Geo location /time zone in Application Insights - azure

I have embedded Application insights telemetry in my azure cloud application, basically it’s a web based application.
I can see many things in azure portal after login, but unable to find geo location of request like we can see in Google analytic.
Can any one help me to find where I can see Geo location of request or at least time zone of request in azure portal?


Can we restrict the App Service to specific country in Azure?

I have a web app hosted in Azure, i need to allow the website to be browseable only from specific countries. Is there any config settings that can be done to restrict the countries in azure.
Azure websites don't have an geo filtering built in, however the Azure CDN provider does have geo filtering so that might be something to look at. Still an extra cost, but not as bad as a WAF.
You can leverage Geolocation feature which is part of one of the new preview services called Azure Maps. You can find more details about the same at Azure Maps

Azure - monitoring resources using REST APIs

I am new to Azure and have been going through various tutorials.
I am looking specifically at Azure Monitoring using REST APIs.
What I am trying to do is get the status of various resources like Virtual Networks, AD, Load Balancers etc on a custom dashboard using REST APIs.
I have found some list of REST APIs that allow monitoring here(
But do they provide Resource health and Status.Also, do i have a create a new Service API Managament Resource(which is a paid resource) in the Azure Account for these APIs to run?.
Please let me know if you have any insights or reference materials on this
I don't think rest API is good for monitoring. I will suggest use Azure Monitor service under that you can use Azure resource metrics, Activity logs and service health. based on these metrics and logs you can set alert and show live data on the dashboard.
We are using Microsoft OMS for live monitoring (visualization of data) and Email/SMS for notification.
List item
Audit and receive notifications about important actions in your Azure subscription

Slow notification hub registrations

I've implemented Azure Mobile App Service which uses Azure Mobile Apps .NET Server, connected it to the Notification Hub and it works.
However according to application insights my slowest calls are actually client registrations, for example:
PUT /push/installations/{installationId}
My app is deployed on azure under different resource group than notification hub. Can this be the cause?
Resource Group is just a container that holds the related Azure resources, and it would stores metadata about the resources, so the location for a resource group determines the data center for storing the metadata of the resources. Details you could follow here.
PUT /push/installations/{installationId}
This is the build-in endpoint for the mobile client to create / update the registration with the installation model. The server side code would be similar to the PutInstallation method under NotificationInstallationsController.cs.
As you commented that the data center for hosting your Notification Hub is North Europe. You need to check the location of your App Service plan for running your mobile app. Details about Azure App Service plan, you could follow here.
I would recommend you scale up your app service plan to a higher tier to check this issue. Also, you could try to make your Notification Hub and Mobile App under the same data center to narrow this issue. Additionally, you could provide the detailed comparison between the requests trace logging in your application insights for us to troubleshoot this issue.

How to get the usage metrics data for the Web Application Service?

I am trying to execute the REST API to get the usage metrics data from Web Application deployed on Azure.
I am trying to execute the REST API to get the usage metrics data from Web Application deployed on Azure.$filter=startTime%20eq%202016-04-12T06:05:42.907Z%20and%20endTime%20eq%202016-04-12T06:10:42.907Z&api-version=2014-04-01
But I am getting constantly 500 Internal Server Error.
Also, I tried to find out the given URL in Resource Explorer under the Mincrosoft.Web But in that I can see the metricsDefinitions but metrics is not available for this.
Can someone please let me know what how can I get the usage metrics data for the Web Application Services?
You can retrieve resource metrics via the Azure Insights API.By using the Azure Insights API it is possible to programmatically retrieve the available default metric definitions (the type of metric such as CPU Time, Requests, etc.), granularity, and metric values.{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}/providers/{resource-provider-namespace}/{resource-type}/{resource-name}/metrics?api-version=2014-04-01&$filter={filter}
It seems the REST API URI you are using is right, but before that the first step is to authenticate the Azure Insights API request. The easiest way to set up authentication is by creating an Azure AD service principal and retrieve the authentication token.
A very detailed walkthrough at

Azure application status page

I have an application running on the Azure cloud.
Currently this is deployed as an Azure web app.
Is there any way to monitor the website status and build a page like this or this?
As you can see in those examples both have:
a service global status
An historical status which is grouped in hour/day/months period
Does azure has an API that I can use to monitor my services?
Application Insights and the Azure portal will give you a rich monitoring and diagnostics experience for your web app. It is in preview at this time.
You can get very granular data points or high-level graphs and trends. The historical data can go back as far as 13 months for aggregated data points. You can read more about the data retention policy here.
The Azure portal (the new one at gives you a rich UI to interact with the telemetry data from your app. And if you want to customize a blade to view specific data for your app you can do that too.
Azure Web Apps also has built-in monitoring support that you can use. It won't give you the depth that Application Insights does but you should look at this too to see if it will give you the data you need. And of course, you can customize the monitoring blades in the Azure portal to suit your needs.
Azure does offer a robust RESTFul API for managing and monitoring your services. Essentially anything you can do through the Azure Management Portal is accessible via an API, including analytics. The portal itself often uses this same API.
You can also use MSFT authored .NET assemblies to create your own monitoring applications in Visual Studio. I find the monitoring and analytics features more robust via this model. These are available on GitHub:
