Getting Issues In Adding A Tab Using AWK - linux

Sample Logs
Location Number Status Comment
Delhi 919xxx Processed Test File 1
Mumbai 918xxx Got Stucked Test File 123
I'm trying to add one tab space after Status using AWK, but getting error.
Sample Query
awk '{$3 = $3 "\t"; print}' z
Getting Output As
Location Number Status Comment
Delhi 919xxx Processed Test File 1
Mumbai 918xxx **Got** **Stucked** Test File 123
As it is taking 'Got Stucked' as multiple fields please suggest.

If you only want one tab after the header text Status to make it look better, use sub to the first record only:
$ awk 'NR==1 {sub(/Status/,"Status\t")} 1' file
Location Number Status Comment
Delhi 919xxx Processed Test File 1
Mumbai 918xxx Got Stucked Test File 123
This way awk won't rebuild the record and replace FS with OFS etc.

#JamesBrown's answer sounds like what you asked for but also consider:
$ awk -F' +' -v OFS='\t' '{$1=$1}1' file | column -s$'\t' -t
Location Number Status Comment
Delhi 919xxx Processed Test File 1
Mumbai 918xxx Got Stucked Test File 123
The awk converts every sequence of 2+ spaces to a tab so the result is a tab-separated stream which column can then convert to a visually aligned table if that's your ultimate goal. Or you could generate a CSV to read into Excel or similar:
$ awk -F' +' -v OFS=',' '{$1=$1}1' file
Delhi,919xxx,Processed,Test File 1
Mumbai,918xxx,Got Stucked,Test File 123
$ awk -F' +' -v OFS=',' '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) $i="\""$i"\""}1' file
"Delhi","919xxx","Processed","Test File 1"
"Mumbai","918xxx","Got Stucked","Test File 123"
or more robustly:
$ awk -F' +' -v OFS=',' '{$1=$1; for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) { gsub(/"/,"\"\"",$i); if ($i~/[[:space:],"]/) $i="\""$i"\"" } }1' file
Delhi,919xxx,Processed,"Test File 1"
Mumbai,918xxx,"Got Stucked","Test File 123"
If your input fields aren't always separated by at least 2 blank chars then tell us how they are separated.

Try using
awk -F' ' '{$3 = $3 "\t"; print}' z
The problem is that awk consider (by default) a single space as the separator between two column. This means that Got Stucked are actually two different columns.
With -F' ' you tell awk to use a double space as the separator to distinguish between two columns.


How to combine all files in a directory, adding their individual file names as a new column in final merged file

I have a directory with files that looks like this:
Contents of each files look like this
1 9061390 14 93246140
1 58631131 2 31823410
1 108952511 3 110694548
1 168056494 19 23850376
Ideal output would be a file, let's call it all-samples.format.flt.txt, that would contain the concatenation of all files, but an additional column that displays which sample/file the row came from ( some minor formatting involved to remove the .format.flt.txt ):
1 9061390 14 93246140 CCG02-215-WGS
1 58631131 2 31823410 CCG05-707-WGS
1 108952511 3 110694548 CCG06-203-WGS
1 168056494 19 23850376 CCG04-967-WGS
Currently, I have the following code which works for individual files.
awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"; split(ARGV[1],f,".")}{print $1,$2,$3,$4,f[1]}' CCG05-707-WGS.format.flt.txt
1 58631131 2 31823410 CCG05-707-WGS
However, when I try to apply it to all files, using the star, it adds the first filename it finds to all the files as the 4th column.
awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"; split(ARGV[1],f,".")}{print $1,$2,$3,$4,f[1]}' *
#OUTPUT, 4th column should be as seen in previous code block
1 9061390 14 93246140 CCG02-215-WGS
1 58631131 2 31823410 CCG02-215-WGS
1 108952511 3 110694548 CCG02-215-WGS
1 168056494 19 23850376 CCG02-215-WGS
I feel like the solution may just lie in adding an additional parameter to awk... but I'm not sure where to start.
Using OOTB awk var FILENAME solved the issue, plus some elegant formatting logic for the file names.
Thank #RavinderSingh13!
awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"} FNR==1{file=FILENAME;sub(/..*/,"",file)} {print $0,file}' *.txt
With your shown samples please try following awk code. We need to use FILENAME OOTB variable here of awk. Then whenever there is first line of any txt file(all txt files passed to this program) then remove everything from . to till last of value and in main program printing current line followed by file(file's name as per requirement)
awk '
BEGIN { OFS="\t" }
print $0,file
' *.txt
OR in a one-liner form try following awk code:
awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"} FNR==1{file=FILENAME;sub(/\..*/,"",file)} {print $0,file}' *.txt
You may use:
Any version awk:
awk -v OFS='\t' 'FNR==1{split(FILENAME, a, /\./)} {print $0, a[1]}' *.txt
Or in gnu-awk:
awk -v OFS='\t' 'BEGINFILE{split(FILENAME, a, /\./)} {print $0, a[1]}' *.txt

Grouping related rows of data into a single column in Linux

I have a csv file that gets generated daily and automatically that has output similar to the following example:
I need to transform the text so that it is grouped by person (the fourth column), and all of the records are in a single row and in the columns are repeated using the same sequence: 1,2,3,5. Some cells may be missing data but must remain in the sequence so the columns line up. So the output I need will look like this:
I am open to using sed, awk, or pretty much any standard Linux command to get this task done. I've been trying to use awk, and though I get close, I can't figure out how to finish it.
Here is the command where I'm close. It lists the header and the names, but no other data:
awk -F"," 'NR==1; NR>1 {a[$4]=a[$4] ? i : ""} END {for (i in a) {print i}}' test2.csv
you need little more code
$ awk 'BEGIN {FS=OFS=","}
{k=$4; $4=$5; NF--; a[k]=(k in a?a[k] FS $0:$0)}
END {for(k in a) print k,a[k]}' file
"Bob","N","3.5",3,"10/29/17" ,"Y","4.5",5,"10/11/18" ,"Y","5",6,"10/28/18"
"Jim","Y","3",1, ,"N","4",2,"09/29/17"
note that NF-- trick may not work in all awks.
Could you please try following too, reading the Input_file 2 times, it will provide output in same sequence in which 4th column has come in Input_file.
awk '
a[$4]=a[$4]?a[$4] OFS $1 OFS $2 OFS $3 OFS $5:$4 OFS $1 OFS $2 OFS $3 OFS $5
print a[$4]
delete a[$4]
' Input_file Input_file
If there is any chance that any of the CSV values has a comma, then a "CSV-aware" tool will would be advisable to obtain a reliable but straightforward solution.
One approach would be to use one of the many readily available csv2tsv command-line tools. A variety of elegant solutions then becomes possible. For example, one could pipe the CSV into csv2tsv, awk, and tsv2csv.
Here is another solution that uses csv2tsv and jq:
csv2tsv < input.csv | jq -Rrn '
[inputs | split("\t")]
| group_by(.[3])[]
| sort_by(.[2])
| [.[0][3]] + ( map( del(.[3])) | add)
| #csv
This produces:
"Bob","N","3.5","3","10/29/17 ","Y","4.5","5","10/11/18 ","Y","5","6","10/28/18 "
"Jim","Y","3","1"," ","N","4","2","09/29/17 "
Trimming the excess spaces is left as an exercise :-)

how to Merge 2 tables with awk

First of all, sorry for my English and I know there's a lot of various topics regarding AWK but it's a very difficult function to me...
I would like to merge two tables using common columns with awk. The tables differ in the amount of rows. I have my first table that I want to modify and the second as a reference table. I would like to compare my colunme1.F1 with my column1.F2. When it matches, add the column2.F2 in my file1. But I need to keep all my lines in file1.
I give you an example:
? ,Bib1,,,
I read a lot of solution on Internet and it seems that awk could work ..
I tried awk 'NR==FNR {h[$1] = $2; next} {print $0,h[$1]}' $File1 $File2 > file3
But my command doesn't work, my File3 looks exactly that File1.
In a second time, I don't know if it's possible to compare my two second columns when names have difference like atlanta_1 and Atlanta and add the official_num_id and the official_name in my File1.
Any hero over there?
You had it, except for two small things. First you need to set your file separators to , and, second, reverse the order of your input files on the command line so that the reference file is processed first:
$ awk 'BEGIN {FS=OFS=","} NR==FNR {h[$1] = $2; next} {print $0,h[$1]}' File2 File1
? ,Bib1,,,,
You can also use the join command for this:
join --header --nocheck-order -t, -1 1 -2 1 -a 1 file1 file2
To answer your question if it's possible to compare my two second columns when names have difference like atlanta_1 and Atlanta and add the official_num_id and the official_name in my File1:
$ awk '
BEGIN { FS=OFS="," }
NR==FNR { # file2
a[tolower($2)]=$0 # hash on lowercase city
{ # file1
split($2,b,"[^[:alpha:]]") # split on non-alphabet
print $0 (tolower(b[1]) in a?OFS a[tolower(b[1])]:"")
}' file2 file1
? ,Bib1,,,,RO_7,Bib
split will split Name field on non-alphabetic characters, ie _ in atlanta_1, 1 in Bib1 etc. so it might fail on cities with dashes etc., edit the pattern [^[:alpha:]] in split accordingly. Header doesn't match with those names, rethink the header names.

read different fields and pass on to awk to extract those fields

Probably this is answered somewhere, but the things I have explored is not matching my need.
I would like to read different fields from one file (FILE1) and pass this on to a awk script, which can extract those fields from another file (FILE2).
1 156202173 156702173
2 26915624 27415624
4 111714419 112214419
so read lines from this file and pass it on to the following script
awk ' BEGIN {FS=OFS="\t"};
{if ($1==$1 && $2>= $2 && $2<= $3 ) {print $0}}' FILE2 > extracted.file
The FILE2 looks like this;
1 156202182 rs7929618
16 8600861 rs7190157
4 111714800 rs12364336
12 3840048 rs4766166
7 20776538 rs35621824
so the awk script print only when there is a match with the first field and the value falls between the 2nd and 3rd field.
Expected output is
1 156202182 rs7929618
4 111714800 rs12364336
Thanks so much in advance for your response.
there should be plenty of similar questions but writing the script is faster than looking up.
$ awk 'NR==FNR{lower[$1]=$2; upper[$1]=$3; next}
lower[$1]<$2 && $2<upper[$1]' file1 file2
1 156202182 rs7929618
4 111714800 rs12364336

extracting data from two list using a shell script

I am trying to create a shell script that pulls a line from a file and checks another file for an instance of the same. If it finds an entry then it adds it to another file and loops through the first list until the it has gone through the whole file. The data in the first file looks like this -;;
and so on
The other file in which I am looking for a match and placing the match in the blank file looks like this -
I want it to retain the numbers as well as the matching data. I have an idea of how this should work but need to know how to implement it.
My Idea
read -p "enter first file name:" file1
read -p "enter second file name:" file2
FILE_DATA=( $( /bin/cat $file1))
FILE_DATA1=( $( /bin/cat $file2))
for I in $((${#FILE_DATA[#]}))
echo $FILE_DATA[$i] | grep $FILE_DATA1[$i] >> output.txt
I want the output to look like this but only for addresses that match -
Thank You
quite like manipulating text using SQL:
$ cat file1
$ cat file2
$ join -1 1 -2 2 <(sort file1) <(sort -k2 file2) | awk '{print $2,$1}'
make keys sorted(we use emails as keys here)
join on keys(file1.column1, file2.column2)
format output(use awk to reverse columns)
As you've learned about diff and comm, now it's time to learn about another tool in the unix toolbox, join.
Join does just what the name indicates, it joins together 2 files. The way you join is based on keys embedded in the file.
The number 1 restraint on using join is that the data must be sorted in both files on the same column.
a abc
b bcd
c cde
a rec1
b rec2
c rec3
join file1 file2
a abc rec1
b bcd rec2
c cde rec3
you can consult the join man page for how to reduce and reorder the columns of output. for example
1>join -o 1.1 2.2 file1 file2
a rec1
b rec2
c rec3
You can use your code for file name input to turn this into a generalizable script.
Your solution using a pipeline inside a for loop will work for small sets of data, but as the size of data grows, the cost of starting a new process for each word you are searching for will drag down the run time.
I hope this helps.
Read line by the file1.txt file and assign the line to var ADDR. grep file2.txt with the content of var ADDR and append the output to file_result.txt.
(while read ADDR; do grep "${ADDR}" file2.txt >> file_result.txt ) < file1.txt
This awk one-liner can help you do that -
awk 'NR==FNR{a[$1]++;next}($2 in a){print $0 > "f3.txt"}' f1.txt f2.txt
NR and FNR are awk's built-in variables that stores the line numbers. NR does not get reset to 0 when working with two files. FNR does. So while that condition is true we add everything to an array a. Once the first file is completed, we check for the second column of second file. If a match is present in the array we put the entire line in a file f3.txt. If not then we ignore it.
Using data from Kev's solution:
[jaypal:~/Temp] cat f1.txt
[jaypal:~/Temp] cat f2.txt
[jaypal:~/Temp] awk 'NR==FNR{a[$1]++;next}($2 in a){print $0 > "f3.txt"}' f1.txt f2.txt
[jaypal:~/Temp] cat f3.txt
