I have two issues relative to the Chart component:
my x-axis labels are months, but they overlap each other. Is there a way to avoid that ?
If I rotate my device to landscape orientation, the chart does not adapt to the new size. See screenshot. How do I fix that ?
You can use automatic label rotation as in this plunkr:
<kendo-chart-category-axis-item [labels]="{ rotation: 'auto' }">
As for the second issue, you can monitor issue #73 for updates.
I can't draw an image exactly onto the full screen on wide-aspect (13:6) phones. If I observe the safe area, the error is (predictably) underscan. Using .edgesIgnoringSafeArea() goes (unexpectedly) too far in the other direction.
Apple DTS have suggested this is a bug, refunded me one support incident, and invited me to submit a bug report. It is in the pipeline at https://feedbackassistant.apple.com/feedback/8192204
Caveat Lector
My presumptions about .scaledToFill might be wrong. I address that at the end.
So elementary I can put it here and it won't even slow you down
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
// .edgesIgnoringSafeArea(.all)
Test Image
The Test Image is a landscape rectangle, proportioned at 13:6, like the wide phone. (E.g. the 812:375 proportion of the original iPhone X.) The gray periphery is not part of the image.
It has its sub-frames marked, that correspond to the narrow (older) phones (16:9) and pads (4:3).
Runtime Results
The Xcode project settings are explicitly landscape-only, for both pads and phones.
For narrow phones and all pads, the code above, observing safe areas, renders the Test Image like I expect:
But on wide phones, I can't get the red rect to coincide with the screen edges.
Wide Phones
With no call to .edgesIgnoringSafeArea(), that is we are observing safe area. Naturally, our image is mapped to a subset of the full screen.
With the call to .edgesIgnoringSafeArea(). I expected this to exactly fill the screen but it overscans:
Here is the Xcode view-hierarchy debugger's perspective on the previous: the image is being mapped to a rect larger than the full screen. Why?
Order of Events
If I reverse the order of modifiers, and call .edgesIgnoringSafeArea() before .scaledToFill(), I get aspect ratio distortion, which .scaledToFill() is supposed to prevent. (See circle become ellipse in screen shot.) An explanation of how these operations compose, and why they do not commute, might go a long way to answering my primary questions.
I think the above should work, and I don't see why not. What does work — on wide phones — is to eliminate the .scaledToFill modifier. Then you get this. But it only works because the test image is already the exact aspect ratio as the display — not a very general solution.
Scale to Fill
In the restricted domain of landscape images and displays, I expect the operation of scale-to-fill on the 13:6 test image to be equivalent to (to have the semantics of):
Center the test image in the destination (container) rect, sized to fit entirely in the container.
I have been expecting that ignoring safe areas means the "destination" will be the full screen, but that may be where I err.
Expand the test image, maintaining proportion and center, until one pair of sides coincides with those of the container.
For narrower displays, the left and right edges will meet first, and the top and bottom will be inside the destination rect.
But don’t stop now. That would be scale to fit, or letterboxing.
Expand until your top and bottom coincide with those of the container.
For narrower displays this means there will be content cropped on both sides
For 13:6 displays all four image edges will to coincide with the display edges at the same time.
I do not know why .edgesIgnoringSafeArea() does not work as it should but here is a workaround that should help you.
GeometryReader { geo in
.frame(width: geo.size.width, height: geo.size.height)
Here is another way to do the same thing without GeometryReader:
.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity, minHeight: 0, maxHeight: .infinity)
I need to change to color and shape of points/items in the kendo react scatter chart. The default is circles with different colors but I need to change it to shapes of diamond, square, circle and plus.
Can anyone please provide help in this regard.
visible: true,
type: "triangle",
It can be controlled with the Markers properties type and background
The default behavior of fabricJS resizefilters makes images look great as long as the zoom level is set to 1.0. This means images with a resizefilter look pixelated when zoomed in, as well as when exporting the canvas with a multiplier. Is there a way for resizefilters to take into account the current canvas zoom level or toDataURL multiplier?
fabric.Image.fromURL(imageData, function(img) {
left: 10,
top: 10
img.resizeFilter = new fabric.Image.filters.Resize({
resizeType: 'hermite'
Hi i have seen your question on the issue tracker too, as of now there is no simple way to obtain it with the resize filter.
The only way to make it non pixellated is to remove at export time the resizeFilter and add one resizeFilter in the normal filter chain with a precalculated ratio.
This is actually a bug.
issue tracker: https://github.com/fabricjs/fabric.js/issues/5071
Just an update on this question, this issue was a bug that was fixed with Version 2.3.4. Using a resizefilter will now apply resizing based on the current zoom level, and works with toDataURL multipliers as well.
I've been using gRaphaël charts for a few weeks now, and every now and then I get some weird issues. A recurring theme is that the pie chart legend labels all get squish together in the wrong places. Picture > words:
The chart is created as you would expect, in this case:
var r = Raphael(domNode, 300, 120);
this.chart = r.piechart(55, 55, 50, [75, 25],
colors: [
legend: ["Building", "Tertiary Education"],
legendpos: "east"
I then do some more basic styling, but turning that off doesn't help. The problem is clearly visible in the <svg> node (the text and circle nodes share overlapping positions), but I don't know where it comes from or why, and it only happens sometimes; other charts work just fine. There's nothing on the forums or issue tracker either, though I just realised I should probably ask there instead/as well.
Using Raphaël 2.1.0 and g.Raphael 0.51.
I have found the following blog post which deals with this exact problem. If the pie chart is rendered in an initially hidden element, gRaphael has problems to compute the positions properly resulting in this stacked legend:
So the solution is to render the facebox partial first, after the
facebox is shown, then you execute the Raphael Javascript. In other
word, make sure you generate the chart when the chart container is
there and not hidden!
I have solved this by moving the create pie chart function from the jQuery document ready directive to the on click event that will make the hidden elements visible.
Try to define your legend as following
{ legend: ["Building", "Tertiary Education"] , legendpos: "east"}
Its the only difference taht I could find between your and my working jsfiddle
I am working on implementing a gallery, I tried GridFieldManager for this, but the images of the thumbnail are not of same size. I sneaked through the gridfieldclass but there are no methods for making the cell size of each image constant.
Is it worth to use flowfieldmnager? When I tried overriding sublayout method for the above two managers it is not giving the desired reults.
Is it possible to sublayout flowfieldmanager?
Device : Blackberry 9780, OS 6.0
The below image is the desired result I am trying to get
I advice you to use a simple FlowFieldManager. But instead of BitmapField inside it, extend a Field to do the following:
setExtent to 1/4 of the Display width in the sublayout method
draw your own focus in the border of the image
draw your own borders and draw the image in the center of the field's extent