How to escape square brackets in a ls output - linux

I'm experiencing some problems to escape square brackets in any file name.
I need to compare two list. The ls output is the first list and the second is the ARQ02.
exec 3< <(ls /home/lint)
while read arq <&3; do
var=`grep -e "$arq" ARQ02`
if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] ; then
echo "$arq" >> result
exec 3<&-
Sorry for my bad english.

Your immediate problem is that you must instruct grep to interpret the search term as a literal rather than a regular expression, using the -F option:
var=$(grep -Fe "$arq" ARQ02)
That way, any regex metacharacters that happen to be in the output from ls /home/lint - such as [ and ] - will still be treated as literals and won't break the grep invocation.
That said, it looks like your command could be streamlined, such as by using the output from ls /home/lint directly as the set of search strings to pass to grep at once, using the -f option:
grep -Ff <(ls /home/lint) ARQ02 > result
<(...) is a so-called process substitution, which, simply put, presents the output from a command as if it were a (temporary) file, which is what -f expects: a file containing the search terms for grep.
Alternatively, if:
the lines of ARQ02 contain only filenames that fully match (some of) the filenames in the output from ls /home/lint, and
you don't mind sorting or want to sort the matches stored in result,
consider HuStmpHrrr's helpful answer.

i have to assume my interpretation is correct. based on that, i can raise a oneliner easily solve your solution. there are 2 assumption i need to make here: your file name doesn't contain carriage return and you are using modern bash:
comm -23 <(printf "%s\n" * | sort) <(sort ARQ02)
in bash <() emits a subshell and pipe the stdout as a file. comm is the command to compute difference of 2 input stream.
to explain in details,
-23 # suppress files unique in ARQ02 and files in common
<(printf "%s\n" * | # print all the files in local folder with new line breaker
sort) # sort them
<(sort ARQ02)
it's necessary to sort as comm only compare incrementally.


How to move files using the result as condition after grep command

I have 2 files that I needed to grep in a separate file.
The two files are in this directory /var/list
I have to grep them in another file in another directory which is in /var/sup/. I used the command below:
for i in TB.*; do grep "$i" /var/sup/logs.txt; done
what I want to do is, if the result of the grep command contains the word "ERROR" the files which is found in /var/list will be moved to another directory /var/last.
for example I grep this file TB.1234.txt to /var/sup/logs.txt then the result is like this:
ERROR: TB.1234.txt
TB.1234.txt will be move to /var/last.
please help. I don't know how to construct the logic on how to move the files, I'm stuck in that I provided, I am also trying to use two greps in a for loop but I am encountering an error.
I am new in coding and really appreciates any help and suggestions. Thank you so much.
If you are asking how to move files which contain "ERROR", this should be extremely straightforward.
for file in TB.*; do
grep -q 'ERROR' "$file" &&
mv "$file" /var/last/
The notation this && that is a convenient shorthand for
if this; then
The -q option to grep says to not print the matches, and quit as soon as you find one. Like all well-defined commands, grep sets its exit code to reflect whether it succeeded (the status is visible in $?, but usually you would not examine it directly; perhaps see also Why is testing ”$?” to see if a command succeeded or not, an anti-pattern?)
Your question is rather unclear, but if you want to find either of the matching files in a third file, perhaps something like
awk 'FNR==1 && (++n < ARGC-1) { a[n] = FILENAME; nextfile }
/ERROR/ { for(j=1; j<=n; ++j) if ($0 ~ a[j]) b[a[j]]++ }
END { for(f in b) print f }' TB*.txt /var/sup/logs.txt |
xargs -r mv -t /var/last/
This is somewhat inefficient in that it will read all the lines in the log file, and brittle in that it will only handle file names which do not contain newlines. (The latter restriction is probably unimportant here, as you are looking for file names which occur on the same line as the string "ERROR" in the first place.)
In some more detail, the Awk script collects the wildcard matches into the array a, then processes all lines in the last file, looking for ones with "ERROR" in them. On these lines, it checks if any of the file names in a are also found, and if so, also adds them to b. When all lines have been processed, print the entries in b, which are then piped to a simple shell command to move them.
xargs is a neat command to read some arguments from standard input, and run another command with those arguments added to its command line. The -r option says to not run the other command if there are no arguments.
(mv -t is a GNU extension; it's convenient, but not crucial to have here. If you need portable code, you could replace xargs with a simple while read -r loop.)
The FNR==1 condition requires that the input files are non-empty.
If the text file is small, or you expect a match near its beginning most of the time, perhaps just live with grepping it multiple times:
for file in TB.*; do
grep -Eq "ERROR.*$file|$file.*ERROR" /var/sup/logs.txt &&
mv "$file" /var/last/
Notice how we now need double quotes, not single, around the regular expression so that the variable $file gets substituted in the string.
grep has an -l switch, showing only the filename of the file which contains a pattern. It should not be too difficult to write something like (this is pseudocode, it won't work, it's just for giving you an idea):
if $(grep -l "ERROR" <directory> | wc -l) > 0
then foreach (f in $(grep -l "ERROR")
do cp f <destination>
end if
The wc -l is to check if there are any files which contain the word "ERROR". If not, nothing needs to be done.
Edit after Tripleee's comment:
My proposal can be simplified as:
if grep -lq "ERROR" TB.*;
then foreach (f in $(grep -l "ERROR")
do cp f <destination>
end if
Edit after Tripleee's second comment:
This is even shorter:
for f in $(grep -l "ERROR" TB.*);
do cp "$f" destination;

Bash script that counts and prints out the files that start with a specific letter

How do i print out all the files of the current directory that start with the letter "k" ?Also needs to count this files.
I tried some methods but i only got errors or wrong outputs. Really stuck on this as a newbie in bash.
Try this Shellcheck-clean pure POSIX shell code:
for file in k*; do
if [ -f "$file" ]; then
printf '%s\n' "$file"
printf 'count=%d\n' "$count"
It works correctly (just prints count=0) when run in a directory that contains nothing starting with 'k'.
It doesn't count directories or other non-files (e.g. fifos).
It counts symlinks to files, but not broken symlinks or symlinks to non-files.
It works with 'bash' and 'dash', and should work with any POSIX-compliant shell.
Here is a pure Bash solution.
printf "%s\n" "${files[#]}"
echo "${#files[#]} files total"
The shell expands the wildcard k* into the array, thus populating it with a list of matching files. We then print out the array's elements, and their count.
The use of an array avoids the various problems with metacharacters in file names (see e.g., though the syntax is slightly hard on the eyes.
As remarked by pjh, this will include any matching directories in the count, and fail in odd ways if there are no matches (unless you set nullglob to true). If avoiding directories is important, you basically have to get the directories into a separate array and exclude those.
To repeat what Dominique also said, avoid parsing ls output.
Demo of this and various other candidate solutions:
To start with: never parse the output of the ls command, but use find instead.
As find basically goes through all subdirectories, you might need to limit that, using the -maxdepth switch, use value 1.
In order to count a number of results, you just count the number of lines in your output (in case your output is shown as one piece of output per line, which is the case of the find command). Counting a number of lines is done using the wc -l command.
So, this comes down to the following command:
find ./ -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "k*" | wc -l
Have fun!
This should work as well:
COUNT=$(ls -p ${VAR}* | grep -v ":" | wc -w)
echo -e "Total number of files: ${COUNT}\n" 1>&2
echo -e "Files,that begin with ${VAR} are:\n$(ls -p ${VAR}* | grep -v ":" )" 1>&2

Pass command-line arguments to grep as search patterns and print lines which match them all

I'm learning about grep commands.
I want to make a program that when a user enters more than one word, outputs a line containing the word in the data file.
So I connected the words that the user typed with '|' and put them in the grep command to create the program I intended.
But this is OR operation. I want to make AND operation.
So I learned how to use AND operation with grep commands as follows.
cat <file> | grep 'pattern1' | grep 'pattern2' | grep 'pattern3'
But I don't know how to put the user input in the 'pattern1', 'pattern2', 'pattern3' position. Because the number of words the user inputs is not determined.
As user input increases, grep must be executed using more and more pipes, but I don't know how to build this part.
The user input is as follows:
$ [the name of my program] 'pattern1' 'pattern2' 'pattern3' ...
I'd really appreciate your help.
With grep -f you can grep multiple items, when each of them is on a line in a file.
With <(command) you can let Bash think that the result of command is a file.
With printf "%s\n" and a list of arguments, each argument is printed on a new line.
grep -f <(printf "%s\n" "$#") datafile
suggesting to use awk pattern logic:
awk '/RegExp-pattern-1/ && /RegExp-pattern-2/ && /RegExp-pattern-3/ 1' input.txt
The advantages: you can play with logic operators && || on RegExp patterns. And your are scanning the whole file once.
The disadvantages: must provide files list (can't traverse sub directories), and limited RegExp syntax compared to grep -E or grep -P
In principle, what you are asking could be done with a loop with output to a temporary file.
temp=$(mktemp -d -t multigrep.XXXXXXXXX) || exit
trap 'rm -rf "$temp"' ERR EXIT
for regex in "$#"; do
grep "$regex" "$file" >"$temp"/output
mv "$temp"/output "$temp"/input
cat "$temp"/input
However, a better solution is probably to arrange for Awk to check for all the patterns in one go, and avoid reading the same lines over and over again.
Passing the arguments to Awk with quoting intact is not entirely trivial. Here, we simply pass them as command-line arguments and process those into an array within the Awk script itself.
awk 'BEGIN { for(i=1; i<ARGC; ++i) a[i]=ARGV[i];
ARGV[1]="-"; ARGC=1 }
{ for(n=1; n<=i; ++n) if ($0 !~ a[n]) next; }1' "$#" <file
In brief, in the BEGIN block, we copy the command-line arguments from ARGV to a, then replace ARGV and ARGC to pass Awk a new array of (apparent) command-line arguments which consists of just - which means to read standard input. Then, we simply iterate over a and skip to the next line if the current input line from standard input does not match. Any remaining lines have matched all the patterns we passed in, and are thus printed.

Can I get the name of the file currently being read in a for loop?

I want to write a script that takes a word as an argument and searches the current and sub directories' files for the word. if it is found in any of the files it should echo out a message containing the file name and the line the word is found on.
this is what I have so far, but I can't find a way to actually store the file name of the file being read or the line number..
for var in $(grep -R "$word *")
filename=$(find . -type f -name "*") ------- //this doesnt work
linenmbr=$(grep -n "$ord" file) ----------- //this doesnt work
echo found $word in $filename on line number $linenmbr
In bash, any time you are looping, you want to avoid calling utilities (e.g. grep and find) within the loop. That is horribly inefficient because it will spawn a separate subshell for every utility every iteration. (which for 10 iterations -- that is 20 additional subshells, it adds up quick) So in your case, you call grep to feed the loop, and then spawn a separate subshell calling grep again within the loop as well as spawning a separate subshell for find.
You should think of a way to only call grep (or a utility that will provide the needed information) only once, and then parse the output.
If you did want to use grep, then calling grep -rn within a process substitution which is used to feed a while loop is probably as good as you are going to get. You can then use the bash builtin parameter expansions to isolate the filename and line-numbers which will be about as efficient as bash could get, e.g.
[ -z "$1" ] && { ## validate at least 1 input given
printf "error: insufficient input.\nusage: %s srch_term\n" "${0##*/}"
exit 1
while read -r line; do ## read each line of grep output
fn="${line%%:*}" ## isolate filename
no="${line#*:}" ## remove filename
no="${no%%:*}" ## isolate number
printf "found %s in %s on line number %d\n" "$1" "$fn" "$no"
done < <(grep -rn "$1") ## grep in process substitution
Choosing A More Efficient Method
If you can accomplish what you are attempting with one of the stream editing tools, e.g. awk or sed, you are likely to be able to isolate the wanted information an order of magnitude faster. For example, using awk and setting globstar you could do something similar to the following:
shopt -s globstar ## set globstar
[ -z "$1" ] && { ## validate at least 1 input given
printf "error: insufficient input.\nusage: %s srch_term\n" "${0##*/}"
exit 1
## find all matching files and line numbers
awk -v word="$1" '/'$1'/ {
print "found",word,"in",FILENAME,"on line number",FNR; next
}' **/* 2>/dev/null
Give both a try and let me know if you have further questions.
If you want to compare and ensure both are producing the same output, you can use diff to confirm, e.g.
$ diff <( | sort) <( | sort)
(if no difference is reported, the output is the same)

Quick unix command to display specific lines in the middle of a file?

Trying to debug an issue with a server and my only log file is a 20GB log file (with no timestamps even! Why do people use System.out.println() as logging? In production?!)
Using grep, I've found an area of the file that I'd like to take a look at, line 347340107.
Other than doing something like
head -<$LINENUM + 10> filename | tail -20
... which would require head to read through the first 347 million lines of the log file, is there a quick and easy command that would dump lines 347340100 - 347340200 (for example) to the console?
update I totally forgot that grep can print the context around a match ... this works well. Thanks!
I found two other solutions if you know the line number but nothing else (no grep possible):
Assuming you need lines 20 to 40,
sed -n '20,40p;41q' file_name
awk 'FNR>=20 && FNR<=40' file_name
When using sed it is more efficient to quit processing after having printed the last line than continue processing until the end of the file. This is especially important in the case of large files and printing lines at the beginning. In order to do so, the sed command above introduces the instruction 41q in order to stop processing after line 41 because in the example we are interested in lines 20-40 only. You will need to change the 41 to whatever the last line you are interested in is, plus one.
# print line number 52
sed -n '52p' # method 1
sed '52!d' # method 2
sed '52q;d' # method 3, efficient on large files
method 3 efficient on large files
fastest way to display specific lines
with GNU-grep you could just say
grep --context=10 ...
No there isn't, files are not line-addressable.
There is no constant-time way to find the start of line n in a text file. You must stream through the file and count newlines.
Use the simplest/fastest tool you have to do the job. To me, using head makes much more sense than grep, since the latter is way more complicated. I'm not saying "grep is slow", it really isn't, but I would be surprised if it's faster than head for this case. That'd be a bug in head, basically.
What about:
tail -n +347340107 filename | head -n 100
I didn't test it, but I think that would work.
I prefer just going into less and
typing 50% to goto halfway the file,
43210G to go to line 43210
:43210 to do the same
and stuff like that.
Even better: hit v to start editing (in vim, of course!), at that location. Now, note that vim has the same key bindings!
You can use the ex command, a standard Unix editor (part of Vim now), e.g.
display a single line (e.g. 2nd one):
ex +2p -scq file.txt
corresponding sed syntax: sed -n '2p' file.txt
range of lines (e.g. 2-5 lines):
ex +2,5p -scq file.txt
sed syntax: sed -n '2,5p' file.txt
from the given line till the end (e.g. 5th to the end of the file):
ex +5,p -scq file.txt
sed syntax: sed -n '2,$p' file.txt
multiple line ranges (e.g. 2-4 and 6-8 lines):
ex +2,4p +6,8p -scq file.txt
sed syntax: sed -n '2,4p;6,8p' file.txt
Above commands can be tested with the following test file:
seq 1 20 > file.txt
+ or -c followed by the command - execute the (vi/vim) command after file has been read,
-s - silent mode, also uses current terminal as a default output,
q followed by -c is the command to quit editor (add ! to do force quit, e.g. -scq!).
I'd first split the file into few smaller ones like this
$ split --lines=50000 /path/to/large/file /path/to/output/file/prefix
and then grep on the resulting files.
If your line number is 100 to read
head -100 filename | tail -1
Get ack
Ubuntu/Debian install:
$ sudo apt-get install ack-grep
Then run:
$ ack --lines=$START-$END filename
$ ack --lines=10-20 filename
From $ man ack:
Only print line NUM of each file. Multiple lines can be given with multiple --lines options or as a comma separated list (--lines=3,5,7). --lines=4-7 also works.
The lines are always output in ascending order, no matter the order given on the command line.
sed will need to read the data too to count the lines.
The only way a shortcut would be possible would there to be context/order in the file to operate on. For example if there were log lines prepended with a fixed width time/date etc.
you could use the look unix utility to binary search through the files for particular dates/times
x=`cat -n <file> | grep <match> | awk '{print $1}'`
Here you will get the line number where the match occurred.
Now you can use the following command to print 100 lines
awk -v var="$x" 'NR>=var && NR<=var+100{print}' <file>
or you can use "sed" as well
sed -n "${x},${x+100}p" <file>
With sed -e '1,N d; M q' you'll print lines N+1 through M. This is probably a bit better then grep -C as it doesn't try to match lines to a pattern.
Building on Sklivvz' answer, here's a nice function one can put in a .bash_aliases file. It is efficient on huge files when printing stuff from the front of the file.
function middle()
awk "FNR>=${startidx} && FNR<=${endidx} { print NR\" \"\$0 }; FNR>${endidx} { print \"END HERE\"; exit }" $filename
To display a line from a <textfile> by its <line#>, just do this:
perl -wne 'print if $. == <line#>' <textfile>
If you want a more powerful way to show a range of lines with regular expressions -- I won't say why grep is a bad idea for doing this, it should be fairly obvious -- this simple expression will show you your range in a single pass which is what you want when dealing with ~20GB text files:
perl -wne 'print if m/<regex1>/ .. m/<regex2>/' <filename>
(tip: if your regex has / in it, use something like m!<regex>! instead)
This would print out <filename> starting with the line that matches <regex1> up until (and including) the line that matches <regex2>.
It doesn't take a wizard to see how a few tweaks can make it even more powerful.
Last thing: perl, since it is a mature language, has many hidden enhancements to favor speed and performance. With this in mind, it makes it the obvious choice for such an operation since it was originally developed for handling large log files, text, databases, etc.
print line 5
sed -n '5p' file.txt
sed '5q' file.txt
print everything else than line 5
`sed '5d' file.txt
and my creation using google
#remove deleting it comes move line xD
usage() { # Function: Print a help message.
echo "Usage: $0 -l LINENUMBER -i INPUTFILE [ -o OUTPUTFILE ]"
echo "line is removed from INPUTFILE"
echo "line is appended to OUTPUTFILE"
exit_abnormal() { # Function: Exit with error.
exit 1
while getopts l:i:o:b flag
case "${flag}" in
l) line=${OPTARG};;
i) input=${OPTARG};;
o) output=${OPTARG};;
if [ -f tmp ]; then
echo "Temp file:tmp exist. delete it yourself :)"
if [ -f "$input" ]; then
if ! [[ $line =~ $re_isanum ]] ; then
echo "Error: LINENUMBER must be a positive, whole number."
exit 1
elif [ $line -eq "0" ]; then
echo "Error: LINENUMBER must be greater than zero."
if [ ! -z $output ]; then
sed -n "${line}p" $input >> $output
if [ ! -z $input ]; then
# remove this sed command and this comes move line to other file
sed "${line}d" $input > tmp && cp tmp $input
if [ -f tmp ]; then
rm tmp
You could try this command:
egrep -n "*" <filename> | egrep "<line number>"
Easy with perl! If you want to get line 1, 3 and 5 from a file, say /etc/passwd:
perl -e 'while(<>){if(++$l~~[1,3,5]){print}}' < /etc/passwd
I am surprised only one other answer (by Ramana Reddy) suggested to add line numbers to the output. The following searches for the required line number and colours the output.
wb="107"; bf="30;1"; rb="101"; yb="103"
cat -n ${file} | { GREP_COLORS="se=${wb};${bf}:cx=${wb};${bf}:ms=${rb};${bf}:sl=${yb};${bf}" grep --color -C 10 "^[[:space:]]\\+${lineno}[[:space:]]"; }
