Elasticsearch: NodeJS MongoDB - node.js

My customer has an existing application built on Node and MongoDB. In this app, there is a search functionality which is more complex. I want to convert it to Elasticsearch. How can I achieve it? I have installed Elasticsearch on my system (Windows) and now I am having confusion that, do I need to put all data in Elasticsearch? No, I don't know the concept. How can I implement Elasticsearch to the current app? Is Elasticsearch a separate database like MongoDB?


How do I sync data between PostgreSQL and Elasticsearch using kibana in nodejs?

Ultimately I want to have a scalable search engine solution for the data in PostgreSql. I want to connect postgreSQL and elasticsearch data. My finding points me towards using Logstash or docker to write events from Postgres to ElasticSearch, however I have not found a usable solution.
I want a scalable solution for that i hope you guys share your comments on this and give me some clues to proceed further.

When should we use NodeJS and when should we use MongoDB?

As a new developer, I am always confused about using NodeJS and MongoDB. So I hope I will get an actual answer. Thanks...
MongoDB and NodeJS are two different technologies. MonogDB is a database system which gives you a chance to efficiently store documents in a database and to perform operations like data updates, or to search documents by some criterias.
NodeJS's responsibilty is especially to execute your application.
Nodejs is a Javascript engine that you can write any application you want with (by programming in the Javascript language). It runs your Javascript code. Most commonly, it is used to build servers that can respond to web requests, though it can be used for lots of other types of code too.
MongoDB is a database engine. Code within some application or server uses MongoDB to save, query or update data in a database. There are many web servers built with nodejs that will then use MongoDB for storing data.
MongoDB offers an API library that runs within a Nodejs application to give you programmatic access to MongoDB so you can create databases and then add, query, update or delete data from the MongoDB database. MongoDB also has API libraries for other programming environments such as Python, Java, etc...
These two technologies are for different parts of a typical web server system. You don't substitute one for the other. Instead, you can use them together.
When should we use Nodejs?
Any project needs a programming environment and a runtime library that offers you basic programming tools/support and can compile and/or interpret your code. Nodejs is such as tool for the Javascript programming language. There are other similar tools for other languages such as Python, Java, PHP, C#, C++, Go, etc...
So, if you want to write some kind of stand-alone program or server in Javascript, then you can use nodejs for it.
When should we use MongoDB?
If your application needs the ability to persistently store data in a way that you can efficiently query or update it later, then you would typically use some form of database. There are dozens of popular databases. MongoDB is one such database. MariaDB, MySql, CouchDB, DynamoDB (on AWS), Postgres are examples of other databases. Different databases have different strengths (things they are best at) and different ways of using them so it's a whole different question to choose the right/best database for what you're doing.
Here is a Blog link that will tell you when you should use NodeJS.
Here is another link to understand when you should use mongoDB.
Well, NodeJS and MongoDB are two different process. Here I tried to explain as simpler as possible:
Shortly we can say, NodeJS is a JavaScript runtime environment. It's actually helps JavaScript to run outside of server. It's used in server side development.
But, MongoDB is NoSQL database which is document oriented. It represents data as of JSON documents. It's used for store data.
The summary is MongoDB is a database where we can store data and NodeJS helps us to to connect our client site to database by it's server site.
Suppose you are building a website and you need a database to store the data or information so here you can use MongoDB but to be connected with MongoDB you need a connector, so here you can use NodeJS which will help your website to run outside of server.
Nodejs: Node.js is an interpreter or runtime/ running environment for JavaScript. built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. responsibility is especially to execute your application.
MongoDB: is a No-SQL database for storing data. when you need high availability of data with automatic, fast, and instant data recovery.

Nodejs/Vuejs implementing Elasticsearch

I am new to Elasticsearch and also confused how do I actually start implementing it. I have developed an office management software where on a daily basis tasks and other information based to that task belonging to a specific clients are stored. I have written API's in nodejs and the front-end in vuejs and MySQL db is used. So I want to implement a search functionality using Elasticsearch wherein user can search the tasks with any parameters they would like to.
Listed below are some of my questions
Now do Elasticsearch will work as an another db. If so, then how do I keep the record updated in Elasticsearch db as well.
Would it effect the efficiency in any way.
Also what is kibana and logstash in simple terms.
Is implementing Elasticsearch on client side is a good idea? Is Yes, then how can I implement Elasticsearch and kibana using vuejs?
I am confused with all the above things, can anyone kindly share their knowledge on the above listed questions and also tell which articles/docs/videos should I refer for implementing Elasticsearch in the best possible way?
It is a data store, all the JSON data will(Single Record/Row) be stored in indexes(Tables)
Update the records in elasticsearch using your backend only, even though we have packages available to connect the frontend to Elasticsearch.
Efficiency, nothing gets affected except the new stack in your application.
Implementing elasticsearch on the client-side is not a recommended option, Same code same API can be used till your MySQL DB connection, add a function to save update any data along with MySQL save call.
Example : MySQLConfig.SaveStudent(student)
Till here there is no code change needed to save/update/delete/getByPrimaryID/GetByParamSearch,
For `getByPrimaryID/GetByParamSearch` search, you have to create a different API either to elasticsearch to MySQL but not both.
GUI for your Elasticsearch - Look at it like dbForge Studio, MySQL Workbench, phpMyAdmin
Other than GUI it has a lot of other functionalities like cluster monitoring, all the elastic stack monitoring, analytics, and so on.
It ships many files and save it into elasticsearch index, this is not needed until u need it for use cases like
application-prod.log to searchable index
Kafka topic to searchable index
MySQL Table to searchable index
Huge list of use-cases available to ship anything and make it a searchable index
To understand clearly about index, mappings, document in elasticsearch vs database, table, scheme, record in MySQL read from here

Elasticsearch native or elasticsearch-odm

I'm preparing to build a application (CMS) using ElasticSearch on Nodejs backend.
I'm choosing between elasticsearch native from ES and elasticsearch-odm from npm.
I'm test some example with CURL, Kibana RESTful API and see it simple to useful.
My system used Mongooese for other collections so i wonder if elasticsearch-odm reasonable proposal if it support same...
I am total new in this field, near realtime search as ES.
Please give me any infomation . . .
What's your question?
1: Run ES standalone or as part of the application?
It's better to run Elasticsearch standalone. You won't start ES every time when you start your application. Startingup ES can can take some time (starting, syncing; takes longer when you have a lot of data).
2: Is ES a good replacement for MongoDB?
Depends on your requirement. Elasticsearch is for SEARCH. Don't use is as (primary) database. Elasticsearch is not transactional! (there are more reasons why you won't do that)

Can we use parse server for postgresql

Currently I am using MongoDB with parse-server as back-end in my node.js application, because of business requirement I have to change my database from mongodb to postgresql. Is there any way by which I can use parse-server with postgresql?
Yes, it is possible. Just make use of the Postgres adapter. Only downside is the documentation is lacking. The adapter however has passed most of the tests.
