I'm using vim to program and I just want to make a shortcut for comment.
Here is how I set in .vimrc:
vnoremap <F7> :%s/^/\/\//g
I just want to add // in front of each selected line. However, when I press <F7> and press Enter in visual mode, I get an error:
E488 Trailing characters
Note that when you press F7 it just simulates pressing all the keys in the string. As soon as it presses : it gets into a state
When it then types in all the rest of your command it gets into:
Which is meaningless (% after '<,'> doesn't make sense). If you just remove % from your command, it will already work. Even better, add <CR> at the end so that you don't need to press Enter:
vnoremap <F7> :s/^/\/\//g<CR>
I have the following map in my vimrc:
nnoremap <C-a> ggVG
nnoremap <C-c> "*yy (might be because I'm in visual mode here?)
nnoremap <C-v> "*p
The select-all (ctrl-a) and the paste (ctrl-p) works, but the (ctrl-c) does not work with that shortcut, though it works if I manually type in the command after doing ctrl-c.
What needs to be fixed here?
The first issue I would like to address is that your mapping for copying the text, nnoremap <C-c> "*yy, will only work in normal mode. When you select text in Vim, you enter visual mode, and the first n of nnoremap makes the mapping work in normal mode only.
You can make your mapping work by using noremap (all modes), vnoremap (visual and select mode), or xnoremap (visual mode only), like this:
vnoremap <C-c> "*y
You can find more information about mappings in the documentation.
Another thing to note is that the default function of Ctrl-c is to cancel/interrupt the current command. For example, if you enter insert mode and press Ctrl-c, you will exit insert mode and go back to normal mode. With your original mappings, it will cancel the selection (exits visual mode) without copying anything.
This works for me in Neovim but I believe it should also work in Vim as well. To yank all the content I have the following mapping in my configuration:
nnoremap <leader>ya ggVGy<C-O>
gg: go to the first line
V: select the first line
G: go to the last line
y: yank selection
<C-O>: go to the previous cursor position
I want to be able to save a file in vim while in the insert mode. I thought of using the following shortcut:
inoremap <leader>w <Esc>:w<cr>
While the shortcut saves the file in the insert mode, it leaves the cursor one spot ahead of where the cursor would be if I physically typed out the keys
Esc :w followed by Enter. This is a problem because when I use the shortcut whenever I am at the end of a line, it takes me to the next line, and I have to then come back to the spot where I initiated the save.
Any help would be appreciated on how I can map <leader>w to the exact actions that occur in Vim when I physically type out the Esc :w followed by Enter key sequence.
I should add that if I instead use the following key-mapping, things work exactly as I want:
inoremap <C-s> <esc>:w<CR>
However, I would like to avoid pressing CTRL and s at the same time. It is possible there is some problem with the <leader>, but I cannot figure out what it is (I am using , as my leader key).
Though one could discuss the suitability of your insert-mode mapping, the root cause of your problem is a trailing space in the mapping definition; i.e. Vim reads this as follows:
inoremap <leader>w <Esc>:w<cr><Space>
You'll even see this in the :imap <Leader>w output! <Space> in normal mode advances the cursor one to the right (like l); that explains the unexpected move.
Try this instead:
inoremap <silent> <leader>w <C-o>:w<CR>
The idea is Ctrl-o can be used to run commands directly from insert mode. See :help i_CTRL-O for details.
Why not simply doing
inoremap <leader>w <Esc>h:w<cr>
(not the additional h for going back one character)?
Is there a mapping to Google the marked word in Vim and display the first result (NOT the search result)?
This is what I've tried so far:
nmap <c-l> :ConqueTerm lynx -accept-all-cookies
-nopause 'google.com/search?q="something"'<cr>10<down>'
Obviously, 10<down> won't work. Also, "something" should be replaced by marked word.
Solved. This is the line:
vnoremap <leader>go :<c-u>exec "!lynx -accept-all-cookies -nopause -cmd_script=~/.vim/lynx_script/lynx_google 'google.com/search?q=" . #* . "'"<cr>
Vim must be compiled with +x11 for register #* to work.
<c-u> will clear the leading '<,'> of visual mapping.
The cmd_script of lynx is simply key Down Arrow followed by key ^J for enter.
I am Vim newbie, and I'm using MacVim on OSX Snow Leopard. One of the most common actions I have to take is to move the cursor to a new line but also move the text after the cursor to the new line. I know that pressing 'o' in normal or visual mode moves the cursor to a new line and switches the mode to insert.
What I'd like to do is move the cursor to a new line, and move the text after the cursor to that new line as well, preferably staying in the normal mode? Is this possible? How can I accomplish this task?
If the cursor is on a <space> as in ([] marks the cursor):
lorem ipsum[ ]dolor sit amet
the simplest is to do r<CR>, that is "replace the current character with a linebreak".
Otherwise, use #knittl's solution.
So you want to move everything in the current line, which comes after the cursor to the next line? Read: insert a line break??
(move cursor)
i (or a)
<esc> (or ^C)
To map this sequence of keystrokes to a single key, follow #thb's suggestion and use the :map command:
:map <F2> i<CR><ESC>
:map <F2> i<CR>
This keeps vi in insert mode.
As I answered in this post, How do I insert a linebreak where the cursor is without entering into insert mode in Vim?.
Please try Control + j.
The code below achieves the same behavior as "normal" editors (for the lack of better terms on the top of my mind) except that you'd have to press "enter" twice instead of once.
I also wanted to get rid of the space if it's right before my current character.
There might be an easier way and I totally welcome edits :-)
" in ~/.vimrc or ~/.vimrc.after if you're using janus
nnoremap <cr><cr> :call ReturnToNewLine()<cr>
function ReturnToNewLine()
let previous_char = getline(".")[col(".")-2]
" if there's a space before our current position, get rid of it first
if previous_char == ' '
execute "normal! \<bs>\<esc>"
execute "normal! i\<cr>\<esc>"
This remaps pressing enter twice to going to insert mode, placing a carriage return and escaping.
The reason I'm using this mapping (enter twice) is because I was used to this functionality with other text editors by pressing a enter; also, typing enter twice is fast.
Another thing that I found useful in this context was allowing vim to move right after the last character (in case I wanted to move the last character to a new line). So I have the following in my ~/.vimrc as well.
set virtualedit=onemore
Note that I'm using nnoremap (normal mode non-recursive) instead of map (which is VERY dangerous) (check this out for more information on the differences http://learnvimscriptthehardway.stevelosh.com/chapters/05.html)
You need to map some keys to do a line break at the cursor,
I found the following mapping easy to use, just go to your vimrc and add this line:
:map <silent> bl i<CR><ESC>
to assign a line break at cursor to "bl" combo
Is there a vim command to directly select a block of text which has just been pasted?
ps. I know about gv to reselect a block after exiting visual mode. It doesn't apply to this case.
If you want to select it just after paste (before you change anything else), use
nnoremap <expr> gV "`[".getregtype(v:register)[0]."`]"
. [ and ] marks point to start and end of the last change, v:register is set to the last register used (which is register used for the paste command unless you, for example, yank something), [0] selects only first byte of register type (it is required because for blockwise register it returns <C-v>{width}) and register type is one byte which is just the same as the keystroke you should use in normal mode to invoke visual mode.
I saw this solution somewhere on SO, you may want to search for it in order to get some alternatives.
In my case I have this map:
:nnoremap gp `[v`]
After more research I think the better solution is:
" https://vim.fandom.com/wiki/Selecting_your_pasted_text
nnoremap <expr> gp '`[' . strpart(getregtype(), 0, 1) . '`]'
I have had the following maps in my vimrc forever:
nnoremap <leader>p `[V`]
nnoremap <leader>[ `[V`]<
nnoremap <leader>] `[V`]>
They do the following:
visually select the recently pasted block
de-indent the recently pasted block
indent the recently pasted block
I probably use the indent ones even more than the selection one.