how's the input word2vec get fine-tuned when training CNN - nlp

When I read the paper "Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification"-Yoon Kim-New York University, I noticed that the paper implemented the "CNN-non-static" model--A model with pre-trained vectors from word2vec,and all words— including the unknown ones that are randomly initialized, and the pre-trained vectors are fine-tuned for each task.
So I just do not understand how the pre-trained vectors are fine-tuned for each task. Cause as far as I know, the input vectors, which are converted from strings by word2vec.bin(pre-trained), just like image matrix, which can not change during training CNN. So, if they can, HOW? Please help me out, Thanks a lot in advance!

The word embeddings are weights of the neural network, and can therefore be updated during backpropagation.
E.g. :
Naturally, every feed-forward neural network that takes words from a vocabulary as input and embeds them as vectors into a lower dimensional space, which it then fine-tunes through back-propagation, necessarily yields word embeddings as the weights of the first layer, which is usually referred to as Embedding Layer.


Training SVM classifier (word embeddings vs. sentence embeddings)

I want to experiment with different embeddings such Word2Vec, ELMo, and BERT but I'm a little confused about whether to use the word embeddings or sentence embeddings, and why. I'm using the embeddings as features input to SVM classifier.
Thank you.
Though both approaches can prove efficient for different datasets, as a rule of thumb I would advice you to use word embeddings when your input is of a few words, and sentence embeddings when your input in longer (e.g. large paragraphs).

Is it OK to combine domain specific word2vec embeddings and off the shelf ELMo embeddings for a downstream unsupervised task?

I am wondering if I am using word embeddings correctly.
I have combined contextualised word vectors with static word vectors because:
my domain corpus is too small to effectively train the model from scratch
my domain is too specialised to use general embeddings.
I used the off the shelf ELMo small model and trained word2vec model on a small domain specific corpus (around 500 academic papers). I then did a simple concatenation of the vectors from the two different embeddings.
I loosely followed the approach in this paper:
But the approach in the paper trains the embeddings for a specific task. In my domain there is no labeled training data. Hence me just training the embeddings on the corpus alone.
I am new to NLP, so apologies if I am asking a stupid question.

Unsupervised finetuning of BERT for embeddings only?

I would like to fine-tuning BERT for a specific domain on unlabeled data and get the output layer to check the similarity between them. How can I do it? Do I need to fine-tuning first a classifier task (or question answer, etc..) and get the embeddings? Or can I just use a pre-trained Bert model without task and fine-tuning with my own data?
There is no need to fine-tune for classification, especially if you do not have any supervised classification dataset.
You should continue training BERT the same unsupervised way it was originally trained, i.e., continue "pre-training" using the masked-language-model objective and next sentence prediction. Hugginface's implementation contains class BertForPretraining for this.

Best tool for text representation to deep learning

so I wanna ask you which is the best tool used to prepare my text to deep learning?
What is the difference between Word2Vec, Glove, Keras, LSA...
You should use a pre-trained embedding to represent the sentence into a vector or a matrix. There are a lot of sources where you can find pre-trained embeddings that use different dataset (for instance all the Wikipedia) to train their models. These models can have different length, but normally each word is represented with 100 or 300 dimensions.
Pre-trained embeddings
Pre-trained embeddings 2

Train some embeddings, keep others fixed

I do sequence classification with Keras, using an RNN and embeddings. My sequences are a bit weird. I have words mixed with special symbols. Words are associated with fixed, pre-trained embeddings, but the special symbol embeddings have to be modified during training.
In an Embedding layer during learning, how can I keep some embeddings fixed while updating others? Is there a way to mask those indices which shouldn't be modified? Or is this a case for a custom Embedding layer?
I do not believe that this is achievable with the existing Embedding layer. To get around it I would just create a custom layer that builds two embedding layers internally, and only puts the embedding matrix of one of them into the trainable_parameters.
