String Reverse in Assembly language x86 - string

I'm new to assembly language and I have this code that is suppose to reverse the string length, now I know I'm close but the program keeps crashing on me for whatever reason that is. The problem is in the STRREV PROC. What am I doing wrong in this code?
prompt BYTE "Enter String: ", 0
response BYTE 50 DUP(0)
message BYTE " Message entered. ",0
swap MACRO a,b
xor a,b
xor b,a
xor a,b
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push edx
push ecx
mov edx, [ebp+8]
call writestring
mov ecx, SIZEOF response
mov edx, OFFSET response
call readstring
pop ecx
pop edx
pop ebp
ret 4
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push ebx
push ecx
mov edx,[ebp+16]
mov eax, 0
mov cl,[edx+eax]
cmp cl, 0
JE done
inc eax
jmp counter
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop ebp
ret 4
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push OFFSET response
mov edx, [ebp+8]
mov esi, 0
dec eax
mov ah, [edx+esi]
mov al, [edx+eax]
swap ah, al
mov [edx+esi],ah
mov [edx+eax],al
inc esi
dec eax
cmp esi, eax
jb reverseloop
ja finish
pop ebp
ret 4
main PROC
push OFFSET prompt
call writedec
mov edx,OFFSET message
call WriteString
push eax
mov edx, OFFSET response
call WriteString
main ENDP
END main

The main problem in your function is changing AL and AH register and then using EAX as pointer. I decided to write a new function based on your code, read it carefully and debug your code using the right emulator.
;opening the function
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push OFFSET response
mov edx, [ebp+8] ;edx = offset string to reverse
mov esi, 0
dec eax
mov ebx,edx ;ebx stores the pointer to the first character
add ebx,eax` ;now ebx store the pointer to the last character before the '$'
mov ah, [edx] ;ah stores the value at string[loop count]
mov al, [ebx] ;al stores the value at string[len-loop count-1]
;"swap ah,al" is logiclly unnecessary
;better solution:
mov [ebx],ah ; string[loop count] = string[len-loop count-1]
mov [edx],al ; string[len-loop count-1] = string[loop count]
inc edx ;increment of the right-most pointer
dec ebx ;decrement of the right-most pointer
cmp ebx, eax ;compares the left-most pointer to the right-most
jb reverseloop
jmp finish ;"ja", there is no need to check a condition twice
pop ebp
ret 4


String Reverse in FASM x86 architecture

I am making a program that reverses a given string from the user.
The problem that has appeared is that the program works well if the string is 5 bytes long but if the string is lower then the result doesn't appear when I execute it. The other problem is that if the string is more than 5 bytes long it reverses only the first five bytes.
Please keep in mind that I am new to assembly and this question may be basic but I would be grateful is someone tells me where the problem is.
Thank you to everyone, have a great day :)
P.S The file "training. inc" is a file that has "print_str, read_line" methods implemented.
entry start
include ""
section '.data' data readable writeable
enter_string db "Enter a string : ", 0
newline db 13,10,0
user_str db MAX_USER_STR dup(?), 0
section ".text" code readable executable
mov esi, enter_string
call print_str
mov edi, user_str
call read_line
call str_len
mov edx, MAX_USER_STR
mov ebx, 0
mov ecx, 0
mov esi, user_str
call print_str
mov esi, newline
call print_str
mov esi, user_str
for_loop :
push eax
mov al, byte[esi]
inc esi
inc ebx
call print_eax
cmp edx, ebx
jb clear_register
jmp for_loop
for_loop2 :
call print_eax
mov byte[esi], al
inc esi
inc ecx
pop eax
cmp ecx, edx
ja break_loop
jmp for_loop2
;mov edi, 0
mov esi, user_str
call print_str
push 0
call [ExitProcess]
clear_register :
mov esi, user_str
jmp for_loop2
str_len :
push ecx
sub ecx, ecx
mov ecx, -1
sub al, al
repne scasb
neg ecx
sub ecx, 1
mov eax, ecx
pop ecx
include ''
The name MAX_ already says it, but a buffer is to be defined according to the worst case scenario. If you want to be able to deal with strings that could be longer than 5 characters, then raise this value.
MAX_USER_STR = 256 ; A decent buffer
... if the string is lower then the result doesn't appear when I execute it.
The other problem is that if the string is more than 5 bytes long it reverses only the first five bytes.
That's because your code does not actually use the length of the string but rather the size of the smaller buffer. I hope you see that this should never happen, overflowing the buffer. Your code didn't complain too much since this buffer was the last item in the data section.
Your loops could use the true length if you write:
call str_len ; -> EAX
mov edx, eax
for_loop :
push eax
mov al, byte[esi]
If it's characters that you want to push, then I would expect the push eax to follow the load from the string!
Note that in a string-reversal, you never want to move the string terminator(s) to the front of the string.
This is your basic string reversal via the stack:
mov ecx, edx ; EDX has StrLen
mov esi, user_str
movzx eax, byte [esi]
inc esi
push eax
dec ecx
jnz loop1
mov esi, user_str
pop eax
mov [esi], al
inc esi
dec edx
jnz loop2

Faulty reversing array in assembly

Ah well I want to make procedure that reverses array
so I made this
section .data
push eax
push ebx
push esi
push ecx
mov ebx,ecx
mov eax,esi
push dword[esi]
inc esi
loop Lrev_1
mov ecx,ebx
pop dword[eax]
inc eax
loop Lrev_2
pop ecx
pop esi
pop ebx
pop eax
msg dd "Hello"
section .text
global _start
mov esi,msg
mov ecx,5
call rev
mov eax,4
mov ebx,1
mov ecx,msg
mov edx,5
int 80h
mov eax,1
xor ebx,ebx
int 80h
And It perfectly works fine but as you can see I made it to push all the contents of memory address to stack which can be slow (like turtle)
So I try to use this way
And then I implemented it as I can into these 3 ways
section .data
push eax
push ebx
push esi
push edi
cmp esi,edi
jge Lrev1_out
mov eax,dword[esi]
mov ebx,dword[edi]
mov dword[esi],ebx
mov dword[edi],eax
inc esi
dec edi
jmp Lrev1
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
pop eax
push esi
push edi
cmp esi,edi
jge Lrev2_out
push dword[esi]
push dword[edi]
pop dword[esi]
pop dword[edi]
pop edi
pop esi
push eax
push esi
push edi
cmp esi,edi
jge Lrev3_out
mov eax,dword[esi]
xchg eax,dword[edi]
mov dword[esi],eax
inc esi
dec edi
jmp Lrev3
pop edi
pop esi
pop eax
msg dd "Hello"
section .text
global _start
mov esi,msg
mov edi,esi
add edi,4
;if I call rev1 or rev2 here msg will be reverse into oH for me
;if I call rev3 here msg will be reversed into oHel for me
mov eax,4
mov ebx,1
mov ecx,msg
mov edx,5
int 80h
mov eax,1
xor ebx,ebx
int 80h
Well, My expected result is olleH.But then I got the unexpected result.
Did I miss something? Or just added something even more?
to get the true reversed result
It looks like you're trying to reverse bytes that you load as 32 bit double words instead.
Maybe this will help for rev1?
mov al,[esi]
mov bl,[edi]
mov [esi],bl
mov [edi],al
You have similar problems in rev2 and rev3. Also XCHG with memory has implications far beyond just exchanging reg<->mem... I'd be careful with that instruction.

Assembly NASM x86 - Simple Stack Project

I'm writing a subroutine to simply reprint decimal numbers as strings using the stack, but not getting the values I expected. When I run it through the debugger I see that I can't get the value from esi into al. I suspect that I'm not allowed to use esi in the manner that I am, but I'm not sure on another way I can do this. Also, I am not allowed to push the elements I'm storing in edx onto the stack.
Subroutine code:
%define STDIN 0
%define STDOUT 1
%define SYSCALL_EXIT 1
%define SYSCALL_READ 3
%define BUFLEN 256
SECTION .bss ; uninitialized data section
src_str: resb BUFLEN ; buffer for backwards number
dec_str: resb BUFLEN ; number will be converted and put in this buffer
rlen: resb 4 ; length
SECTION .text ; code begins here
global prt_dec
; Begin subroutine
push eax
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
push esi
push edi
mov eax, [esp + 28] ; store the decimal number 4 bytes each for each push, plus the eip
mov esi, src_str ; point esi to the backwards string buffer
mov edi, dec_str ; point edi to the new buffer
mov ebx, 10 ; stores the constant 10 in ebx
mov edx, 0 ; clear out edx
div ebx ; divide the number by 10
add edx, '0' ; convert from decimal to char
mov [esi], edx ; store char in output buffer
inc esi ; move to next spot in output buffer
inc ecx ; keep track of how many chars are added
cmp eax, 0 ; is there anything left to divide into?
jne div_loop ; if so, continue the loop
add esi, ecx ; move 1 element beyond the end of the buffer
mov al, [esi - 1] ; move the last element in the buffer into al
mov [edi], al ; move it into the first position of the converted output buffer
inc edi ; move to the next position of the converted output buffer
dec ecx ; decrement to move backwards through the output buffer
cmp ecx, 0 ; if it doesn't equal 0, continue loop
jne output_loop
mov eax, SYSCALL_WRITE ; write out string
mov ebx, STDOUT
mov ecx, dec_str
mov edx, 0
mov edx, rlen
int 080h
pop edi ; move the saved values back into their original registers
pop esi
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop eax
; End subroutine
%define STDIN 0
%define STDOUT 1
%define SYSCALL_EXIT 1
%define SYSCALL_READ 3
SECTION .data ; initialized data section
lf: db 10 ; just a linefeed
msg1: db " plus "
len1 equ $ - msg1
msg2: db " minus "
len2 equ $ - msg2
msg3: db " equals "
len3 equ $ - msg3
SECTION .text ; Code section.
global _start ; let loader see entry point
extern prt_dec
mov ebx, 17
mov edx, 214123
mov edi, 2223187809
mov ebp, 1555544444
push dword 24
call prt_dec
add esp, 4
call prt_lf
push dword 0xFFFFFFFF
call prt_dec
add esp, 4
call prt_lf
push 3413151
call prt_dec
add esp, 4
call prt_lf
push ebx
call prt_dec
add esp, 4
call prt_lf
push edx
call prt_dec
add esp, 4
call prt_lf
push edi
call prt_dec
add esp, 4
call prt_lf
push ebp
call prt_dec
add esp, 4
call prt_lf
push 2
call prt_dec
add esp, 4
mov eax, SYSCALL_WRITE ; write message
mov ebx, STDOUT
mov ecx, msg1
mov edx, len1
int 080h
push 3
call prt_dec
add esp, 4
mov eax, SYSCALL_WRITE ; write message
mov ebx, STDOUT
mov ecx, msg3
mov edx, len3
int 080h
push 5
call prt_dec
add esp, 4
call prt_lf
push 7
call prt_dec
add esp, 4
mov eax, SYSCALL_WRITE ; write message
mov ebx, STDOUT
mov ecx, msg2
mov edx, len2
int 080h
push 4
call prt_dec
add esp, 4
mov eax, SYSCALL_WRITE ; write message
mov ebx, STDOUT
mov ecx, msg3
mov edx, len3
int 080h
push 3
call prt_dec
add esp, 4
call prt_lf
; final exit
exit: mov EAX, SYSCALL_EXIT ; exit function
mov EBX, 0 ; exit code, 0=normal
int 080h ; ask kernel to take over
; A subroutine to print a LF, all registers are preserved
push eax
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
mov eax, SYSCALL_WRITE ; write message
mov ebx, STDOUT
mov ecx, lf
mov edx, 1 ; LF is a single character
int 080h
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop eax
Fixes I had on mind (asterisk denotes lines I did touch), hopefully it will be clear from comments what I did:
* xor edx, edx ; clear out edx
div ebx ; divide the number by 10
* add dl, '0' ; convert from decimal to char
* mov [esi], dl ; store char in output buffer
inc esi ; move to next spot in output buffer
inc ecx ; keep track of how many chars are added
* test eax,eax ; is there anything left to divide into?
* jnz div_loop ; if so, continue the loop
* ; (jnz is same instruction as jne, but in this context I like "zero" more)
* mov [rlen], ecx ; store number of characters into variable
* ; esi already points beyond last digit, as product of div_loop (removed add)
* dec esi ; point to last/previous digit
mov al, [esi] ; move the char from the div_loop buffer into al
mov [edi], al ; move it into the first position of the converted output buffer
inc edi ; move to the next position of the converted output buffer
dec ecx ; decrement to move backwards through the output buffer
* jnz output_loop ; if it doesn't equal 0, continue loop
mov eax, SYSCALL_WRITE ; write out string
mov ebx, STDOUT
mov ecx, dec_str
* mov edx, [rlen] ; read the number of digits from variable
int 080h

operation size not specified

I have a problem with 32bit Assembly, assembling it with NASM on linux.
Here is my implementation of insertion sort
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push ebx
push esi
push edi
mov ecx, [ebp+12] ;put len in ecx, our loop variable
mov eax, 1 ; size of one spot in array, one byte
mov ebx, 0
mov esi, [ebp+8] ; the array
loop loop_1
cmp eax, ecx ; if we're done
jge done_1 ; then done with loop
push ecx ; we save len, because loop command decrements ecx
mov ecx, [esi+eax] ; ecx now array[i]
mov ebx, eax
dec ebx ; ebx is now eax-1, number of times we should go through inner loop
cmp ebx, 0 ; we don't use loop to not affect ecx so we use ebx and compare it manually with 0
jl done_2
cmp [esi+ebx], ecx ;we see if array[ebx] os ecx so we can exit the loop
jle done_2
mov edx, esi
add edx, ebx
push [edx] ; pushing our array[ebx] *****************************
add edx, eax
pop [edx] ; poping the last one *********************************
dec ebx ; decrementing the loop iterator
jmp loop_2 ; looping again
mov [esi+ebx+1], ecx
inc eax ; incrementing iterator
pop ecx ; len of array to compare now to eax and see if we're done
jmp loop_1
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
pop ebp ; we pop them in opposite to how we pushed (opposite order, it's the stack, LIFO)
Now... When I try to compile my code with nasm, I get errors of "operation size not specified" on the lines containing asterisks in the comments :P
It's basic insertion sort and I'm not sure what could have gone wrong.
Enlighten me, please.
The data at [edx] could be anything, so its size is unknown to the assembler. You'll have to specify the size of the data you want to push/pop. For example, if you want to push/pop a dword (32 bits) you'd write:
push dword [edx]
pop dword [edx]
By the way, you can combine these lines:
mov edx, esi
add edx, ebx
lea edx,[esi + ebx]

write number to file using NASM

How do I write a variable to a file using NASM?
For example, if I execute some mathematical operation - how do I write the result of the operation to write a file?
My file results have remained empty.
My code:
%include ""
section .bss
result db 2
section .data
filename db "Downloads/output.txt", 0
section .text
global CMAIN
mov eax,5
add eax,17
mov [result],eax
PRINT_DEC 2,[result]
jmp write
mov EAX, 8
mov EBX, filename
mov ECX, 0700
int 0x80
mov EBX, EAX
mov EAX, 4
mov ECX, [result]
int 0x80
mov EAX, 6
int 0x80
mov eax, 1
int 0x80
jmp exit
xor eax, eax
You have to implement ito (integer to ascii) subsequently len for this manner. This code tested and works properly in Ubuntu.
section .bss
answer resb 64
section .data
filename db "./output.txt", 0
section .text
global main
mov eax,5
add eax,44412
push eax ; Push the new calculated number onto the stack
call itoa
mov EAX, 8
mov EBX, filename
mov ECX, 0x0700
int 0x80
push answer
call len
mov EBX, EAX
mov EAX, 4
mov ECX, answer
movzx EDX, di ; move with extended zero edi. length of the string
int 0x80
mov EAX, 6
int 0x80
mov eax, 1
int 0x80
jmp exit
xor eax, eax
; Recursive function. This is going to convert the integer to the character.
push ebp ; Setup a new stack frame
mov ebp, esp
push eax ; Save the registers
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
mov eax, [ebp + 8] ; eax is going to contain the integer
mov ebx, dword 10 ; This is our "stop" value as well as our value to divide with
mov ecx, answer ; Put a pointer to answer into ecx
push ebx ; Push ebx on the field for our "stop" value
cmp eax, ebx ; Compare eax, and ebx
jl itoa_unroll ; Jump if eax is less than ebx (which is 10)
xor edx, edx ; Clear edx
div ebx ; Divide by ebx (10)
push edx ; Push the remainder onto the stack
jmp itoa_loop ; Jump back to the top of the loop
add al, 0x30 ; Add 0x30 to the bottom part of eax to make it an ASCII char
mov [ecx], byte al ; Move the ASCII char into the memory references by ecx
inc ecx ; Increment ecx
pop eax ; Pop the next variable from the stack
cmp eax, ebx ; Compare if eax is ebx
jne itoa_unroll ; If they are not equal, we jump back to the unroll loop
; else we are done, and we execute the next few commands
mov [ecx], byte 0xa ; Add a newline character to the end of the character array
inc ecx ; Increment ecx
mov [ecx], byte 0 ; Add a null byte to ecx, so that when we pass it to our
; len function it will properly give us a length
pop edx ; Restore registers
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop eax
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
; Returns the length of a string. The string has to be null terminated. Otherwise this function
; will fail miserably.
; Upon return. edi will contain the length of the string.
push ebp ; Save the previous stack pointer. We restore it on return
mov ebp, esp ; We setup a new stack frame
push eax ; Save registers we are going to use. edi returns the length of the string
push ecx
mov ecx, [ebp + 8] ; Move the pointer to eax; we want an offset of one, to jump over the return address
mov edi, 0 ; Set the counter to 0. We are going to increment this each loop
len_loop: ; Just a quick label to jump to
movzx eax, byte [ecx + edi] ; Move the character to eax.
movsx eax, al ; Move al to eax. al is part of eax.
inc di ; Increase di.
cmp eax, 0 ; Compare eax to 0.
jnz len_loop ; If it is not zero, we jump back to len_loop and repeat.
dec di ; Remove one from the count
pop ecx ; Restore registers
pop eax
mov esp, ebp ; Set esp back to what ebp used to be.
pop ebp ; Restore the stack frame
ret ; Return to caller
