find holes into a dateTime spark RDD - apache-spark

I have a question about ordering a DateTime RDD, finding the holes contained in it and fill it, for example, suppose we have this record into my database:
Basically for my purpose I need also holes, because it will impact over my calculations, so I would like something like this at the end:
What the best strategy to do that?
This is a little imcomplete excerpt code:
val records = bdao // RDD[(String,List[RecordPO])]
.filter(_.getRecDate >= startDate)
.filter(_.getRecDate < endDate)
.aggregateByKey(List[RecordPO]())((list, value) => value +: list, _ ++ _)
/* transformations */
val finalRecords=.... // RDD[(String,List[Option[RecordPO])]
Thanks in advance

You will need to create dataframe of all dates you want to see in resulting dataset (for example, all dates from 20160404 to 20160410). Then perform left outer join of this dataset with your records and you will get None where you expect.


SPARK Combining Neighbouring Records in a text file

very new to SPARK.
I need to read a very large input dataset, but I fear the format of the input files would not be amenable to read on SPARK. Format is as follows:
Ideally what I would like to do is pull the lines of the file into a SPARK RDD, and then transform it into an RDD that only has one item per record (with the subrecords becoming part of their associated record item).
So if the example above was read in, I'd want to wind up with an RDD containing 3 objects: [record1,record2,record3]. Each object would contain the data from their RECORD and any associated SUBRECORD entries.
The unfortunate bit is that the only thing in this data that links subrecords to records is their position in the file, underneath their record. That means the problem is sequentially dependent and might not lend itself to SPARK.
Is there a sensible way to do this using SPARK (and if so, what could that be, what transform could be used to collapse the subrecords into their associated record)? Or is this the sort of problem one needs to do off spark?
There is a somewhat hackish way to identify the sequence of records and sub-records. This method assumes that each new "record" is identifiable in some way.
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.LongType
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
val df = Seq(
).toDS() => (r._1._1, r._1._2, r._2)).toDF("record", "value", "id")
val win = Window.orderBy("id")
val recids = df.withColumn("newrec", ($"record" === "RECORD").cast(LongType))
.withColumn("recid", sum($"newrec").over(win))
.select($"recid", $"record", $"value")
val recs = recids.where($"record"==="RECORD").select($"recid", $"value".as("recname"))
val subrecs = recids.where($"record" =!= "RECORD").select($"recid", $"value".as("attr"))
recs.join(subrecs, Seq("recid"), "left").groupBy("recname").agg(collect_list("attr").as("attrs")).show()
This snippet will first zipWithIndex to identify each row, in order, then add a boolean column that is true every time a "record" is identified, and false otherwise. We then cast that boolean to a long, and then can do a running sum, which has the neat side-effect of essentially labeling every record and it's sub-records with a common identifier.
In this particular case, we then split to get the record identifiers, re-join only the sub-records, group by the record ids, and collect the sub-record values to a list.
The above snippet results in this:
| recname| attrs|
|record1identifier| [value1, value2]|
|record2identifier| []|
|record3identifier|[value3, value4, ...|

Spark: Use aggregation function on all columns [duplicate]

The question is pretty much in the title: Is there an efficient way to count the distinct values in every column in a DataFrame?
The describe method provides only the count but not the distinct count, and I wonder if there is a a way to get the distinct count for all (or some selected) columns.
In pySpark you could do something like this, using countDistinct():
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, countDistinct
df.agg(*(countDistinct(col(c)).alias(c) for c in df.columns))
Similarly in Scala :
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.countDistinct
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.col => countDistinct(col(c)).alias(c)): _*)
If you want to speed things up at the potential loss of accuracy, you could also use approxCountDistinct().
Multiple aggregations would be quite expensive to compute. I suggest that you use approximation methods instead. In this case, approxating distinct count:
val df = Seq((1,3,4),(1,2,3),(2,3,4),(2,3,5)).toDF("col1","col2","col3")
val exprs = -> "approx_count_distinct")).toMap
// +---------------------------+---------------------------+---------------------------+
// |approx_count_distinct(col1)|approx_count_distinct(col2)|approx_count_distinct(col3)|
// +---------------------------+---------------------------+---------------------------+
// | 2| 2| 3|
// +---------------------------+---------------------------+---------------------------+
The approx_count_distinct method relies on HyperLogLog under the hood.
The HyperLogLog algorithm and its variant HyperLogLog++ (implemented in Spark) relies on the following clever observation.
If the numbers are spread uniformly across a range, then the count of distinct elements can be approximated from the largest number of leading zeros in the binary representation of the numbers.
For example, if we observe a number whose digits in binary form are of the form 0…(k times)…01…1, then we can estimate that there are in the order of 2^k elements in the set. This is a very crude estimate but it can be refined to great precision with a sketching algorithm.
A thorough explanation of the mechanics behind this algorithm can be found in the original paper.
Note: Starting Spark 1.6, when Spark calls SELECT SOME_AGG(DISTINCT foo)), SOME_AGG(DISTINCT bar)) FROM df each clause should trigger separate aggregation for each clause. Whereas this is different than SELECT SOME_AGG(foo), SOME_AGG(bar) FROM df where we aggregate once. Thus the performance won't be comparable when using a count(distinct(_)) and approxCountDistinct (or approx_count_distinct).
It's one of the changes of behavior since Spark 1.6 :
With the improved query planner for queries having distinct aggregations (SPARK-9241), the plan of a query having a single distinct aggregation has been changed to a more robust version. To switch back to the plan generated by Spark 1.5’s planner, please set spark.sql.specializeSingleDistinctAggPlanning to true. (SPARK-12077)
Reference : Approximate Algorithms in Apache Spark: HyperLogLog and Quantiles.
if you just want to count for particular column then following could help. Although its late answer. it might help someone. (pyspark 2.2.0 tested)
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, countDistinct
Adding to desaiankitb's answer, this would provide you a more intuitive answer :
from pyspark.sql.functions import count
You can use the count(column name) function of SQL
Alternatively if you are using data analysis and want a rough estimation and not exact count of each and every column you can use approx_count_distinct function
approx_count_distinct(expr[, relativeSD])
This is one way to create dataframe with every column counts :
> df = df.to_pandas_on_spark()
> collect_df = []
> for i in df.columns:
> collect_df.append({"field_name": i , "unique_count": df[i].nunique()})
> uniquedf = spark.createDataFrame(collect_df)
Output would like below. I used this with another dataframe to compare values if columns names are same.Other dataframe was also created way then joined.
df_prod_merged = uniquedf1.join(uniquedf2, on='field_name', how="left")
This is easy way to do it might be expensive on very huge data like 1 tb to process but still very efficient when used to_pandas_on_spark()

Spark - Performing union of Dataframes inside a for loop starting from empty DataFrame

I have a Dataframe with a column called "generationId" and other fields. Field "generationId" takes a range of integer values from 1 to N (upper bound to N is known and is small, between 10 and 15) and I want to process the DataFrame in the following way (pseudo code):
results = emptyDataFrame <=== how do I do this ?
for (i <- 0 until getN(df)) {
val input = df.filter($"generationId" === i)
Here getN(df) gives the N for that data frame based on some criteria. In the loop, input is filtered based on matching against "i" and then fed to some model (some internal library) which transforms the input by adding 3 more columns to it.
Ultimately I would like to get union of all those transformed data frames, so I have all columns of the original data frame plus the 3 additional columns added by the model for each row. I am not able to figure out how to initialize results and unionize the results in each iteration. I do know the exact schema of the result ahead of time. So I did
val newSchema = ...
but I am not sure how to pass that to emptyRDD function and build a empty Dataframe and use it inside the loop.
Also, if there is a much efficient way to do this inside map operation, please suggest.
you can do something like this:
(0 until getN(df))
.map(i => {
val input = df.filter($"generationId" === i)
.reduce(_ union _)
that way you don't need to worry about the empty df

Spark DataFrame: count distinct values of every column

The question is pretty much in the title: Is there an efficient way to count the distinct values in every column in a DataFrame?
The describe method provides only the count but not the distinct count, and I wonder if there is a a way to get the distinct count for all (or some selected) columns.
In pySpark you could do something like this, using countDistinct():
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, countDistinct
df.agg(*(countDistinct(col(c)).alias(c) for c in df.columns))
Similarly in Scala :
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.countDistinct
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.col => countDistinct(col(c)).alias(c)): _*)
If you want to speed things up at the potential loss of accuracy, you could also use approxCountDistinct().
Multiple aggregations would be quite expensive to compute. I suggest that you use approximation methods instead. In this case, approxating distinct count:
val df = Seq((1,3,4),(1,2,3),(2,3,4),(2,3,5)).toDF("col1","col2","col3")
val exprs = -> "approx_count_distinct")).toMap
// +---------------------------+---------------------------+---------------------------+
// |approx_count_distinct(col1)|approx_count_distinct(col2)|approx_count_distinct(col3)|
// +---------------------------+---------------------------+---------------------------+
// | 2| 2| 3|
// +---------------------------+---------------------------+---------------------------+
The approx_count_distinct method relies on HyperLogLog under the hood.
The HyperLogLog algorithm and its variant HyperLogLog++ (implemented in Spark) relies on the following clever observation.
If the numbers are spread uniformly across a range, then the count of distinct elements can be approximated from the largest number of leading zeros in the binary representation of the numbers.
For example, if we observe a number whose digits in binary form are of the form 0…(k times)…01…1, then we can estimate that there are in the order of 2^k elements in the set. This is a very crude estimate but it can be refined to great precision with a sketching algorithm.
A thorough explanation of the mechanics behind this algorithm can be found in the original paper.
Note: Starting Spark 1.6, when Spark calls SELECT SOME_AGG(DISTINCT foo)), SOME_AGG(DISTINCT bar)) FROM df each clause should trigger separate aggregation for each clause. Whereas this is different than SELECT SOME_AGG(foo), SOME_AGG(bar) FROM df where we aggregate once. Thus the performance won't be comparable when using a count(distinct(_)) and approxCountDistinct (or approx_count_distinct).
It's one of the changes of behavior since Spark 1.6 :
With the improved query planner for queries having distinct aggregations (SPARK-9241), the plan of a query having a single distinct aggregation has been changed to a more robust version. To switch back to the plan generated by Spark 1.5’s planner, please set spark.sql.specializeSingleDistinctAggPlanning to true. (SPARK-12077)
Reference : Approximate Algorithms in Apache Spark: HyperLogLog and Quantiles.
if you just want to count for particular column then following could help. Although its late answer. it might help someone. (pyspark 2.2.0 tested)
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, countDistinct
Adding to desaiankitb's answer, this would provide you a more intuitive answer :
from pyspark.sql.functions import count
You can use the count(column name) function of SQL
Alternatively if you are using data analysis and want a rough estimation and not exact count of each and every column you can use approx_count_distinct function
approx_count_distinct(expr[, relativeSD])
This is one way to create dataframe with every column counts :
> df = df.to_pandas_on_spark()
> collect_df = []
> for i in df.columns:
> collect_df.append({"field_name": i , "unique_count": df[i].nunique()})
> uniquedf = spark.createDataFrame(collect_df)
Output would like below. I used this with another dataframe to compare values if columns names are same.Other dataframe was also created way then joined.
df_prod_merged = uniquedf1.join(uniquedf2, on='field_name', how="left")
This is easy way to do it might be expensive on very huge data like 1 tb to process but still very efficient when used to_pandas_on_spark()

What is the most effective way to get elements of RDD in spark

I need to get values of two columns of a dataframe converted to RDD.
The first solution I have thought is that
First convert the RDD to List of Row RDD.collect()
then for each element of List, get values by using Row[i].getInt(column_index)
this solution works fine with small and medium size of data. But in large one, I got over memory.
My temporary solution is that I only create newRDD which contains only two Columns instead all columns. And then, apply my solution above, this may reduce most of needed memory.
Current implementation is like this:
Row[] rows = sparkDataFrame.collect();
for (int i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { //about 50 million rows
int yTrue = rows[i].getInt(0);
int yPredict = rows[i].getInt(1);
Could you help me to improve my solution, or suggest me other solutions!
ps: I'm a new spark's user!
First you convert your big RDD into Dataframe and than directly you can select whatever columns you require.
// Create the DataFrame
DataFrame df = sqlContext.jsonFile("examples/src/main/resources/people.json");
// Select only the "name" column"name"), df.col("age")).show();
For more detail you can follow this link
