Customize ActiveAdmin Page based on Roles - activeadmin

How can we customize an ActiveAdmin page for different users based on their role:
ActiveAdmin.register_page 'Dashboard' do
content title: 'Admin Content' do
# show this only to admins
content title: 'Reviewer Content' do
# show this only to reviewers

After trying several complicated things, the solution was straightforward:
ActiveAdmin.register_page 'Dashboard' do
menu priority: 1, label: proc { I18n.t('active_admin.dashboard') }
content title: proc { I18n.t('active_admin.dashboard') } do
render partial: current_user.admin? ? 'admin_dashboard' : 'content_dashboard'
Then you can render those partials based on roles.


SuiteScript 2.0 Two actions on submit button

I need add two action into submit button, I succeed on that but because I can't find correct function from API, there is two buttons. Like this
I want it like this:
What I have tried
form.addSubmitButton({ label: 'Action 1'});
form.addSubmitButton({ label: 'Action 2'});
form.addSubmitButton({ id : 'action', label: 'Action 1'});
form.addSubmitButton({ id : 'action', label: 'Action 2'});
form.addSubmitButton({ id: 'action1', label: 'Action 1'});
var test = form.addSubmitButton({ id: 'action2', label: 'Action 2'});
test.isHidden = true;
Something that worked for me was adding the name attribute to each submit button using client script. That way when the user clicks it will send the name as a parameter.

Adding a colorbutton in tinymce dialog with api 4.x doesn't work

I'm trying to add a colorbutton in a TinyMCE dialog box to replace my old color selector which was initially created with a select input.
See : ColorButton : API 4.X
This class creates a color button control. This is a split button in which the main button has a visual representation of the currently selected color. When clicked the caret button displays a color picker, allowing the user to select a new color.
I can add and see the new colorbutton in the dialog box but it doesn't show the colorpicker when clicked.
Here is my code: {
title: 'Choose color',
body: [
type: 'listbox',
name: 'bg-color',
label: 'Color (select)',
'values': [
{text: 'White', value: '#FFF'},
{text: 'Black', value: '#000'},
{text: 'Silver', value: 'silver'},
type: 'ColorButton',
name: 'bg-color2',
label: 'Color (colorpicker)',
onsubmit: function(e) {
// Do something here
And you will find a tinymce fiddle here to illustrate this issue:
Since my debugger doesn't show any JS error, is there something wrong in this code or is there another way to add a colorpicker in a dialogbox?
#MavBzh I think you've a wrong perception on how the color button works. The ColorButton UI is only help with rendering a button which not much difference with PanelButton UI. you can see this example in this fiddle I use textcolor plugin example.
So, in order to use color button you're required to specify the Panel to hold the color picker.
type: 'colorbutton',
name: 'color',
text: 'Color',
selectcmd: 'ForeColor',
panel: {
role: 'application',
ariaRemember: true,
html: renderColorPicker,
onclick: onPanelClick
onclick: onButtonClick
then later set onclick callback action and render the color picker HTML output yourself, the renderColorPicker function is used as the panel content, then assigned onPanelClick callback to put the color to the text placeholder in the ColorButton.
PS: in the fiddle I used v4.0.21

Sencha Touch: how to implement a left menu with layout right

I'm new using Sencha Touch 2, and I've started developing a Tablet App. I'm using Sencha Architect for design and write the code, and my app has a card layout with "left-side" and "right-side". On the left I have a main menu with some buttons. This menu is all time on the left. On the right side, I want to change the views depending what menubutton was clicked and where the user want to go (It will have more than 3 levels navigation after every button click).
My problem now is "How to change the views?". Until now, I had a Navigation.View on the right, and I has using this.getPanelFrame().push(view); method. I have problems with toolbars when a load something into navegation.view, and I know how to create views and push, but after thant I dont know how to load this views again.
I Link too an image where you can the structure of my components. My main doubt is: do I have to use a navigation.view as a "frame" to load inside other views? How to change an load others? Any alternatives?
Thanks a million"
Ext.define('MyApp.controller.Main', {
extend: '',
config: {
refs: {
panelFrame: '#PanelFrame'
control: {
"button#btnclientes": {
tap: 'onBtnclientesTap'
"#btnpedidos": {
tap: 'onBtnpedidosTap'
onBtnclientesTap: function(button, e, options) {
var view = Ext.create("MyApp.view.ClientesListView");
onBtnpedidosTap: function(button, e, options) {
var view = Ext.create("MyApp.view.ClientesNewView");
why dont you create a container in the right side.
and then in the items: call each view with the xtype
xtype: 'container',
items: [
xtype: 'view1',
id: 'Cview1',
xtype: 'view2',
id: 'Cview2',
xtype: 'view3',
id: 'Cview3',
and then in the handler of the button you just hide the other views and show your selected view like:
xtype: 'button',

Card layout - Active Item - sencha touch

I am having one view which is in card layout.
Card is having 2 sub views.
Now I want to get the activeitem.
In extjs I am using this code:
activeItem = layout.getActiveItem().itemId;
but in sencha touch , for card layout , there is no such method named getActiveItem() for card layout.
I have referred sencha touch docs and I found that.
Anybody knows the alternative for this?
var panel = Ext.create('Ext.Panel', {
layout: 'card',
items: [
html: "First Item"
html: "Second Item"
html: "Third Item"
html: "Fourth Item"
It also have getActiveItem() method to work with.

sencha touch: Tab with no icon

Is it possible to create a item in a tabbar-ed card layout, that has no tab?
I want to create a message overlay that stretches from screen top to the tab bar and doesn't cover the tab bar. When i do this by adding an item to the panel everything works fine except a blank icon is created on the tabbar. Is there a way to prevent this icon from being created?
you can create the new item with hidden: true config option
Ext.define('App.view.settings.SettingsContainer', {
extend: '',
xtype: 'settingsContainer',
requires : [
config: {
tabBar: {
docked: 'top'
tab: {
title: 'Settings',
iconCls: 'user'
items: [{
xtype: 'settingsAccountContainer'
, {
xtype: 'changeCompanyView',
hidden: true
changeCompanyView is created, but no tab icon is visible.
It could be activated by
Cheers, Oleg
This should work. Add the overlay to the child item and not the tab panel.
If you add to the child panel the icon will not appear on the tab bar.
