Apostrophe-cms Unable login to localhost:3000 after install - node.js

I am a beginner in Apostrophe-cms. I tried to follow installation environment Apostrophe, until the step node app.js. I can run the web on localhost:3000, but could not login.
These are the steps which I do:
CMD show when I created new user
when I run node app.js
Then I can open the website:
However, I could not login
I tried input user name: admin, password: admin. And I tried to run the code to create new user: admin1 / admin1, but still the same. When I click Login button the page do not login.
Could you help me on this? Did I missing any step? Or any suggestion ?
I tried to install on Mac Book and Windows and removed and installed several times but the same thing. L


1045-Access denied for user 'root'#'localhost' (using password: NO) (SQL: SHOW FULL TABLES WHERE table_type = 'BASE TABLE')

I am working with laravel 7 and after clone my existing repo which was created via windows operating system and right now i am using macOS.
After cloning I copy .env.example and converted into .env file and then run the below commands,
composer install
npm install && npm run dev
php artisan key:generate
All of the above commands run perfectly and then i run the 4 number commands to seed the database.
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
After run the php artisan migrate:fresh --seed, I have faced an error [1045] Access denied for user 'root'#'localhost' (using password: NO) (SQL: SHOW FULL TABLES WHERE table_type = 'BASE TABLE')
Then I checked the php version and it showed php version: 8 and that's why I downgrade the php version from version 8 to 7.4 and right now the requires version are given below,
PHP Version: 7.4.30
Composer Version: 2.4.1
then I clone again and run the same commands 1,2,3 and 4 but iot's sorrow that I have faced same error again. Please check the attached file and check the error and help me to solve the error.
That indicates a problem with your database connection. Your Laravel application is not able to connect to the MySQL database. Check that mysql is running and that you have the correct database name, port, user, and password for your mysql client, or try connecting to mysql outside of the application.
Once you have completed the preceding steps and are able to connect to MySQL from outside of the application, you can run:
php artisan optimize:clear
php artisan cache:clear
php artisan config:cache
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
There maybe 2 problems with your database connection.
Try to write correct database username and password at your .env file, in case you have created manually,
If you are working on existing database, then try to create new user for your my sql database,
Open your mysql database go to privileges, add new user for your database and set password, then rewrite the username and password at .env file.

How to host a react + nodejs app on IIS server?

I have developed an application using nodejs & react. I want to host my application using the same Port: 3000 on IIS server?
I would just comment, but my reputation is a little low.
The best option for you would be to run IISNode. Supported by MS and available on Github here: https://github.com/Azure/iisnode.
First, you need to install the node on the windows:
install IIS by following these steps:
Open control panel
select Programs and Features, click on the link Turn Windows features
on or off.
Click on the Internet Information Services checkbox and select iis
required features.
open the iis manager from the installed application.
after installing node and iis open command prompt as administrator and enter to the react js application folder.
my react js application is under the C:\windows\system32\
to go to that path use command:
cd C:\windows\system32\my-app
run react app using :
npm start
check that the application is running properly or not.
then run the command:
npm run build
You can see the build folder in your application folder.
now open iis manager.
select server name from the connection pane.right-click on it and
select add-website:
in add website windows enter details like site name folder path the port number, IP address, hostname, etc
note: select the build folder when you add the site path.
Open site by click on the browse button from the action pane.

Set Node-red password in root mode

I have a node-red flow in my raspberry pi 3 for which I'd like to set a user and password in root mode, but haven't succeeded yet.
So far I've managed to set it as a regular user as stated in their own security website (https://nodered.org/docs/security), but I need to run it as admin in order to save some stuff and found out there's no guidance for such scenario
(on they way found out there are two versions of Node-red in the raspberry pi, one for 'sudo start-node-red' and another one for 'start-node-red', I'm interested on the first case)
The one I've managed for the plain user would be editing the settings.js as follows:
adminAuth: {
type: "credentials",
users: [{
username: "admin",
password: "$2a$08$zZWtXTja0fB1pzD4sHCMyOCMYz2Z6dNbM6tl8sJogENOMcxWV9DN.",
permissions: "*"
Has anyone managed to do so?
There are not two versions of Node-RED installed on the Raspberry Pi - you are running it in two different ways.
Node-RED is installed as a system service. The service can be started and stopped using node-red-start and node-red-stop commands. By default, the service will run Node-RED as the pi user, and use /home/pi/.node-red as the user directory - where the settings.js file is located.
You can manually run Node-RED by using the node-red command. Rather than start it as a service, it will run in the terminal you ran the command in. It uses ~/.node-red as the user directory. If you run it as the Pi user, that will be /home/pi/.node-red - the same as the service instance. If you run using sudo then you are running as the root user, so the user directory will be /root/.node-red. Following from that, the settings file it will use will be /root/.node-red/settings.js - so it is that file you would need to enable adminAuth in.
You can confirm exactly what user directory and settings file it is using by viewing the log on start up where the full paths to both of these things is provided.
Note: we strongly recommend not running as root if you do not need to.

Heroku Login cmd permission issue for Windows 10

I installed heroku cli.
$ heroku --version
heroku-cli/6.14.36-15f8a25 (windows-x64) node-v8.7.0
Started cmd.exe as admin
$ heroku login (asked me for username and password)
After I provided the username and password. I get the following error:
! EACCES: connect EACCES
I tried using gitbash to login in heroku. I get the same error message if I try same thing in git bash using the following cmd:
winpty heroku login
I have looked everywhere I could. Most places have closed the tickets but there is no solution anywhere. I also tried deleting the heroku folder from appdata/local/ but that also didn't help. I know its permission issue. I get a better error message when I try
$ heroku update
heroku-cli: Updating plugins... done
! Get https://cli-assets.heroku.com/branches/v6/manifest.json: dial tcp connectex: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions.
I want to host a small NodeJS app for free. What are my other options because if I have to spend so much time just deploying then maybe it is not an option.
maybe your problem is the firewall or the antivirus, add the exception for the address that shows you (, and do the test. Also check your antivirus if it is not blocking you heroku cli, and always run in administrator mode
You can also do the following. Enable debugging during login. Make sure to redact your password from the output before sending it to support! Enable it by running set HEROKU_DEBUG=true; set HEROKU_DEBUG_HEADERS=1; heroku login on Windows to get more information.
Good luck with your app my friend!

Cannot Create Admin Login on CouchDB

I have a fresh install of CouchDB on a new server. I set it up on a dev server and upon starting the service and accessing the web interface I was able to click the fix it button and create an admin login. On the new server using the exact same steps and software when clicking fix it and entering the new username and password it just spins and keeps thinking and does nothing else. If I refresh the screen it just starts over with no visible change. Anyone know where to look to see what the issue is or know why this is happening. I am fairly new to CouchDB.
Note: I am using the Fix link in the lower right side menu to create the login, it worked before on another server
I followed this article, see section on creating admin using Fix It
You can try to add the admin with curl. If curl isn't installed on your machine, install it with this simple command:
apt-get update && apt-get install curl
then execute the following curl command:
$1: Username
$2: Userpassword
curl -X PUT $HOST/_config/admins/$1 -d '"'$2'"'
Source for further information about that topic: http://docs.couchdb.org/en/1.6.1/intro/security.html
