Add a Virtual Network to a Cloud Service in Azure - azure

I would like to associate/add a Virtual Network to a Cloud Service in Azure.
I have found a solution where you can download and edit the Cloud Service's configuration file and upload it back in order to add a Virtual Network. But the solution only works if the Cloud Service is NEW and only about to be created
However, I am trying to look for ways on how to add a Virtual Network to an already existing/running Azure Cloud Service.
Is this possible?

Unfortunately, this is not possible, whenever you want to include a cloud service on Microsoft Azure to a Network you should do it at the time it gets created, that's why it's recommended to START your project while putting all of your resources on the same network and in the same region.


Azure Web App in a Private VPN?

I'm simply wondering if it is possible to create a private network on Azure and place a web app there? I know I can put VM's, SQL instances etc, but my question concern Web Apps specifically. Seems like such basic thing, but can't seem to make any progress on this...
My goal is to setup a Dev, Test and Prod environment in Azure. I setup a VPN for each environment. Each VPN has three subnets (Public Web Front End, Private App Service, and a private Data sub net)
I want Dev, and Test environments to be completely private, but Prod should have the "Web Front End" subnet open to the Internet.
I cannot find a way to put the Web App in the subnet? If this is not possible, then does that mean I can't use Web Apps, and must instead use a VM with IIS? Is my approach using VPN's and subnets incorrect?
Absolutely - you need to set up Virtual Network or Hybrid Connection:
Reference #1: Connect to on-premises SQL Server from a web app in Azure App Service using Hybrid Connections
Reference #2: Integrate your app with an Azure Virtual Network
Reference #3: How to place your Web App into the existing Virtual Network (your situation, i guess)
And you will have the VPN/Virtual Network that will give your solution the continuous IPs space.
You need to create an App Service Environment (ASE) and deploy your web app there. Instructions on how to do this is available here.
Also, be advised that at this time, ASE can only be created in a v1 virtual network.
Earlier this was possible only for azure VM connected via private peering via expressroute.This is now possible with azure private link

Windows Azure Virtual Machine and cloud service nodejs app deploy

can anyone help me with Microsoft Azure cloud service and Virtual machine connection? My nodejs app is running live on VM but not outside virtual machine. How can I deploy nodejs app to my cloud service using virtual machine?
Note : I have added endpoints as well. Please help. Thanks
All I did now is used port forwarding using endpoints in azure. Secondly I ran the nodejs app locally on VM, it is now accessible outside VM as well using VM's public IP address. Now I dont use cloud service anymore since there is no need. Thanks everyone
When we create a virtual machine in Azure manage portal From Gallery, after selecting image and VM size, it will ask us for creating a new cloud service or selecting an exist cloud service to contain the VM.
So when you create a new one, you can put it into an exist cloud service you want.
But once the VM created, we can’t move it to other cloud service.
However, we can capture your exist VM with node.js application and environment. Then you can create a new VM using this image into the destination cloud service without redeploy environment and applications.
For more information, we can see at Capture an image of a Windows virtual machine created with the classic deployment model and How to Capture a Linux Virtual Machine to Use as a Template

Possible to access one Azure Virtual Machine through two DNS names using two Cloud Services?

I have purchased a Pay-As-You-Go Azure Subscription with the lowest resources (A0 Basic, shared core and 768 MB RAM) and automatically, four services were created for me: a Storage Account, a Virtual Machine, a Cloud Service and a Directory.
On the Virtual Machine I set up my own HTTP server software written in C# using HttpListener class. I added an HTTP Endpoint connecting the private and public port 80 on TCP. Once I've done that, I was able to access my Cloud Service address (
I've created a separate Cloud Service on top of 4 service I already had and now I can't figure out how to make that service use the Virtual Machine so I can access the same HTTP server from both DNS names ( versus
The service status of both services is Created if I investigate in the Microsoft Azure Portal, however, only the first service says Running in Production column in Cloud Service list. The other one doesn't. None of the Cloud Services say anything in the Staging column.
I figure I have to set the other service to run in production too, but when I want to do that, the Portal says "You have nothing deployed to the production environment.", "Upload a new production deployment", which opens a dialog prompting me to provide details for a production environment to be newly created.
Is there a way I can make my other Cloud Service use the production environment of the first service?
Is there an alternative way to make my Virtual Machine accessible through two DNS names offered by Azure (
The cloud service is the logical container for the VM and a VM can only be in one cloud service. There is no way to get 2 different * URLs to point to the same VM. What you can do is register 2 custom domain names (, and use CNAME or A Record to point both of them to the same VM.

Changing Cloud Service of a VM in Azure

I created a VM in Azure and attached a cloud service ( to it. So I'm able to ssh into the machine using this cloud service. Now for some reason I want to change it to (
Is this doable?
You can't change the alias for the cloud service. You will need to drop it and create a new one.
I suggest redirecting your original domain the VIP Azure provides so you have a consistent domain name all the time.

Access existing Azure Web Sites via Azure Cloud Service RDP

Couple of websites created using Azure Web Sites execution model.
No RDP access since Azure Web Sites doesn't provide it.
Possibility to install/create Cloud Service on Azure. Cloud Service
does have RDP access to its websites.
Will it be possible to access the existing websites via RDP on Cloud Service?
Assuming you had deployed your sites in Azure Cloud Services and enabled RD, you can very well look at the setup and config of your site(s) under it.
However if you make any changes, it may not be reflected to the setup as the Azure Cloud Services is non persistent and during any Data center activities like load balancing the fabric controller may just pull of your instance and re-deploy in someother instance. During this process all your changes will be lost and the original package of cscsf and cscfg will utilized during deployment.
