How to download .svg file from this page? - svg

I need to download the "Municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina.svg" (map) file from this page, but I have no idea how to download it, i.e. to find a link to the image on the page. I found sodipodi:docname="Municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina.svg" in the source code, but that still doesn't help me. Could someone link to the svg file and perhaps explain how they deduced where the file is stored?

Assuming you have the rights to use the map. Make sure you do.
The SVG is embedded into the code of the page. You need to cut and paste it from the page source.
The following instructions are for Chrome. Other browsers will be similar.
Mouse over the light grey area of the map.
Right-click, then select "Inspect" from the menu
The browser web tools pane should open with the <svg> element selected.
Ctrl-C to copy
Paste into your favourite text editor.

"Save Page As"
Chrome(right click)
Firefox (menu/Alt or Ctrl + S), then choose the "just SVG" option in the dropdown menu.
Internet Explorer (get Firefox or Chrome, its about time!)

An easy way to download the SVG is using a browser extension. For example, on the Chrome browser there is the SVG Export extension which allows you to view & download the SVGs on a given page. Of course, always make sure that you have the rights/permissions to download the SVGs.


Chrome extension Modal/Popup on click

I want to dynamically generate some buttons on my chrome extension default_popup HTML page and I want on click to open a model in the middle of the screen NOT a new tab, I saw some other extensions having its options like this, and then display some info.
I think the only possibility isto get rid of the defalt_popup and inject all my scripts through the background page straight into the html page.

ESRI leaflet missing tiles

Here's the page I'm working on. Just click on "Forecasts" tab. On Chrome and FF browsers.
Once on the forecasts tab, you'll see a map below the text links. Much of the map is grey upon loading. I saw that this can happen if CSS is not loaded, but I have the latest CSS loaded on there. Can anyone help with this problem?
since the map container is being created dynamically, you need to call map.invalidateSize() when the 'Forecast' panel is toggled.

Can I put HTML in chrome extension's icon

Can I put a HTML code in my chrome extension's icon? According to the Google API (setBadgeText) this isn't possible.
Is there any way to put it there?
While .setBadgeText is, as implied by name, text-only, you can draw anything and set that as your icon.
You'll need to draw on a <canvas>, extract image data and use .setIcon({imageData: /*...*/}) to update the icon.
See this question for a brief example, and maybe this article.
It's not quite "using HTML", but with some work you can output anything to your icon.
Badge is plain text only as can be seen in source code. There's no way around.

Hide "Quick Access" pushpin icons in Windows 10 navpane?

So, I'm trying to create a minimal navigation pane in Windows Explorer on Windows 10. Under the Quick Access menu, I have pinned some favorites and frequently accessed folders/shortcuts. I believe that it'd look neater -cleaner-, to not have the little gray push pins icons to the right of the pinned folders and shortcuts. I mean, hello, I pinned them, of course they're pinned, I know it. I guess I was hoping there was some regedit mod I could change right quick to hide all push pins in the navigation pane. Does anyone know of anything like that? Google doesn't seem to....
Hide Push Pins
I realize you asked this several months ago, but here's your answer. It's a bit hack-y and involves 3rd party software, but it works perfectly.
Download Customizer God
Create a transparent .png (assuming you have Photoshop/GIMP/Affinity Photo)
Convert the .png to .ico
Open Customizer God. Select "General Icons"
Find the Quick Access pin icon by scrolling down a bit.
Hit "Change" and select your .ico
The results:

Edit button does not show up in Internet Explorer

I am using an MVC 3 razor grid with version 2011.2.712.340 of the Telerik extensions.
I have an Edit command button in my html for the grid. The edit button shows up in Chrome & Firefox, but not Internet Explorer with the same exact code base.
Would someone be able to tell me what I need to do in order to get it to display in IE?
Actually, in additon to the Button not showing up, the data for the record is shifted over starting in the Command column....
Also, this only happens in IE9. If i put the browser in IE9 compatability mode or IE8 or IE7, the page renders fine.
What do I need to do for it to render properly using IE9?
It might be related to Hidden Columns in Telerik, have a look at this post for the workaround:
