How to prevent the following CSRF attack on Oauth2? - security

The victim authenticates via system browser at the Authorization Server in a Oauth2 authorization code flow and is issued a session cookie by the Authorization Server
The victim is tricked into clicking at a link on attackers web site which launches an Oauth2 authorization request via victims browser towards the Oauth2 Authorization Server with client ID and redirect URI for the attackers Oauth2 client
The Authorization Server will not need to authenticate victim since a session cookie is already issued by the Authorization Server but just ask victim to grant the attackers client access – which in this case the victim is assumed to do
The Authorization Server will redirect victims browser to the attackers redirect URI (which is assumed to point to a web application) with authorization response with Authorization Code for victim
The attacker is now in possession of Authorization Code for the victim, that he or she can exchange for refresh & access token
What are the best possible precautions against this except for the victim not to accept to grant the attackers client access?
I mean the average internet user will typically click accept to a lot of stuff on a normal day without thinking much about it.

For this to work, the attacker would have to register his client with the authentication provider, which in an enterprise setting should not be possible. Also as the redirect URI is not registered, the AP should never redirect the user back to the attacker.
In case of public APs where anyone can register a client, this is indeed a problem, but this is also the point in a sense. If the user authorizes the attacker's app, then the attacker's app will have access. As it is not different from normal apps in this regard, users will have to take care (while you are right, the majority of users will just click OK to anything).
The AP could still maintain a blacklist based on user reports for example, but that is a weak control. The best an AP can probably do is provide adequate information and warnings for the user, delaying the OK button for a few seconds to try to get them to read, etc.


Does public contact form require a CSRF token?

Let's say we have a simple contact form publicly available in our website. The FE application makes a request that goes to an BE service and is being processed somehow there. It doesn't require any authentication, so everybody can just submit a request and that's it.
When I look at OWASP doc here it looks like the above example doesn't fall into that.
There is no authenticated user context in the contact request, so I don't see any scenario of an attack that CSRF token would prevent.
Could anybody either confirm this approach or present a scenario of such attack where CSRF would make sense.
Maybe worth adding that we don't keep any user session. We have a SPA (in Angular) that is served by Nginx and we use only stateless bearer token for authentication (based on SSO) with BE services.
So above seems to be another impediment of using CSRF token, because we don't have any session object stored anywhere to verify the CSRF token in the BE.
Using cookie to transport the token to the browser also seems not be be valid here, as Nginx is serving the app, so we can't do any token validation that comes with the cookie.
you are right CSRF Deals only when a user is Authenticated and sending a Resource changing request.
Since There is No Authentication Involved, The Attacker Couldn't abuse a user Authority to do something .
As every one can send The Form
The Only Scenario i can think of you might need a CSRF Protection for the Public Form is When you add some semi-authentication like for detecting DDOS. for example:
you using a mechanism to validate each ip address can send only one request a day, without asking them for captcha.
since you are semi-authenticating them (one user is not equal to others) .
Attacker might using CSRF Attack for Passing Your DDos Protection
he/she may send a malware to a network which each node can sends a Form and take down the Application Level DDOS prevention based on IP (semi-auth)

What kind of CSRF attack does state parameter prevent in OAuth2-based authentication?

I'm working on authentication part with Google OAuth2 API.
I'm using "server" flow, not "implicit".
When implementing step 1 for obtaining code guidelines recommend using the state parameter to ensure that in the end, the service provider will receive the response that correlates to the auth request he initiated.
I understand that there is a possibility that code can be stolen, and redirect_uri guessed.
But I don't understand why this is called anti-CSRF protection?
According to wiki CSRF attack "exploits the trust that a site has in a user's browser".
As I understand something sensitive should be kept in the browser to make CSRF attack possible. The most classic example - an authentication cookie.
But what is kept in the browser in relation to OpenID-connect code flow?
It is just two consequent redirects from service provider to identity provider and back. The code itself is passed on callback as a URL param.Browser's role is passive - to be redirected two times. Nothing is stored here.
So my question is what exactly kind of CSRF attack does state prevent? Can anyone give a detailed example? Or is it just misusing of term "CSRF" in google guidelines?
When using the authorization code flow in OAuth2, the user browses to the client application, which then redirects the browser to the authorization server to be logged in and get an access token.
302 https://auth.server/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=....
After you've signed in on the authorization server, it will redirect you back to the registered redirection URI with the issued code. The client application will then exchange the code for an access token and optionally go to a URL encoded in the state parameter.
Now, an attacker could trick you into clicking a link (from an email or something) like:
<a href="https://auth.server/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=...."
This would execute the same request to the authorization server. Once you logged in and the authorization server redirects you back to the client application, the client application has no way of knowing whether the incoming GET request with the authorization code was caused by a 302 redirect it initiated or by you clicking that hyperlink in the malicious email.
The client application can prevent this by sticking some entropy in the state parameter of the authorization request. Since the state parameter will be included as a query parameter on the final redirect back to the client application, the client application can check if the entropy matches what it kept locally (or in a secure HTTP only cookie) and know for sure that it initiated the authorization request, since there's no way an attacker can craft a URL with entropy in the state parameter that will match something the client application keeps.
The objective of CSRF is to dupe the user into performing an action (usually a destructive write action that the user wouldn't do under normal circumstances) in a website by clicking on a link sent by the attacker. An example of such an activity could be deletion of user's own account in the website. Assuming that the user is logged into the website, the requests originating from the user's browser are trusted by the website server which has no way to find out (without the CSRF token) that the user is actually duped into making that request.
In case of Google OAuth2 (Authorization code grant type), note that the initial request to the Google auth server contains the url that the user actually wants to visit after succesful authentication. An attacker can carefully contruct that url with some malicious intent and make the user use it.
The state token check enables the server ensure that the request is indeed originated from its own website and not from any other place. If the attacker creates the url with some random state token, the server wouldn't recognise that and reject the request.
If you have such doubts, best resource you must refer is the specification. For OAuth 2.0, this is RFC6749 . There is a dedicated section in the specification which discuss about Cross-Site Request Forgery
Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) is an exploit in which an attacker
causes the user-agent of a victim end-user to follow a malicious URI
(e.g., provided to the user-agent as a misleading link, image, or
redirection) to a trusting server (usually established via the
presence of a valid session cookie).
From the specification perspective, you must implement state handling mechanism into your application
The client MUST implement CSRF protection for its redirection URI.
This is typically accomplished by requiring any request sent to the
redirection URI endpoint to include a value that binds the request to
the user-agent's authenticated state (e.g., a hash of the session
cookie used to authenticate the user-agent). The client SHOULD
utilize the "state" request parameter to deliver this value to the
authorization server when making an authorization request.
And about a detailed explanation, directly from specifaciton
A CSRF attack against the client's redirection URI allows an attacker
to inject its own authorization code or access token, which can
result in the client using an access token associated with the
attacker's protected resources rather than the victim's
Injecting an authorisation code from attacker, then manipulating your application to behave in a manner attacker wants.

How to protect the refresh token from hacker

I googled a lot on how to protect the refresh_token from a hacker because it will be stored somewhere in browser's local-storage/cookie, so a hacker can easily steal those tokens and I couldn't able to find a proper answer so I came here.
I understand that access_token will expire in less-time and we should use refresh_token to get a new access_token. But if the hackers steal the refresh_token means, he can stay as a login user for a long time, right?
Some people are saying, you can protect it using client_id and client_secret, but the hacker is going to access the endpoint of the API, which has the client_id and client_secret. So again, a hacker can get a new access_token easily.
So I am finding no way to protect the hacker from getting the new access_token.
Can someone able to guide me here, on how I protect the hacker from getting access to refresh token from browser's local-storage/cookie?
From the context of your explanation, you are talking about a browser based application. If this application is one that does not have a backend, then you do not have a secure place to store your long-lived tokens or client secrets.
From OAuth 2.0 perspective, these are called public clients. Thus protocol do not allow them to have a client secret. So they have a client ID and a redirect URL for client authentication (client identification). Implicit flow is one key flow suitable for SPA that runs on browser. By specification, they will not get a refresh token. Reason is their inability to protect such secrets.
But if you have a backend and have the ability to correlate browser session and backend storage, you can use a flow that gives your a refresh token and store it securely. But this require your application architecture to support such (ex:- Browser session and backend storage).
Also, rather than making end user to login every time, you may use the identity server's logged in state to skip log in. This too will rely on identity server's browser cookie and it's life time. For example identity server may have a browser session valid for 24hours. So your client will not see log in page when accessed thew application within the time.
You can try to secure the local storage using this library Secure-ls

Demystifying CSRF?

I've read through a lot of long explanations of CSRF and IIUC the core thing that enables the attack is cookie based identification of server sessions.
So in other words if the browser (And note I'm specifically narrowing the scope to web browsers here) does not use a cookie based session key to identify the session on the server, then a CSRF attack cannot happen. Did I understand this correctly?
So for example suppose someone creates a link like:
href=";=$100">Read more!
You are tricked into clicking on this link while logged into, however does not use cookies to track your login session, and therefore the link does not do any harm since the request cannot be authenticated and just gets thrown in the garbage?
The OpenID Connect Server / OAuth Authorization server has been implemented correctly and will not send authentication redirects to any URL that you ask it to.
The attacker does not know the client id and client secret
The scenario I'm targeting in this question is the CSRF scenario most commonly talked about. There are other scenarios that fit the CSRF tag. These scenarios are highly unlikely, yet good to be aware of, and prepared for. One of them has the following components:
1) The attacker is able to direct you to a bad client
2) The attacker owns that client
3) The attacker has the secret for that client registered with the OAuth Authorization Server
4) The attacker is able to tell the Authorization Server that authenticates you to redirect back to the bad client after you have been authenticated with the proper server.
So setting this up is a little bit like breaking into Fort Knox, but certainly good to be aware of. For example OpenID Connect or OAuth Authorization Providers should most likely flag clients that register redirect URLs pointing to redirect URLs that other clients have also registered.
The most common / usually discussed CSRF Cross Site Request Forgery scenario can only happen when the browser stores credentials (as a cookie or as basic authentication credentials).
OAuth2 implementations (client and authorization server) must be careful about CSRF attacks. CSRF attacks can happens on the client's redirection URI and on the authorization server. According to the specification (RFC 6749):
A CSRF attack against the client's redirection URI allows an attacker
to inject its own authorization code or access token, which can
result in the client using an access token associated with the
attacker's protected resources rather than the victim's (e.g., save
the victim's bank account information to a protected resource
controlled by the attacker).
The client MUST implement CSRF protection for its redirection URI.
This is typically accomplished by requiring any request sent to the
redirection URI endpoint to include a value that binds the request to
the user-agent's authenticated state (e.g., a hash of the session
cookie used to authenticate the user-agent). The client SHOULD
utilize the "state" request parameter to deliver this value to the
authorization server when making an authorization request.
A CSRF attack against the authorization server's authorization
endpoint can result in an attacker obtaining end-user authorization
for a malicious client without involving or alerting the end-user.
The authorization server MUST implement CSRF protection for its
authorization endpoint and ensure that a malicious client cannot
obtain authorization without the awareness and explicit consent of
the resource owner
Theory is, CSRF is not related to the authentication method. If an adversary can have a victim user perform actions in another application that the victim didn't want, then that application is vulnerable to CSRF.
This can manifest in several ways, the most common being that a victim user visits a malicious website which in turn makes requests from the victim's browser to another application, thus performing actions the user didn't want. This way it is possible if credentials are sent by the victim browser automatically. By far the most common scenario is a session cookie, but there can be others as well, for example HTTP Basic auth (the browser remembers that as well), or Windows authentication in a domain (Kerberos/SPNEGO), or client certificates, or even some kind of an SSO under certain circumstances.
Also sometimes application authentication is cookie-based, and all non-GET (POST, PUT, etc.) requests are protected against CSRF, but GETs are not for obvious reasons. In languages like PHP, it is easy to make calls intended to be POST requests also work as GETs (think of using $_REQUEST in PHP). In that case, any other website can include something like <img src='> to have actions performed silently.
There are also less obvious CSRF attacks in complex systems or flows, like for example the CSRF attacks against oauth.
So if a web application uses say tokens (sent as request headers, instead of session cookies) for authentication, meaning a client will have to add the token to each request, that is probably not vulnerable to CSRF, but as always, the devil is in the details.

Oauth2.0 redirection attack

The Oauth2.0 protocol says the following:
When the attacker's user-agent is sent to the authorization server to grant access,
the attacker grabs the authorization URI provided by the legitimate client and replaces
the client's redirection URI with a URI under the control of the attacker. The attacker
then tricks the victim into following the manipulated link to authorize access to the
legitimate client.
How can an attacker trick/redirect the victim to a manipulated link? How easy is that to do? Can someone give me an example of this attack?
I'd read the next paragraph:
The victim is then redirected to an endpoint under the control of
the attacker with the authorization code. The attacker completes
the authorization flow by sending the authorization code to the
client using the original redirection URI provided by the client.
The client exchanges the authorization code with an access token
and links it to the attacker's client account, which can now gain
access to the protected resources authorized by the victim (via the
how it works? the attacker owns his website, after grabbing the authorization URI, the attacker replaces the "redirect_uri" param and places there his own URL, "". then, the oauth-server redirects back to this URL, with the auth code as a param (this is the response). this way the attacker gets the code, and then easily he exchanges it with an access token, and bang! he has access to the "resource server" on behalf of the poor victim.
