Remove a directory with ISAPI RewriteRule - .htaccess

I'm trying to rewrite a web address to remove a directory, if it exists. In other words, if someone navigates to, the RewriteRule should remove /bad/ and send them to
The /bad/ directory will always be in the 2nd position in the URL, as in the example. The paths will always be to PDFs, if that makes a difference.
I've tried things, but no luck. I feel like this should be fairly simple. Any suggestions?

OK, after more digging I found my answer:
RewriteRule ^a/bad/(.*)$ /a/$1


Internal rewrite to remove directory from url with htaccess

I've searched and tried many tutorials and problem solutions but couldn't achieve what I want.
If user open he see the content of
RewriteRule ^xxx.php$ /hosting/xxx.php
Works perfectly what i want to do, but there are over 150 pages in hosting directory and writing rules for each page does not seem right? any possible way to do it dynamically?
I tried this solution it works but it try to find those pages which are currently at root inside
I search slimier questions have been asked many times before but non of the answer worked for me.
You need to also take care of reuests to the shortened, rewritten URL:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/?hosting/(.*)$ /$1 [END,NC,R=302]
RewriteRule ^/?(.*)$ /hosting/$1 [END]

.htacces redirect from domain 1 to domain 2 subdir, keeping path

I have found plenty of useful answers in this forum that got me to the point I'm at, however the configuration of my .htaccess redirect is still not 100% perfect.
I have two domains registered: (only domain) (domain + hosting)
The domain1 redirects as wildcard everything to domain2.
What I'm trying to do
I have installed yourls (url shortened) on and want to redirect all to
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^domain1\.is$
RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^$ store [L,R=301]
The issue
So far I got that goes to, however the subdirectory in the .htacess file seems to be completely ignored, effectively rendering the whole system unusable.
I've tried adding a condition, changing the subdirectory, etc. but can't seem to find the reason why. Can anyone help please?
Thanks in advance and cheers from Berlin!
I'll share my solution in case someone else stumbles upon this conversation. The details/history are in the comments of the question.
Just set up a wildcard redirect to the subdirectory.
(not sure if the first redirect is useful, but still).
Important point: you don't even need to touch the .htaccess file (in my particular case yourls already had one, so I left it as it is).
Credit: thanks #CBroe for pointing me in the right direction.

How do I do a htaccess rewrite to another folder for a single file?

We moved a part of our site from one sub folder to another. I want to put permanent redirects (301) into htaccess for the files in this folder (some have changed their filename as well, so I can't just setup one rule for the whole folder). Here's what I'm trying
RewriteRule ^search/tutorial-search.html$ db/tutorial.php [R=301]
This doesn't work though, I get a 404 response when now entering the old URL. I find this curious as I had a rule in place for ages that does work, which looks like this:
RewriteRule ^search/tutorial-search.html$ search/tutorial-search.php
I really don't see the big difference. I also tried the following (among others) but it doesn't work either
RewriteRule ^search/tutorial-search.html$ db/tutorial.php
What exactly is causing this to fail? Just to make sure I put all of these at the exact same line of the htaccess file. Is it because I'm rewriting to another folder? Thanks :)
Try adding a leading slash to your rewrite targets, because when redirecting, apache could be mistaking a URL-path with a file-path.
RewriteRule ^search/tutorial-search.html$ /db/tutorial.php [R=301]

Trying to exclude css and js files with IIRF rewrite

I'm trying to get IIRF working so that it rewrites certain URLs, but ignores files like .css and .js files.
I have URLs like:
Which all work, but I can't seem to get this to work:
My .ini file looks like this:
RewriteRule /admin/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)\?edit$ /admin/index.php?edit&action=$1&sub-action=$2&id=$3 [L,I,QSA]
RewriteRule /admin/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)$ /admin/index.php?edit&action=$1&sub-action=$2&id=$3 [L,I,QSA]
RewriteRule /admin/([^/]+)/$ /admin/index.php?action=$1 [L,I,QSA]
RewriteRule ^/admin/(.*)$ - [L]
I've also tried:
RewriteRule (.+\.)(php|jpg|png|jpeg|gif|ttf|sql|txt|htm|zip|css)$ - [L]
The things I've tried give either a blank document when I navigate directly to the css file, or I get:
HTTP Error 404.4 - Not Found
The resource you are looking for does not have a handler associated with it.
I don't have much experience with IIRF or IIS, so I'm a bit stuck with what to try next. Am I looking in the wrong place? Or have I made a really basic mistake?
Tip for debugging iirf: use StatusUrl to check first for problems.
I've managed to fix this by adding:
RewriteRule /admin/_assets/(.+)$ /admin/_assets/$1 [L,I,QSA]
to the top of my file. I'm still not sure why nothing is being logged, but this fixed it for my needs.

Use htaccess to mask folder name

Here's a problem I'm always wanting to solve with htaccess. I haven't found a way yet, though it looks like it should be possible - perhaps someone can help.
Let's say I have a folder at the root of my site called /foo/. I want users to be able to access that folder at the path /bar/, but for various reasons I can't rename the folder.
So as not to create confusion I only want one path to ever be seen - that is to say, I don't want people to use the name /foo/ to access the folder; they should always use /bar/. If someone goes to, their browser should redirect to - but the content returned should be the content of /foo/.
To make matters more complicated, pages in /foo/ have dependencies (images, stylesheets, links to other pages, etc) within /foo/ which are hardcoded and can't be changed. These must, of course, still work.
So, to summarise, this is what I want :
Requests for should redirect to
Requests for should return the contents of
Is this possible? It looks on the surface as if it would create an infinite redirect... but I'm pretty sure there are ways to prevent that in htaccess, aren't there?
I'd be very grateful for any help.
(PS - for a little extra background: The normal reason I want to do this is to rename the wordpress /wp-admin/ directory to something more professional and easy for customers to remember, such as /admin/. But the same system should work for masking any path in this way.)
I found a sort of workaround - by using a symlink and htaccess in combination.
First I created a symlink from /bar to /foo/.
Then I put this in htaccess :
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteRule ^foo/(.*)$ bar/$1 [R,L]
This has exactly the desired result - shows the content of the /foo/ directory, and redirects to
But if anyone can come up with a pure htaccess solution I'd much prefer that!
Update :
Ok, I've finally found out how to do this. It turns out to be quite simple...
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^GET\ /foo/
RewriteRule ^foo/(.*)$ bar/$1 [R,L]
RewriteRule ^bar/(.*)$ foo/$1
The only problem is that it doesn't take account of RewriteBase, so you have to include the full path in the first line (after ^GET\).
If I understand correctly what you want is something like this inside your .htaccess file:
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^foo/$ bar/
RewriteRule ^bar/$ foo/
