change SparkContext textFile method - apache-spark

I'm trying to change textFile method in spark source code to return an RDD of multi-line strings instead of rdd of line strings. I want to find the implementation that reads file contents from disk in spark source code.
SparkConf sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName("MyJavaApp");
JavaSparkContext ctx = new JavaSparkContext(sparkConf);
JavaRDD<String> lines = ctx.textFile(args[0], 1);
But when I follow the textFile call chain, I just reach to HadoopRDD and RDD class.
The call chain is as follow:
in JavaSparkContext.scala
def textFile(path: String, minPartitions: Int): JavaRDD[String] =
sc.textFile(path, minPartitions)
and in SparkContext.scala
def textFile(path: String, minPartitions: Int = defaultMinPartitions): RDD[String] = {
hadoopFile(path, classOf[TextInputFormat], classOf[LongWritable], classOf[Text],
minPartitions).map(pair => pair._2.toString).setName(path)}
def hadoopFile[K, V](path: String, ...): RDD[(K, V)] = {
val confBroadcast = broadcast(new SerializableWritable(hadoopConfiguration))
val setInputPathsFunc = (jobConf: JobConf) => FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(jobConf, path)
new HadoopRDD(this,...).setName(path) }
and in HadoopRDD.scala
class HadoopRDD[K, V](
sc: SparkContext,
broadcastedConf: Broadcast[SerializableWritable[Configuration]],
initLocalJobConfFuncOpt: Option[JobConf => Unit],
inputFormatClass: Class[_ <: InputFormat[K, V]],
keyClass: Class[K],
valueClass: Class[V],
minPartitions: Int) extends RDD[(K, V)](sc, Nil) with Logging {...
I don't want to use a map function (as a overhead) to make my customized rdd from rdd of lines.
any help?


Cannot evaluate ML model on Structured Streaming, because RDD transformations and actions are invoked inside other transformations

This is a well-known limitation[1] of Structured Streaming that I'm trying to get around using a custom sink.
In what follows, modelsMap is a map of string keys to org.apache.spark.mllib.stat.KernelDensity models
streamingData is a streaming dataframe org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [id1: string, id2: string ... 6 more fields]
I'm trying to evaluate each row of streamingData against its corresponding model from modelsMap, enhance each row with prediction, and write to Kakfa.
An obvious way would be .withColumn, using a UDF to predict, and write using kafka sink.
But this is illegal because:
org.apache.spark.SparkException: This RDD lacks a SparkContext. It
could happen in the following cases: (1) RDD transformations and
actions are NOT invoked by the driver, but inside of other
transformations; for example, => rdd2.values.count() * x) is
invalid because the values transformation and count action cannot be
performed inside of the transformation. For more information,
see SPARK-5063.
I get the same error with a custom sink that implements forEachWriter which was a bit unexpected:
import org.apache.spark.sql.ForeachWriter
import java.util.Properties
class customSink(topic:String, servers:String) extends ForeachWriter[(org.apache.spark.sql.Row)] {
val kafkaProperties = new Properties()
kafkaProperties.put("bootstrap.servers", servers)
kafkaProperties.put("key.serializer", "")
kafkaProperties.put("value.serializer", "")
val results = new scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[String, String]
var producer: KafkaProducer[String, String] = _
def open(partitionId: Long,version: Long): Boolean = {
producer = new KafkaProducer(kafkaProperties)
def process(value: (org.apache.spark.sql.Row)): Unit = {
var prediction = Double.NaN
try {
val id1 = value(0)
val id2 = value(3)
val id3 = value(5)
val time_0 = value(6).asInstanceOf[Double]
val key = f"$id1/$id2/$id3"
var model = modelsMap(key)
println("Looking up key: ",key)
var prediction = Double.NaN
prediction = model.estimate(Array[Double](time_0))(0)
} catch {
case e: NoSuchElementException =>
val prediction = Double.NaN
producer.send(new ProducerRecord(topic, value.mkString(",")+","+prediction.toString))
def close(errorOrNull: Throwable): Unit = {
val writer = new customSink("<broker>", "<topic>")
val query = streamingData
model.estimate is implemented under the hood using aggregate in mllib.stat, and there's no way to get around it.
What changes do I make? (I could collect each batch and execute a for loop using driver, but then I'm not using spark the way it's intended)
References: slide#11 mentions limitations (proposed solution)

Spark scala: convert Iterator[char] to RDD[String]

I am reading data from a file and have reached to a point where the datatype is Iterator[char]. Is there a way to transform Iterator[char] to RDD[String]? which then I can transform to Dataframe/Dataset using case class.
Below is the code:
val fileDir = "inputFileName"
val result = IOUtils.toByteArray(new FileInputStream (new File(fileDir)))
val remove_comp = result.grouped(171).map{arr => arr.update(2, 32);arr}.flatMap{arr => arr.update(3, 32); arr}
val convert_char = _.toChar)
This return convert_char: Iterator[Char] = non-empty iterator
Not sure what you are trying to do, but this should answer your question:
val ic: Iterator[Char] = ???
val spark : SparkSession = ???
val rdd: RDD[String] = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(

why the data has changed after convert to parquet format testing by union two dataframe?

I wrote a function to operation on a csv file, to convert it to parquet format.
and I wonder how to make sure the data is the same,not lost or add.
So I wrote a test for it. But it turns out they are not the same:
My logic is:
1) make the csv to dataframe A.
2)and make the dataframe A to parquet format ,save to a dir.
3)read the parquet file to be a new dataframe B.
4)then A.union(B).
5)count the A and B and A.union(B).
If the three are the same ,then I can get to the conclusion that they are the same data.
But I get third one different.
def doJob(sc: SparkContext, data: RDD[String]): DataFrame = {
logInfo("Extracting omniture data")
val result = data
val sqlsqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
//just ignore above codes...
val packagesCsvDF = sqlsqlContext.load("com.databricks.spark.csv", Map("path" -> "file:///D:/test/testsample.csv", "header" -> "true"))
val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext(sc)
import sqlContext.implicits._
// // we should have some additional filter here
// val mydf = packagesDF.groupBy($"page_url").agg(last($"pagename"),last($"prop46"),last($"prop56"),last($"post_evar34"))
// logInfo("show mydf")
// save files
logInfo("Saving omniture packages data to S3")
if (true) {
.repartition(sc.defaultParallelism, col("pagename"))
packagesCsvDF//Is this packagesCsvDF have not been changed yet??????
object ParquetDataTestsSpec {
def main (args: Array[String] ): Unit = {
val sc = new SparkContext(new SparkConf().setAppName("parquet data test Logs").setMaster("local"))
val input = PackagesOmnitureMapReduceJob.formatToJson(sc.textFile("file:///D:/test/option.json", sc.defaultParallelism))
val df = PackagesOmnitureMapReduceJob.doJob(sc, input)//call the function I want to test in "file:///D:/test/parquet"
val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
val SourceCSVDF = sqlContext.load("com.databricks.spark.csv", Map("path" -> "file:///D:/test/testsample.csv", "header" -> "true"))// original
val parquetDataFrame ="file:///D:/test/parquet") //get the new dataframe
val dfCount = df.count()
val SourceCSVDFcount = SourceCSVDF.count()
val parquetDataCount = parquetDataFrame.count()
val unionCount = parquetDataFrame.union(SourceCSVDF).count()
then I try to parse all the dataframe to json:
and when I open the json files, I find they are so all same..Is the problem is coming with the key word union?
val unionalldis3 = parquetDataFrame.unionAll(SourceCSVDF).distinct().count()
then it is right...
But I am very confused.I thought union() is the distincted unionAll....

Unable to write as sequence file with spark RDD API

I am using the following code to write an RDD as a sequence file
def testSparkWordCount(): Unit = {
val words = Array("Hello", "Hello", "World", "Hello", "Welcome", "World")
val conf = new SparkConf().setMaster("local").setAppName("testSparkWordCount")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val dir = "file:///" + System.currentTimeMillis()
sc.parallelize(words).map(x => (x, 1)).saveAsHadoopFile(
classOf[org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileOutputFormat[Text, IntWritable]]
When I run it, it complains that
Caused by: wrong key class: java.lang.String is not class
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileOutputFormat$1.write(
at org.apache.spark.rdd.PairRDDFunctions$$anonfun$saveAsHadoopDataset$1$$anonfun$12$$anonfun$apply$4.apply$mcV$sp(PairRDDFunctions.scala:1139)
at org.apache.spark.rdd.PairRDDFunctions$$anonfun$saveAsHadoopDataset$1$$anonfun$12$$anonfun$apply$4.apply(PairRDDFunctions.scala:1137)
at org.apache.spark.rdd.PairRDDFunctions$$anonfun$saveAsHadoopDataset$1$$anonfun$12$$anonfun$apply$4.apply(PairRDDFunctions.scala:1137)
at org.apache.spark.util.Utils$.tryWithSafeFinallyAndFailureCallbacks(Utils.scala:1360)
at org.apache.spark.rdd.PairRDDFunctions$$anonfun$saveAsHadoopDataset$1$$anonfun$12.apply(PairRDDFunctions.scala:1145)
at org.apache.spark.rdd.PairRDDFunctions$$anonfun$saveAsHadoopDataset$1$$anonfun$12.apply(PairRDDFunctions.scala:1125)
at org.apache.spark.scheduler.ResultTask.runTask(ResultTask.scala:87)
Should I have to use sc.parallelize(words).map(x => (new Text(x), new IntWritable(1)) instead of sc.parallelize(words).map(x => (x, 1))? I don't think i have to wrap it explicitly since SparkContext has already provides the implicits that wrap the premitive types to their corresponding Writables.
So, what should I do to make this piece of code work
Yes, SparkContext provides implicits for conversion. But this conversion do not applied during saving, must be used in usual Scala way:
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._
val mapperFunction: String=> (Text,IntWritable) = x => (x, 1)
... parallelize(words).map(mapperFunction).saveAsHadoopFile ...

How two RDD according to funcation get Result RDD

I am a beginner of Apache Spark. I want to filter two RDD into result RDD with the below code
def runSpark(stList:List[SubStTime],icList:List[IcTemp]): Unit ={
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("OD").setMaster("local[*]")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val st = sc.parallelize(stList).map(st => ((st.productId,st.routeNo),st)).groupByKey()
val ic = sc.parallelize(icList).map(ic => ((ic.productId,ic.routeNo),ic)).groupByKey()
//val result = st.join(ic).mapValues( )
here is what i want to do
List[ST] ->map ->Map(Key,st) ->groupByKey ->Map(Key,List[st])
List[IC] ->map ->Map(Key,ic) ->groupByKey ->Map(Key,List[ic])
STRDD join ICRDD get Map(Key,(List[st],List[ic]))
I have a function compare listST and listIC get the List[result] result contains both SubStTime and IcTemp information
def calcIcSt(st:List[SubStTime],ic:List[IcTemp]): List[result]
I don't know how to use mapvalues or other some way to get my result
val result = st.join(ic).mapValues( x => calcIcSt(x._1,x._2) )
