Using an array of parameters to generate modules - verilog

I have a module which stores a bitmap of different characters, that I am planning on using to display text on a matrix. Currently, the bitmap is populated with a memory initialization file, and this file is passed in as a parameter (I have confirmed this working in Quartus and ModelSim).
In order to actually have a lookup table for all the characters, I wanted to make a separate module which has instantiations of the all bitmaps, and selects the correct one based on a character code. These bitmap instantiations are created in a generate block, and they take the correct filename from an array. However, ModelSim doesn't like this. My code is as follows:
module mem_char_disp_lib(
output logic pixel,
input logic [4:0] x,
input logic [5:0] y,
input logic [6:0] code,
input logic clk
localparam CHAR_NUM = 26;
logic [CHAR_NUM-1:0] alphabet;
const var [CHAR_NUM-1:0] BITMAPS = {
// ... a lot more declarations here...
genvar i;
for (i=0; i<CHAR_NUM; i=i+1) begin : mem_char_disp_blocks
mem_char_disp #(.BITMAP(BITMAPS[i])) block (
.x, .y, .clk,
pixel = alphabet[code];
The error ModelSim is giving me is:
The expression for a parameter actual associated with the parameter name ('BITMAP') for the module instance ('block') must be constant.
(referring to the line inside the for loop)
I am not sure why this doesn't work. On a hardware level, it seems like I'm just making a lot of copies of a module, and slightly tweaking each one with a constant parameter known at compile-time. Is there some basic syntax that I'm missing?
Edit: I have also tried the following code, which seems to give a runtime error:
for (i=0; i<CHAR_NUM; i=i+1) begin : mem_char_disp_blocks
parameter [CHAR_NUM-1:0] BITMAPS = {
// more elements...
mem_char_disp #(.BITMAP(BITMAPS[i])) block (
.x, .y, .clk,
.write_en(1'b0) );
The error is Module parameter 'BITMAP' not found for override. (One of these errors for each of the generated modules; CHAR_NUM total.) This doesn't make sense to me, since instantiating a single one directly works just fine (e.g. mem_char_disp #(.BITMAP("/mem/char/A.hex") block /* ... */).

A const variable is not a constant - it is a write-once variable that gets initialized at runtime when the variable gets allocated. You need to us a parameter or localparam to assign to another parameter as you discovered in your update. You also need to fix the dimensions of the array
parameter bit [1:15*8] BITMAPS[26] = {
"/mem/char/A.hex", // 15 8-bit chars
// more elements...
"/mem/char/Z.hex" // 26 elements
Can't help you with your last error without seeing the declaration of the module mem_char_disp


Pass 2D real array to a function in System Verilog

I am trying to pass 2D real array to an SV function and return the same but I'm not able to execute this task successfully. Here is a simple reproducible code:
module Two_d_array_pass();
real x[2][2]='{'{1.0,2.0},'{3.0,4.0}};
real y[2][2]='{'{2.0,2.0},'{2.0,2.0}};
real z[2][2];
int i,j;
initial begin
foreach(x[i,j]) $display("x[%0d][%0d]=%0f",i,j,x[i][j]);
foreach(y[i,j]) $display("y[%0d][%0d]=%0f",i,j,y[i][j]);
function real mult(x,y);
real c[2][2];
int i,j;
return c;
and here is the error I get:
xmvlog: *E,DIMERR (,18|10): Bit-select or part-select dimensions do not match declaration.
xmvlog: *E,DIMERR (,18|18): Bit-select or part-select dimensions do not match declaration.
Can anyone correct the code to achieve this task?
You need to change the arguments to be 2x2 dimensional as well.
function real mult(real x[2][2],y[2][2]);
But you also need to do it for the return type, but because of syntax limitations, unpacked array need a typedef for the return type.
typedef real real2x2[2][2];
function real2x2 mult(real x[2][2],y[2][2]);
Then you might as well use the typedef everywhere
module Two_d_array_pass();
typedef real real2x2[2][2];
real2x2 x='{'{1.0,2.0},'{3.0,4.0}};
real2x2 y='{'{2.0,2.0},'{2.0,2.0}};
real2x2 z;
initial begin
foreach(x[i,j]) $display("x[%0d][%0d]=%0f",i,j,x[i][j]);
foreach(y[i,j]) $display("y[%0d][%0d]=%0f",i,j,y[i][j]);
function real2x2 mult(real2x2 x,y);
P.S. you do not declare the iterating variables i and j separately, they are implicit and local to the scope of the foreach statement. If you declare them separately, they become extra variables unused by the foreach loop.

Access internal regs without declaring them as input/outputs

How do I access internal regs/signals without declaring them as input/output.
e.g., consider the following block, A & B are placed in TOP block and I need to access int_A from withing block B without declaring it as output in A and input in B.
You can do that by hierarchical reference.
However as far as I know you can only use that in test-benches.(I have never even dared to use that in RTL).
// Top level test-bench
wire int_A;
assign int_A = dut_0.int_A;
dut dut_0 ( // instance of dut
If inside the dut you have another instance use the same method:
module dut (
core core0 (
endmodule // dut
A signal inside the core can now be referenced from the top level as:
assign int_A = dut_0.core_0.int_A;

How to vary a struct going through a port in system verilog - generate doesnt work

module testy
parameter W = 10,
parameter C = 2
if (W == 8)
if(C == 1)
typedef struct {
logic [8:0] so;
if(C == 2)
typedef struct {
logic [10:0] so;
input my_struct aa;
I get this error:
irun(64): 14.20-p001: (c) Copyright 1995-2015 Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
file: testy.v
input my_struct aa;
ncvlog: *E,SVNOTY (testy.v,30|14): Syntactically this identifier appears to begin a datatype but it does not refer to a visible datatype in the current scope.
module worklib.testy:v
errors: 1, warnings: 0
ncvlog: *F,NOTOPL: no top-level unit found, must have recursive instances.
irun: *E,VLGERR: An error occurred during parsing. Review the log file for errors with the code *E and fix those identified problems to proceed. Exiting with code (status 2).
I thought generates were statically determined but I have problems compiling it - since parameters cant be overridden in packages and couldn't think of a way to do this in design which needs to be synthesized and didn't want to add interfaces or classes. Is there a bettwe way to do this. My struct has over 100 entries if I include all the combinations and use only what I want but I thought using generates I could trim it to what I want based on a set of parameters.
Your problem is the scope of the typedef is local to the blocks inside your generate statements. If all you need to do is change the size of a data type, you can use a constant function call, with is statically determined. But then you run into another problem with your unpacked struct declaration - it is still local to the module and you will not be able to connect another struct to it with a matching data type. An interface would be a better solution and is synthesizable.
Another possibility is passing down a type parameter.

verilog generate loop assign to iterator width mismatch

I am using a generate loop to instantiate a paramaterizable number of modules, and I want to assign some of the inputs to the module based on the loop iteration. Unfortunately I'm running into issues with synthesis where design compiler says there's an error because the port width doesn't match. Here's what I'm trying to do:
genvar k;
for(k = 0; k < `NUM/2; ++k) begin
cmp2 cmps(
.a (arr[k]),
.b (arr[k+1]),
.a_idx (k), //gives errors about port width mismatch
.b_idx (k+1), //but I can't get it to work any other way
.idx_out (idx[k])
I've also tried using localparams in the loop and assigning a_idx and b_idx to the localparam but I still get the same error under synthesis.
I've tried something like .a_idx((k)[bit_width-1:0]), but that doesn't work either.
Any ideas?
k and k+1 are 32-bit wide, which causes the width mismatch.
Depending on what your synthesis tool supports, you might want to try the following:
Bit slicing:
.a_idx (k[0 +: bit_width])
Cast to bit_width-wide logic:
typedef logic[bit_width-1:0] logicN_t;
// .... //
.a_idx (logicN_t'(k)),
.b_idx (logicN_t'(k+1)),
// .... //

verilog set bus equal to array of struct bits

I'm trying to set a bus equal to a bit of a struct, for an array of structs (s.t. the array size == bus size). My struct looks like
typedef struct {
//other stuff
logic valid;
And I've declared the array of structs and bus like
BFRAME_OUTPUT bframe_outs[`BSTACK_SIZE-1:0];
logic [`BSTACK_SIZE-1:0] valid;
I want to do something like either of these to simply make the valid bus equal to the valid bits for the array of structs.
assign valid[`BSTACK_SIZE-1:0] = bframe_outs[`BSTACK_SIZE-1:0].valid;
// or
for(int i = 0; i < `BSTACK_SIZE; ++i) begin
assign[i] = bframe_outs[i].valid;
However I get errors when trying to simulate with vcs:
Error-[XMRE] Cross-module reference resolution error
/modules/, 87
Error found while trying to resolve cross-module reference.
token 'bframe_outs'. Originating module 'branch_stack'.
Source info: assign valid[(16 - 1):0] = bframe_outs[(16 - 1):0].valid;
More importantly, there is another error which you have not shown:
Error-[PSNA] Part Select Not Allowed, 14 Part selects
are not allowed on arrays of classes. Source info: assign valid[(5 -
1):0] = bframe_outs[(5 - 1):0].valid; Convert the part select to
refer to each element individually.
As the error points out, you need to convert the assignment to part selection. Here, you can use one of the two ways. Either use logic as reg and use it in always block, or use logic as wire and do some other stuff.
While using it as reg, you need to extract the value in some procedural block. So, just remove the assign statement and use alway_comb. Since you have used logic here, no need to change its datatype.
for(int i = 0; i < `BSTACK_SIZE; ++i)
valid[i] = bframe_outs[i].valid;
Alternatively, there is a generate block to perform certain things multiple times. Note that by using generate block, you are providing continuous assignments and using logic as wire. Here, you need to provide each bit signal to the wire individually. Here, use generate as follows:
genvar i;
for(i = 0; i < `BSTACK_SIZE; ++i) begin
assign valid[i] = bframe_outs[i].valid;
Refer to SystemVerilog IEEE 1800-2012 section 7.2 for structures and this link for generate blocks. I have created a working example at EDAPlayground link.
