Using wingIDE with a new module (not recognized) - python-3.x

Using my terminal, the code "from PIL import Image" works perfectly and is recognized by my computer. This allows me to get images using the path address.
Here is my issue, when I open wingIDE and try the same code...this module isn't recognized.
Is anyone familiar with wingIDE that can help me?
I would assume PyCharm people might have the same issue with possibly a similar fix, any advice??

Most likely Wing is using a different Python than the one you installed Pillow into. Try this on the command line:
import sys; sys.executable
Then set the Python Executable in Wing's Project Properties to the full path of that executable (or in Wing 101 this is set in the Configure Python dialog from the Edit menu). You'll need to restart any debug process and/or the Python Shell from its Options menus.


pycharm has no Qt platform plugin could be initialized error when using matplotlib

I installed my python as an independent program into my personal user folder on windows 10:
Then I installed all packages that I want from inside PyCharm 2021.2.3 community version via
File->Settings->Add package
It's been ok and I can run my numpy pandas data project etc. But when I add the matplotlib library and tried to do simple plot, it gave the no Qt platform plugin could be initialized error.
I searched for answers and proceed to install the following packages:
Then I checked in these package's bin\ folders to ensure the 'platforms' folder exists and the qwindows.dll is present.
But matplotlib still fails with that no Qt platform error.
Found out that I have to put the PyQt5's lib path into my PATH environment variable like below:
First, go open the 'Edit Environment Variables for your account' dialog
Then, add the following 3 entries on TOP of the path list:
Also, if you have a variable named: QT_PLUGIN_PATH, you want to put this line at the TOP of the list:
After saving your environment variables, you need to restart PyCharm to have it "find" these libraries.
Well, this got me past this no Qt platform error in this case. But I have other python-qt programs that needs other python versions/install path, this will break those programs. I have found that pyqt programs usually have this problem, I still think (and sincerely hope) there is better approach than to mess with the PATH environment. I am still open to other suggestions of course.

Can anyone help me installing PYPY on windows?

I would like to know the more brief version of the installation of pypy on Windows apart from original documentation available on Any help in showing a step by step guide would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
The link you referenced is about building PyPy from source, so the parallel in CPython would be
The vast majority of users (99.99%) will not want to do this. They want to use PyPy as an interpreter to run python code, and should be looking at the (agreed, too-long) instructions on the download page. Specifically,
download the zip file, and extract it somewhere. Explorer suggests C:\Users\matti\Documents\pypy3.6-v7.3.1-win32 for me, that is fine.
Next set up the new pypyp interpreter by getting pip and setuptools installed. Click on Start and type "cmd" then click on "Comand Prompt" to open a text terminal. Once there type <path\to\pypy> -m ensurepip, so for me that would be C:\Users\matti\Documents\pypy3.6-v7.3.1-win32\pypy3.6-v7.3.1-win32\pypy3.exe -m ensurepip which should print at the end Successfully installed pip-20.0.2 setuptools-44.0.0
Open a new file in VS Code, and click on the "Python" at the far left of the status bar (bottom left corner in my default VSCode layout), and choose the path to pypy3.exe as the one to use for this file.
I think that is it? You may want to let VS Code install things like a linter or other tools, that is fine.
PyPy is also available via Conda, which is slowly building out all the packages specifically for PyPy: Numpy, Scipy and others are already available, matplotlib should be coming soon.

Issue using Black formatter in PyCharm

I am trying to setup the formatter "black" to work with PyCharm. I have tried setting it up with both the standard External Tools preferences and using the Files Watcher Plugin. Neither has worked for me.
I am getting these errors:
I have it installed in /Users/Scott/Library/Python/3.8/lib/python/site-packages/ and want it to run globally for all Python project files when I save.
This is how my preferences look:
I am new to Python and PyCharm and Stack Overflow for that matter, and am stilling setting this up. I appreciate your help.
Your problem is that you use .py file as a command. You need to add python to tell which program can execute this code.
Alternatively, you can use black executable if it is installed in your python environment.

Pycharm tensorflow ImportError but works fine with Terminal

I made a virtualenv with tensorflow installed and I changed Python interpreter set to the location where the virtualenv is located at. When I ran the program, it gives the error:
ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I have the following lines written in my .bashrc file
export CUDA_HOME=/usr/local/cuda-8.0
export PATH=${CUDA_HOME}/bin:${PATH}
Also, I found the file in the following path:
I encountered this error before I opened PyCharm and I did manage to install the correct cudnn version. The problem is, I can use
$ source [virtualenv_path]
to active the virtualenv and run python in terminal and everything works fine, no errors shown. The program also runs without error in Pycharm's terminal but it just gives me the above error whenever I click the run button. Could there still be something wrong with the environment variable? How do I fix it?
Unfortunately in pycharm you have to set CUDA_HOME and LD_LIBRARY_PATH inside the IDE. To do that go to the Run menu->edit configurations then choose your project. Then you click on the Environment Variables and add an entry for CUDA_HOME and LD_LIBRARY_PATH. When you have done that you can run directly from inside pycharm. I would also recommend setting the defaults to have these paths as well, so you don't have to do this for every project. Also it wouldn't hurt to make sure you have the interpreter from source [virtualenv_path] set while you are on this setting page. Let me know if you have trouble finding where to do this.
I've read this other Stackoverflow post: Pycharm environment different than command line, and it seems that the problem is that openning PyCharm in the normal way won't preserve the bash environment. The solution is to open PyCharm from the command line and everything works now. All you need to do is to open PyCharm using charm and everything works fine now.
I have searched a lot, but I didn't find the right solution for this question anywhere. I found the solution with my friends and I would like to share with you also.
If your Tensorflow works in terminal properly but doesn't work in Pycharm you have two solutions:
1- Open Pycharm from Terminal. For me:
2- If you are using Unity, you need to edit .profile, because Pycharm doesn't preserve .bashrc: So, open a terminal and type:
gedit .profile
Then, add the following codes at the end of the opened file:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Save and exit. Now, you can work with Tensorflow in Pycharm without the necessity of opening the Pycharm form terminal.

PyCharm does not find pygame [duplicate]

I've downloaded pygame-1.9.1release.tar.gz from the Pygame website. I extracted and installed it and it's working fine in the command line Python interpreter in Terminal (Ubuntu). But I want to install it for some IDE, like PyCharm. How can I do it?
Well, you don't have to download it for PyCharm here. You probably know how it checks your code. Through the interpreter! You don't need to use complex command lines or anything like that. You need to is:
Download the appropriate interpreter with PyGame included
Open your PyCharm IDE (Make sure it is up to date)
Go to File
Press Settings (Or Ctrl + Alt + S)
Double click on the option that looks like Project: Name_of_Project
Click on Project Interpreter
Choose the interpreter you want to use that includes PyGame as a module
Save your options
And you are ready to go! Here is an alternate (I have never done this, please try to test it)
Add PyGame in the same folder as your PyCharm file (Your PyCharm stuff is always in
a specific file placed by you during installation/upgrade)
Please consider putting your PyCharm stuff inside a folder for easy access.
I hope this helps you!
For PyCharm 2017 do the following:
File - Settings
Double click on your project name
Select Project Interpreter
Click on green + button on the right side of the window
Type Pygame in search window
Click Install package.
Not I'm saying that the answers above won't work, but it might be frustrating to a newbie to do command line magic.
If you are using PyCharm and you are on a Windows 10 machine use the following instructions:
Click on the Windows start menu and type cmd and click on the Command Prompt icon.
Use the command pushd to navigate to your PyCharm project which should be located in your user folder on the C:\ drive. Example: C:\Users\username\PycharmProjects\project name\venv\Scripts.
(If you are unsure go to the settings within PyCharm and navigate to the Python Interpreter settings. This should show you the file path for the interpreter that your project is using. Credit to Anthony Pham for instructions to navigate to interpreter settings.)
HINT: Use copy and paste in the command prompt to paste in the file path.
Use the command pip install pygame and the pip program will handle the rest for you.
Restart you Pycharm and you should now be able to import pygame
Hope this helps. I had a fun time trying to find out the correct way to get it installed, so hopefully this helps someone out in the future.
I just figured it out!
Put the .whl file in C:\Program Files\Anaconda3
While in the folder, click on the blue File tab in the upper left corner of the Window Explorer (assuming you're using Windows)
Click on Open Windows PowerShell as administrator
Write or just copy and paste: py -m pip install pygame
It should start installing
I hope it works for you. I know it did for me.
I already had pygame installed with python38-32
since its working just fine with it. I used this version of python us my project interpreter.
1.File -settings
2.according to your settings look for project interpreter on your current project interpreter and click on the add symbol
4.choose system interpreter the python version thats works with pygame for you
6.Note: some versions of pygame don't work with some versions of python be sure
of what are you doing.
7.hope it works.
