Dialog is not displaying in the word add-in - dialog

I am trying to show a dialog in the word add-in I am working on right now. This is how I implement it within my code
function loadServers() {
var dialogUrl = 'https://' + location.host + '/App/Signin/signin.html';
Office.context.ui.displayDialogAsync(dialogUrl, { width: 50, height: 50, requireHTTPS: true }, function (asyncResult) {
if (asyncResult.status !== Office.AsyncResultStatus.Succeeded) {
But when I execute above code snippet It show me below Add-in error
ADD-IN ERROR Sorry, you seem to have lost your network and/or Internet connection. Click "Retry" once you're back online.
I already tried the solution mentioned here. But it didn't work for me. When I tried HTTP instead of the HTTPS, nothing happens. But when I try HTTPS, I got this error. Does anyone has an idea, how do I fix this?

The issue was fixed by adding the URL into the AppDomains entry in the Add-in manifest.


Chrome DevTools Protocol: control new tabs

Need to be done: I need to simulate user interactions (journeys) across a chain of sites.
Question: Do you have any tips how to programatically controll a tab opened as a result of a simulated click?
My experience:
I'm using the chrome-remote-interface npm package.
I'm able to simulate a click with a custom ChromeController class which initializes the chrome-remote-interface and these methods:
async simulateClick(selector) {
return await this.evaluate(function (selector) {
}, selector);
* Shamelessly stolen from simple-headless-browser
async evaluate (fn, ...args) {
const exp = args && args.length > 0 ? `(${String(fn)}).apply(null, ${JSON.stringify(args)})` : `(${String(fn)}).apply(null)`
const result = await this.client.Runtime.evaluate({
expression: exp,
returnByValue: true
return result
Now I would like to interact with the recently opened tab. I can get the targetId of the new tab with the experimenetal Target Domain (prototyping in node cli):
var targets;
chromeController.client.Target.getTargets().then(t => targets = t);
Which results in:
{ targetInfos:
[ { targetId: '97556479-cdb6-415c-97a1-6efa4e00b281',
type: 'page',
title: 'xxx/preview/239402/',
url: 'xxx/preview/239402/' },
{ targetId: 'bbfe11d5-8e4a-4879-9081-10bb7234209c',
type: 'page',
title: 'Document',
url: 'xxx/preview/239402/teaser/0/' } ] }
I am able to switch between the tabs with:
However I'm not able to get any interaction with this, I can't find the connection, how to load it into the Page and Runtime objects.
I've searched in the docs and also tried googling: 'site:chromedevtools.github.io targetId' which only lead me to
> chromeController.client.Browser.getWindowForTarget({targetId: '97556479-cdb6-415c-97a1-6efa4e00b281'}).catch(e => console.log(e.message));
Promise { <pending> }
> 'Browser.getWindowForTarget' wasn't found
I've also tried to Target.setDiscoverTargets({discover: true}) and to close the original tab.
Thanks for any help!
Recently faced this same issue and in short I had to create a new dev tools protocol client for each new target I wanted control over.
My experience is with dev tools protocol using direct communication with websocket but the api is the same so it should be similar. So here is a summary of what I had to do.
Initially looking at the docs I would have assumed Target.attachToTarget should give us control of the new tab but I found that it didn't work.
My workaround was to create a listener that listened for the Target.targetCreated event which provides a targetInfos just like you found with Target.getTargets but for every new target created like a new tab, page, or iframe. Note: you need to enable Target.setDiscoverTargets in order to receive these events over the protocol.
[ { targetId: '97556479-cdb6-415c-97a1-6efa4e00b281',
type: 'page',
title: 'xxx/preview/239402/',
url: 'xxx/preview/239402/' },
{ targetId: 'bbfe11d5-8e4a-4879-9081-10bb7234209c',
type: 'page',
title: 'Document',
url: 'xxx/preview/239402/teaser/0/' } ] }
With that listener I looked for targets that were of type page, you could filter on a specific url if you know what the page will be. With the targetId in hand I requested available websocket targets following the HTTPEndpoints section near the bottom of the devtools home page.
GET /json or /json/list
A list of all available websocket targets.
[ {
"description": "",
"devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/DAB7FB6187B554E10B0BD18821265734",
"id": "DAB7FB6187B554E10B0BD18821265734",
"title": "Yahoo",
"type": "page",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/",
"webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/DAB7FB6187B554E10B0BD18821265734"
} ]
I could then launch a new dev tools protocol client using the webSocketDebuggerUrl and have full control over the tab.
I know this is a pretty round about way but, its the only way I was able to make if work.
Although these days it's probably easier to use something like puppeteer to interface with multiple tabs in chrome if you can. Here is the source code to a puppeteer module that follows new tabs that could be good reference for trying to replicate it pageVideoStreamCollector.ts
This is a very late answer but just putting this here if anyone else has the same issue as help on chrome dev tools is very hard to come by. Hope it helps someone out.
I also am getting "Browser.getWindowForTarget wasn't found" on debian, google-chrome-unstable version 61

Page up/down keys not working on pages with sharepoint ribbon (SP2010)

On pages where we have SP ribbon, user is unable to scroll up/down using the PageUp/Down keys. It is only after clicking on the page, that these keys function properly. Can anyone tell the reason and resolution for this behavior.
Appreciate an early reply, thanks in advance !!
Tried to set the focus on body.. did the trick for me !!
function focusOnWorkspace() {
var bodyCssClass = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].className;
if (bodyCssClass != null ){
ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(function () {
}, 'core.js');
$(document).ready(function () {

uploadify disable/hide the X(or cancel) once starts uploading

I am uploading the files once the upload button is clicked rather than upon selecting the files from Browse. I wanted to achieve 2 things:
Hide/Remove the Cancel button when I hit the upload button upon selecting the files
I see a small portion of color on the progress bar, that may be confusing to some users so I want to just fill that bar once the upload starts but until then it should be empty
swf: 'scripts/uploadify.swf',
uploader: 'UploadDocs.ashx',
auto: false,
buttonText: 'Browse',
removeTimeout: 7
Any clues?
I have been searching for the fix for this for quite a time. And here what I found seems to be working..
In your upload control's jQuery(...init.js) file, you have to put some lines as following;
//...some code
'onUploadProgress': function (file, bytesUploaded, bytesTotal, totalBytesUploaded, totalBytesTotal) {
//...some code
'onUploadError': function (file, errorCode, errorMsg, errorString) {
//...some code
'onQueueComplete': function (queueData) {
//...some code
That is it, you may send suggestions about it, if any.
Thanks for jQuery..

How to Inject strings into tinyMCE from a Chrome Extension?

My background_script.js sends a message such as this:
function genericOnClick(info, tab) {
chrome.tabs.getSelected(null, function(tab) {
chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tab.id, {message: 'insert_string'}, function(){} );
The receiver.js catches this as:
function insert_string() {
var field = document.activeElement;
if(field.tagName == "IFRAME") {
field = field.contentDocument.activeElement;
field.value += 'This is my string';
Now, the extension works perfectly well on regular editable fields and textareas (it even works properly in tinyMCE on the textarea-tab!) but in the case of Visual-tab of tinyMCE I can't get this to work. I have noticed that the Visual-tab, as it's a WYSIWYG editor, is special and the only way I so far have figured out on how to solve this issue would be to mimic tinyMCE's behaviour for updating the Visual-tab. However, I would like to know if there's something simple and obvious I've missed. If not, how would I go about editing the Visual-tab contents?
All you need to issue to fill the editor is
tinymce.get('your_editor_id').setContent('This is my string');

Chrome Extension iframe dom reference disqus

How do I get a reference to the dom of a cross domain iframe/frame?
I want to do some stuff to disqus comments with an extension.
My manifest has the following:
"all_frames": true,
"matches": ["*://*.disqus.com/*","*://disqus.com/*", "http://somesite.com"]
I am not trying to communicate outside of the frame - that is the js will take care of the work without needing to 'tell' me anything.
all_frames should inject the listed js files into every frame, no?
When I do this:
if (window != window.top){
alert('In an IFRAME: ' + window.location.href);
...I get the expected disqus URLs.
But when I do this:
var btnCommentBlock = document.getElementsByClassName('dsq-comment-buttons');
alert('btnCommentBlock length: ' + $(btnCommentBlock).length);
...I get 0 for length.
I updated my answer to Javascript to access Disqus comment textbox?
Basically, Disqus changed the selector. They no longer use textarea, they use contenteditable divs.
Something like this should work:
// We just need to check if the IFrame origin is from discus.com
if (location.hostname.indexOf('.disqus.com') != -1) {
// Extract the textarea (there must be exactly one)
var commentBox = document.querySelector('#comment');
if (commentBox) {
// Inject some text!
commentBox.innerText = 'Google Chrome Injected!';
Source Code:
Woohoo! I found the answer on github:
The working code is:
$(document).ready(function() {
window.disqus_no_style = true;
$.getScript('http://sitename.disqus.com/embed.js', function() {
var loader = setInterval(function() {
if($('#disqus_thread').html().length) {
}, 1000);
function disqusReady() {
//whatever you can imagine
I put this in the disqusReady() function:
var aTestHere = document.getElementsByClassName('dsq-comment-body');
...and got back the innerHTML as expected.
Mohamed, I'd really like to thank you for taking the time to interact with my question. If you hadn't posted that link to github there's no telling when if ever I'd have figured it out or found the other code.
edit: After a few minutes of experimenting it looks like it is not necessary to call getScript so you should be able to comment that out.
Also unnecessary is window.disqus_no_style so I commented that out too.
I'll experiment some more and update the answer later. One of those two things prevented me from being able to actually post a comment at the disqus site I use. //them out still allows access to the dom and the ability to post.
