Node Express - How to support encoded url query string - node.js

Using node v6.2.0, express 4.14.0.
When entering site url as: '', I'm able to get the query value by:
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
// req.query.key equals 'value'
But when entering encoded url: '', the req.query object looks like this:
{ 'key%3Dvalue' : '' }
Is there a way to make node req.query to parse the url correctly?
If no, what is the preferred method to extract this query value?

As understood from the comments, the parsing is correct and it shouldn't decode %3D to key delimiter.
In this case there was already clients in the wild that tried to reach the address in encoded url (because of client bug).
so I've added a temporary handler on the server to parse the '%3D' as '='.
const value = req.query.key ||
url.parse(req.url.replace('%3D', '='), true).query.key;
When the clients will rollout a new version with a fix, I could remove this handler from the server and use only req.query.key as it should be.


What to do when NodeJS rest api is sendind status 404 while using parameters?

I am having a strange problem while writing my api. I am using Nodejs and express. The problem occurs when i try to use GET with parameters.
This is my routes code
router.get('/addFriends/:email', (req, res, next) =>{
const email =;
UserSchema.find({email: email}, { "friendsPending.emailSender": 1, _id : 0}, (err, data) =>{
This is my call in Postman : /users/addFriends?email=a
When running this call, server returns 404 status. It happened even when i tested it with another get call.Any comments are appriciated, however other POST and GET calls work normally (they use body not parameters). Thanks
You mixed query params and url params. To make your example working, you need to use /addFriends/ instead of /users/addFriends?email=a.
If you need to send emails via query params (everything after ?) use req.query in your controller instead of
This route definition:
router.get('/addFriends/:email', ...);
expects a URL that looks like this:
And, you would use to refer to the "someEmail" value in the URL path.
Not what you are trying to use:
If you want to use a URL such as (a URL with a query parameter):
Then, you would have a route definition like this:
router.get('/addFriends', ...);
And, then you would refer to in the route handler. Query parameters (things after the ? in the URL) come from the req.query object.
In Express, route definitions match the path of the URL, not the query parameters.
when you use /addFriends/:param you force the router to match any request tha have a part in path as :param.For example:
/users/addFriends/toFavorates // will **match**
/users/addFriends/toFavorates?email=a // will **match**
/users/addFriends?email=a // will **not** match
if you want to make :param as optional part of url path put a ? after it
it will tell express route that :param is an optinal part. See this question
express uses path-to-regexp for matching the route paths. read the documentation for more options

Pass URL as query parameter in node js

I am trying to hit the URL http://localhost:3000/analyze/imageurl= from my browser.
However, due to the presence of //, it does not correctly hit the URL, and gives me an error message, Cannot GET /analyze/imageurl=
If I get rid of the backquotes as follows, http://localhost:3000/analyze/, it does work correctly.
My backend API looks like this
app.get('/analyze/:imageurl', function (req, res) {
console.log('printing image url:' + req.params.imageurl);
Is there a way I can pass in the imageurl with backquotes as a query parameter?
You need to encode your URL before pass it on query string, using encodeURIComponent. For example:
var urlParam = encodeURIComponent('');
console.log(urlParam); //
var url = 'http://localhost:3000/analyze/' + urlParam;
console.log(url); // http://localhost:3000/analyze/
// Decode it in API handler
console.log(decodeURIComponent(urlParam)); //
One approach could be to use Express' req.query in your route. It would look something like this:
// Client makes a request to server
// You are able to receive the value of specified parameter
// from req.query.<your_parameter>
app.get('/analyze', (req, res, next) => {

Dealing with slash characters in request parameter using Express route

I'm currently working on a URL shortener app using Express.
I want the user to be able to enter a URL like this:
The problem is whenever I try to specify the parameter using Express it will only extract the 'https:' section and everything after that is lost because the 2 backslashes are registering as a new route:
app.get('/new/:url', (req, res) => {
console.log(req.params.url) // outputs 'https:'
I thought about specifying each section as a new parameter but if inner is blank this ends up throwing a 404. I would need to check if inner is blank using this method otherwise the user would be able to type https:/something/
app.get('/new/:prot/:inner/:address', (req, res) => {
// throws 404 on valid addresses
Is there a simple way to solve this that I'm missing? Is the full URL available to be checked somewhere in the request? Or can parameters ignore backslashes?
You can use an expression to for your URL placeholders:
app.get('/new/:url(*)', (req, res) => {
console.log(req.params.url) // will output ''

Error while getting parameters from request object containing `&` character

I'm trying to get param from request object using following code.
module.exports = function (req, res) {
var query = req.query;
var data = JSON.parse(query.param1);
This is working fine for most of the cases.
If param1 contains & character then query.param1 get values before & and next values are considered as new param.
Edit original url is already encoded
in this case I'm getting param1 = {"url":"
which is not valid json, so I'm getting error, currently we've solved it using regex (removing localhost/?param1= part of url).
What's best way to handle this use case?
Edit : server environment
centos 6.5 server
node v0.12.7
req.query is already an object with express :
An object containing a property for each query string parameter in the route. If there is no query string, it is the empty object, {}.
req.query documentation
You have to encode your URL before calling nodejs API. And on the nodejs side, you have to decode the URL to get correct parameteres.

How to send integers in query parameters in nodejs Express service

I have a nodejs express web server running on my box. I want to send a get request along with query parameters. Is there any way to find type of each query parameter like int,bool,string. The query parameters key value is not know to me. I interpret as a json object of key value pairs at server side.
You can't, as HTTP has no notion of types: everything is a string, including querystring parameters.
What you'll need to do is to use the req.query object and manually transform the strings into integers using parseInt():
req.query.someProperty = parseInt(req.query.someProperty);
You can also try
var someProperty = (+req.query.someProperty);
This worked for me!
As mentioned by Paul Mougel, http query and path variables are strings. However, these can be intercepted and modified before being handled. I do it like this:
var convertMembershipTypeToInt = function (req, res, next) {
req.params.membershipType = parseInt(req.params.membershipType);
router.get('/api/:membershipType(\\d+)/', api.membershipType);
router.get('/api/:membershipType(\\d+)/', convertMembershipTypeToInt, api.membershipType);
In this case, req.params.membershipType is converted from a string to an integer. Note the regex to ensure that only integers are passed to the converter.
This have been answered a long ago but there's a workaround for parsing query params as strings to their proper types using 3rd party library express-query-parser
// without this parser
req.query = {a: 'null', b: 'true', c: {d: 'false', e: '3.14'}}
// with this parser
req.query = {a: null, b: true, c: {d: false, e: 3.14}}
let originalType = JSON.parse(req.query.someproperty);
In HTTP, querystring parameters are treated as string whether you have originally sent say [0,1] or 5 or "hello".
So we have to parse it using json parsing.
//You can use like that
let { page_number } : any = req.query;
page_number = +page_number;
Maybe this will be of any help to those who read this, but I like to use arrow functions to keep my code clean. Since all I do is change one variable it should only take one line of code:
module.exports = function(repo){
(req, res, next) => { = parseInt(; next(); })
