In an isomorphic Redux app, is it better practice to keep API calls small, or to send over all information in one go? - node.js

I am building a sports data visualization application with server-side rendering in React (ES6)/Redux/React-Router-Redux. At the top, there is a class-based App component, and there are two different class-based component routes. (everything under those is a stateless functional component), structured as follows:
|__ Index (/)
|__ Match (/match/:id)
When a request is made for a given route, one API call is dispatched, containing all information for the given route. This is hosted on a different server, where we're using Restify and Sequelize ORM. The JSON object returned is roughly 12,000 to 30,000 lines long and takes anywhere from 500ms to 8500ms to return.
Our application, therefore, takes a long time to load, and I'm thinking that this is the main bottleneck. I have a couple options in mind.
Separate this huge API call into many smaller API calls. Although, since JS is single-threaded, I'd have to measure the speed of the render to find out if this is viable.
Attempt lazy loading by dispatching a new API call when a new tab is clicked (each match has several games, all in new tabs)
Am I on the right track? Or is there a better option? Thanks in advance, and please let me know if you need any more examples!

This depends on many things including who your target client is. Would mobile devices ever use this or strictly desktop?
From what you have said so far, I would opt for "lazy loading".
Either way you generally never want any app to force a user to wait at all especially not over 8 seconds.
You want your page send and show up with something that works as quick as possible. This means you don't want to have to wait until all data resolves before your UI can be hydrated. (This is what will have to happen if you are truly server side rendering because in many situations your client application would be built and delivered at least a few seconds before the data is resolved and sent over the line.)
If you have mobile devices with spotty networks connections they will likely never see this page due to timeouts.
It looks like paginating and lazy loading based on accessing other pages might be a good solution here.
In this situation you may also want to look into persisting the data and caching. This is a pretty big undertaking and might be more complicated than you would want. I know some colleagues who might use libraries to handle most of this stuff for them.


Where should calculations be done in a MEAN stack app

I am building an ecommerce website for a project for my portfolio, and I wanted to know where the calculations should be done for the cart.
Normally I use react and I create a model folder, route folder and a controller folder but the way I was taught Angular it seems like the services acts like the routes and the actual calls to the database are done in the node server file which I am sure I could separate into a separate controller file. My question is where should the calculations for the cart be done before I send the order to the database? I thought about doing it in the cart component before the order is place or should it be done in the services or in the backend in the controller? I am just trying to figure out what is the standard
When writing an Angular app, I think it is important to adhere to the following principles that:
Components - should have a single responsibility for simple view logic only, shouldn't reach out to the server, and shouldn't do complex calculations and/or logic that is not related to the view.
Services - should have a single responsibility for (reusable/shared) and complex logic, to do outbound communication and reach out to the server, and to act as data stores (using BehaviorSubjects).
Therefore, if your calculations are needed to update the view of the cart, I would vote that these calculations need to be made at the component. If your calculations are needed to update the items or the request to be sent to the server, they need to be made at the service.
Remember, the component "shouldn't know" how the data comes to it or how it is manipulated or sent to the server. The component should only know, given any data - how to present it in the view, and shouldn't "worry about" how that data came to it. Similarly, the component shouldn't know how the data is calculated before being sent to the server, and this would fall within the responsibility of the service that works with and processes the cart data and builds the request to the server.
However, you have to always consider the security of your app, and if a malicious data modification at the client side can affect your cart. If such caculations affect the app's security - they should at least be validated at the server if not fully delegated to it.
I don't know the calculation you need exactly, but since it is an e-commerce website I assume it is simple math such as the total payment amount of checkout.
The main role of the server is communicating to the database. If a task does not involve interacting with data, you can do the calculations on the client-side. Leaving details on client-side allows you to have access to details of your formula, and reduce the communication time between client and server.

MERN Stack, how big of a role can redux play?

My project involves somewhat of a checklist. Initially, I used Redux to keep track of the state (whether something is checked off or not). Later I implemented a backend node server and a mongo database, and I load data from the database every time I fire up or refresh localhost. Since the checkoffs directly modify the elements in the database, there's not a whole lot Redux is doing that pre-emptive loading isn't already doing.
So my main question is that if the data is fetched from the backend the moment I start everything up, what else can I use Redux for in this case? I know my project might be too small and simple to give out a good answer, but I'd still like to know possibilities if possible.
No matter, your data is coming form backend but you still need redux for many reasons. Redux is not about just for storing data but it best for performance. Let discuss it with use cases.
Suppose you have main component of COMPANY and that is fetching data from API/backend and data cam to COMPANY component and same data is required to your ADMIN component and you again call network for data, and you know fetching data for each component from backend is very heavy and make your application slow.
So the best solution is to fetch all you data one time and save them in REDUX STORE and distribute data over your components.
1- Easy to manage data and state
2- Optimization and performace improvement with SELECTORS
3- Debugging is very easy
4- Easy to track data

What is the difference between server side rendering (Next.js) and Static Site rendering (Gatsby.js)?

I'm looking to create a website that does not rely on client-side JavaScript, however, I still want to use SPA features like client-side routing etc, so I am looking at using a framework that does not render on the client-side. These 2 seem to be the top options for this type of thing, however, I'm unsure as to the differences between the 2 different types of server processing.
Server side rendering is where a request is made from the client/browser to the server, and then at that point the HTML is generated on-the-fly run-time and sent back to the browser to be rendered.
Static site rendering is very similar, however the parsing is carried out during the build time instead. Therefore when a request is made the HTML is stored statically and can be sent straight back to the client.
They both have their pros and cons:
Although static sites will be faster at run-time as no server-side processing is required, it does mean that any changes to data require a full rebuild over the application server side.
Alternatively, with the server side approach, putting any caching aside, the data is processed on-the-fly and sent straight to the client.
Often the decision is best made depending on how dynamic and real-time your content must be vs how performant the application needs to be.
For example, Stackoverflow most likely uses a server-side rendering approach. There are far two many questions for it to rebuild static versions of every question page each time a new post is submitted. The data also needs to be very real-time with users being able to see posts submitted only seconds ago.
However, a blog site, or promo site, which hardly has any content changes, would benefit much more from a static site setup. The response time would be much greater and the server costs would be much lower.

Which method is faster, express : Server-side rendering vs client-side rendering

What I would like to know is, how do you built your web application? I'm really confuse as which method should I use for my project.
Already decided which technologies to choose.
1) Node.js and express as its Framework
2) MongoDB
3) React + Flux
But the problem right now, should I use method (A) or method (B)
Method (A) - Serverside rendering for HTML
app.get('/users/', function(request, respond) {
var user = "Jack";
respond.render("user", { user: user });
Method (B) - Clientside rendering for HTML
app.get('/users/', function(request, respond){
var user = "Jack";
respond.json({ user: user });
Method A will render the HTML from the server and as well as the data.
Method B will just respond the data that is needed for the client which is React.js, so that it could manipulate the data.
My concern, is which method should I use? most startups use which method?
Thank you.
It's not an either/or proposition.
React is a client side framework. You have to render on the client side. The question is whether to render on the server side in addition to rendering on the client side.
The answer? If you can, YES!
You will get SEO benefits and an initial performance boost by rendering on the server side. But you will still have to do the same client side rendering.
I suggestion googling "isomorphic react" and doing some reading. Here is one article on the subject.
Well, it really depends on which vision you have on the modern web, and what you are willing to do.
Will you prefer to let your users wait, displaying a loader while data are loaded asynchronously, or will you prefer to keep your users busy as long as you can ?
Here are different articles that will help you clear your mind and be aware of the different advantages that you can have by doing server-side rendering, client-side rendering having multiple issues.
You can see this post from Twitter blog saying they improve their initial page load by 1/5th to what they had before, by moving the rendering to the server:
An other article, this time from airbnb, describing the issues you can have with client-side rendering itself:
There is also an other interesting article talking about client-side/server-side rendering, bringing a debate on when should we use / not use server-side or client-side rendering and why:
And to finish, I can give you two more link more focused on react, and describing in which way server-side rendering should be helpful for your case:
Now, about what you SHOULD do, it's a matter of what you exactly need to do, to my opinion, but basically, you can do both at the same time (client-side AND server-side), to have the best user experience.
This concept is called "isomorphic javascript" and it is getting more and more popular these days.
The simplest architecture is to just do dynamic html rendering on the server, with no Ajax, and with a new HTML page requested for pretty much any client click. This is the 'traditional' approach, and has pros and cons.
The next simplest is to serve completely static html+js+css (your React app) to the client, and make XMLHttpRequest calls to webservices to fetch the required data (i.e. your method B).
The most complex but ideal approach (from a performance and SEO perspective) is to build an 'isomorphic' app that supports both approaches. The idea is that the server makes all the necessary WS calls that the client would make and renders the initial page that the user has visited (which could be a deep-linked part of the application), a bit like option A but using React to do the rendering, and then passes control to the client for future DOM updates. This then allows fast incremental updates to the page via web-service calls as the user interacts (e.g. just like B). Navigation between different 'pages' at this point involves using the History API to make it look like you're changing page, when actually you are just manipulating the current page using web-services. But you you then did a browser refresh, your server would send back the full HTML of the current page, before passing control to client-side React again. There are lots of React+Flux+Node examples of this approach available online, using the different flavours of Flux that support server-side rendering.
Whether that approach is worthwhile depends on your situation. It probably makes sense to start using approach B (you can share the your HTTP API between mobile apps and websites), but use a Flux architecture that supports server-side rendering and keep it in mind. That way, if you need to improve the performance of initial page loads, you have the means to do it.

How should one initialize a page in backbone.js, to minimize HTTP requests and latency

I am learning about backbone, and from the examples and tutorials I have gotten this impression:
The initial GET / returns the skeleton page with backbone and the view templates.
Backbone uses the REST API to flesh out the page by GETting the data it needs and adding it into the DOM.
This works, but it seems wasteful in terms of additional HTTP requests, and latency from the perspective of the end user (minimum two round-trips before the page is visible. Actually three in my case, since the API must first ask which widgets are available, and then fetch the details on any available widgets....).
Is there an established, standard method for getting around this? My current candidates are:
Ignore the problem.
Embed the initialization data directly into the original page via inline javascript.
Render the page as if backbone didn't exist. When backbone finishes initializing, it will (hopefully) be in sync with the page as the user sees it. It can correct anything it needs to if things changed in the intervening couple seconds, but at least the user is not left hanging.
Another solution I haven't thought of?
Is there an established way to do this? Is it situation-specific? I am using Node / JS / Express.
Update: I think I found a solution, possibly the "accepted" solution, in Backbone's documentation:
Here's an example using reset to bootstrap a collection during initial page load, in a Rails application.
var Accounts = new Backbone.Collection;
Accounts.reset(<%= #accounts.to_json %>);
Calling collection.reset() without passing any models as arguments will empty the entire collection.
