over to a file or a stream is quite low and does not have significant impact on performance.
When would this be a bad thing, then...?
You can hurt your application by doing something generally called a "synchronous" I/O operation - that is, writing to a file and actually not executing any other JavaScript code until that write has finished. When you do this, you hand all the data to the underlying native code and while theoretically being able to continue doing other work in JS space, you intentionally decide to wait until the native code responds back to you with the results. And that will "block" your event loop, because these I/O operations can take much much longer than executing regular code (disks/networks tend to be the slowest part of a computer).
Now, let's get back to writing to stdout/stderr.
From Node.js' docs:
process.stdout and process.stderr differ from other Node.js streams in important ways:
They are used internally by console.log() and console.error(), respectively.
They cannot be closed (end() will throw).
They will never emit the 'finish' event.
Writes may be synchronous depending on what the stream is connected to and whether the system is Windows or POSIX:
Files: synchronous on Windows and POSIX
TTYs (Terminals): asynchronous on Windows, synchronous on POSIX
Pipes (and sockets): synchronous on Windows, asynchronous on POSIX
I am assuming we are working with POSIX systems below.
In practice, this means that when your Node.js' output streams are not piped and are sent directly to the TTY, writing something to the console will block the event loop until the whole chunk of data is sent to the screen. However, if we redirect the output streams to something else (a process, a file etc.) now when we write something to the console Node.js will not wait for the completion of the operation and continue executing other JavaScript code while it writes the data to that output stream.
In practice, we get to execute more JavaScript in the same time period.
With this information you should be able to answer all your questions yourself now:
You do not need to redirect the stdout/stderr of your Node.js process if you do not write anything to the console, or you can redirect only one of the streams if you do not write anything to the other one. You may redirect them anyway, but if you do not use them you will not gain any performance benefit.
If you configure your logger to write the log data to a stream then it will not block your event loop too much (unless some heavy processing is involved).
If you care this much about your app's performance, do not use Winston or Bunyan for logging - they are extremely slow. Use pino instead - see the benchmarks in their readme.
To answer (1) we can dive into the Express documentation, you will see a link to the Node.js documentation for Console, which links to the Node documentation on the process I/O. There it describes how process.stdout and process.stderr behaves:
process.stdout and process.stderr differ from other Node.js streams in important ways:
They are used internally by console.log() and console.error(), respectively.
They cannot be closed (end() will throw).
They will never emit the 'finish' event.
Writes may be synchronous depending on what the stream is connected to and whether the system is Windows or POSIX:
Files: synchronous on Windows and POSIX
TTYs (Terminals): asynchronous on Windows, synchronous on POSIX
Pipes (and sockets): synchronous on Windows, asynchronous on POSIX
With that we can try to understand what will happen with node app 2>&1 | tee logFile:
Stdout and stderr is piped to a process tee
tee writes to both the terminal and the file logFile.
The important part here is that stdout and stderr is piped to a process, which means that it should be asynchronous.
Regarding (2) it would depend on how you configured Bunyan or Winston:
Winston has the concept of Transports, which essentially allows you to configure where the log will go. If you want asynchronous logs, you should use any logger other than the Console Transport. Using the File Transport should be ok, as it should create a file stream object for this and that is asynchronous, and won't block the Node process.
Bunyan has a similar configuration option: Streams. According to their doc, it can accept any stream interface. As long as you avoid using the process.stdout and process.stderr streams here you should be ok.

File writing from multiple threads.

I have an application A which calls another application B which does some calculation and writes to a file File.txt
A invokes multiple instances of B through multiple threads and each instances tries to write to same file File.txt
Here comes the actual problem :
Since multiple threads tries to access the same file , the file access throws out which is common.
I tried an approach of using a concurrent queue in a singleton class and each instances of B adds to the queue And another thread in this class takes care of dequeing the items from queue and writes to the file File.txt. The queue is fetched synchronously and write operation succeeded . This works fine .
If I have too many threads and too many items in queue the file writing works but if for some reason my queue crashes or stops abruptly all the information which is supposed to be written to file is lost .
If I make the file writing synchronous from the B without using the queue then it will be slow as it needs to check for file locking but here there are less chances of data being missed as after B immediately writes to file.
What could be there best approach or design to handle this scenario? I don't need the response after file writing is completed . I can't make B wait for the file writing to be completed.
Would async await file writing could be of any use here ?
I think what you've done is the best that can be done. You may have to tune your producer/consumer queue solution if there are still problems, but it seems to me that you've done rather well with this approach.
If an in-memory queue isn't the answer, perhaps externalizing that to a message queue and a pool of listeners would be an improvement.
Relational databases and transaction managers are born to solve this problem. Why continue with a file based solution? Is it possible to explore an alternative?
is there a better approach or design to handle this scenario?
You can make each producer thread write to it's own rolling file instead of queuing the operation. Every X seconds the producers move to new files and some aggregation thread wakes up, read the previous files (of each producer) and writes the results to the final File.txt output file. No read / write locks are required here.
This ensures safe recovery since the rolling files exist until you process and delete them.
This also mean that you always write to disk, which is much slower than queuing tasks in memory and write to disk in bulks. But that's the price you pay for consistency.
Would async await file writing could be of any use here ?
Using asynchronous IO has nothing to do with this. The problems you mentioned were 1) shared resources (the output file) and 2) lack of consistency (when the queue crash), none of which async programming is about.
Why the async is in picture is because I dont want to delay the existing work by B because of this file writing operation
async would indeed help you with that. Whatever pattern you choose to implement (to solve the original problem) it can always be async by merely using the asynchronous IO api's.

Global Exception Manager in Node

I'm using process.on('uncaughtException') to catch any exceptions that would unexpectedly come up. In the function I write the data to a file, send an email, in the future it will likely do more.
Is there a way I can encapsulate the process.on() event in a file, then somehow require it in all the files that make up the application so I don't need to add that chunk of code to each file?
Node normally runs in a single process, so you only need process.on('uncaughtException') in one place.
The exception is if you use the cluster module or otherwise spawn other node processes, in which case you need the process.on('uncaughtException') loaded once for each process, but still not once for each file.
(Be careful doing too much in this handler, because by this point the process is considered unstable. I'm also not sure if async work is guaranteed to be run. The docs say that the correct use of 'uncaughtException' is to perform synchronous cleanup of allocated resources.)

What's the right way to write to file from Node.js to avoid bottlenecking?

I'm curious what the correct methodology is to write to a log file from a process that might be called dozens (or maybe even thousands) of times simultaneously.
I have a node process which is called via http and I wish to log from it, but I don't want it to bottleneck as it attempts to open/write/close the same file from all the various simultaneous requests.
I've read that stderr might be the answer to this problem, but am curious what makes that approach any less bottlenecky. At the end of the day, if stderr is going to some central location, isn't it going to have the exact same problem?
Best practice for node (e.g. is to write to stdout or stderr. The expectation is that the OS will handle the file management / throughput that you want, or else you can have a custom-written log collector that can do it the way you want and redirect stdout or stderr to it.

Should I worry about File handles in logging from async methods?

I'm using the each() method of the async lib and experiencing some very odd (and inconsistent) errors that appear to be File handle errors when I attempt to log to file from within the child processes.
The array that I'm handing to this method frequently has hundreds of items and I'm curious if Node is having trouble running out of available file handles as it tries to log to file from within all these simultaneous processes. The problem goes away when I comment out my log calls, so it's definitely related to this somehow, but I'm having a tough time tracking down why.
All the logging is trying to go into a single file... I'm entirely unclear on how that works given that each write (presumably) blocks, which makes me wonder how all these simultaneous processes are able to run independently if they're all sitting around waiting on the file to become available to write to.
Assuming that this IS the source of my troubles, what's the right way to log from a process such as Asnyc.each() which runs N number of processes at once?
I think you should have some adjustable limit to how many concurrent/outstanding write calls you are going to do. No, none of them will block, but I think async.eachLimit or async.queue will give you the flexibility to set the limit low and be sure things behave and then gradually increase it to find out what resource constraints you eventually bump up against.
