Pass a variable into string in VF page - string

I have a string like this:
This is {0}
I want to pass a variable into that position.
It's easily in Apex class but I dont know how to do this in VF page.

You can do the following:
Custom Label: In this case the custom label has to be defined first
public String myString {get; set;} // in Controller class. You can set this String e.g. in the constructor
{!myString} // on VF-Page


Declare a constant class field

I'm supposed to declare a class field for a federal tax rate, which is a constant, with a value .07. How can I achieve this?
Since you didn't specify a language, I'll throw in a Java solution
public class YourClass {
public static final double TAX_RATE = 0.07;
In Java naming convention, you name your constants with all upper casing and use _ to separate words instead of the normal camel casing.
the final keyword, is to make it, well, final - meaning unchangeable
Anything not withing a block like a constructor or a method is considered a field.

Map a flat structure to an object with AutoMapper?

The data being returned from a stored procedure has 3 columns of repeating data:
Name | Address | PhoneNumber | UniqueCol1 | UniqueCol2
Ideally I want my model to show that there is repeated data by only storing the values once and have a collection of the unique data.
public class MyViewModel
public string Name {get;set;}
public string Address {get;set;}
public string PhoneNumber {get;set;}
public List<MyModel> UniqueData {get;set;}
public class MyModel
public string UniqueCol1 {get;set;}
public string UniqueCol2 {get;set;}
This means I want to map a collection of results to a single object of MyViewModel:
return Mapper.Map<List<StoredProcedureObject>, MyViewModel>(result);
This is where I get my error as I assume I have some configuration that I need to do:
Mapping types:
List`1 -> MyViewModel
Any ideas on the missing step to get this to work?
Automapper is only able to flatten your structure into something simpler. But it's not possible to map a simple class to something more specific.
I would suggest to take only the first entry in your table to fill your base fields like Name, Address, PhoneNumber and iterate over your results to fill your UniqueData List.
I don't see an easier way, because with each possible mapping and without using seperate loops you will get your base data multiple times.
If you don't mind to use another tool, maybe you will have a look at ValueInjecter. I heard you can use this tool for two-way-mappings.

How can I make #XmlAttribute in a special order by using JAXB?

I have XML file which needs 3 attributes in an element. How can make the order of street, zip and city attribute as I wanted?
<address street="Big Street" zip="2012" city="Austin">
#XmlRootElement(name = "Street")
public class Street {
private String name;
private String type;
... set and get method
Anecdotally, the attributes seem to be in reverse order than they are mentioned in code. In my case, I'm using two variables (name & value) and I had to declare them as:
// The inverse order of name & value seems to make them render in XML in name/value order
protected String value;
protected String name;
When the XML is generated, it results in the following:
<attribute name="nameValue" value="valueValue"/>
You can use #XmlAccessorOrder(has predefined values) or #XmlType(Only works for properties) to govern the ordering.
Edit :
For custom ordering JAXB specification doesnt provide anything, but you can do if your JAXB provider provides you some features.
Found this link where it speaks about ordering using EclipseLink JAXB.

SubSonic How to Execute a SQL Statement?

My site is using Subsonic 2.2 on my site.
I have 1 weird situation where I need to run some ad-hoc SQL statements.
public IList<string> GetDistincList(string TableName, string FieldName)
string sqlToRun = string.Format("SELECT DISTINCT {0} FROM {1} ORDER BY {0}", FieldName, TableName);
Query query = new Query(TableName);
Can anyone help me here? As it appears, I just want to return a generic list of strings.
Subsonic has a great method called ExecuteTypedList() so you can do somethink like this.
List<int> result = DB.Select(Table.Columns.Id)
or even with pocos:
public class UserResult
public int Id {get;set;}
public string Name {get;set;}
List<UserResult> users = DB.Select(
User.Columns.UserId + " as Id", // the as ... is only needed if your
User.Columns.UserName + " as Name" // column name differs from the
).From<User>() // property name of your class
Unfortunately this method doesn't work for string since it requires
a) a valuetype
b) a class with a parameterless constructor since the method uses reflection to map the columns from the result to the properties of the class
However I wrote an extension method a while ago that works for string:
Use the Subsonic.Select() ExecuteTypedList Method with String
Look at my own answer in the link.
If you add the extensionmethod to your code you can do:
List<String> result = DB.Select(User.Columns.UserName)
Use the CodingHorror class.
Here's the SubSonic 3 way of doing it:
The SubSonic 2 way is similar:
Dim ch As SubSonic.CodingHorror
ch.Execute("delete from #tablename", table)

What is the correct way to format SPGridView values being displayed?

As we know, SharePoint saves data in database in plain text. Some fields even have concatenated strings like <id>;#<value> for user fields. Percents are saved as doubles (1.00000000000000 for 100%) and etc.
Ofcourse, I want to display data as they are displayed in lists.
What should I do?
Should I use derived SPBoundField to format values (Which I actually did and it works fine until you want to filter (probably SPBoundField won't format me values because i use ObjectDataSource not list and with reflector I saw if there are SPListItems in datasource, then it formats correctly. Not my case)
alt text
Or must I loop through all the DataTable and format each row accordingly?
What are Your techniques?
Thank you.
Here is how I solved this issue.
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Campaign Members">
<%# RemoveCharacters(Eval("CampaignMembers").ToString())%>
// Make sure declare using System.Text.RegularExpression;
protected string RemoveCharacters(object String)
string s1 = String.ToString();
string newString = Regex.Replace(s1, #"#[\d-];", string.Empty);
newString = Regex.Replace(newString, "#", " ");
return newString.ToString();
I normaly use ItemTemplates that inherit from ITemplate. With in the ItemTemplate I use the SPFieldxxxValue classes or some custom formating code. This saves looping through the DataTable and the ItemTemplates can be reused.
The ItemTemplates are attached in Column Binding
// Normal Data Binding
SPBoundField fld = new SPBoundField();
fld.HeaderText = field.DisplayName;
fld.DataField = field.InternalName;
fld.SortExpression = field.InternalName;
// ItemTemplate Binding
TemplateField fld = new TemplateField();
fld.HeaderText = field.DisplayName;
fld.ItemTemplate = new CustomItemTemplateClass(field.InternalName);
fld.SortExpression = field.InternalName;
An example of a ItemTemplate
public class CustomItemTemplateClass : ITemplate
private string FieldName
{ get; set; }
public CustomItemTemplateClass(string fieldName, string formatString)
FieldName = fieldName;
#region ITemplate Members
public void InstantiateIn(Control container)
Literal lit = new Literal();
lit.DataBinding += new EventHandler(lit_DataBinding);
void lit_DataBinding(object sender, EventArgs e)
Literal lit = (Literal)sender;
SPGridViewRow container = (SPGridViewRow)lit.NamingContainer;
string fieldValue = ((DataRowView)container.DataItem)[FieldName].ToString();
//Prosses Filed value here
SPFieldLookupValue lookupValue = new SPFieldLookupValue(fieldValue);
//Display new value
lit.Text = lookupValue.LookupValue;
Here are a few options. I don't know the output of all of them (would be a good blog post) but one of them should do what you want:
It may also be handy to know that if you ever want to make use of the raw values then have a look at the SPField*XYZ*Value classes. For example the form <id>;#<value> you mention is represented by the class SPFieldUserValue. You can pass the raw text to its constructor and extract the ID, value, and most usefully User very easily.
I would suggest either to format the values before binding them to the spgridview. Linq and an anonymous type is preffered or to call a code behind function on the field that needs the formatting upon binding.
DataField='<%# FormatUserField(Eval("UserFieldName")) %>'
or...maybe a templated field?
After all, i did have not know any other solution to loop through DataTable rows and format them accordingly.
If your SPGridView's data source is list, try out SPBoundField.
