Excel Formula overly complex - excel

I have a formula that builds a string with If statements, CONCATENATE, and text formulas.
My problem is that the formula's getting extremely larger than I ever wanted it.
My formula first looks to see if a cell if blank
The Second part is to check if the letters "DKB" is in the H cell
The Third is if the duration (Cell F) has 0 hrs do not include (HH)
=IF(TEXT(F3,"HH")<>"00",CONCATENATE(TEXT(F3,"hh\h\r mm\m\i\n"),CONCATENATE(TEXT(F3,"mm\m\i\n"))
The Fourth one is if the are 0 min don't include min selection
If I were to write all the ways this could get played out I would have a total of 10 IF's. I want a simple way to write for each option without having to write out each answer. I have a partial code but doesn't include the minute portion. Is there a better way to do this? as you can see me using only if statements I'm not an expert.
Here's a picture to demonstrate my sample data and sample output
If we could have a variable for the first part ie:10-17 to 9:10 PM
2nd variable for duration
3rd variable for DKB
Would this be possible

Perhaps something like this is what you're looking for:
=IF(I3="","",TEXT(A3,"mm-dd-yyyy")&" On-Site "&TEXT(E3,"hh:mm AM/PM")& "- "&TEXT(G3,"hh:mm AM/PM")&" "&TEXT(F3,"hh\h\r mm\m\i\n")&IF(COUNTIF(H3,"*DKB*"),MID(H3,4,20),""))

=IF(I3="","",TEXT(A3,"mm-dd-yyyy")&" On-Site "&TEXT(E3,"hh:mm AM/PM")&"- "&TEXT(G3,"hh:mm AM/PM")&" "&IF(COUNTIF(F3,"*:00:*"),TEXT(F3,"hh\h\r"),IF(COUNTIF(F3,"00:*:*"),TEXT(F3,"mm\m\i\n"),TEXT(F3,"hh\h\r mm\m\i\n"))&IF(COUNTIF(H3,"*DKB*"),MID(H3,4,20),""))))
This Will Make is so It won't show 00hr or 00min


Excel Formula Slow

is there anything i can do to further improve performance of this formula ?
i have this on a sheet for each day of the year x 400 people so 146k+ times. this is therefor taken up 80% of the sheet load time.
The sheet basically gets shift patters from Teams, check if there is any holidays, overtime etc from the relevant month tab and relevant cell for the day, and then will generate a code like below.
i have so far managed to make this faster by using the LET function, but not show if its possible to make any further improvements.
if you need an example file i can send this or upload somewhere, not sure if that is possible via stackoverflow or a preferred site to upload to.
The following is a shortened version of your formula to reduce the complexity of computations.
Instead of building the 'OVT000SSI000...' string one piece after another while always checking if the first 3 characters of 'd_patt' match the current piece, we can set the whole string with '000's as default and only replace the section that matches 'd_patt' (see highlighted elements in screenshot below)
Which results in the full formula:
If $B6, $C6 and $D6 can only be either empty or a numerical number, in other words, if they are never a letter or special character, the 'd_patt' function can be further shortened as follows:
Which results in the full formula:

Excel percentage increase based on formula

I am trying to fill the sell price column in an Excel spreadsheet with the increased values in colors based on the round up columns value (1 to 50 green, 50 to 100 blue, 100 to 150 yellow, 150+ pink).
I've opted for the percentage table because some items can be sold for a lot more than what I have purchased them for, so that's just for my benefit. I am open to any other suggestions and I am new to this whole business thing.
I was using IF in my formula which would work great for using one percentage increase in the formula:
If I try to enter a second argument like
I will get an error.
I'm probably using the formulas wrong, I've tried "AND" and a couple other formulas, but I can't find anyone else trying to achieve the same or similar.
So something like this:
But not sure what the <100 was for.
Although the problem is not completely clear, I understand that you want to add a formula with nested if statements.
I will recommend you to try nested ifs in parts.
=IF($E27<50,ROUNDUP(I$27,-1),"First if condition is false")
If everything is working as per the requirement then edit that text in the formula to add another if statement.
=IF($E27<50,ROUNDUP(I$27,-1),IF(OR(condition 1, condition 2,more conditions),"value if true","value if false"))
In the second argument provided by you, the arguments of the OR function has not been properly provided. Ensure that all the arguments of an OR function are conditions separated by a comma.
$E28<50 This is a condition so it's ok.
But other arguments are not making sense.
Also, using OR multiple times inside the first OR arguments is not clear.
It would be beneficial if you could provide the basic table and mention the requirement clearly.

How to take number input and convert to time in excel

I am making an airplane reservation system on java. i got a sample database from online. only problem i have is the way the time is inputted.
and some times are 917 , or 22 , or 2. there is no 0 so i cannot just try and put a semicolon after 2 spaces.
Any one know if their is a way to do this, or some work around.
You can try:
and format the result as "Time"
I note you have changed your specifications to include that the times may be entered as the hour only: eg: 2 or 22. Try the revised formula below to handle that:
You can use the following formula:
A2 = the arrival time cell that you want to convert.
Also, make sure to change your output column to whatever time format you're looking for. Screenshot of results in action included.

Protecting TIMEVALUE usage inside SUMPRODUCT from input errors

First question here, thanks in advance for your patience and assistance!
I have a spreadsheet that contains course types (column A, e.g. "Lec" or "Dis"), enrollment numbers (column B, as integers), and session times (column C, string time interval e.g. "10:00AM - 01:00PM").
I need to sum the enrollment numbers for all classes of a certain type (say "Lec") that end before a certain time (say 3:00 PM). The following code accomplishes that:
=SUMPRODUCT(--((A2:A8="Lec")), --(TIMEVALUE(MID(B2:B8,11,5)&" "&MID(B2:B8,16,2))<=TIMEVALUE("03:00 PM")), C2:C8)
The problem is that some of the session times may be blank, which renders a "#VALUE!" error. As best I can tell this is because TIMEVALUE is unable to accept an empty cell as input, so whenever that occurs it breaks the whole thing. I therefore need in this case for the formula to ignore the row and not progress to the various other evaluations.
I have attempted to protect the TIMEVALUE content behind various conditional statements, e.g. only considering that row if the time session length is correct (length=17). I have not been able to do this successfully, however. Nor have my internet searches found a similar-enough situation to use for help.
Because of the circumstances around this project, I am strongly interested in formula solutions before considering things like changing the overall spreadsheet format or adding dummy columns for computations. That said, I welcome any and all suggestions!
Unfortunately, using AGGREGATE as SUM does not skip errors if there is a Calculation in the formula. Similarly, IFERROR and ISERROR only work properly with Ranges/Arrays when in an Array Formula, not when in SUMPRODUCT. That's the easiest options out unless you want a calculation column.
However, all is not lost! First, we reduce your SUMPRODUCT to a single argument with * in place of ,:
=SUMPRODUCT(--(A2:A8="Lec")*--(TIMEVALUE(MID(B2:B8,11,5)&" "&MID(B2:B8,16,2))<=TIMEVALUE("03:00 PM"))*C2:C8)
Next, we change this from =SUMPRODUCT(X) to =SUM(IFERROR(X,0)):
=SUM(IFERROR(--(A2:A8="Lec")*--(TIMEVALUE(MID(B2:B8,11,5)&" "&MID(B2:B8,16,2))<=TIMEVALUE("03:00 PM"))*C2:C8),0)
Just remember to press [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[Enter] instead of just [Enter] to convert to an Array Formula - the formula will display in {Curly brackets}

Finding the right range from excel table

What is the best way to find the right column for the travelled miles using visual basic coding or some excel function and return the price from that column? HLOOKUP can't be used here because the lookup value isn't exact and the ranges in the table are also not with specific intervals (If they were, I could use e.g. FLOOR(travelled miles/100)*100 and find the price with HLOOKUP). Obviously, it's easy to find the price manually with a small table but with a big table computer will be faster.
Note that, if x is between a and b, then MEDIAN(x,a,b)=x. Combine this with some nested IFs:
I'm on my phone, so just done the first three cases, but hopefully you can see how it continues.
(should note you need to remove the dashes for this to work)
I also want to answer your question in the comments above. You can use the following to keep the dash, but get a number to work with.
Assume cell A1 has got the value 10-. We can use the FIND function to work out where the - occurs and then use the LEFT function to only return the characters from before the dash:
This will return the value 10, but it will return it as a string, not a number - basically Excel will think it is text. To force Excel to consider it as a number, we can simply multiply the value by one. Our formula above therefore becomes:
You may also see people use a double minus sign, like this:
I don't recommend this because it's a bit complex, but combining with the formula above would give:
