I am creating an Angular site dashboard for admin over my services and was curious to know if there is a way I can integrate a view of my Application Insight telemetry from Azure Mobile Apps? Is there a way to include my AI in an iframe or something similar? Sorry for the basic question but struggling to find info on this.
I don't think so. You could use the AI Rest Api (it is in preview) and create your own dashboard components. See https://dev.applicationinsights.io/.
I'm in love with the Azure TimeSeries Insights portal and what to use the graph component on my Angular website.
Does anyone know if they are planning to make them usable as a component?
Found a github project doing this:
I have a web app written in Node and hosted as an Azure web app. I have setup Application Insights web tests for other sites that do NOT require auth and these work fine. Now I need to test a route that requires authentication, but it is not obvious how to do this on the Azure Portal. Can this actually be done? I have seen some posts about doing this through Visual Studio but I really want to avoid that if at all possible.
As per the article here - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/application-insights/app-insights-overview - if you don't want to touch code (and hence, redeploy) you cannot do what you are asking in the question.
Looks like diving deep into code is the only way
I'm struggling with a simpliest question with my websites on Azure.
How to get/analyze stats about common stuff such as Robots/Spider visits, Referring sites, Browsers, etc --- all the basics back to 90's..
Okay, I can set Web Server logging On. Then, what next? Should I upload the log files into a third party tool or something?
Thanks for an advise.
Integrate with Azure Application Insights, New Relic or Google Analytics.
Here's a screenshot from Application Insights:
I am using Application Insights to monitor multiple webjobs and it's work great ! I've built some dashboards through the Azure Portal and configured a Continuous export so that users can have the data into PowerBI.
And now I've got a demand to be able to view metrics from an existing application that monitor others jobs. So just wondering if there is an API to query data from Application Insights ?
I did not find any thing for the moment...
Hi Thomas,
We are indeed working on an API and the first part of it that will be ready is the availability to query metrics. Such an API is the #1 request at our UserVoice forum.
Thank you
I was looking for the exact same thing. I found this API that is apparently in Preview.
Can anyone please point out any benefits of using Azure Mobile services vs using a plain Azure app service / clean web api? For a starter / project type for a backend mobile solution.
I have somewhat mixed feelings on why I would want to use Azure Mobile Services.
As far as I see on Azure Mobile services you have an easier way of authenticating, you can use the notifcations hub more easily
and you have the different "built-in" ways of handling data (table storage etc).
Usually you would want some custom logics, user registration and handling when users register to your backend and you would like a more solid way of handling
and storing the data not privided by the OOTB datastorage.
You might also have another preference than using the /Table/ odata-endpoint you get with it or end up doing lots of logics to make your DAO's return data in properly for the OData endpoints.
All these things; IMO makes it more difficult to make the API/backend clean when using Azure Mobile services rather than a simple Web API with OData endpoints and swagger documentet API that can be used in a mobile-app just as easy.
Implementing / handling authentication and notifications ++ in Web Api ain't that diffucult nor time consuming.
So my problem Azure Mobile services is that it tends to fine for dev / prototyping and testing, but it might get really messy really fast when developing a proper backend.
Any thoughts and reasons why one should choose one instead of the other?
Think of Azure Mobile Services as V1 and App Service/Mobile App as V2. While Microsoft hasn't announced that Mobile Services will be phased out in the near future, if you start a new project, you should definitively look at App Service.
due to the fact that many people are confused about wether to take Web API or Web App or something different. They are going to put it all under one name. The underlying technology will be the same "i think".
But now you'll have in your portal the opportunity to add mobile push notifications, or add your swagger api definitions.
So when you're goint to stick with App Services you're not going to limit yourself.
Even when you're going to take Web Api you'll get all the functions as if you would take an App Service (if i'm correct).
*Edit: I looked it up in the portal. As I said, my old Web App Projects have the same settings as Web Api projects. So you don't need to decide anymore which kind of project you're taking. You get all the benefits out of the App Service.