sklearn partial fit of CountVectorizer - scikit-learn

Does CountVectorizer support partial fit?
I would like to train the CountVectorizer using different batches of data.

No, it does not support partial fit.
But you can write a simple method to accomplish your goal:
def partial_fit(self , data):
if(hasattr(vectorizer , 'vocabulary_')):
vocab = self.vocabulary_
vocab = {}
vocab = list(set(vocab.keys()).union(set(self.vocabulary_ )))
self.vocabulary_ = {vocab[i] : i for i in range(len(vocab))}
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
CountVectorizer.partial_fit = partial_fit
vectorizer = CountVectorizer(stop_words=l)[15].values[0:100])

The implementation by sajiad is correct and I'm grateful to them for sharing their solution. It could be made more flexible by amending the call to hasattr() to reference self instead of vectorizer.
I've implemented this with a short reproducible example below illustrating the role of partial_fit() compared to fit():
def partial_fit(self , data):
if(hasattr(self , 'vocabulary_')):
vocab = self.vocabulary_
vocab = {}
vocab = list(set(vocab.keys()).union(set(self.vocabulary_ )))
self.vocabulary_ = {vocab[i] : i for i in range(len(vocab))}
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
CountVectorizer.partial_fit = partial_fit
vectorizer = CountVectorizer()
corpus = ['The quick brown fox',
'jumps over the lazy dog']
# Without partial fit
for i in corpus:[i])
['dog', 'jumps', 'lazy', 'over', 'the']
# With partial fit
for i in corpus:
['over', 'fox', 'lazy', 'quick', 'the', 'jumps', 'dog', 'brown']


Gensim Compute centroid from list of words

How to compute the centroid of given 5 words from the word-embedding and then find the most similar words from that centroid. (In gensim)
You should checkout the Word2Vec gensim tutorial
from gensim.test.utils import datapath
from gensim import utils
class MyCorpus:
"""An iterator that yields sentences (lists of str)."""
def __iter__(self):
corpus_path = datapath('lee_background.cor')
for line in open(corpus_path):
# assume there's one document per line, tokens separated by whitespace
yield utils.simple_preprocess(line)
import gensim.models
sentences = MyCorpus()
model = gensim.models.Word2Vec(sentences=sentences)
word_vectors = model.wv
import numpy as np
centroid = np.average([word_vectors[w] for w in ['king', 'man', 'walk', 'tennis', 'victorian']], axis=0)
which will give you in this case
[('man', 0.9996674060821533),
('by', 0.9995684623718262),
('over', 0.9995648264884949),
('from', 0.9995632171630859),
('were', 0.9995599389076233),
('who', 0.99954754114151),
('today', 0.9995439648628235),
('which', 0.999538004398346),
('on', 0.9995279312133789),
('being', 0.9995211958885193)]

Deal with Out of vocabulary word with Gensim pretrained GloVe

I am working on an NLP assignment and loaded the GloVe vectors provided by Gensim:
import gensim.downloader
glove_vectors = gensim.downloader.load('glove-twitter-25')
I am trying to get the word embedding for each word in a sentence, but some of them are not in the vocabulary.
What is the best way to deal with it working with the Gensim API?
Load the model:
import gensim.downloader as api
model = api.load("glove-twitter-25") # load glove vectors
# model.most_similar("cat") # show words that similar to word 'cat'
There is a very simple way to find out if the words exist in the model's vocabulary.
result = print('Word exists') if word in model.wv.vocab else print('Word does not exist")
Apart from that, I had used the following logic to create sentence embedding (25 dim) with N tokens:
from __future__ import print_function, division
import os
import re
import sys
import regex
import numpy as np
from functools import partial
from fuzzywuzzy import process
from Levenshtein import ratio as lev_ratio
import gensim
import tempfile
def vocab_check(model, word):
similar_words = model.most_similar(word)
match_ratio = 0.
match_word = ''
for sim_word, sim_score in similar_words:
ratio = lev_ratio(word, sim_word)
if ratio > match_ratio:
match_word = sim_word
if match_word == '':
return similar_words[0][1]
return model.similarity(word, match_word)
def sentence2vector(model, sent, dim=25):
words = sent.split(' ')
emb = [model[w.strip()] for w in words]
weights = [1. if w in model.wv.vocab else vocab_check(model, w) for w in words]
if len(emb) == 0:
sent_vec = np.zeros(dim, dtype=np.float16)
sent_vec =, emb)
sent_vec = sent_vec.astype("float16")
return sent_vec

Pyspark retrieve metrics (AUC ROC) from each submodel in CrossValidator

How do I return the individual auc-roc score for each fold/submodel when using crossValidator.
The documentation indicates that collectSubModels=True should save all models rather than just the best or average, but after inspecting model.subModels I can't find how to print them.
The below example works just missing the model.subModels.aucScore
Desired Result would be each fold with their corresponding score like [fold1:0.85, fold2:0.07, fold3:0.55]
from import VectorAssembler
from import RandomForestClassifier
from import CrossValidator, ParamGridBuilder
from import BinaryClassificationEvaluator
#Creating test dataframe
training = spark.createDataFrame([
(0,1,0)], ["label", "feature1", "feature2"])
#Vectorizing features for modelling
assembler = VectorAssembler(inputCols=['feature1','feature2'],outputCol="features")
prepped = assembler.transform(training).select('label','features')
#setting variables and configuring CrossValidator
rf = RandomForestClassifier(labelCol="label", featuresCol="features")
params = ParamGridBuilder().build()
evaluator = BinaryClassificationEvaluator()
folds = 3
cv = CrossValidator(estimator=rf,
#Fitting model
model =
#Print Metrics
>>>>>[[RandomForestClassificationModel (uid=RandomForestClassifier_95da3a68af93) with 20 trees], >>>>>[RandomForestClassificationModel (uid=RandomForestClassifier_95da3a68af93) with 20 trees], >>>>>[RandomForestClassificationModel (uid=RandomForestClassifier_95da3a68af93) with 20 trees]]

Confusion Matrix to get precsion,recall, f1score

I have a dataframe df. I have performed decisionTree classification algorithm on the dataframe. The two columns are label and features when algorithm is performed. The model is called dtc. How can I create a confusion matrix in pyspark?
dtc = DecisionTreeClassifier(featuresCol = 'features', labelCol = 'label')
dtcModel =
predictions = dtcModel.transform(test)
from pyspark.mllib.linalg import Vectors
from pyspark.mllib.regression import LabeledPoint
from pyspark.mllib.evaluation import MulticlassMetrics
preds =['label', 'features']) \ line: (line[1], line[0]))
metrics = MulticlassMetrics(preds)
# Confusion Matrix
You need to cast to an rdd and map to tuple before calling metrics.confusionMatrix().toArray().
From the official documentation,
class pyspark.mllib.evaluation.MulticlassMetrics(predictionAndLabels)[source]
Evaluator for multiclass classification.
Parameters: predictionAndLabels – an RDD of (prediction, label) pairs.
Here is an example to guide you.
ML part
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
from import VectorAssembler
from import DecisionTreeClassifier
from pyspark.mllib.evaluation import MulticlassMetrics
from pyspark.sql.types import FloatType
#Note the differences between ml and mllib, they are two different libraries.
#create a sample data frame
data = [(1.54,3.45,2.56,0),(9.39,8.31,1.34,0),(1.25,3.31,9.87,1),(9.35,5.67,2.49,2),\
cols = ('a','b','c','d')
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, cols)
assembler = VectorAssembler(inputCols=['a','b','c'], outputCol='features')
df_features = assembler.transform(df)
train_data, test_data = df_features.randomSplit([0.6,0.4])
dtc = DecisionTreeClassifier(featuresCol='features',labelCol='d')
dtcModel =
predictions = dtcModel.transform(test_data)
Evaluation part
#important: need to cast to float type, and order by prediction, else it won't work
preds_and_labels =['predictions','d']).withColumn('label', F.col('d').cast(FloatType())).orderBy('prediction')
#select only prediction and label columns
preds_and_labels =['prediction','label'])
metrics = MulticlassMetrics(
Use this:
import sklearn
from import RandomForestClassifier
rf = RandomForestClassifier(featuresCol = 'features', labelCol = 'label', numTrees=500)
rfModel =
predictions_train = rfModel.transform(train)
y_true =['label']).collect()
y_pred =['prediction']).collect()
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report, confusion_matrix
print(classification_report(y_true, y_pred))
where train is your training data.

Preparing data for LDA training with PySpark 1.6

I have a corpus of documents that I'm reading into a spark data frame.
I have tokeniked and vectorized the text and now I want to feed the vectorized data into an mllib LDA model. The LDA API docs seems to require the data to be:
rdd – RDD of documents, which are tuples of document IDs and term (word) count vectors. The term count vectors are “bags of words” with a fixed-size vocabulary (where the vocabulary size is the length of the vector). Document IDs must be unique and >= 0.
How can I get from my data frame to a suitable rdd?
from pyspark.mllib.clustering import LDA
from import Tokenizer
from import CountVectorizer
#read the data
tf = sc.wholeTextFiles("20_newsgroups/*")
#transform into a data frame
df = tf.toDF(schema=['file','text'])
tokenizer = Tokenizer(inputCol="text", outputCol="words")
tokenized = tokenizer.transform(df)
cv = CountVectorizer(inputCol="words", outputCol="vectors")
model =
result = model.transform(tokenized)
#transform into a suitable rdd
myrdd = ?
model = LDA.train(myrdd, k=2, seed=1)
PS : I'm using Apache Spark 1.6.3
Let's first organize imports, read the data, do some simple special characters removal and transform it into a DataFrame:
import re # needed to remove special character
from pyspark import Row
from import StopWordsRemover
from import Tokenizer, CountVectorizer
from pyspark.mllib.clustering import LDA
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
from pyspark.sql.types import StructType, StructField, LongType
pattern = re.compile('[\W_]+')
rdd = sc.wholeTextFiles("./data/20news-bydate/*/*/*") \
.mapValues(lambda x: pattern.sub(' ', x)).cache() # ref.
df = rdd.toDF(schema=['file', 'text'])
We will need to add an index to each Row. The following code snippet is inspired from this question about adding primary keys with Apache Spark :
row_with_index = Row(*["id"] + df.columns)
def make_row(columns):
def _make_row(row, uid):
row_dict = row.asDict()
return row_with_index(*[uid] + [row_dict.get(c) for c in columns])
return _make_row
f = make_row(df.columns)
indexed = (df.rdd
.map(lambda x: f(*x))
.toDF(StructType([StructField("id", LongType(), False)] + df.schema.fields)))
Once we have added the index, we can proceed to the features cleansing, extraction and transformation :
# tokenize
tokenizer = Tokenizer(inputCol="text", outputCol="tokens")
tokenized = tokenizer.transform(indexed)
# remove stop words
remover = StopWordsRemover(inputCol="tokens", outputCol="words")
cleaned = remover.transform(tokenized)
# vectorize
cv = CountVectorizer(inputCol="words", outputCol="vectors")
count_vectorizer_model =
result = count_vectorizer_model.transform(cleaned)
Now, let's transform the results dataframe back to rdd
corpus ='id').cast("long"), 'vectors').rdd \
.map(lambda x: [x[0], x[1]])
Our data is now ready to be trained :
# training data
lda_model = LDA.train(rdd=corpus, k=10, seed=12, maxIterations=50)
# extracting topics
topics = lda_model.describeTopics(maxTermsPerTopic=10)
# extraction vocabulary
vocabulary = count_vectorizer_model.vocabulary
We can print the topics descriptions now as followed :
for topic in range(len(topics)):
print("topic {} : ".format(topic))
words = topics[topic][0]
scores = topics[topic][1]
[print(vocabulary[words[word]], "->", scores[word]) for word in range(len(words))]
PS : This above code was tested with Spark 1.6.3.
