Unable to find the applicationhost.config to configure remote access in Visual Studio 2015 - iis

I am developing an ASP.NET MVC project. Now I just installed Visual Studio 2015. before I developing that project using Visual Studio 2013. So now I imported that project into Visual Studio 2015 installed on my new laptop to continue developing. Importing project and developing process all working fine.
But the problem is to configure IIS Express of my project for remote access. I enabled in Visual Studio 2013 on my old laptop successfully following this link - http://johan.driessen.se/posts/Accessing-an-IIS-Express-site-from-a-remote-computer. For VS 2013, the IIS config file is under D:\Users[YourName]\Documents\IISExpress\config\applicationhost.config. So now I need to configure it for VS 2015. As the link mentioned, the config file must be in /{project folder}/.vs/config/applicationhost.config. I searched for that file in my project, I cannot find it.
You can see my project structure below.
So I searched for config settings in D:\Users[YourName]\Documents\IISExpress\config\applicationhost.config because this project was built using VS 2013. But there is no config settings for this project. I already run my project on browser and it is running fine.
The problem is I cannot find binding settings in D:\Users[YourName]\Documents\IISExpress\config\applicationhost.config and cannot find applicationhost.config in project folder for IIS configuration. Where can I find that file? Where can I find IIS config settings for my project in Visual Studio 2015?
.vs/applicationhost.config is not created when I opened the project
with visual studio 2015.

Finally I found the solution. Please have a look how I solved below.
I opened GITIGNORE file as in the below screenshot
Then I added/appended this line
to that file and saved.
Then I restart visual studio and opened the project.
So .vs file is auto-created and applicationhost.config file is inside there. Hope this works for you if you have similar issue.


Running orchard CMS version (1.10) and (1.10.1) from visual studio 2015

Below is the error that I is displayed when in tried to run Orchard (1.10 and 1.10.1) source from Visual studio 2015 community version.
I know that it is somehow related with configuration settings, but I am unable to solve it.
The same files, when placed in the local IIS runs without any problems. Is there anything that I am missing in visual studio 2015?
How to resolve this error?
Is the displayed 'Config file' path corresponding to your folder?
Because it doesn't seem to be a folder coming from the source code.
Sometime, IIS Express messes up when you try to launch a site with the same port that a previously used one.
Try to read your applicationhost.config (see IIS Express in tasks bar to get the path).
You could also try to change the port in Orchard.Web properties.

Visual Studio 2012 becomes not reponding when include RPT file in project

Excuse me, why my visual studio 2012 becomes not responding when include (include in project or copy paste the file) RPT file in project ?
Yesterday was still alright. I've tried reinstall the visual studio, include it in other projects and reset all settings via tools-> import and export settings... but the problem is still exist.

Visual Studio 2012 FTP Website Issue

I used to be able to open an FTP website in Visual Studio 2012 until recently when it stopped working correctly. I can connect to my server using FTP and I get the full folder list of my servers websites, but attempting to open any file in any of the folders (asp.x,aspx.vb etc) Visual Studio just hangs - has anyone else experienced this, and if so how was it resolved?
I had the same problem today. I've installed Visual Studio updates (through visual studio update checker) and everything works fine now

Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.PasteJson.JsonPackage did not load properly

I have visual studio express 2012
and it was working fine earlier I had run my solution once. But now when I do it, there appears a dialog box with the message!
the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.PasteJson.JsonPackage, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.PasteJson package did not load correctly.
the problem may have been caused by a configuration changhe or by installation of another extension. You can get more information by exmamining the file
continue to show this error message?
How do I get rid of this error?
I started to see this on the fresh windows & VS 2013 Ultimate with Update 2 installation.
To resolve the problem, close all Visual Studio instances head over to
C:\Users\<your users name>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\12.0\ComponentModelCache
and delete all the files in the folder.
It worked fine for me. Thanks to this article.
Not relevant to VS 2012 express, but I experienced this problem with VS 2013 Premium. I had recently added the productivity power tools extension. To get back up and running, I loaded Visual Studio in safe mode:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE>devenv /safemode
And un-installed the productivity tools. The errors went away.
You need to clear the ComponentModelCache folder or rename it. For Visual Studio 2013, it’s located in the %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\12.0 folder.
I had Visual Studio 2013 Professional and I got the same error. I couldn't remove it until I repaired VS installation. It took a while but now it works fine.
I had this problem as I had an older version of VS2012 Express (release on Web Platform installer dated 15/08/2012).
Try installing 'Visual Studio 2012 Express for Web (Latest)' with release date 22/10/2012 from the Microsoft Web Platform Installer.
That is all I did and I no longer get those messages.

Visual Studio 2012 Corrupting ApplicationHost.config File

I just installed Visual Studio 2012 RTM. During the process of trying to create a new web project, I receive the following error:
"Web application projects are currently configured to use IIS Express. To switch back to using the Visual Studio Development server, change the development server option under the Projects and Solutions/Web Projects category of the Tools/Options menu. Configuring IIS Express failed with the following error: Filname: \?\UNC\DEV-FILES\home\mike\MyDocuments\IISExpress\config\applicationHost.config. Line number:1. Error: Configuration file is not well formed XML"
...and project creation subsequently fails.
I already know that I can resolve the this by using the VS dev server, but I should also be able to use IIS when necessary.
When I view the applicationHost file in question, its size is 0kb. It looks like Visual Studio 2012 wiped the contents of the file completely out. I've taken clean backups of the applicationHost file from c:/inetpub/history/ and restored them in the IISExpress folder. Again, when I attempt to create a new project through VS 2012, the file goes from 85KB back down to 0KB.
So I guess I'm trying to figure out why VS 2012 is writing to the applicationHost.config file, what it's trying to write, and how I can resolve the issue.
I had this problem and solved it by removing encryption on the IISExpress folder. You may or may not need to remove encryption on your My Documents\Visual Studio 2012 folder as well.
