Functions with higher kinds? - haskell

Suppose the following data types are defined:
data X a = X {getX :: a}
data Y a = Y {getY :: a}
data Z a = Z {getZ :: a}
Must there be three separate functions, getX, getY, and getZ? It seems to me that there could be a function defined something like this:
get :: forall (τ :: (* -> *)) (a :: *). τ a -> a
get (_ x) = x
Obviously this is not valid standard Haskell, but there are so many extensions to GHC that seem like they might have a solution (RankNTypes,ExistentialQuantification,DataKinds,etc.). Besides the simple reason of avoiding a tiny amount of typing, there is the benefit of avoiding the namespace pollution that the record solution creates. I suppose this is really just a more implicit solution than using a type class like this:
class Get f where
get :: f a -> a
However, it appears that defining a generic function would be more useful than a type class, because the fact that it is implicitly defined means it could be used in many more places, in the same way that ($) or (.) is used. So my question has three parts: is there a way to accomplish this, is it a good idea, and if not, what is a better way?

How about this type?
newtype Pred a = Pred (a -> Bool)
Or this one?
data Proxy a = Proxy
There's no way to get an a out of a Pred a. You can only put as in. Likewise, there's no way to get an a out of a Proxy a, because there aren't any as inside it.
So a function get :: forall f a. f a -> a can't exist in general. You need to use a type class to distinguish between those types f from which you can extract an a and those from which you can't.

Well, that unconstrained generic type of get certainly can't work. This would also allow you to extract, say, a Void value from Const () :: Const () Void.
You can however obtain a suitably constrained version of this function quite simply with generics. You still need a type class, but not need to define instances in the traditional sense. It ultimately looks like this:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, DeriveGeneric, DeriveAnyClass #-}
import GHC.Generics
class Get τ where
get :: τ a -> a
data X a = X a deriving (Generic1, Get)
data Y a = Y a deriving (Generic1, Get)
data Z a = Z a deriving (Generic1, Get)
To actually get this to work, we only need two weird representation-type instances:
instance Get f => Get (M1 i t f) where get = get . unM1
instance Get Par1 where get = unPar1
Now the actual implementation for X, Y and Z can just use a default signature and reduce the extraction to the underlying type-representation. To this end, define the class thus:
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
class Get τ where
get :: τ a -> a
default get :: (Generic1 τ, Get (Rep1 τ)) => τ a -> a
get = get . from1


Expressing infinite kinds

When expressing infinite types in Haskell:
f x = x x -- This doesn't type check
One can use a newtype to do it:
newtype Inf = Inf { runInf :: Inf -> * }
f x = x (Inf x)
Is there a newtype equivalent for kinds that allows one to express infinite kinds?
I already found that I can use type families to get something similar:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
data Inf (x :: * -> *) = Inf
type family RunInf x :: * -> *
type instance RunInf (Inf x) = x
But I'm not satisfied with this solution - unlike the types equivalent, Inf doesn't create a new kind (Inf x has the kind *), so there's less kind safety.
Is there a more elegant solution to this problem?
Responding to:
Like recursion-schemes, I want a way to construct ASTs, except I want my ASTs to be able to refer to each other - that is a term can contain a type (for a lambda parameter), a type can contain a row-type in it and vice-versa. I'd like the ASTs to be defined with an external fix-point (so one can have "pure" expressions or ones annotated with types after type inference), but I also want these fix-points to be able to contain other types of fix-points (just like terms can contain terms of different types). I don't see how Fix helps me there
I have a method, which maybe is near what you are asking for, that I have been experimenting with. It seems to be quite powerful, though the abstractions around this construction need some development. The key is that there is a kind Label which indicates from where the recursion will continue.
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
import Data.Kind (Type)
data Label = Label ((Label -> Type) -> Type)
type L = 'Label
L is just a shortcut to construct labels.
Open-fixed-point definitions are of kind (Label -> Type) -> Type, that is, they take a "label interpretation (type) function" and give back a type. I called these "shape functors", and abstractly refer to them with the letter h. The simplest shape functor is one that does not recurse:
newtype LiteralF a f = Literal a -- does not depend on the interpretation f
type Literal a = L (LiteralF a)
Now we can make a little expression grammar as an example:
data Expr f
= Lit (f (Literal Integer))
| Let (f (L Defn)) (f (L Expr))
| Var (f (L String))
| Add (f (L Expr)) (f (L Expr))
data Defn f
= Defn (f (Literal String)) (f (L Expr))
Notice how we pass labels to f, which is in turn responsible for closing off the recursion. If we just want a normal expression tree, we can use Tree:
data Tree :: Label -> Type where
Tree :: h Tree -> Tree (L h)
Then a Tree (L Expr) is isomorphic to the normal expression tree you would expect. But this also allows us to, e.g., annotate the tree with a label-dependent annotation at each level of the tree:
data Annotated :: (Label -> Type) -> Label -> Type where
Annotated :: ann (L h) -> h (Annotated ann) -> Annotated ann (L h)
In the repo ann is indexed by a shape functor rather than a label, but this seems cleaner to me now. There are a lot of little decisions like this to be made, and I have yet to find the most convenient pattern. The best abstractions to use around shape functors still needs exploration and development.
There are many other possibilities, many of which I have not explored. If you end up using it I would love to hear about your use case.
With data-kinds, we can use a regular newtype:
import Data.Kind (Type)
newtype Inf = Inf (Inf -> Type)
And promote it (with ') to create new kinds to represent loops:
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
type F x = x ('Inf x)
For a type to unpack its 'Inf argument we need a type-family:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
type family RunInf (x :: Inf) :: Inf -> Type
type instance RunInf ('Inf x) = x
Now we can express infinite kinds with a new kind for them, so no kind-safety is lost.
Thanks to #luqui for pointing out the DataKinds part in his answer!
I think you're looking for Fix which is defined as
data Fix f = Fix (f (Fix f))
Fix gives you the fixpoint of the type f. I'm not sure what you're trying to do but such infinite types are generally used when you use recursion scehemes (patterns of recursion that you can use) see recursion-schemes package by Edward Kmett or with free monads which among other things allow you to construct ASTs in a monadic style.

What can type families do that multi param type classes and functional dependencies cannot

I have played around with TypeFamilies, FunctionalDependencies, and MultiParamTypeClasses. And it seems to me as though TypeFamilies doesn't add any concrete functionality over the other two. (But not vice versa). But I know type families are pretty well liked so I feel like I am missing something:
"open" relation between types, such as a conversion function, which does not seem possible with TypeFamilies. Done with MultiParamTypeClasses:
class Convert a b where
convert :: a -> b
instance Convert Foo Bar where
convert = foo2Bar
instance Convert Foo Baz where
convert = foo2Baz
instance Convert Bar Baz where
convert = bar2Baz
Surjective relation between types, such as a sort of type safe pseudo-duck typing mechanism, that would normally be done with a standard type family. Done with MultiParamTypeClasses and FunctionalDependencies:
class HasLength a b | a -> b where
getLength :: a -> b
instance HasLength [a] Int where
getLength = length
instance HasLength (Set a) Int where
getLength = S.size
instance HasLength Event DateDiff where
getLength = dateDiff (start event) (end event)
Bijective relation between types, such as for an unboxed container, which could be done through TypeFamilies with a data family, although then you have to declare a new data type for every contained type, such as with a newtype. Either that or with an injective type family, which I think is not available prior to GHC 8. Done with MultiParamTypeClasses and FunctionalDependencies:
class Unboxed a b | a -> b, b -> a where
toList :: a -> [b]
fromList :: [b] -> a
instance Unboxed FooVector Foo where
toList = fooVector2List
fromList = list2FooVector
instance Unboxed BarVector Bar where
toList = barVector2List
fromList = list2BarVector
And lastly a surjective relations between two types and a third type, such as python2 or java style division function, which can be done with TypeFamilies by also using MultiParamTypeClasses. Done with MultiParamTypeClasses and FunctionalDependencies:
class Divide a b c | a b -> c where
divide :: a -> b -> c
instance Divide Int Int Int where
divide = div
instance Divide Int Double Double where
divide = (/) . fromIntegral
instance Divide Double Int Double where
divide = (. fromIntegral) . (/)
instance Divide Double Double Double where
divide = (/)
One other thing I should also add is that it seems like FunctionalDependencies and MultiParamTypeClasses are also quite a bit more concise (for the examples above anyway) as you only have to write the type once, and you don't have to come up with a dummy type name which you then have to type for every instance like you do with TypeFamilies:
instance FooBar LongTypeName LongerTypeName where
FooBarResult LongTypeName LongerTypeName = LongestTypeName
fooBar = someFunction
instance FooBar LongTypeName LongerTypeName LongestTypeName where
fooBar = someFunction
So unless I am convinced otherwise it really seems like I should just not bother with TypeFamilies and use solely FunctionalDependencies and MultiParamTypeClasses. Because as far as I can tell it will make my code more concise, more consistent (one less extension to care about), and will also give me more flexibility such as with open type relationships or bijective relations (potentially the latter is solver by GHC 8).
Here's an example of where TypeFamilies really shines compared to MultiParamClasses with FunctionalDependencies. In fact, I challenge you to come up with an equivalent MultiParamClasses solution, even one that uses FlexibleInstances, OverlappingInstance, etc.
Consider the problem of type level substitution (I ran across a specific variant of this in Quipper in QData.hs). Essentially what you want to do is recursively substitute one type for another. For example, I want to be able to
substitute Int for Bool in Either [Int] String and get Either [Bool] String,
substitute [Int] for Bool in Either [Int] String and get Either Bool String,
substitute [Int] for [Bool] in Either [Int] String and get Either [Bool] String.
All in all, I want the usual notion of type level substitution. With a closed type family, I can do this for any types (albeit I need an extra line for each higher-kinded type constructor - I stopped at * -> * -> * -> * -> *).
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-- Subsitute type `x` for type `y` in type `a`
type family Substitute x y a where
Substitute x y x = y
Substitute x y (k a b c d) = k (Substitute x y a) (Substitute x y b) (Substitute x y c) (Substitute x y d)
Substitute x y (k a b c) = k (Substitute x y a) (Substitute x y b) (Substitute x y c)
Substitute x y (k a b) = k (Substitute x y a) (Substitute x y b)
Substitute x y (k a) = k (Substitute x y a)
Substitute x y a = a
And trying at ghci I get the desired output:
> :t undefined :: Substitute Int Bool (Either [Int] String)
undefined :: Either [Bool] [Char]
> :t undefined :: Substitute [Int] Bool (Either [Int] String)
undefined :: Either Bool [Char]
> :t undefined :: Substitute [Int] [Bool] (Either [Int] String)
undefined :: Either [Bool] [Char]
With that said, maybe you should be asking yourself why am I using MultiParamClasses and not TypeFamilies. Of the examples you gave above, all except Convert translate to type families (albeit you will need an extra line per instance for the type declaration).
Then again, for Convert, I am not convinced it is a good idea to define such a thing. The natural extension to Convert would be instances such as
instance (Convert a b, Convert b c) => Convert a c where
convert = convert . convert
instance Convert a a where
convert = id
which are as unresolvable for GHC as they are elegant to write...
To be clear, I am not saying there are no uses of MultiParamClasses, just that when possible you should be using TypeFamilies - they let you think about type-level functions instead of just relations.
This old HaskellWiki page does an OK job of comparing the two.
Some more contrasting and history I stumbled upon from augustss blog
Type families grew out of the need to have type classes with
associated types. The latter is not strictly necessary since it can be
emulated with multi-parameter type classes, but it gives a much nicer
notation in many cases. The same is true for type families; they can
also be emulated by multi-parameter type classes. But MPTC gives a
very logic programming style of doing type computation; whereas type
families (which are just type functions that can pattern match on the
arguments) is like functional programming.
Using closed type families
adds some extra strength that cannot be achieved by type classes. To
get the same power from type classes we would need to add closed type
classes. Which would be quite useful; this is what instance chains
gives you.
Functional dependencies only affect the process of constraint solving, while type families introduced the notion of non-syntactic type equality, represented in GHC's intermediate form by coercions. This means type families interact better with GADTs. See this question for the canonical example of how functional dependencies fail here.

Does exporting type constructors make a difference?

Let's say I have an internal data type, T a, that is used in the signature of exported functions:
module A (f, g) where
newtype T a = MkT { unT :: (Int, a) }
deriving (Functor, Show, Read) -- for internal use
f :: a -> IO (T a)
f a = fmap (\i -> T (i, a)) randomIO
g :: T a -> a
g = snd . unT
What is the effect of not exporting the type constructor T? Does it prevent consumers from meddling with values of type T a? In other words, is there a difference between the export list (f, g) and (f, g, T()) here?
The first thing a consumer will see is that the type doesn't appear in Haddock documentation. In the documentation for f and g, the type Twill not be hyperlinked like an exported type. This may prevent a casual reader from discovering T's class instances.
More importantly, a consumer cannot doing anything with T at the type level. Anything that requires writing a type will be impossible. For instance, a consumer cannot write new class instances involving T, or include T in a type family. (I don't think there's a way around this...)
At the value level, however, the main limitation is that a consumer cannot write a type annotation including T:
> :t (f . read) :: Read b => String -> IO (A.T b)
<interactive>:1:39: Not in scope: type constructor or class `A.T'
Not prevented
The restriction on type signatures is not as significant a limitation as it appears. The compiler can still infer such a type:
> :t f . read
f . read :: Read b => String -> IO (A.T b)
Any value expression within the inferrable subset of Haskell may therefore be expressed regardless of the availability of the type constructor T. If, like me, you're addicted to ScopedTypeVariables and extensive annotations, you may be a little surprised by the definition of unT' below.
Furthermore, because typeclass instances have global scope, a consumer can use any available class functions without additional limitation. Depending on the classes involved, this may allow significant manipulation of values of the unexposed type. With classes like Functor, a consumer can also freely manipulate type parameters, because there's an available function of type T a -> T b.
In the example of T, deriving Show of course exposes the "internal" Int, and gives a consumer enough information to hackishly implement unT:
-- :: (Show a, Read a) => T a -> (Int, a)
unT' = (read . strip . show') `asTypeOf` (mkPair . g)
strip = reverse . drop 1 . reverse . drop 9
-- :: T a -> String
show' = show `asTypeOf` (mkString . g)
mkPair :: t -> (Int, t)
mkPair = undefined
mkString :: t -> String
mkString = undefined
> :t unT'
unT' :: (Show b, Read b) => A.T b -> (Int, b)
> x <- f "x"
> unT' x
(-29353, "x")
Implementing mkT' with the Read instance is left as an exercise.
Deriving something like Generic will completely explode any idea of containment, but you'd probably expect that.
In the corners of Haskell where type signatures are necessary or where asTypeOf-style tricks don't work, I guess not exporting the type constructor could actually prevent a consumer from doing something they could with the export list (f, g, T()).
Export all type constructors that are used in the type of any value you export. Here, go ahead and include T() in your export list. Leaving it out doesn't accomplish anything other than muddying the documentation. If you want to expose an purely abstract immutable type, use a newtype with a hidden constructor and no class instances.

Simpler syntax for overloading function names

In Haskell with the type families extension, this is perfectly legal (ideone):
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
type family F a
data A = A Int
data B = B Double
type instance F A = Int
type instance F B = Double
class Get a where
get :: a -> F a
instance Get A where
get (A x) = x
instance Get B where
get (B x) = x
main = print $ (get (A 3), get (B 2.0))
Basically I've defined two functions get.
One with type signature:
get :: A -> Int
And the second:
get :: B -> Double
However, there's a lot of cruft in the code above. What I'd like to be able to do is this:
get :: A -> Int
get (A x) = x
get :: B -> Double
get (B x) = x
I understand using this syntax exactly won't work, but is there any way I can get what I want to achieve without a dozen lines defining type instances and class instances? Considering first code works fine, I see no reason why the Haskell compiler can't this shorter code into the above anyway.
This should do the job:
class Get a b | a -> b where
get :: a -> b
instance Get A Int where
Okay, so it only got rid of type families. I don't think you can get rid of type classes, as they are the method of implementing overloading. Besides, without a class, you would not be able to express class constraints in types, e.g. you could not write this:
getPaired :: (Get a b, Get c d) => (a, c) -> (b, d)
I don't know if this is applicable to your use case - your example is rather contrived. But you can use a GADT instead of type classes here:
data T a where
A :: Int -> T Int
B :: Double -> T Double
get :: T a -> a
get (A x) = x
get (B x) = x
In general, there is no way to get the compiler to guess what code you want to write and write it for you. Such a compiler would obsolete a majority of programmers, I suspect, so we should all be glad it doesn't exist. I do agree that you are writing quite a lot to do very little, but perhaps that is a sign there is something wrong with your code, rather than a deficit in the compiler.
Here is another alternative:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
data A = A Int
data B = B Double
class Get a where
type F a
get :: a -> F a
instance Get A where
type F A = Int
get (A x) = x
instance Get B where
type F B = Double
get (B x) = x
main = print (get (A 3), get (B 2.0))
It looks nicer to me, than functional dependencies.
All the stuff is described at

Syntax for class constructors

I have this code:
data SafeValue a = SafeValue a a a deriving Eq
class Safe a where
instance (Num a, Eq a) => Safe (SafeValue a) where
check (SafeValue x y z) | x == y = True
| x == z = True
| y == z = True
| otherwise = False
(SafeValue a b c)+++(SafeValue x y z) = let new_val = SafeValue (a+x) (b+y) (c+z)
in if check new_val then new_val
else error "Error"
I would like to add to class Safe a function such as:
make_new 3 --> SafeValue 3 3 3
I don't know how to add it, since the tipy should be something like:
but in the istance declaration ghci claims that it is not sure about what b is.
Can someone help, please?
The core problem is that you're promising that make_new works for all types b to produce a value of a. However, this doesn't make sense given how SafeValue a works: given some type a, you get a SafeValue a out. So what you really want is for make_new to take a value of some type a but give you a value of SafeValue a. More generally, you want the result to be of some type s a where s is the actual type you're writing an instance for and a can be any type.
What you need to do is make the class accept values of a "higher-kinded" type. (What this means is that the class should expect a type like SafeValue that takes a further parameter. You can do that like this:
class Safe s where
check :: s a -> Bool
(+++) :: s a -> s a -> s a
make_new :: a -> s a
Then your instance will look like this:
instance Safe SafeValue where ...
Note the important difference: instead of making an instance for SafeValue a, you're making on for SafeValue without the type parameter.
However, this has another problem: now you cannot constrain a to be part of Num and Eq!
You can solve this with an extension called multi-parameter type classes. So your final version would be:
class Safe s a where
check :: s a -> Bool
(+++) :: s a -> s a -> s a
make_new :: a -> s a
and your instance would be:
instance (Num a, Eq a) => Safe SafeValue a where ...
To make all this work, you need to enable two extensions:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
The first one lets you write instances in more ways. Normally, you can only write instances for a type that looks like T a b c where T is a type and a b c are type variables; with this extension, the restriction is lifted and you can write instances like the one I showed.
The multiparameter typeclass extension allows typeclasses that act on more than one type. This allows you to make a class that depends on both s and a.
A final note: using typeclasses at all may not be the right choice for your example. Are you planning to write any more types for the Safe class? If you aren't, then you shouldn't use a typeclass at all. However, learning a bit about multiparameter typeclasses is still useful, so you should consider playing around with them at some point.
