How to determine HTTP range request start & end bytes (nodejs + mongodb) - node.js

I wonder if it is possible to determine the start & end bytes in HTTP range requests or let the browser somehow know where to start and let it use some user defined chunk size or so.
I have a file in my database and it is split into multiple chunks, each chunk is 2 MB.
eg. 20 MB file => 10 chunks
When the browser starts downloading the file (video file), I have studied Chrome, it firsts checks the 'range=bytes 0-' byte range and if the server sucessfully responds with the 'right' bytes and 206 headers back, then it sends another request for the end bytes of the file eg 'range=bytes 1900000-',
It just checkes if your server responds well for the partial response
On the serverside I have coded my app so that it will send 2 MB partials if you ask it nicely to it :)
What I want the browser to do
range=bytes 0-'
range=bytes 2000000-4000000 bytes'
range=bytes 4000000-6000000 bytes'
But if you ask a partial which doesnt fit in a 2mb chunk it will give an error. Or it will just not play from the right position for a audio/video file.
range=bytes 2500000-4000000 bytes'
range=bytes 0-1000000 bytes'
this will give an error because I cannot start to send from a part of a chunk. Otherwise I have to slice my chunks and do some buffer operations. But I want to keep it clean.
If this is possible please let me know.

I am assuming that you are streaming an mp4 file? Different parts (boxes) of the mp4 have different purposes, its not possible to jump to a random position in the file and start playing without out first identifying the location of each frame by preloading the index (moov). The moov can be at the beginning, or end of a file, so the browser MAY need the end of the of file first. It can determine this by starting from the beginning, and looking for the moov, if it is not at the start, there will be a pointer to the location of the next box. It can leap frog through the file until it finds the index. Once the moov header is downloaded, The browser will know the EXACT byte offset and size of every single frame in the video, and can jump around the file as you seek. This is all possible because the browser knows how to parse mp4 natively. TLDR. No, your solution will not work.


Slicing MediaRecorder stream bytes in Python WebSocket produces invalid data when found processing input from FFmpeg

I have a WebSocket created using Python WebSocket.
I have a JS client.
The client uses .getUserMedia to capture only audio stream. The client uses MediaRecorder(stream), and .ondataavailable to send the WebSocket a message as a blob.
WebSocket receives the message successfully using message = websocket.recv(), and I am able to write the received audio bytes to a wav file by extending a list.
if len(audio_bytes) > 20000:
by = io.BytesIO(bytes(audio_bytes))
sound = AudioSegment.from_file(by).export('new_sample.wav', format='wav')
Works fine.
However, I don't want to keep all the bytes in a list for the duration of running this script.
When I clear the list and extend the bytes as before, not picking up the stream from the start causes an issue, or if I slice the original list and try to write to a WAV file using the same method as before.
if len(audio_bytes) > 20000:
audio_bytes2 = audio_bytes[3000:12000]
by = io.BytesIO(bytes(audio_bytes2))
sound = AudioSegment.from_file(by).export('new_sample2.wav', format='wav')
I want to be able to basically clear the list after the length reaches > 20000, and use y, sr = librosa.load('new_sample.wav'), do further analysis and repeat.
I'm not very experienced in working with audio. I know the headers take up a certain amount of bytes at the start (around 54?).
I stored the first 1000 elements of the list in a header variable header = audio_bytes[:1000] from the first message received in the WebSocket, and extended this header to the new list I created when the length of message received reaches > 20000.
I tested this, and although the first 1000 bytes stayed the same, I was still receiving from FFmpeg:
Invalid data found when processing input
I have also written the bytes directly to a .txt file and loaded the .txt file directly with librosa, again, successful when its the full stream but if I chunk the stream and try to load a chunk at the end, librosa gives the error
Format not recognised

How to split an image file into chunks of n bytes to be sent to an api in Node.js?

I'm trying to upload an image to an API that requires it to be sent in chunks of n bytes at a time (The chunk size is dynamic and I get that earlier). The parameters for the request are the chunk index and the image payload. So if I have the file, how would I go about splitting it into n-byte chunks to send in an axios request? Thanks!
You can use split-file npm package to do that
There are lots of options to get a chunk of a file. Here are some of those options:
let stream = fs.createReadStream(filename, {start: firstByte, end: lastByte});
Then, you can pipe that stream to a response or attach your own data listener and as the bytes from the stream come in, you do something with them. The start and end options will automatically limit the stream to that particular chunk of the file.
You could also open the file, then read a specific chunk with where you pass the position and length arguments.

Why does zlib decompression break after an http request is reinitated?

I have a python script that "streams" a very large gzip file using urllib3 and feeds it into a zlib.decompressobj. This zlib decompression object is configured to read gzip compression. If this initial http connection is interrupted then the zlib.decompressobj begins to throw errors after the connection is "resumed". See my source code below if you want to cut to the chase.
These errors occur despite the fact that the script initiates a new http connection using the Range header to specify the number of bytes previously read. It resumes from the completed read point present when the connection was broken. I believe this arbitrary resume point is the source of my problem.
If I don't try to decompress the chunks of data being read in by urllib3, but instead just write them to a file, everything works just fine. Without trying to decompress the stream everything works even when there is an interruption. The completed archive is valid, it is the same size as one downloaded by a browser and the MD5 hash of the .gz file is the same as if I had downloaded the file directly with Chrome.
On the other hand, if I try to decompress the chunks of data coming in after the interruption, even with the Range header specified, the zlib library throws all kinds of errors. The most recent was Error -3 while decompressing data: invalid block type
Additional Notes:
The site that I am using has the Accept-Range flag set to bytes meaning that I am able to submit modified Range headers to the server.
I am not using the requests library in this script as it ultimately manages urllib3. I am instead using urllib3 directly in an attempt to cut out the middle man.
This script it an oversimplification of my ultimate goal, which is to stream the compressed data directly from where it is hosted, enrich it and store it in a MySQL database on the local network.
I am heavily resource constrained inside of the docker container where this processing will occur.
The genesis of this question is present in a question I asked almost 3 weeks ago: requests.iter_content() thinks file is complete but it's not
The most common problem I am encountering with the urllib3 (and requests) library is the IncompleteRead(self._fp_bytes_read, self.length_remaining) error.
This error only appears if the urllib3 library has been patched to raise an exception when an incomplete read occurs.
My best guess:
I am guessing that the break in the data stream being fed to zlib.decompressobj is causing zlib to somehow lose context and start attempting to decompress the data again in an odd location. Sometimes it will resume, however the data stream is garbled, making me believe the byte location used as the new Range header fell at the front of some bytes which are then incorrectly interpreted as headers. I do not know how to counteract this and I have been trying to solve it for several weeks. The fact that the data are still valid when downloaded whole (without being decompressed prior to completion) even with an interruption occurs, makes me believe that some "loss of context" within zlib is the cause.
Source Code: (Has been updated to include a "buffer")
This code is a little bit slapped together so forgive me. Also, this target gzip file is quite a lot smaller than the actual file I will be using. Additionally, the target file in this example will no longer be available from Rapid7 in about a month's time. You may choose to substitute a different .gz file if that suits you.
import urllib3
import certifi
import inspect
import os
import time
import zlib
def patch_urllib3():
"""Set urllib3's enforce_content_length to True by default."""
previous_init = urllib3.HTTPResponse.__init__
def new_init(self, *args, **kwargs):
previous_init(self, *args, enforce_content_length = True, **kwargs)
urllib3.HTTPResponse.__init__ = new_init
#Path the urllib3 module to throw an exception for IncompleteRead
#Set the target URL
url = ""
#Set the local filename
local_filename = '2021-11-27-1638020044-http_get_8899_script.json.gz'
#Configure the PoolManager to handle https (I think...)
http = urllib3.PoolManager(ca_certs=certifi.where())
#Initiate start bytes at 0 then update as download occurs
#Dummy variable to silence console output from file write
#Set zlib window bits to 16 bits for gzip decompression
decompressor = zlib.decompressobj(zlib.MAX_WBITS|16)
#Build a buffer list
while True:
print("Building request. Bytes read:",total_bytes_read)
resp = http.request(
timeout=urllib3.Timeout(connect=15, read=40),
print("Setting headers.")
#This header should cause the request to resume at "total_bytes_read"
resp.headers['Range'] = 'bytes=%s' % (total_bytes_read)
print("Local filename:",local_filename)
#If file already exists then append to it
if os.path.exists(local_filename):
print("File already exists.")
print("Starting appended download.")
with open(local_filename, 'ab') as f:
for chunk in
#Use i to offset the chunk being read from the "buffer"
#I.E. load 3 chunks (0,1,2) in the buffer list before starting to read from it
if i >2:
#Comment out the below line to stop the error from occurring.
#File download should complete successfully even if interrupted when the following line is commented out.
#Increment i so that the buffer list will fill before reading from it
session_bytes_read = resp._fp_bytes_read
#Sum bytes read is an updated value that isn't stored. It is only used for console print
sum_bytes_read = total_bytes_read + session_bytes_read
print("[+] Bytes read:",str(format(sum_bytes_read, ",")), end='\r')
print("\nAppended download complete.")
except Exception as e:
#Add to total bytes read to current session bytes each time the loop needs to repeat
print("Bytes Read:",total_bytes_read)
#Mod the total_bytes back to the nearest chunk size so it can be - re-requested
print("Rounded bytes Read:",total_bytes_read)
#Pop the last entry off of the buffer since it may be incomplete
#reset i so that the buffer has to rebuilt
print("Sleeping for 30 seconds before re-attempt...")
#If file doesn't already exist then write to it directly
print("File does not exist.")
print("Starting initial download.")
with open(local_filename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in
#Use i to offset the chunk being read from the "buffer"
#I.E. load 3 chunks (0,1,2) in the buffer list before starting to read from it
if i > 2:
#print("Buffered Chunk",str(i-2),"-",buffered_chunk)
#Increment i so that the buffer list will fill before reading from it
session_bytes_read = resp._fp_bytes_read
print("[+] Bytes read:",str(format(session_bytes_read, ",")), end='\r')
print("\nInitial download complete.")
except Exception as e:
#Set the total bytes read equal to the session bytes since this is the first failure
print("Bytes Read:",total_bytes_read)
#Mod the total_bytes back to the nearest chunk size so it can be - re-requested
print("Rounded bytes Read:",total_bytes_read)
#Pop the last entry off of the buffer since it may be incomplete
#reset i so that the buffer has to rebuilt
print("Sleeping for 30 seconds before re-attempt...")
#Finish writing from buffer into file
#BE SURE TO SET TO "APPEND" with "ab" or you will overwrite the start of the file
f = open(local_filename, 'ab')
print("[+] Finishing write from buffer.")
while not len(buf_list) == 0:
#Flush and close the file
Reproducing the error
To reproduce the error perform the following actions:
Run the script and let the download start
Be sure that line 65 decompressed_chunk=decompressor.decompress(chunk) is not commented out
Turn off your network connection until an exception is raised
Turn your network connection back on immediately.
If the decompressor.decompress(chunk) line is removed from the script then it will download the file and the data can be successfully decompressed from the file itself. However, if line 65 is present and an interruption occurs, the zlib library will not be able to continue decompressing the data stream. I need to decompress the data stream as I cannot store the actual file I am trying to use.
Is there some way to prevent this from occurring? I have now attempted to add a "buffer" list that stores the chunks; the script discards the last chunk after a failure and moves back to a point in the file that preceded the "failed" chunk. I am able to re-establish the connection and even pull back all the data correctly but even with a "buffer" my ability to decompress the stream is interrupted. I must not be smoothly recovering the data back to the buffer somehow.
I put this together very quickly in an attempt to better describe what I am trying to do...
I bet Mark Adler is hiding out there somewhere...
r+b doesn't append. You would need to use ab for that. It appears that on the re-try, you are reading the entire gzip file again from the start. With r+b, that file is written correctly to your output file, by overwriting what was read before.
However, you are feeding the initial read to the decompressor, and then the start of the file again. Not surprisingly, the decompressor then soon detects invalid compressed data.

Reading Gzip File Footer with CURL or WGET

I have a gzip file in the web server. I want to download the file only if there is enough disk space to decompress the file. Is it possible to know
the decompress size before downloading the file?
The decompressed size is encoded in the footer of the gzip file[1]. We can extract the decompressed size with the following command
gzip -l
But, the file need to be downloaded. I want to avoid the file downloading if I could know the decompressed size.
You can hack your way with the HTTP Range header, but it will take many http requests and your server needs to accept the Range header.
Send a first request with the HEAD method, to figure out the total file size content-length
Send a second request with a Range header to get the last 4 bytes of the file. Compute theses bytes to know the file size
If you have enough size available on the disk (file-size + uncompressed size), download the full file.

How to detect if a file is encoded using mp3PRO?

I have a folder which contains lot of MP3 files, some of them are encoded using mp3PRO.
Since this format is now obsolete, I'd like to convert them back to MP3 (converters can be found easily).
Is there is a way to detect programatically if a file is encoded using mp3PRO format ? (eg : by looking at file header or specific signatures using an hex editor)
The official player is able to detect if file is encoded using mp3PRO (the logo is highlighted or not) so I suppose this is technically possible.
What I found so far is that bitrate of mp3PRO file appears to be pretty low (50% of non encoded file) : eg : a 128 kbps file will appears as 64kbps. However a 320 kbps file will appears as 160 kpbs (which are pretty common) so it cannot be used as a rule.
Here is what I found out and how I fixed it. I wrote in here in case somebody would need it :
MP3Pro files does not contains any special flag in the mp3 header that would help to recognize them.
They are technically very similar to usual mp3 files, except they are encoded half the bit and sample rate (eg : a 128kpbs 44100hz file will be encoded as a 64kps 22050hz file, resulting in mp3pro file being approx half the size of original file).
This has been made for compatibility, so default players can play them without any change.
They also contains some SBR data, which allow to synthetically rebuild the lost audio part (high frequencies) and to play them it was before the mp3 pro conversion.
Detecting the SBR data seems very hard if not impossible : it would require to decode the actual mp3 frames. Also there is no documentation to be found about mp3pro format.
What I did (which works but required some manual effort) : I added all files to be checked to playlist of an mp3 player (foobar 2000 in my case) then sorted the files on the sample rate column : most 22050 hz mp3 files were indeed mp3 pro files.
They were converted back to mp3 using winamp + the mp3pro plugin made for it, available here :
