The output values in one line.(python3/csv.write) - python-3.x

I write a list of dics into a csv file. But the output is in one line. How could witer each value in new lines?
f = open(os.getcwd() + '/friend1.csv','w+',newline='')
for Member in MemberList:

Take a look at the writing example in the csv module of the standard library and this question. Either that, or simply append a newline ("\n") after each write: f.write(str(Member)) + "\n").


Replacing "" script with flexible functions that match DFs on partial string matching of column names [Python3] [Pandas] [Merge]

I spent too much time trying to write a generic solution to a problem (below this). I ran into a couple issues, so I ended up writing a Do-It script, which is here:
# No imports necessary
# set file paths
# Read all the annotation data into a dict:
with open(annofh, 'r') as annoObj:
for l in annoObj:
k=l[0] + ':' + l[1] + ' ' + l[3] + ' ' + l[4]
with open(mergedfh, 'w') as oF:
with open(datafh, 'r') as dataObj:
h2=dataObj.readline().strip(); oF.write(h2 + '\t'+ h1) # write the header line to the output file
for l in dataObj:
l=l.strip().split('\t') # Read through the data to be annotated line-by-line:
if "-" in l[13]:
key=l[12][3:] + ":" + l[13] + " " + l[15] + " " + l[16]
if key in annoD.keys():
l = l + annoD[key]
oF.write('\t'.join(l) + '\n')
oF.write('\t'.join(l) + '\n')
The function of (which functions correctly, above ^ ) is simple:
first read a file containing annotation information into a dictionary.
read through the data to be annotated line-by-line, and add annotation info. to the data by matching a string constructed by pasting together 4 columns.
As you can see, this script contains index positions, that I obtained by writing a quick awk one-liner, finding the corresponding columns in both files, then putting these into the python script.
Here's the thing. I do this kind of task all the time. I want to write a robust solution that will enable me to automate this task, *even if column names vary. My first goal is to use partial string matching; but eventually it would be nice to be even more robust.
I got part of the way to doing this, but at present the below solution is actually no better than the script...
# Across many projects, the correct columns names vary.
# For example, the name might be "#CHROM" or "Chromosome" or "CHR" for the first DF, But "Chrom" for the second df.
# in any case, if I conduct str.lower() then search for a substring, it should match any of the above options.
MasterColNamesList=["chr", "pos", "ref", "alt"]
def selectFields(h, columnNames):
##### currently this will only fix lower case uppercase problems. need to fix to catch any kind of mapping issue, like a partial string match (e.g., chr will match #CHROM)
for fld in columnNames:
if fld in h:
#### Now, this will work, but only if the field names are an exact match.
def MergeDFsByCols(DF1, DF2, colnames): # <-- Single set of colnames; no need to use indices
# eventually, need to write the merge statement; I could paste the cols together to a string and make that the indices for both DFs, then match on the indices, for example.
def mergeData(annoData, studyData, MasterColNamesList):
import pandas as pd
aDF=pd.read_csv(annoData, header=True, sep='\t')
sDF=pd.read_csv(studyData, header=True, sep='\t')
annoFieldIdx=selectFields(list(aVT.columns.values), columnNames1) # currently, columnNames1; should be MasterColNamesList
dataFieldIdx=selectFields(list(sD.columns.values), columnNames2)
mergeDFsByCols(aVT, sD):
Now, although the above works, it is actually no more automated than the script, because the columnNames1 and 2 are specific to each file and still need to be found manually ...
What I want to be able to do is enter a list of generic strings that, if processed, will result in the correct columns being pulled from both files, then merge the pandas DFs on those columns.
Greatly appreciate your help.

how can read files in directory and write to file

I want to write all mp3 files in a file that are in a certain directory.
I used this code
import os
path = 'P:\dn\test55'
wrname = r'P:\dn\path\test55.txt'
test_files = [f for f in os.listdir(path) if f.endswith('.mp3')]
f = open(wrname, "w")
the file is also written, but it looks like this
['001-file.mp3', '002-file.mp3', '003-file.mp3']
but i want the file to look like this :
How can I change this?
Thanks a lot
the write method writes its input string in the file. You then need pass to write the actual string that you want in your file: the mp3 names separated by the \n character that means "go to line"
the join method of strings takes a list as input and then join the elements of the list separated by the string from which you call the method.

Reading a list of tuples from a text file in python

I am reading a text file and I want to read a list of tuples so that I can add another tuple to it in my program and write that appended tuple back to the text file.
Example in the file
[('john', 'abc')]
Want to write back to the file as
[('john', 'abc'), ('jack', 'def')]
However, I whenever I keep writing back to the file, the appended tuple seems to add in double quotes along with square brackets. I just want it to appear as above.
You can write a reusable function which takes 2 parameters file_path (on which you want to write tuple), tup (which you want to append) and put your logic inside that. Later you can supply proper data to this function and it will do the job for you.
Note: Don't forget to read the documentation as comments in code
tuples.txt (Before writing)
[('john', 'abc')]
def add_tuple_to_file(file_path, tup):
with open(file_path, 'r+') as f:
content = # read content from file and remove whitespaces around
tuples = eval(content) # convert string format tuple to original tuple object (not possible using json.loads())
tuples.append(tup) # append new tuple `tup` to the old list # After reading file, file pointer reaches to end of file so place it again at beginning
f.truncate() # truncate file (erase old content)
f.write(str(tuples)) # write back the updated list
# Try
add_tuple_to_file("./tuples.txt", ('jack', 'def'))
tuples.txt (After writing back)
[('john', 'abc'), ('jack', 'def')]
How to open a file for both reading and writing?
You can use ast.literal_eval to get the list object from the string.
import ast
s = "[('john', 'abc')]"
o = ast.literal_eval(s)
o.append(('jack', 'def'))
newstr = repr(o)
Here it is in action.

Reading file and getting values from a file. It shows only first one and others are empty

I am reading a file by using a with open in python and then do all other operation in the with a loop. While calling the function, I can print only the first operation inside the loop, while others are empty. I can do this by using another approach such as readlines, but I did not find why this does not work. I thought the reason might be closing the file, but with open take care of it. Could anyone please suggest me what's wrong
def read_datafile(filename):
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
a = [lines.split("\n")[0] for number, lines in enumerate(f) if number ==2]
b = [lines.split("\n")[0] for number, lines in enumerate(f) if number ==3]
c = [lines.split("\n")[0] for number, lines in enumerate(f) if number ==2]
return a, b, c
I only get values for a and all others are empty. When 'a' is commented​, I get value for b and others are empty.
The file looks like this:
-0.6908270760153553 -0.4493128078936575 0.5090918714784820
0.6908270760153551 -0.2172871921063448 0.5090918714784820
-0.0000000000000000 0.6666999999999987 0.4597549674638203
0.3097856229862140 -0.1259623621214220 0.5475896447896115
0.6902143770137859 0.4593623621214192 0.5475896447896115
The construct
with open(filename) as handle:
a = [line for line in handle if condition]
b = [line for line in handle]
will always return an empty b because the iterator in a already consumed all the data from the open filehandle. Once you reach the end of a stream, additional attempts to read anything will simply return nothing.
If the input is seekable, you can rewind it and read all the same lines again; or you can close it (explicitly, or implicitly by leaving the with block) and open it again - but a much more efficient solution is to read it just once, and pick the lines you actually want from memory. Remember that reading a byte off a disk can easily take several orders of magnitude more time than reading a byte from memory. And keep in mind that the data you read could come from a source which is not seekable, such as standard output from another process, or a client on the other side of a network connection.
def read_datafile(filename):
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
lines = [line for line in f]
a = lines[2]
b = lines[3]
c = lines[2]
return a, b, c
If the file could be too large to fit into memory at once, you end up with a different set of problems. Perhaps in this scenario, where you only seem to want a few lines from the beginning, only read that many lines into memory in the first place.
What exactly are you trying to do with this script? The lines variable here may not contain what you want: it will contain a single line because the file gets enumerated by lines.

Writing to files in ASCII with Python3, not UTF8

I have a program that I created with two sections.
The first one copies a text file with an integer in the middle of the file name in this format.
file = "Filename" + "str(int)" + ".txt"
the user can create as many copies of the file that they would like.
The second part of the program is what I am having the problem with. There is an integer at the very bottom of the file that is to correspond with the integer in the file name. After the first part is done, I open each file one at a time in "r+" read/write format. So I can to about where the integer is in the file.
Now in my opinion the next part should be easy. I should just simply have to write str(int) into the file right here. But it wasn't that easy. It worked just fine doing it like that in Linux at home, but at work on Windows it proved difficult. What I ended up having to do after is write to the file using Unicode UTF-8. I accomplished this with this code snippet of the rest of the program. I will document it so that it is able to be understood what is going on. Instead of having to write this in Unicode, I would love to be able to write this in good old regular English ASCII characters. Eventually this program will be expanded to include a lot more data at the bottom of each file. Having to write the data in Unicode is going to make things extremely difficult. If I just write the data without turning it into Unicode this is the result. This string is supposed to say #2 =1534, instead it says #2 =ㄠ㌵433.
If someone can show me what I am doing wrong that would be great. I would love to just use something like file.write('1534') to write the data to the file instead of having to do it in Unicode UTF-8.
while a1 < d1 :
file = "file" + str(a1) + ".par"
f = open(file, "r+")
data = #reads the data from that point in the file into a variable.
numList= list(str(a1)) # "a1" is the integer in the file name. I had to turn the integer into a list to accomplish the next task.
replaceData = '\x00' + numList[0] + '\x00' + numList[1] + '\x00' + numList[2] + '\x00' + numList[3] + '\x00' #This line turns the integer into Utf 8 Unicode. I am by no means a Unicode expert.
currentData = data #probably didn't need to be done now that I'm looking at this.
data = data.replace(currentData, replaceData) #replaces the Utf 8 string in the "data" variable with the new Utf 8 string in "replaceData." # Return to where I need to be in the file to write the data.
f.write(data) # Write the new Unicode data to the file
f.close() #close the file
f.close() #make sure the file is closed (sometimes it seems that this fails in Windows.)
a1 += 1 #advances the integer, and then return to the top of the loop
This is an example of writing to a file in ASCII. You need to open the file in byte mode, and using the .encode method for strings is a convenient way to get the end result you want.
s = '12345'
ascii = s.encode('ascii')
with open('somefile', 'wb') as f:
You can obviously also open in rb+ (read and write byte mode) in your case if the file already exists.
with open('somefile', 'rb+') as f:
existing =
f.write(b'ascii without encoding!')
You can also just pass string literals with the b prefix, and they will be encoded with ascii as shown in the second example.
